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database.sql 1020 KiB
Newer Older
39	1
94	6
76	6
91	6
108	6
110	6
110	1
9	6
124	1
124	1
79	6
86	7
85	7
119	7
126	7
117	7
113	7
114	7
105	5
84	5
39	5
58	5
34	5
64	1
65	1
92	3
42	1
103	6
103	6
103	6
103	6
29	8
132	8
133	8
-- Data for Name: games; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

COPY games (id, name, connect) FROM stdin;
1	Counter-Strike Source
3	Unreal Tournament 2004
4	Unreal Tournament
5	Armagetron Advanced
6	Wolfenstein ET
7	Minecraft
8	OpenTTD

-- Name: games_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('games_id_seq', 8, true);

-- Data for Name: inventory; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse

COPY inventory (id, category, title, description, requested_by, requested_on, taken_on, donated_by, status) FROM stdin;
-- Name: inventory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('inventory_id_seq', 60, true);

-- Data for Name: menu; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: dez

COPY menu (id, title, parent, menuorder, target, title_cy, permission) FROM stdin;
10	Mailing Lists	8	1	Rhestri Ebost	\N
24	FAQ	22	1	/Knowledge/FAQ	\N	\N
39	Admin	\N	4	/Admin	\N	sucsstaff
36	LAN Events	15	1	/Games/LAN Events	\N	\N
17	History	3	4	/About/History	Hanes	\N
40	Renewals	39	1	/Admin/Renew	\N	sucsstaff
8	Tools	\N	3	/Tools	Gwasanaethaud	users
27	Help	22	2	/Help	\N	\N
28	Articles	22	3	/Knowledge/Articles	\N	\N
9	Library	22	\N	/Knowledge/Library	Llyfrgell	\N
2	News	\N	1	/News/	Newyddion	\N
21	Joining	3	1	/About/Joining	Ymunwch	\N
18	Staff	3	3	/About/Staff	Staff	\N
12	Room	3	2	/About/Room	Ystafell	\N
15	Games	\N	6	Gêmau	\N
11	Web Mail	8	3	Ebost Gwe	\N
30	ShortURI	8	2	/Tools/ShortURI	\N	\N
31	PasteBin	8	4	/Tools/PasteBin	\N	\N
13	Milliways	16	3	/Community/Milliways	Milliways	\N
38	Junk	3	7	/About/Junk	\N	users
6	Regulations	3	5	/About/Regulations	\N	\N
19	Members	16	1	/Community/Members	Aelodau	\N
20	Societies	16	2	/Community/Societies	Cymdeithasau	\N
33	Desktop on Demand	8	5	/Tools/Desktop on Demand	\N	\N
34	Projects	16	8	\N	\N
3	About	\N	2	/About	Amdano	\N
16	Community	\N	4	/Community	Cymuned	\N
37	Talks	16	5	/Community/Talks	\N	\N
22	Knowledge	\N	7	/Knowledge	Gwybodaeth	\N
26	Shop	16	9	/Community/Shop	Shop	\N
7	Donations	3	6	/About/Donations	\N	\N
42	Page Map	39	3	/Admin/Pagemap	\N	html
43	SUCS Exec Trac	39	4	\N	sucsstaff
44	URI	13	1	/Community/Milliways/URI	\N	\N
45	Signup	39	6	/Admin/Signup	\N	sucsstaff
47	Shame List	16	\N	/Community/Shame	\N	\N
48	SU Signups and Renewals	39	2	/Admin/SU	Cofrestrau ac Adnewyddu y UM	sucsstaff
46	Video Streaming	16	6	/Community/Stream/		\N
-- Name: menu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: dez

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('menu_id_seq', 48, true);

-- Data for Name: news; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: chckens
COPY news (id, title, body, date, category, sticky, author, expiry) FROM stdin;
5	Jabber server back up	<p>SUCS&#39; Jabber server is back up (for the technically minded, we&#39;re now using Ejabberd).</p><p>There are a few changes you need to be aware of:</p><ul><li>You now need to log in using<strong> TLS</strong>, <strong>plain text auth</strong>, and <strong>your SUCS username and password</strong>.</li><li>All members can connect now - there&#39;s no need to register.</li><li>Account registration is disabled. Hence, only members can log in now.</li></ul>Happy chatting!<br />	2006-09-25 19:55:43	\N	f	pwb	2007-05-17 01:08:44
33	Network outage - 19th April	<p>The connection between the room and the rest of campus went down at 12:08:14 and returned at 12:29:48. This was caused by a fault with the switch on the LIS operated network we connect to.  </p>	2007-04-19 12:32:18	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-17 01:08:44
19	Backup Milliways	<p>There is now a backup Milliways available for use during network outages.</p><p>To connect, ssh using the password &quot;bbs&quot;. Once the Milliways login screen appears, use your normal Milliways login credentials (the user database is regularly synchronised from the one on Silver).&nbsp;</p>	2007-02-28 14:27:59	\N	f	firefury	2007-05-17 01:08:44
16	Campus network outage 10-11 Feb	<p>The University&#39;s Internet connection was down for just over 24 hours, coming back at around 18:40 on 11/02/2007. </p><p>During that time, SUCS was not available to the outside world and this will mean that any email sent to SUCS users during that period will have been delayed. Mail will appear in inboxes as remote servers reattempt delivery over the course of the next day. </p>	2007-02-11 22:40:46	\N	f	dez	2007-05-17 01:08:44
48	Planned Network Outage - October 30th	<p>There will be a disruption to campus network access on Tuesday October 30th between 7am and 9am</p><p>This is due to essential upgrades to the LIS networking equipment.</p>	2007-10-27 11:57:24	\N	f	rollercow	2007-10-31 08:22:36
35	Spring Clean!	<p>The SUCS room is long due for a spring clean, so we&#39;ve put together a list of all the old components we have that we don&#39;t want anymore. </p>\r\n\r\n<p>See <a href="../Community/Forum/viewtopic.php?id=137"></a> for more information.</p>	2007-05-11 21:58:42	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-31 01:10:12
9	Halloween Party Photos	<p>Here are some photos from our excellent Halloween party!</p><ul><li>davea&#39;s photos - <a href=""></a></li><li>talyn256&#39;s photos - <a href="../uri/s"></a><br /></li></ul>	2006-11-01 16:34:51	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-17 01:08:44
28	Videos of SUCS Talks Now Available	<p>Videos of the talks given at the (extremely successful) first SUCS Talks session are now being added to the SUCS website. You can find them at: <a href="../Community/Talks" title="SUCS Talk Videos"></a></p><p>There will be a short delay before the remaining videos appear, however, as Frosty left the charger for his video camera in Swansea when he went home for Easter. Unfortunately, it has now run out of battery so he can&#39;t get them off the tape until he returns. Keep an eye on the page, though, as they&#39;ll appear in the not-too-distant future. <br /></p>	2007-03-29 18:34:17	\N	t	frosty	2007-05-17 01:08:44
4	Welcome to the new SUCS website	<p>As existing members will have noticed, we have created a new visual identity to go with the new SUCS logo.&nbsp; At the same time, we&#39;ve taken the opportunity to reorganise the structure of the site and introduce some new features.<br /></p><p>You can now log onto the site using your SUCS username and password. It will always submit your details securely using HTTPS even if you enter your details on a page that wasn&#39;t loaded securely. Some tools (e.g. WebMail) still require you to log into them separately, but our long term aim is to allow you to log in once to access all the web-based tools SUCS offers. </p>	2006-09-18 15:50:56	\N	f	dez	2007-05-17 01:08:44
8	Halloween Party! - Tuesday 31st Oct	<p>It&#39;s going to be this Tuesday, the 31st October, at Que Pasa (a cocktail bar) on Wind street. We&#39;ve also invited Manga &amp; Anime society and the Sci-Fi Soc along to join in.<br /></p><ul><li>Free food for all members!</li><li>Our own private section of the Que Pasa, just for us to use!</li><li>Que Pasa loyalty cards for all members!*</li><li>Halloween games!</li><li>A live band!</li><li>Voluntary fancy dress! (yay!)<br /></li></ul><p>So come, one and all, to the SUCS+SUMA+SciFi Halloween Party! You can bring a guest, if you&#39;d like to  <span class="moz-smiley-s1"><span> :-) </span></span><br /><br />If you want to discuss the party/ask questions, there&#39;s a thread on our forum at: <a href="../uri/q" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"></a> and if you&#39;d like to know where Que Pasa is, there&#39;s a map here: <a href="../uri/r" class="moz-txt-link-freetext"></a><br /><br />See you there! (Que Pasa, 7:30pm, Tuesday 31st October)</p>	2006-10-27 08:44:45	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-17 01:08:44
7	Change to SUCS FTP Server	<p>Our FTP server now only accepts anonymous connections. This means that users are no longer in danger of sending their passwords in plain text across the Internet.</p><p>Users who previously used FTP to access their files should now use a more secure method to access them such as SFTP, WebDav, rsync, etc. You can find out more about how to access your files in the <a href="../Knowledge">Knowledge</a> section of the website. </p>	2006-10-24 21:24:23	\N	f	welshbyte	2007-05-17 01:08:44
11	SUCS Election Results 2007	<p>The votes are in and a new executive committee has been chosen!</p>\r\n<p>Kat Meyrick (saya) will be president.<br />\r\nChris Elsmore (elsmorian) will be secretary.<br />\r\nJames Frost (frosty) will be publicity officer.<br />\r\nKristian Knevitt (loki) will be treasurer.</p>\r\n<p>Congratulations to our new executive committee!</p>	2006-12-03 17:28:52	\N	f	talyn256	2007-05-17 01:08:44
36	Brief Outage - Thursday 17:50	<p>Apologies, silver unexpectedly rebooted after a UPS Battery test. It seems the battery is dead.</p>	2007-05-17 17:54:34	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-25 16:34:48
50	Network Outage 12th November	<p>Something seems to have killed off several of our machines, the SUCS Gateway machine among them.</p><p>I&#39;ve used thorium as a replacement gateway machine to get us back on-line for now. <br /></p>	2007-11-12 10:08:34	\N	f	rollercow	2007-11-19 13:27:49
23	Network outage - 14th March	<p>There was a campus-wide network outage between approximately 6:30am and 11am today due to a hardware fault with a router operated by LIS.</p>	2007-03-14 13:02:46	\N	f	dez	2007-05-17 01:08:44
39	Backups Temporarily Disabled	<p>Due to a buggy backup system using up too much disk space, nightly backups of users home directories have been disabled while we implement a more stable system. Users are (as normal) advised to make their own backups of any important files they might miss.</p>	2007-06-29 02:21:03	\N	f	welshbyte	2007-07-29 02:21:03
37	Beach Party TODAY!	<p><strong>When: </strong>Saturday 9th June, from 7pm<br /><strong>Where:</strong> <a href="../uri/1J" target="_blank" title="Location of the party on Google Maps"></a> (see e-mail for full directions)<br /><strong>Bring:</strong> Please bring however much food and drink you&#39;re likely to need. There&#39;ll be some barbeques happening too, so we we should be able to cook things. Also, if you have any burnable wood, it might be quite handy.<br />Please check your mail for more information!</p>	2007-05-27 15:27:14	\N	t	frosty	2007-06-10 08:44:46
42	SUCS Is 20 Years Old!	<p>Or it will be in 2008, so we&#39;re looking for all sorts of information from all of our members: former, old and new. </p><p>We would like your help collecting anything about the history of the society, photos from over its 20 years and any anecdotes from your time in the society.</p><p>Any useful nuggets of information that you send us will be catalogued on the SUCS@20 website at: <a href=""></a></p><p>If you have anything, please send it to this e-mail address: <a href=""></a> .</p><p>Thanks :)<br /></p>	2007-08-05 12:31:47	\N	f	saya	2007-09-05 12:31:47
38	Great Success!	<p>The Beach Party went very well! Thank you to everyone who helped out by collecting wood, taking wood to the beach, securing our spot, bringing food, cooking the food and coming (especially everyone who travelled so far to get here) and having fun :)</p><p>This year saw the return of the Golden Diskette Awards and the winners were:</p><p>Our Top Bananas for 2007: </p><ul><li>Graham Cole (chckens) for the Most Bananas this year</li><li>James Frost (frosty) for the Second Most Bananas this year</li><li>Andy Price (welshbyte) for the Third Most Bananas this year</li></ul><p>We also had:</p> <ul><li>Most Helpful Millywaysian Award - Andy Price</li><li>Best/Most Annoying Soundeffects - Chris Elsmore (elsmorian)</li><li>Hostess With The Mostess - Sara Howes (sazzle)</li><li>We&#39;re Glad You&#39;re Not Leaving Yet - Chris Jones (rollercow)</li><li>Chaos Technician - Pete Berry (pwb)</li><li>Sitsofe Wheeler SCSI Terminator Award For Most Promising Newcomer - Kristian Knevitt (loki)</li></ul><p>Pics from the party are being tracked in this thread: <a href="../Community/Forum/viewtopic.php?pid=910#p910"></a>&nbsp;. Don&#39;t forget to add links to yours too :).</p><p>Also, &quot;Hi and thanks for coming!&quot; to our new friends in Loughborough Computer Society (<a href="">LSUCS</a>). We hope you had a good time too :).</p><p>See you all next year!</p>	2007-06-10 11:19:15	\N	f	saya	2007-07-10 11:19:15
45	Campus Network Outage - 15th September	<p>The campus network was intermittently available between Saturday 19:00 and Sunday 14:30.</p><p>All SUCS services were intermittently avalible from the outside world during this time.</p>	2007-09-15 19:26:19	\N	f	rollercow	2007-09-24 07:55:53
44	Campus Network Outage - 12th September	<p>The campus network was down from about 5:30am until around 7am this morning due to &quot;a major loss of electrical power&quot; to the LIS machine room. </p><p>All SUCS services were unavailable from the outside world during this time.</p>	2007-09-12 09:31:09	\N	f	rollercow	2007-09-15 19:26:54
46	New SSL Certificate	<p>We have a new SSL certificate for our web and mail servers, which you should accept if it has the following details.</p><p>Fingerprints <br />SHA1 - 31:B5:CF:00:38:67:57:32:9D:7C:34:15:AB:A3:5F:31:26:48:A1:FC<br />MD5&nbsp; - 45:0D:66:16:75:4F:86:0D:D9:3B:3E:64:43:64:84:AF</p>	2007-09-24 22:28:05	\N	f	rollercow	2007-10-24 22:28:05
41	SUCS Development List	<p>We have a new mailing list for the discussion of SUCS projects.&nbsp;If you&#39;re interested in learning new skills this summer whilst working on things to benefit the society, you can join the mailing list here <a href=""></a> .&nbsp;</p><p>We&#39;d especially welcome members new to SUCS projects to take part in building a portal for university societies. If you&#39;d like to know more about this or the other things going on in SUCS this summer,&nbsp;just sign up to the list and introduce yourself :-) </p>	2007-07-29 13:34:23	\N	f	saya	2007-08-29 13:34:23
55	Refreshers Week '08 - Games	<p>During refreshers week we are opening our game server to all Swansea University students. For more information on what games we have and when we will be playing them go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. To jump right in and start playing go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. </p>	2008-01-27 21:04:11	\N	t	eclipse	2008-02-04 10:16:41
6	Freshers 2006	<p>The Computer Society welcomes all Swansea freshers (and returning students)!</p><p>As usual, we&#39;ll be at the freshers&#39; fayre this year to answer any questions you may have.</p>  <p>If we miss you at the fayre, then please come meet us at a social. We&#39;re usually in the quiet side of JC&#39;s from about 1pm on Fridays :-)</p>  <p>Have a great year!</p>	2006-08-15 11:53:42	\N	f	talyn256	2007-05-17 01:08:44
17	Desktop Upgrades	<p>All the desktops have now been upgraded to Fedora Core 6. Thanks to all those that helped out!</p><p>If you have any ssh key problems just remove the problem entry from your .ssh/known_hosts file, we&#39;ve set up the system so they should not&nbsp; be required.</p><p>As always, if you encounter any problems or want any software installed, get in touch with admin [at] sucs [dot] org, or ask in Milliways&nbsp;</p>	2007-02-12 11:07:27	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-17 01:08:44
32	Network outages - 3rd and 4th April	<p>There have been intermittent connectivity issues in the LIS-operated network infrastructure throughout the day starting at just after 9am on the 3rd, causing disruption to SUCS services.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>We are told that LIS are infact trying to improve network resilance, and these works are causing the problems.</p>	2007-04-03 16:03:47	\N	f	dez	2007-05-17 01:08:44
18	Nightly Backups	<p>We&#39;ve started to run a nightly backup to a machine kindly hosted by the Computer Science dept.</p><p>You can find daily snapshots of your home directory within /backup.</p><p><strong>We make no guarantees about this service! Make your own backups!</strong> <br /></p>	2007-02-12 11:08:30	\N	f	rollercow	2007-05-17 01:08:44
29	AGM Minutes Now Available	<p>The minutes for this year&#39;s SUCS AGM are now available on the SUCS website at: <a href="../About/AGM-2007-03-13" title="SUCS AGM Minutes for 13/03/2007"></a><br /></p>	2007-03-29 18:35:49	\N	f	frosty	2007-05-17 01:08:44
62	Unplanned Downtime - Tuesday 11th March	<p>Silver had kernel problems at 15:20 and was taken down shortly afterwards. As the problem was filesystem related, we fscked everything before we brought silver back up (just in case).</p><p>&nbsp;Normal service was resumed around 17:40. </p><p>&nbsp;Thanks to Tim (eclipse) for helping to get things running again.<br /> </p>	2008-03-11 17:45:19	\N	f	rollercow	2008-04-08 09:49:23
86	Network Outage - 14-15th January	<p>A problem with the campus network cut the link between the SUCS room and the rest of the world around 4pm on the 14th.</p>\r\n<p>This was fixed by LIS around 10:30am this morning (the 15th) and access to all SUCS services was restored shortly after midday.</p>\r\n<p>We apologise for any inconvenience caused.</p>	2009-01-15 13:53:38	\N	f	rollercow	2009-01-28 16:09:00
101	Uplanned Silver Downtime	<p>Silver went down about 1845, and was rebooted shortly afterwards, we apologise for the inconvenience.</p>	2009-09-17 19:09:50	\N	f	worldinsideme	2009-09-18 22:08:57
51	SUCS Executive Elections for 2008	<p>Once again, it&#39;s time for SUCS to come under new leadership. It&#39;s election time! If there is someone you would like to see on the committee, or you would ike to nominate yourself, please send an email to vote at <a href="" target="_blank"> </a>stating who you want to nominate and for what post. Candidates must receive nominations from 2 or more SUCS members (this can include themselves) to be accepted.</p><p>The positions available on the SUCS executive are:</p><ul><li>President: Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.</li><li>Treasurer: Deals with the society&#39;s accounts, and general financial administration.</li><li>Secretary: Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.</li><li>Publicity Officer: Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.</li></ul><p>(Note: These positions are Non-Technical - if you would like to be involved with system administration, please send an e-mail to admin at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)</p><p>If there is more than one candidate for each position, it will be taken to a vote. All nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 23rd November. The election itself should begin on Monday 26th November (but we&#39;ll tell you closer to the time).</p><p>To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>	2007-11-14 16:21:41	\N	t	frosty	2007-12-03 09:09:35
52	SUCS Election 2008 Announcement	<p>As of midnight tonight (00:00 Monday 26th November, 2007), the online polling station for the 2008 executive committee votes will be active and will remain so for one week until midnight of next Sunday (00:00 Monday 3rd December 2007).</p><p>Please cast your votes here: <a href=""></a></p><p>Any queries/issues to vote[at] <br /></p>	2007-11-25 10:42:13	\N	t	talyn256	2007-12-03 09:09:27
34	SUCS Lightning Talks 2 - 15th May	<p>The 2nd SUCS Lightning Talks event will be taking place Tuesday 15th March, at 6pm in Kier Hardie, Room 248! Please come along!  </p><p>Currently confirmed <span class="st">talks</span>:<br />- Ian Tucker: &quot;How I can hear you typing over the internet&quot;<br />- Chris Jones: &quot;Hiking+Geek&quot;<br />- Chris Elsmore: &quot;Processor and Semiconductor Technology&quot; (topic<br />subject to change)<br />- Nicholas Corlett: &quot;A Beginner&#39;s Guide to UNIX Commands - Part 2&quot;<br />- Will Blackstock: &quot;Top 10 Fictional Computers&quot;<br />- James Frost: Topic to be confirmed<br />- Sean Handley: Topic to be confirmed<br />- Andy Price: Topic to be confirmed<br /><br />And there&#39;s still time to get involved! If you&#39;ve got something you want to talk<br />about then you&#39;re welcome to do so - it&#39;d be best if you could let<br />us know in advance, by e-mail (<a href="" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">exec@<span class="st">sucs</span>.org</a>).<br /></p>	2007-05-11 16:09:29	\N	t	frosty	2007-05-17 01:08:44
47	Halloween Party: 8 'til late @ Que Pasa, Wind St.	<p>Sorry we&#39;re so late in getting the word out about this but we are going back to Que Pasa on Wind St. for Halloween this year on Wednesday 31st of October (so, that would actually be Halloween ;)) at around 8pm, since everyone had so much fun last year (see here: <a href=""></a> and here: <a href=""></a> ).</p><p>It&#39;s 2 for 1 on cocktails as always, and it&#39;s a Wednesday so apparently other drinks will be cheap too. Fancy dress is obviously optional but part of the fun of Halloween is seeing what everyone comes dressed as ;)</p><p>Also, you&#39;re welcome to bring a non-SUCS friend along if you haven&#39;t met any Real Life&trade; SUCS members yet :) Better yet, get them to join too :P</p>	2007-10-21 19:40:31	\N	t	saya	2007-11-01 22:29:53
43	Freshers 2007	<p>The Swansea University Computer Society welcomes all 2007 Freshers (and returning members)! SUCS is a society for anyone with even the smallest interest in computers, technology, science, etc. and offers a friendly environment for people to interact with others and to learn from one another (be that over the internet or in real life). SUCS has a small <a href="../About/Room" title="The SUCS Room">computer room</a> on the bottom floor of the Students&#39; Union building which SUCS members can use 24/7, and we encourage members to become active in the <a href="" title="SUCS Development Mailing List">development</a> and administration of those systems and to get involved with programming and web development <a href="../Community/Projects" title="SUCS Projects">projects</a>. We also have regular meet-ups, parties, LAN gaming events, <a href="../Community/Talks" title="SUCS Talks">talk sessions</a> and more!<br /></p><p>If you would like to join the society, you can fill in the <a href="../About/Joining" title="SUCS Sign-up Form">form</a> on the website (although we need to collect payment before we can create your account), you can drop into <a href="../About/Room" title="The SUCS Room">the room</a>, and we can be found in term-time in JC&#39;s (coffee end) after 13:00 on Fridays. All you need to join is to be a member of the Swansea University Students&#39; Union and &pound;5, which gets you membership for the entire year (including an account on our computer system, disk space, web space, an e-mail address, a blog, free printing (up to a reasonable limit) and all the things mentioned above)! </p><p>We hope to hear from you soon! </p>	2007-09-02 20:14:25	\N	t	frosty	2007-10-02 20:14:25
49	SUCS Talks 3 - Wednesday, 7th November, 5pm	<p>The next SUCS Talks will be taking place next Wednesday, 7th November,  at 5pm in the Robert Recorde room in the Computer Science department, in the Faraday tower. If you don't know how to get there, some of us will be gathering in the SUCS room beforehand, so we can wander over together. :-)</p>\r\n\r\n<p>A SUCS Talks evening is a fantastic way to spend time with your fellow SUCS members, and learn from them/impart your knowledge to them/both. Any SUCS member can do a 10 minute talk on a geeky/computer-related topic of their choice. Please come along! For a flavour of previous talks, please visit: (I'm afraid the second lot of talks still aren't online as of writing, as I still haven't got round to editing/uploading them).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Take a look at the old talks ( for the first session, and for the second) for an idea of previous talk topics. And it's still not too late to take part - in fact, we need more speakers! If you have an idea for something you might like to talk about, e-mail us at exec at and let us know! SUCS Talks are a great way to practice public speaking, among friends in an informal atmosphere. We'd especially like to see some brave first years give it a go!</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Thanks, and hope to see you there,</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Frosty</p>	2007-11-01 22:34:21	\N	f	rollercow	2007-11-09 17:05:35
66	Network Problems	<p>As you may have noticed, the university&#39;s network is having problems, this is due to an outage in JANET. Therefore people connecting from outside the university may experience slow connections to SUCS.<br /></p>	2008-05-14 15:15:54	\N	f	worldinsideme	2008-05-15 09:12:28
115	Outage on 23rd June	<p>All SUCS services lost Internet access between approximately 12:50pm and 2:15pm today due to a power outage in the Student Union building. The electricity supply to the SUCS room was unaffected.</p>	2010-06-23 16:42:34	\N	f	dez	2010-07-10 14:14:24
63	Summer Term Events	<p>This term we are holding more events to give you all some breaks from exams and work. The dates for the next LAN event, lightning talks and the beach party have now been set. Read on for more&hellip;</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The next LAN event is set for the Saturday 3<sup>rd</sup> May in Dining Room C from 11am - 11pm, with setup from 10am, drop by and play some games. It&#39;s free for SUCS members and &pound;1 in advance or &pound;2 on the door for non-members. For more information visit: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>We also have the date for our next set of lightning talks. They will be on Thursday 8<sup>th</sup> May at 6pm in the Robert Recorde Room (Faraday Building). Come by and watch them - it&#39;s always interesting and fun, or if you&#39;re feeling brave, give one yourself! For videos of previous talks, visit: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>And finally the beach party date has been set for Saturday 7<sup>th</sup> June (the Saturday after exams finish). Put it in on your calendar, more details closer to the time.</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you all there.</p>	2008-04-18 19:08:03	\N	f	eclipse	2008-05-15 09:13:15
69	More network problems	<p>Further problems were experienced on the evening of Tuesday 1st July on the link between Swansea and LINX. This caused intermittent connectivity issues between 18:41 and 19:10.</p><p>Don&#39;t forget that an alternative version of Milliways is available by making an ssh connection to - the password is &quot;bbs&quot;. <br /></p>	2008-07-01 19:19:23	\N	t	dez	2008-07-08 12:29:36
54	Untraceable and SUCS	<p>We&#39;ve had a few emails recently from people who&#39;ve spotted the society&#39;s name mentioned in an online promotional game for the forthcoming film, &lsquo;Untraceable&rsquo;.</p><p>We were as surprised as players of the game to see this name check, as we have no affiliation with Sony Pictures. So, to quench your thirst for answers, allow us to explain a little.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>The game is using a screen shot of a computer running an old version of the <a href="">Linux</a> operating system kernel. One of our life members, <a href="">Alan Cox</a>, is a Linux developer and up until version 2.5.66 of Linux, our name appeared in the boot messages because he named his version of some networking code after us. So you would have seen something like:</p>\r\n\r\n<pre>Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4<br />Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039</pre>\r\n\r\n<p>Since version 2.5.67 the boot message has been absent from the Linux start up because they were reducing the amount of &lsquo;name checks&rsquo; in the boot messages but you can still find a reference to us in the code comments of <code><a href="">net/socket.c</a></code></p>\r\n\r\n<p>This won&#39;t help you win the game but we hope you found it interesting :-)</p>	2008-01-13 20:04:36	\N	f	davea	2008-01-27 21:06:42
58	Minor server outage	<p>There was a short outage at around 08:40 today due to a power problem, resulting in Silver shutting down cleanly.&nbsp; A further reboot will be required later today.</p>	2008-02-19 10:25:32	\N	f	firefury	2008-02-22 08:32:26
64	Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Now Available On SUCS FTP	<p>You can now find the new Ubuntu &#39;Hardy Heron&#39; on our <a href="">ftp site -</a></p>	2008-04-24 13:16:19	\N	f	rollercow	2008-05-24 13:16:19
65	Beach Party 2008	<p>It&#39;s that time of year again: The annual SUCS beach party will be held on Saturday June 7th on the beach near the Sketty Lane carpark:<br />\r\n<img alt="Map" src="" /><br />\r\n        <a href=";mlon=-3.983&amp;zoom=16">;mlon=-3.983&amp;zoom=16</a>\r\n\r\n</p><p>Donations of burnable stuff are welcome.  The party usually kicks off at about 19:00, but people will be around earlier to shift wood down to the beach so please lend a hand if you are able.</p>\r\n<p>Remember to bring stuff to eat and drink, and if we&#39;re lucky we will convince Sits to do his usual good job of running a BBQ, so BBQable food donations are welcome.</p>\r\n	2008-05-14 15:00:05	\N	t	firefury	2008-06-09 10:21:37
57	Lightning Talks - Thursday 7th February	<p>We are holding another of our famous lightning talks this week on <strong>Thursday 7th February</strong> at <strong>18:00</strong> in the <strong>Robert Recorde Room</strong> (Faraday Building). \r\nThese are when our members do short 10 minute talks on topics that may be of interest to other members. We already have several confirmed talkers, but there may be time on the night for additional speakers, so if you&#39;re interested in doing a talk yourself, please contact the exec on exec at sucs dot org so that we have some idea of the number of people talking.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>To find out more or watch some of our past lightning talks, visit:<br />\r\n<a href="" title="SUCS Talks"></a></p>\r\n\r\n<p>See you there!</p>	2008-02-04 10:21:56	\N	t	frosty	2008-02-07 21:08:43
59	LAN Gaming 23rd February	<p>We&#39;ve got a LAN Event planned for Saturday 23rd February in Dining Room C from 10am - 5pm with setup of the room from 9am for anyone that wants to come out and help.</p><p>Free for SUCS members, &pound;1 in advance or &pound;2 on the door for non SUCS members.<br /></p><p>The full list of games that may make an appearance can be found here:&nbsp;</p><p>The full list of things to bring can be seen here: </p>	2008-02-20 13:58:05	\N	f	eclipse	2008-02-23 16:42:39
67	Beach Party 2008	<p>The Beach Party was a roaring success - as I type, there are still people on the beach enjoying the early morning sunshine! Photos and video from this year's event can be found <a href="">at the bottom of the Parties Page on SUCS@20</a>. If you have any photos from the beach party, please add a link to the SUCS@20 wiki.</p>	2008-06-08 07:30:00	\N	t	dez	2008-07-08 12:29:59
60	Planned Downtime	<p>There were two short periods of downtime on Friday (12:20 -&gt; 12:30 and 13:05 -&gt; 13:20) as we performed maintenance on the Uninterruptible Power Supply which protects our servers.</p>\r\n<p>Apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.</p>	2008-02-22 08:32:08	\N	f	rollercow	2008-03-04 12:42:10
61	SUCS AGM	<p>We will be holding an Annual General Meeting this Wednesday (12th March) at 5pm in the Robert Recorde Room, Faraday building.</p><p>This is an opportunity for you to put your ideas to the rest of the society, as well as giving us your comments/complaints!</p><p>We hope to see you all there! <br /></p>	2008-03-10 15:25:31	\N	t	grant	2008-03-13 15:45:01
84	Voting has begun.	<p>The voting for the 2009 SUCS exec has begun.<br /><br />Go Here: to vote.<br /><br />Voting ends midnight Sunday the 7th of December.</p>	2008-12-01 10:14:14	\N	f	worldinsideme	2008-12-08 00:20:37
68	Network Problems	<p>There have been network problems on the link between Wales (SWMAN) and England(</p><ul><li>Monday 16th between 15:35 and 16:00</li><li>Tuesday 17th between 8:30 and 8:50 </li></ul>	2008-06-17 09:46:53	\N	f	rollercow	2008-07-08 12:29:16
100	Room inaccessible	<p>Due to the shuffling in the room today the door computer has had to be unplugged. As a consequence the electronic lock isn't working until someone comes along with a key tomorrow. Apologies for any inconvenience.</p>	2009-09-15 21:18:20	\N	t	pwb	2009-09-17 11:28:01
70	Network Availability Advisory - Saturday 23rd August	<p>Due to ongoing electrical upgrades around campus the main campus machine room will be without power on Saturday the 23<sup>rd</sup> August.</p><p>To prepare for this LIS are shutting down the computing services they run at 5pm on Friday (22<sup>nd</sup> August).</p><p>Whilst this work isn&#39;t theoretically meant to affect the campus network (and thus SUCS) be prepared for interruptions. </p>	2008-08-18 14:04:50	\N	f	rollercow	2008-08-28 09:53:08
75	Welcome Freshers!	<p>Welcome Freshers and returning students to the Swansea University Computer Society for the beginning of the 20th anniversary of our society! The Computer society is for people with interests in computers, technology, gaming, etc, and offers a supportive and friendly environment (online and in real life!) for people to discuss these topics and learn from each other. We have a 24/7 access computer room located at the bottom of the Students&#39; Union building, where you can hook up your laptops or use one of the desktop computers. We actively encourage our members to get involved with development and administration of the computers, programming and web development projects, whether you know a lot or not! We also hold weekly socials on Friday at 1pm in JC&#39;s, LAN events, talk sessions and party socials. Just &pound;5 will get you membership for an entire year, which includes an account on our computer system, disk space, web space, an e-mail address, a blog, free printing (up to a reasonable limit), a jabber account and access to all of the events above.</p>	2008-09-03 14:03:38	\N	t	kyara	2008-10-03 14:03:38
74	Unplanned Outage - Wednesday 3rd September	<p>For some reason known only to its self our gateway machine stoped dealing with traffic on its internal interface shortly after 01:35 this morning.</p><p>Our main server rebooted around 8:20 this morning. <br /></p><p>Both fixed at 08:40 this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.<br /></p>	2008-09-03 08:52:54	\N	f	rollercow	2008-09-10 15:40:08
79	Halloween Shindig!	<p>Hello all! The SUCS Halloween party will be hosted in the Bryn-y-mor pub and then Sin City this year as our usual venue, Que Pasa, has shut down :(</p>\r\n<p>The Party starts in the Bryn-y-mor pub at 8pm on Friday 31st October. If anyone doesn't know where it is, <a href="" title="Map showing the Bryn-y-mor" target="_blank">here's a map</a>.<br />Then we'll be moving on to <a href="" title="Sin City map" target="_blank">Sin City</a> at about 10pm to party until morning!</p>\r\n<p>If you're on Facebook and haven't already been invited through there, you can <a href="" title="SUCS Halloween Event on Facebook" target="_blank">view the event here</a>.</p>\r\n<p>Invite all your friends because this year is the society's 20th Birthday so we want this to be a big one!</p>\r\n<p>\r\n<img alt="picture" src="" /></p>\r\n<p>ALSO! We'll be having a bash with Sci-fi, Anime and RolePlay too! This will be on Thursday 30th October, starting at 7:30 at Milkwood Jam on Plymouth Street. There will be a &pound;3 entry charge on the door and all money will go towards paying for the event. Any left over will be divided between the societies.</p>\r\n<p>See you all there! </p>	2008-10-20 17:11:47	\N	t	grant	2008-11-01 02:22:06
82	SUCS Exec Nominations now open!	<p>The time has come to elect the new SUCS exec for 2009.</p>\r\n<p>Nominations are now open, to nominate someone (or yourself) for a committee position email vote[AT]sucs[DOT]org saying who and for which position. Candidates must receive at least 2 nominations to stand for a position.</p>\r\n<p>The SUCS exec consists of:\r\n</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>President:</strong> Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Treasurer:</strong> Deals with the society's accounts, and general financial administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Secretary:</strong> Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Publicity Officer:</strong> Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\nThese positions are all non-technical, for more information on getting involved with SUCS admin email admin[AT]sucs[DOT]org. If there is more than one candidate for each position then a vote will be taken.</p>\r\n<p>All nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 28th November. Voting will then commence from 12 midnight on the morning of Monday 1st December. Reminders and more details will follow throughout the election process.</p>\r\n<p>To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at: <a href=""></a></p>	2008-11-20 16:05:54	\N	t	foshjedi2004	2008-11-28 14:05:27
76	Lightning Talks and New Monday social!	<p>On Thursday the 16th of October, we will be holding another awesome \r\nLightning Talks session. It will be at 6pm in the Robert Recorde Room \r\n(in the Faraday building). If you have never been to a session, \r\nLightning talks are short 10 minute talks given by SUCS members on any \r\nsubject that interests them. We already have several confirmed talkers, \r\nbut there may be time on the night for additional speakers, so if \r\nyou're interested in doing a talk yourself, please contact the exec on <a href=""></a> so that we have some idea of the number of people talking.</p>\r\n<p>To find out more or watch some of our past lightning talks, visit </p>\r\n<p>As \r\nsome of you are busy at 1pm on Friday, we've decided to have another \r\nJC's social at 12pm on Monday. It will be in the quiet side of JC's \r\ncoffee side) just look out for the people with laptops :) This will be \r\nin addition to the Friday social, but don't feel like you have to turn \r\nup to both!</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;See you all there :)</p>	2008-10-01 11:36:00	\N	t	kyara	2008-10-17 10:15:41
71	Power shutdown, Sunday 14th September	<p>Due to ongoing electrical upgrades around campus on Sunday the 14<sup>th</sup> of September the SUCS room will be without power for most of the day. All services will be unavailable during this period. </p>	2008-08-18 14:10:28	\N	f	rollercow	2008-09-18 14:10:28
78	Admin Meeting - Wednesday 22nd at 6pm	<p>We are holding our first admin meeting of the year on Wednesday 22nd October at 6:00PM in the SUCS room. Anybody interested in getting involved in the admin side of SUCS should come along. If you have something you would like to raise but cant make it on the day please email admin {at}</p>	2008-10-17 10:50:55	\N	t	rollercow	2008-10-26 15:03:14
80	SUCS Tools now available	<p>We have put together a set of tools to make it easier to access SUCS services from your own computer. Note that you don't <em>have</em> to use the SUCS Tools to use our services - they're just a time-saving way to do so.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>More details are available in <a href="">SUCS Help</a>.</p>	2008-10-26 15:02:19	\N	t	dez	2008-11-26 15:02:19
83	Nominations Closed!	<p>The nominations for next year's committee have now closed. The Candidates are as follows:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>President - Chris Melvin (foshjedi2004), Tim Clark (eclipse)</li>\r\n<li>Treasurer - Rhodri Curnow (mistake), Tom Lake (tswsl1989)</li>\r\n<li>Publicity - Chris Melvin (foshjedi2004)</li>\r\n<li>Secretary - Adam Mann (insacuri)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Voting will commence on Monday 1st December. </p>	2008-11-28 12:52:09	\N	t	worldinsideme	2008-12-08 00:20:50
134	Backup	<p>Backup is currently unavailable. It should be available again tomorrow. </p>\r\n<p>EDIT: It's back up now</p>	2011-06-01 16:19:34	\N	t	worldinsideme	2011-06-07 12:33:21
94	SUCS Beach Party 2009	<p>It's that time of year again: The annual SUCS beach party will be held on Saturday June 6th on the <a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion">beach near the Sketty Lane carpark:</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion"><br /><img alt="SUCS Beach Party" height="294" src="" width="397" /></a><br /><br />Donations of burnable stuff are welcome.&nbsp; The party usually kicks off at about 19:00, but people will be around earlier to shift wood down to the beach so please lend a hand if you are able.<br /><br />Remember to bring stuff to eat and drink, we'll have bbqs on the beach so if you would like to donate additional food all donations welcome!</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you all there!!</p>	2009-05-05 17:31:42	\N	t	foshjedi2004	2009-06-07 12:00:00
85	Voting has ended.	<p>The voting for next years executive committee has finished, the results are as follows.<br />\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>President: eclipse</li>\r\n<li>Publicity: Foshjedi2004</li>\r\n<li>Treasurer: tswsl1989</li>\r\n<li>Secretary: insacuri</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nCongratulations!</p>\r\n<p>Full counts are available here:\r\n<br />Well done again to next years committee, and have a good christmas holiday.</p>	2008-12-08 00:20:25	\N	f	worldinsideme	2009-01-08 00:20:25
88	SUCS Lightning Talks - Thursday March 12th	<p>We've got another round of lightning talks on hand starting at 6pm in the Robert Recorde Room.&nbsp; So if you're interested in doing a Lightning Talk please email exec[at]sucs[dot]org so we can create a schedule.&nbsp; If you predict on being late and would still like to do a talk please let us know and we'll put you later on the list.&nbsp; All are welcome, members and non-members alike.</p>	2009-03-01 15:31:39	\N	f	foshjedi2004	2009-03-14 14:09:35
91	Unexpected Downtime - Silver	<p>Silver went offline unexpectedly overnight (Friday March 13th)<br />Normal services were resumed around 9:15 this morning</p>\r\n<p>There was also a small period of downtime on the 19th</p>	2009-03-13 12:50:36	\N	f	tswsl1989	2009-03-26 10:30:47
87	Unforseen Downtime	<p>Silver fell over at about 13:10, we apologise for the inconvenience.</p>	2009-02-23 13:45:31	\N	t	worldinsideme	2009-03-02 10:18:55
89	Vue - Watchmen - Friday March 20th 	<p>We're planning on doing a group outing to Vue Cinema to go and watch the Comic Book Adaptation Film of WATCHMEN.&nbsp; If you're interested in coming along please give exec[at]sucs[dot]org an email.&nbsp; Tickets should be &pound;4.50 or less depending on the number of people who come.&nbsp; All are welcome.</p>	2009-03-01 15:31:39	\N	t	foshjedi2004	2009-03-21 09:54:17
90	AGM and Events Remaining this term	<p>SUCS have a number of events still planned for this term, so here are some dates for your diary.</p>\r\n<p>The SUCS AGM will be on the 17th of March 2009 in the Robert Recorde Room in the Faraday Building at 6pm.</p>\r\n<p>If anyone is interested in a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory LAN for the first weekend back after half term (April 25th/26th),&nbsp; please give games[at]sucs[dot]org an email so we can start organising which room would be adequate.&nbsp; There is the possibility of hiring out screens from us on a first come first serve basis (while stocks last).</p>\r\n<p>SUCS@JCs friday socials from 1pm are still active so if you want to come and meet up with some of us you can see us on the Just Coffee Side.</p>	2009-03-01 15:31:39	\N	t	foshjedi2004	2009-03-22 01:16:25
92	Emergency replacement of Silver	<p>Due to hardware failure, SUCS' primary server, known as silver, has been replaced earlier than planned. Consequently, a number of services are currently unavailable.</p>\r\n<p>Please bear with us...</p>\r\n<p>For details of known issues and what we believe is now working correctly, please see below:</p>\r\n\r\n<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">\r\n<h3>Working</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>DNS!</li>\r\n<li>Dovecot... will be slow as the index format has changed</li>\r\n<li>NFS</li>\r\n<li>LDAP</li>\r\n<li>SUCS website</li>\r\n<li>Mail delivery - the mail sent since the failure of the previous server is now being delivered</li>\r\n<li>Desktop on Demand</li>\r\n<li>Websites</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div style="width: 50%; float: left;">\r\n<h3>Synced</h3>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Mailspools</li>\r\n<li>Crontabs</li>\r\n<li>MW</li>\r\n<li>/home</li>\r\n<li>MySQL</li>\r\n<li>PostgreSQL</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</div>\r\n\r\n<div style="clear: both;">\r\n<p>If you believe that there are still any problems with the items above,\r\nplease let us know on <a href="">Milliways</a>.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n	2009-03-25 10:51:24	\N	f	dez	2009-03-26 10:30:35
95	Silver Kernel Update	<p>Silver was restarted for a routine kernel update at 18:20<br />All services appear to have come back normally.</p>	2009-05-05 18:45:03	\N	f	tswsl1989	2009-05-12 15:39:17
96	Unexpected Downtime	<p>The power cable was unexpectedly removed from silver for about 10 minutes, I apologise and everything seems to be back normally.</p>	2009-05-06 16:29:01	\N	f	worldinsideme	2009-05-14 18:46:33
98	Freshers 2009-10	<p>With September around the corner, SUCS is looking for new members. We offer website hosting, mailing lists, space for blogs and 24/7 access to our own <a href="">computer room</a>. We're also an active society, with regular social events and an online chat area, <a href="">Milliways,</a> frequented by current and former students. </p>\r\n<p>If you know of a society looking for mailing lists and website hosting, or a friend who wants somewhere secure to host their blog or website, let them know!</p>\r\n<p>If you are interested in what we offer please come and chat with us on <a href="">Milliways</a> or email for further details</p>	2009-05-21 12:11:04	\N	f	foshjedi2004	2009-10-01 00:00:00
93	Normal service is resumed	<p>Following the replacement of silver, our primary server, we believe that everything is now back up and running. If you discover anything amiss, please email admin {at} sucs [dot] org or pop into <a href="">Milliways</a> to let us know.</p>	2009-03-26 10:29:46	\N	t	dez	2009-04-26 10:29:46
99	Scheduled Downtime 2009-09-15	<p>All SUCS services will be unavailable for around 2 hours on Tuesday the 15th September, starting at Midday<br /><br />This is so that Silver, Gateway and Caesium can be moved into the rack, along with the UPS</p>\r\n<p>Any email sent to your SUCS account during this period will be held on our backup mail server and delivered when services are back online.<br /><br />Milliways is available on outpost during the outage. SSH to, username bbs, password bbs<br />You will need to provide your <strong>Milliways</strong> username and password when you login.<br /><br />For twitter users, follow <a href="" title="@sucsexec">@sucsexec</a> for updates. Updates will also be posted to Milliways on outpost.</p>	2009-09-10 13:00:43	\N	t	tswsl1989	2009-09-15 15:49:51
97	Unexpected Downtime - 16-05-2009	<p>Silver was rebooted for a routine upgrade at 10:24 this morning. <br />Unfortunately, a <a href="" title="Debian Bug">bug</a> in the update meant that services were unavailable for around 2 hours.<br /><br />All services should be running normally again.</p>	2009-05-16 15:42:49	\N	f	tswsl1989	2009-05-23 10:53:46
103	Reboot	All our servers were rebooted at 07:20 this morning for a kernel update.\r\n\r\nTotal downtime ~5min.	2009-10-27 07:35:01	\N	f	rollercow	2009-11-02 12:01:26
104	Lightning Talks	<p>The first talks of the year are on Thursday the 12th of November at 6pm in \r\nthe Robert Recorde Room in Faraday.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Lightning Talks are a great way to practice public speaking and also \r\nshare with other people a topic you enjoy doing or enjoy studying!\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Previous talks can be found on our website here: \r\n<a href=""></a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>They tend to be 5-10 minutes long and give other members a brief glimpse \r\ninto your topic of interest.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>If you intend to do a talk please email us at <a href=""></a> with a title \r\nso we have some sort of idea on topics being discussed.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Many of you have found our talker Milliways, however many more of you have \r\nyet to pop in and say hello to our alumni and other members of the \r\nsociety. They have a wealth of knowledge to share with you all! You can \r\nfind more details about Milliways on our website : \r\n<a href="../Community/Milliways"></a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Also this is just a general reminder about our Friday socials in JCs at \r\n1pm on the Just Coffee side, we're usually there for at least an hour \r\ntalking about day to day things as well as discussing future SUCS events!\r\n</p>	2009-11-02 12:11:33	\N	t	tswsl1989	2009-11-26 11:17:54
117	Upcoming Events	<p>There will be <a href="">Lightning Talks</a> on Thursday the 14th October at 6pm in the Robert Recorde room in Faraday Tower.<br />All members, new and old, are welcome to attend or give a talk. If you want to give a talk please let a member of the exec know or email</p>\r\n<p>There will also be a Haloween social in Milkwood Jam, hosted jointly by SUCS, Anime, Sci-fi, Clash &amp; Roleplay. More details closer the time!</p>	2010-10-05 11:41:40	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-10-18 10:59:34
105	SUCS Exec nominations are now open	<p>The time has come to elect the new SUCS exec for 2010.<br /><br />Nominations are now open, to nominate someone (or yourself) for a committee position email vote[AT]sucs[DOT]org saying who and for which position. Candidates must receive at least 2 nominations to stand for a position.<br /><br />The SUCS exec consists of:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>President</strong>: Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Treasurer</strong>: Deals with the society\\\\\\'s accounts, and general financial administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Secretary</strong>: Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Publicity Officer</strong>: Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>These positions are all non-technical, for more information on getting involved with SUCS admin email admin[AT]sucs[DOT]org. If there is more than one candidate for each position then a vote will be taken.<br /><br />All nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Sunday 29th November. Voting will then commence from 12 midnight on the morning of Monday 30th <br />November for a period of 1 week.<br /><br /><br />To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at:</p>	2009-11-23 10:50:29	\N	t	tswsl1989	2009-11-29 12:08:08
107	Admin Meeting and other dates for your diary	<p>We will be having our first admin meeting of the year next Thursday (4<sup>th</sup> \r\nFebruary) at 6:00PM in the Robert Recorde room. Anybody interested in \r\ngetting involved in the admin side of SUCS should come along.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>We will also be having Lightning Talks and the SUCS AGM this term, on \r\nFebruary the 25<sup>th</sup> and March the 4<sup>th</sup> respectively. More details on those \r\ncloser the time.\r\n</p>	2010-01-27 13:21:13	\N	t	rollercow	2010-02-26 09:53:34
106	SUCS Exec Elections	<p>Hey all,<br />\r\nNominations are now closed for the 2010 SUCS Exec. As there are no contested roles we will not be holding a vote.</p>\r\n<p>Next year's exec will be:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>President:\r\nTom Lake (tswsl1989)</li>\r\n<li>Secretary: Jon Gordon (itsme)</li>\r\n<li>Treasurer:\r\nAshley Morris (gandalftheginger)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>There was no seconded Publicity Officer.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Congratulations and good luck for next year guys!</p>\r\n<p>Chris Melvin, Returning Officer </p>	2009-11-29 12:13:38	\N	t	foshjedi2004	2009-12-29 12:13:38
108	Lightning Talks	<p>The Lightning Talks are back on Thursday 25th of Febuary at 6pm in the Robert Recorde room. If you would like to present a talk please email us at exec[AT]sucs[DOT]org this is so we have a rough idea about timings. </p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you there</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>	2010-02-25 12:46:08	\N	f	itsme	2010-02-26 10:20:56
111	Slightly Planned Downtime 26-03-2010	<p>Gateway's hard drive has developed some errors, resulting in it being unable to read significant portions of the filesystem.<br /><br />The hard drive has been swapped for another one (with no bad blocks, we checked!), and normal service has been resumed.</p>\r\n<p>Total downtime was around quarter of an hour.</p>	2010-03-26 15:17:19	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-04-24 09:33:43
146	Frets On Fire and Lightning Talks	<p>Hi Everyone,<br />SUCS is Planning a Frets on Fire (Guitar Hero) competition, taking place in JCs from 1-7pm on Friday 21st October, everyone is welcome to drop in and compete for the cash prize.<br />Also the first SUCS lightning talk of the year will take place on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm in the Robert Recorde Room in the Faraday Building. Anyone wanting to give a talk on any topic should send a message to exec@ and let us know.</p>\r\n<p>SUCS Exec</p>	2011-10-12 14:15:17	\N	f	kais58	2011-10-24 13:47:11
109	SUCS AGM	<p>The SUCS Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday, 4th of March at 6PM in the Robert Recorde room in Faraday Tower.</p>	2010-02-26 10:34:07	\N	f	chckens	2010-03-07 21:58:41
112	It's that time of year again - Beach Party!	<p>It's that time of year again: The annual SUCS beach party will be held on Saturday June 5th on the <a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion">beach near the Sketty Lane carpark:</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion"><br /><img alt="SUCS Beach Party" height="294" src="" width="397" /></a><br /><br />Donations of burnable stuff are welcome.&nbsp; The party usually kicks off at about 19:00, but people will be around earlier to shift wood down to the beach so please lend a hand if you are able.<br /><br />Remember to bring stuff to eat and drink, we'll have bbqs on the beach so if you would like to donate additional food all donations welcome!</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you all there!!</p>	2010-05-16 14:45:51	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-06-07 21:24:37
113	Problems with room access.	<p>Door is playing up at the moment, so it may not be possible to get into the room. We are working on the problem and hope to restore access as soon as possible.</p>	2010-05-25 17:37:29	\N	t	worldinsideme	2010-06-07 21:24:20
114	Reboot for Kernel update	<p>Silver was restarted for a kernel update at 12:20<br />Everything appears to have come back normally.</p>	2010-05-28 12:37:49	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-06-02 08:55:28
116	Downtime - 21/08/2010 - 07:55am to 09:50	<p>Silver and Gateway were rebooted for kernel updates at 07:55.</p>\r\n<p>Gateway failed to come back up untill kicked at around 09:50. All SUCS serices were unavailable during this time.</p>	2010-08-21 09:59:16	\N	f	rollercow	2010-09-21 09:59:16
121	Network Outage 2010-11-16	<p>SUCS was disconnected from the internet shortly after midnight, and remained unreachable until ~0830. This was due to the campus internet connection going down.</p>	2010-11-16 08:44:07	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-11-30 09:37:28
102	Welcome to SUCS	<p>Welcome to all our new members and welcome back to everyone else!</p>\r\n<p>Members looking to join or renew should come and find us at Freshers Fayre. Anyone wanting to join or renew after Freshers should drop by the <a href="">Room</a> during the day (lunchtimes tend to be good) or email </p>\r\n<p>Help with using the services provided by SUCS is available <a href="">on our website</a>, along with various useful tools, such as a pastebin, URI shortener and Web Mail. To access them, enter your SUCS account details in the login box at the top right corner of <a href="">the website</a>.</p>\r\n<p>If you get stuck with anything or just want a chat, log on to <a href="">Milliways</a> - we don't bite (often&hellip;) :-)</p>\r\n<p>And of course, don't forget the SUCS room where you can connect your own computer or use one of ours. The room is on the <a href="">ground floor of the Student Union Building</a>.</p>	2010-08-19 00:00:00	\N	t	tswsl1989	2010-09-30 00:00:00
118	Unexpected Downtime	<p>Silver went down at ~0435 this morning (18th October), and was rebooted at 0831</p>\r\n<p>The cause for this outage is unknown, and all SUCS services were unavailable during this time</p>	2010-10-18 11:03:31	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-10-20 18:03:08
119	Unexpected Downtime (Take 2) 18-10-10	<p>Silver suffered an unexpected hardware error around 8pm, normal service was resumed around 10pm. We are currently running a 10/100 NIC so things could be a little slow during peak usage.</p>	2010-10-18 22:02:37	\N	f	worldinsideme	2010-10-28 11:25:52
120	Planned Downtime - Friday 22nd October	<p>There will be a period of downtime on Friday for a planned hardware upgrade. All SUCS services will be unavailable for around 30 minutes around 2pm. Updates will be posted to Outpost (see below) and on Twitter (follow @sucsexec).</p>\r\n<p>During this downtime, gateway and backup will replaced and one of the spare cards from gateway will be transferred to Silver as a permanent replacement for the failed on board NIC. The current backup machine will be taken offline around 9am on Friday, with the new machine being brought into service during the afternoon downtime.</p>\r\n<p>Outpost is our alternative Milliways instance, and may be accessed by opening an ssh connection to, using the username bbs, password bbs. You will then be able to login to Milliways using your <strong class="moz-txt-star"><span class="moz-txt-tag">*</span>Milliways<span class="moz-txt-tag">*</span></strong> username and password. The password you have set for Milliways may not be the same as your login password - if you're not certain then login to Milliways on silver and ask for help.</p>	2010-10-20 18:08:16	\N	t	tswsl1989	2010-10-28 11:22:48
122	SUCS Executive Elections for 2011	<p>The time has come to elect the new SUCS exec for 2011.<br /><br />Nominations are now open, to nominate someone (or yourself) for a committee \r\nposition email vote[AT]sucs[DOT]org saying who and for which position. \r\nCandidates must receive at least 2 nominations, other than themselves, to stand for a position.</p>\r\n<p>The SUCS exec consists of:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>President</strong>: Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Treasurer</strong>: Deals with the society's accounts, and general financial administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Secretary</strong>: Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Publicity Officer</strong>: Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>These positions are all non-technical, for more information on \r\ngetting involved with SUCS admin email admin[AT]sucs[DOT]org. If there \r\nis more than one candidate for each position then a vote will be taken.<br /><br />All\r\n nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 3rd December. \r\nVoting will then commence from 12 midnight on the morning of Monday 6th December for a period of 1 week.<br /><br />To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at:</p>	2010-11-22 10:58:13	\N	f	tswsl1989	2010-12-06 12:19:48
124	SUCS Elections 2011 Results	<p>Hey all,<br /><br />Nominations are now closed for the 2011 SUCS Exec. As there are no contested roles we will not be holding a vote.<br /><br />Next year's exec will be:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>President: Callum Massey(~ kais58)</li>\r\n<li>Treasurer:Jess Hunt (~snowdrake)</li>\r\n<li>Secretary: Edward Smith (~ed)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><br />There was no candidate for Publicity Officer.<br /><br />Congratulations and good luck for next year guys!<br />Jonathan Gordon, Returning Officer </p>	2010-12-06 12:04:36	\N	f	itsme	2011-01-01 11:58:41
123	Reboot for kernel update - 30/11/2010	<p>Silver was rebooted this morning for a kernel update. Total downtime ~5min.</p>	2010-11-30 09:36:28	\N	f	rollercow	2010-12-06 12:22:34
125	Happy New Year!	<p>Happy New Year from the outgoing exec, and best of luck to the new committee for 2011!</p>	2011-01-01 11:57:45	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-01-24 16:05:02
126	Kernel Update 31-01-2011	<p>Silver was rebooted for a kernel update this morning.<br />Total downtime was ~5 minutes</p>	2011-01-31 18:30:10	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-02-05 10:48:41
127	Lightning Talks	<p>The Lightning Talks are back on Thursday 24th February at 6pm in the Robert Recorde room. If you would like to present a talk please email us at exec[AT]sucs[DOT]org this is so we have a rough idea about timings.\r\n<br /><br />\r\nHope to see you there.</p>	2011-02-05 10:48:30	\N	f	kais58	2011-03-05 10:48:30
128	Unexpected Downtime 2011-03-15	<p>Silver lost network connectivity at 04:28 this morning. Connectivity was restored at 08:33</p>\r\n<p>All SUCS services were unavailable during this time</p>	2011-03-15 09:35:31	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-04-08 22:49:26
131	SUCS Unexpected Downtime 01-05-2011	<p>Silver stopped responding around 13:00 for reasons that are not fully known. It was restarted at 21:15 to resolve the issue. SUCS services were unavailable during this time and we apologise for any inconvenience this caused.</p>	2011-05-02 14:15:54	\N	f	kais58	2011-05-20 15:14:31
130	Unexpected Downtime 2011-04-11	<p>Caesium's PSU decided to fail at 17:15 and tripped the breaker in the room, stopping all SUCS services until power was restored at 17:30.<br />The Committee apologises for any inconvenience caused.</p>	2011-04-11 18:32:37	\N	f	kais58	2011-05-02 14:16:11
132	Beach Party 2011	<p>It's that time of year again: The 20th Annual SUCS beach party will be held on Friday June 10th on the <a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion">beach near the Sketty Lane carpark:</a></p>\r\n<p><a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="Map showing the beach party locataion"><br /><img alt="SUCS Beach Party" height="294" src="" width="397" /></a><br /><br />Donations of burnable stuff are welcome.&nbsp; The party usually kicks off at about 19:00, but people will be around earlier to shift wood down to the beach so please lend a hand if you are able.<br /><br />Remember to bring your own food and drink, although some small quantity of food will be provided, and we'll have bbqs on the beach to cook it, so if you would like to donate additional food all donations welcome!</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you all there!!</p>	2011-05-20 14:42:16	\N	t	arthur	2011-06-11 13:24:38
133	Certificate change:	<p>The SSL certificate for has been updated.<br />The new certificate has the SHA-1 fingerprint &lrm;01:83:41:C3:8B:69:F4:CD:21:90:CC:63:D8:A3:5F:3C:47:BA:10:D8 and will expire on the 24/05/2012</p>	2011-05-24 20:02:41	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-06-01 16:19:40
135	Planned Maintenance: Upgrading Silver to Debian 6.0.1 (Squeeze) [Updated]	<p>SUCS main server, Silver, will be upgraded to the latest stable version of Debian on Tuesday 28th June at 12pm<br />SUCS services will be unavailable for portions of the upgrade process.<br />During any downtime, information will also be available on Milliways (while available), Outpost (see below) and the <a href="">society Twitter account</a></p>\r\n<hr />\r\n<p>Outpost is our alternative Milliways instance, and may be accessed by opening an ssh connection to, using the username bbs, password bbs. You will then be able to login to Milliways using your&nbsp; *Milliways* username and password. The password you have set for Milliways may not be the same as your login password - if you're&nbsp; not certain then login to Milliways on Silver prior to the planned downtime and ask for help.</p>\r\n<pre><br /></pre>	2011-06-21 13:28:51	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-06-28 15:48:29
137	Downtime on 2nd August	<p>SUCS services were unavailable between approximately 8:15am and 6:30pm on 2nd August 2011 due to a power outage in the SUCS room.</p>	2011-08-02 18:45:45	\N	t	dez	2011-08-29 21:08:15
138	Downtime on 19th August	<p>SUCS services were temporarily unavailable due to network issues.<br />The SUCSNet -&gt; gateway link has been reduced to 100Mbps until a replacement switch can be sourced. <br /> EDIT: this has now be fixed</p>	2011-08-21 18:59:15	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-08-29 21:08:06
136	Squeeze Upgrade	<p>All anticipated upgrade tasks have now been completed. Please report any problems to the admin committee by emailing admin &lt;AT&gt; </p>	2011-06-28 15:50:28	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-07-28 15:50:28
142	Upgrades and testing and stuff - 12-09-2011 and 13-09-2011	<p>There will be some disruption to SUCS services on these dates. The two main tasks are:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Replace caesium with a more recent machine (rubidium) \r\n<ul>\r\n<li>This will result in the games server and webcam being unavailable as well as all web access from SUCS machines. </li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</li>\r\n<li>Test the new UPS\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Some of the machines attached to the UPS will be configured to shutdown early in order to keep silver and gateway online longer in the event of a power failure. <br /></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>More information will be available on Milliways. If it all goes horribly wrong then updates will be available on Outpost and via the society twitter account&nbsp; (<a href="">@sucsexec</a>)</p>	2011-09-10 20:48:53	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-09-14 11:02:51
140	UPS Upgrade Downtime 2nd September	<p>SUCS services were temporarily unavailable for 30 mins from 1:45pm due upgrading the UPS.</p>	2011-09-02 15:00:52	\N	f	eclipse	2011-09-11 10:31:17
139	Planned Maintenance: Upgrading the UPS	<p>The SUCS UPS will be replaced on Friday 2nd September at 1:30pm. SUCS services will be unavailable for portions of the upgrade process.<br />During any downtime, information will also be available on Milliways (while available), Outpost (see below) and the <a href="">society Twitter account</a></p>\r\n<p>Outpost is our alternative Milliways instance, and may be accessed by opening an ssh connection to, using the username bbs, password bbs. You will then be able to login to Milliways using your&nbsp; *Milliways* username and password. The password you have set for Milliways may not be the same as your login password - if you're&nbsp; not certain then login to Milliways on Silver prior to the planned downtime and ask for help.</p>	2011-08-31 12:27:19	\N	f	eclipse	2011-09-02 15:00:56
141	Rebooted for kernel update - 10-09-2011	<p>Silver and gateway were rebooted for a kernel update at 7.30. Downtime was ~2 minutes</p>	2011-09-10 20:34:46	\N	t	tswsl1989	2011-09-22 15:50:05
145	Planned downtime - 2011-09-30	<p>Silver will be unavailable for a short period from 3pm in order to install a replacement hard drive. All SUCS services will be unavailable during this time. Updates will be posted on outpost. </p>\r\n<p>To log into outpost, SSH to using the password bbs . You can then log in using your Milliways username and password.</p>	2011-09-29 15:53:03	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-10-03 11:30:18
110	Loss of connectivity at 13:16 today	<p>Gateway's power supply blew at 13:16 today, disconnecting SUCS from the outside world.<br />All connectivity was restored by 13:38.</p>\r\n<p>Thanks to itsme, mistake, u1tramarine and Scorcher for the fast rebuild.</p>	2010-03-11 13:47:33	\N	t	tswsl1989	2010-03-17 20:51:54
147	Halloween and Lightning talks	<p>On halloween we are having the annual joint social with Sci-fi, anime, photography, wargaming, CLASH and RP. We will be in The Vault on the 31st of October.</p>\r\n<p>The Facebook event is <a href="">here</a>, and there's a link to The Vault on Google Streetview <a href="">here</a>, - if you have any questions just ask.</p>\r\n<p>The first SUCS lightning talks of the year will be taking place on Tuesday 1st November at 7pm in the 3rd Floor CS Board Room room in the Faraday building.</p>\r\n<p>Members give talks on a variety of topics. The talks are about 10 minutes in length. Any member is free to give a talk - if you're interested in doing so then it would be helpful if you could let the exec know in advance (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a>)</p>\r\n<p>A few of our earlier talks are available online at <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a></p>\r\n<p>SUCS Exec</p>	2011-10-24 13:47:02	\N	t	ed	2011-11-02 08:41:26
143	Welcome!	<p>Welcome to all our new members and welcome back to everyone else!</p>\r\n<p>Members looking to join or renew should come and find us at Freshers \r\nFayre. Anyone wanting to join or renew after Freshers should drop by the\r\n <a href="">Room</a> during the day (lunchtimes tend to be good) or email </p>\r\n<p>Help with using the services provided by SUCS is available <a href="">on our website</a>,\r\n along with various useful tools, such as a pastebin, URI shortener and \r\nWeb Mail. To access them, enter your SUCS account details in the login \r\nbox at the top right corner of <a href="">the website</a>.</p>\r\n<p>If you get stuck with anything or just want a chat, log on to <a href="">Milliways</a> - we don't bite (often&hellip;) :-)</p>\r\n<p>And of course, don't forget the SUCS room where you can connect your own computer or use one of ours. The room is on the <a href="">ground floor of the Student Union Building</a>.</p>	2011-09-22 17:34:29	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-10-17 10:55:51
179	HDD Replacement	<p>There will be a short period of downtime at <strong>**17:30** </strong>in order to fit a replacement for the failed hard drive that was removed from Silver last week. <br />Further details and times will be given on Milliways and via the societies facebook and twitter accounts (probably)<br />** - Updated</p>	2012-09-02 22:42:20	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-09-04 08:13:19
144	UPS calibration	<p>The UPS will be calibrated around lunchtime today. Proxy (rubidium) and tilesrv will be unavailable during this time. There may be a short period of downtime. More information will be available on Milliways.</p>	2011-09-24 11:51:52	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-09-24 13:14:21
148	Downtime 2011-10-25	<p>Silver was rebooted just after half past 3 today - it had become unresponsive and various attempts to improve the situation failed. Some SUCS services had been slow to respond or unreachable since around 3pm.</p>\r\n<p>Apologies for the inconvenience.</p>	2011-10-25 18:24:45	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-10-29 13:18:52
151	Lazerzone Social 2011-11-18	<p>Our next social will be at Laserzone. We will be meeting at 7pm on the \r\n18th outside Lazerzone, behind Pizza Express off Castle Square. </p>\r\n<p>A map \r\nshowing the location is available <a href="">here</a>, and a facebook \r\nevent is also available <a href="">here</a><br />You'll pay when you get there, it's &pound;3 per person for a 20 min game and we \r\nwill be playing around 2-3 games.\r\n<br />\r\n<br />Afterwards we'll be headed to a pub chosen by popular choice.\r\n<br />\r\nIf you're interested please email <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a>\r\n<br />Hope to see you there!</p>	2011-11-09 15:06:48	\N	f	ed	2011-11-20 11:05:43
156	Exec Elections 2012	<p>The time has come to elect the new SUCS exec for 2012.<br /><br />Nominations are now open, to nominate someone (or yourself) for a committee position email saying who and for which position. Candidates must receive at least 2 nominations, other than themselves, to stand for a position.<br /><br />The SUCS exec consists of:<br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; President: Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Treasurer: Deals with the society's accounts, and general financial administration.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secretary: Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Publicity Officer: Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.<br /><br />These positions are all non-technical, for more information on getting involved with SUCS admin email admin[AT]sucs[DOT]org. If there is more than one candidate for each position then a vote will be taken.<br /><br />Also those nominees who wish to have manifestos available to view during the election period must submit them to me before the voting session opens.<br /><br />All nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 2rd December. Voting will then commence from 12 midnight on the morning of Monday 5th December for a period of 1 week.<br /><br />To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at:<br /><br />Jessica Hunt (Snowdrake)<br /><br />Returning officer and current Treasurer</p>	2011-11-25 20:16:11	\N	t	snowdrake	2011-12-02 14:20:59
154	Fedora 16	<p>The SUCS Desktops were upgraded to Fedora 16 on Saturday - one of the more noticable changes of this upgrade is that we are now running GNOME 3.2 rather than the more familiar GNOME 2. It is possible to change the behaviour of the new Gnome Shell - look for Advanced Settings or run gnome-tweak-tool. KDE and XFCE desktop environments are also available - see the "Session" menu on the login screen if you'd like to give them a try.<br />If you encounter any problems or bugs, please let an admin know - if you can't find one in the room then email admin@ or visit <a href="">Milliways</a> and have a chat.</p>	2011-11-14 00:01:25	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-11-20 21:26:58
159	Hoodies and T-shirts.	<p>Hi everyone,<br />\r\nWe are collecting orders for SUCS hoodies and T-shirts. The hoodies are black with an embroidered SUCS logo on the front. The T-shirts are also black with a printed SUCS logo on the front.<br />\r\nPrices are &pound;15 for a hoodie, &pound;6 for a T-shirt, or &pound;20 if you want both.\r\n</p>\r\n<p> We will be placing the order over the Christmas break, so please send your order with your size and payment to the exec before midday on Friday 16th of December. An email will be sent out after Christmas to let you know when the order arrives.</p>\r\n<p>Hoodie sizes</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Small &ndash; Chest (34"-36")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>Medium &ndash; Chest (38"-40")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>Large &ndash; Chest (42"-44")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>X-Large &ndash; Chest (46"-48")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>XX-Large &ndash; Chest (50"-52")\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>T-shirt sizes\r\n</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Small &ndash; chest (35"-37")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>Medium &ndash; chest (38"-40")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>Large &ndash; chest (41"-43")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>X-Large &ndash; chest (44"-46")\r\n</li>\r\n<li>XX-Large &ndash; chest (47"-49")\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Any questions, just drop me an email, <br />Ed, Secretary</p>	2011-12-02 14:38:11	\N	t	ed	2011-12-18 23:07:13
150	Lightning Talks available to watch on demand	<p>Video from the lightning talks held on 1st November has now been uploaded. Enjoy talks on a wide range of topics including neutrinos, Bertrand Russell and the history of SUCS now at <a href=""></a></p>	2011-11-02 10:06:43	\N	t	dez	2011-11-09 16:39:56
153	F16 Upgrade	<p>We will be upgrading the desktops to Fedora 16 on Saturday (12th November) from 10am<br />Desktop on demand will be unavailable during the upgrade process. <br />If you're interested in getting involved, pop down to the room on Saturday</p>	2011-11-09 16:45:33	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-11-13 18:07:25
149	Lightning Talks live stream	<p>The SUCS Lightning Talks, starting at 7pm today, will be streamed live. Please go to <a href="" target="_self"></a> to choose the version of the stream you would like to use. Remote users can discuss the talks and ask questions on <a href="" target="_blank">Milliways</a>.</p>	2011-11-01 18:25:40	\N	t	dez	2011-11-01 21:05:02
161	Happy New Year	<p>Happy New Year!<br />Everything seems to be working, and the new committee haven't decided what's going on yet<br />Many thanks to this year's committee, and best of luck to their successors :)</p>	2011-12-25 17:22:25	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-01-11 14:07:52
155	Admin Meeting	<p>There will be an admin meeting on Monday 21/11 at 7.30pm in the Marino Room in Fulton House.<br />The meeting is open to all members of the society, particularly those interested in getting involved with the technical side of things.<br /> Among other things, we will be discussing buying a new server.</p>\r\n<p>The Marino Room is on the second floor of Fulton House. From JCs, head \r\nacross the balcony overlooking the canteen - it's the room just beyond the set of double doors at the far end.<br /></p>	2011-11-20 21:30:50	\N	f	tswsl1989	2011-11-24 15:55:24
158	Welcome the SUCS Exec for 2012	<p>Nominations for the SUCS Exec are now closed and due to uncontested nominations the SUCS Exec of 2012 are as follows</p>\r\n<p>President&nbsp;&nbsp; Edward Smith (~Ed)</p>\r\n<p>Treasurer&nbsp;&nbsp; Safi Dewish (~zephyr)</p>\r\n<p>Secretary&nbsp;&nbsp; Robert James (~rjames93)</p>\r\n<p>Congratulations and Good Luck to the new Exec who take over on January 1st.</p>\r\n<p>Jessica Hunt&nbsp; (~snowdrake)&nbsp; Returning Officer</p>	2011-12-02 14:28:26	\N	t	snowdrake	2011-12-25 17:16:16
160	Meal this Saturday	<p>Hi some of us will be going for a meal at Miahs this Saturday at 7:00 PM. Afterwards we will head down to the pub probably the potters wheel.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nMiahs is in the converted church on the corner of st Helens road and st Helens avenue, open street map here<br />\r\n<a href=""></a><br />\r\n<br />\r\nAny questions drop me an email.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nEd SUCS secretary </p>	2011-12-06 15:02:48	\N	t	ed	2011-12-12 12:36:45
162	Unscheduled Downtime on 11 Janurary	<p>Due to mysterious circumstances SUCS would have been unavailable externally from around 13:00-13:55, we apologise for any inconvenience during this time.</p>	2012-01-11 14:07:37	\N	f	rjames93	2012-01-18 12:22:27
164	End of Exams Celebration.	<p>It's the end of exams and so time for celebrations/drowning our sorrows<br /><br />We will be meeting this Saturday (21/01/12) at 19:30 in the Potters Wheel for food and drink. It would be good to see everyone out.</p>	2012-01-19 00:31:52	\N	t	ed	2012-01-22 16:11:22
163	Planned and potential downtime 	<p>SUCS services will be unavailable for approximately 1 hour on Monday the 23rd . The downtime should begin at 11:00.<br />It is also possible that SUCS will be unavailable for short periods of time on Sunday 22nd due to work in the Library machine room.</p>\r\n<p>The planned downtime is to make changes to our LDAP directory in order to improve security and reliability and to avoid future compatibility problems.<br />More information will be available on Outpost and probably via the society \r\ntwitter account&nbsp; (<a href="">@sucsexec</a>).<br />To access Outpost, connect to using the username and password bbs.You will then be able to log in using your Milliways credentials. If you cannot remember you Milliways password then login to Milliways on silver prior to the downtime</p>	2012-01-18 12:12:21	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-01-24 19:50:55
165	Many thanks.	<p>The downtime on 23/01/2012 was performed in a smooth and efficient manner by tswsl1989, we thank him for giving his time to perform necessary maintenance.</p>	2012-01-24 11:10:41	\N	t	rjames93	2012-02-03 12:31:23
167	Lightning Talks - also available live online (maybe)	<p>If everything goes to plan, the lightning talks on Thursday (16th) should be available live at <a href=""></a><br />If you can't make it and want to ask questions or discuss the talks, feel free to login to <a href="">Milliways</a> - someone will be keeping an eye out during the talks to pass questions on.<br />For those of you who can make it, I look forward to seeing you there!</p>	2012-02-15 12:38:46	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-02-20 13:28:40
166	Lightning talks and AGM	<p>The first SUCS lightning talk of the year will be taking place on \r\nThursday 16th February at 18:00 in the Robert Recorde room, and our AGM will take place two weeks later on Thursday 1st of March at 18:00, also in the \r\nRobert Recorde room.</p>\r\n<p>Lightning talks are about 10 minutes long and tend to cover a wide range of \r\ntopics.\r\nIf you're interested in giving a talk, feel free! If you can let a \r\nmember of the exec know in advance then that helps us organise the \r\nnight. A few of our earlier talks are available online at \r\n<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a> if you want an idea of what sort of \r\ntopics we've covered in the past.</p>\r\n<p>Any motions for the AGM need to be submitted to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> \r\nby Thursday the 23rd of February.\r\n<br /></p>	2012-02-03 12:34:35	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-02-15 12:38:55
168	SUCS AGM	<p>The SUCS Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 1st of March at 18:00, in the \r\nRobert Recorde room.</p>\r\n<p>Any motions for the AGM need to be submitted to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> \r\nby Thursday the 23rd of February.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>The AGM is open to all members who want to see some of the inner workings of the society and help make decisions for the future.</p>	2012-02-20 11:30:40	\N	t	zephyr	2012-03-02 10:37:47
171	T-shirts and photos	<p>Hi everyone,\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\nWe are collecting orders for SUCS T-shirts. The T-shirts are \r\nblack with a printed SUCS logo on the front, they will cost approximately &pound;6.\r\n<br />\r\nThis order will be placed at lunch time on Monday 19/3/2012 - payment \r\nwill be required by the Friday lunchtime social on the 16th (JCs coffee \r\nside at 1pm until 2-ish or until people get bored) <br />\r\n<br />\r\nT-shirt sizes\r\n<br />\r\nSmall &ndash; chest (35"-37")\r\n<br />\r\nMedium &ndash; chest (38"-40")\r\n<br />\r\nLarge &ndash; chest (41"-43")\r\n<br />\r\nX-Large &ndash; chest (44"-46")\r\n<br />\r\nXX-Large &ndash; chest (47"-49")\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\nI'm also (still) trying to gather photos for the wall at the back of the\r\n room, can anyone who has any either send them to me by email or place \r\nthem somewhere i can access and point me in the right direction.<br />\r\n<br />\r\nAny questions, just drop an to</p>	2012-03-05 18:40:21	\N	t	ed	2012-03-22 22:08:57
169	UPS Battery Replacement	<p>There will be a period of downtime tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon in order to replace UPS batteries, beginning at 3pm. <br />This will probably involve two short periods of downtime, each about 10 minutes long.<br />Each shutdown will be announced on Milliways and via the society twitter account (<a href="">@sucsexec</a>)<br />Apologies for the short notice</p>	2012-02-20 13:42:59	\N	t	tswsl1989	2012-02-22 12:52:56
170	Network Outage 2012-03-02	<p>SUCS services were unavailable from off campus between 23:30 yesterday and shortly after 08:00 this morning, due to problems with the university's network connection.</p>	2012-03-02 10:42:13	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-03-05 18:40:37
172	Unplanned downtime 2012-03-22	<p><span>Silver was rebooted shortly after 21:30 today as&nbsp;it had become unresponsive and various attempts to improve the situation failed. Some SUCS services had been slow to respond or unreachable since around 20:45</span></p>	2012-03-22 22:12:50	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-04-16 10:24:10
173	Beach party	<p>The annual SUCS beach party will take place on Saturday the 2nd June. We will be starting at around 19:00 though people will be around to set up before hand, any help would be appreciated.</p>\r\n<p>We will be on the beach near the junction between Mumbles road and Sketty lane, <a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="here">here</a>. Everyone is welcome especially if you can bring burnable items for the fire. Please remember to bring your own food and drink for the BBQ.</p>\r\n<p>We hope to see you all there.</p>\r\n<p>The exec</p>	2012-04-20 18:35:04	\N	t	ed	2012-06-03 08:00:00
174	Minor disruption 2012-06-24	<p>Some SUCS services were unavailable or slow to respond between 19:15 and 19:40. Hosted websites and the society Jabber server were taken offline until Silver recovered.<br />All SUCS services should now be operating normally</p>	2012-06-24 19:46:01	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-06-29 15:42:09
175	Downtime 2012-07-08	<p>SUCS services will be unavailable for a few hours on Sunday July 8th in order to swap the SGI rack for the new replacement.<br />The work to rearrange the room will begin around 11, which may result in desktop on demand being unavailable. Downtime for all other services will be kept to a minimum.<br />Email will be held at outpost and redelivered after services are brought back online. <br /><br />More information will be available on Outpost and probably via the society \r\ntwitter account&nbsp; (<a href="">@sucsexec</a>).<br />To\r\n access Outpost, connect to using the username and \r\npassword bbs.You will then be able to log in using your Milliways \r\ncredentials. If you cannot remember you Milliways password then login to\r\n Milliways on Silver before the downtime begins</p>	2012-06-29 15:42:05	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-07-08 20:00:46
176	Upgrades and stuff	<p>Today's maintenance is complete - Silver, gw and rubidium have all been moved to the new rack. Total downtime was just over two hours.<br />Krypton, Argon, Iodine, Fluorine and Chlorine and Xenon are turned off, and will remain turned off for the rest of the summer. Helium and Bromine are available via Desktop on Demand, SSH or for use in the room. <br />There may be some further downtime between now and September to rearrange the room - more details will get posted here. <br />Until then, enjoy the summer!</p>	2012-07-08 20:00:37	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-08-08 20:00:37
199	Downtime: 2013-10-14	<p>SUCS services will be unavailable for a short period after 9pm while silver is rebooted.</p>	2013-10-14 18:12:45	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-10-14 22:25:10
180	A big welcome to the new members.	<p>First of all a huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make sure that Freshers Fayre went as smoothly as possible. So on with business, to remind any existing members and to tell all our new members that our weekly socials are in JCs at 1pm on Fridays, we hope you can bring some friends along too (we don't bite). The official Meet n Greet is now officially booked for JCs Coffee Side on Wednesday 3rd October at 7pm.&nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;Last but certainly not least, we have the first SUCS Minecraft event!!! For those of you who are new to the society we have a communal games server, which we are planning on using to our advantage from now on. &nbsp;More on this event to come, including a list of what you need to bring.</p>	2012-09-28 12:03:44	\N	t	rjames93	2012-10-16 21:55:43
181	Lightning Talks and Upcoming Events	<p>Hey Guys, the next batch of Lightning Talks are due to take place in the\r\n Robert Recorde Room in Faraday Building on Thursday 18th October at \r\n6pm. The talks are about 5-10 minutes in length, and can be on any \r\nsubject. Any member is free to give a talk.</p>\r\n<p>A few of our earlier talks are available online at <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="" target="_blank"></a></p>\r\n<p>\r\nOur Halloween social this year will be the same deal as last: The Dungeon of Dance - Costume Ball. The \r\nfacebook event is <a href="">here</a>, and there's a link to The Vault on Google \r\nStreetview <a href="">here</a>, - if you have any questions just ask.<br />It will cost &pound;3.00 on the door.</p>	2012-10-16 14:49:26	\N	t	rjames93	2012-11-05 13:28:26
178	Welcome Back	<p>I know that not everyone is back off their holidays yet but it's that time of year again. We are busy planning the Freshers Fayre stall and some social activities for October.</p>\r\n<p>For those of you who want to take an active role with SUCS this year we have plenty of jobs for you to be doing. We know that the Freshers Fayre tent is going to be hectic again this year so we are asking for volunteers to help make the job more palatable. We have a facebook event just for it <a href="">here</a>&nbsp;and for those of you who don't have or use Facebook a direct link to the volunteering form can be found <a href="">here</a>&nbsp;or if that still doesn't float your boat give us an email at exec@ and we will be right back to you.</p>\r\n<p>A word about the Lightning talks, the provisional date for these is the 18th of October. If this is an issue and you were planning on giving a talk, a quick email to exec@ will help us sort that out. Again information about the Lightning talks can be found on Facebook <a href="">here</a>&nbsp;and on the SUCS site as more information becomes available. &nbsp;If you are new to the site you can check out previous lightning talks <a href="">here</a>.</p>\r\n<p>Any other questions give us an email at exec@ and we will endevour to deal with it</p>\r\n<p>We hope you've all had a good holiday.<br /><br />Cheers,<br />The Exec</p>	2012-08-29 14:39:07	\N	t	rjames93	2012-09-29 14:39:07
182	Nominations open for 2013 Executive Committee	<p>The time has come to elect the new SUCS exec for 2013.<br /><br />Nominations are now open, to nominate someone (or yourself) for a committee \r\nposition email vote[AT]sucs[DOT]org saying who and for which position. \r\nCandidates must receive at least 2 nominations, other than themselves, to stand for a position.</p>\r\n<p>The SUCS exec consists of:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>President</strong>: Figurehead of the Society, and general administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Treasurer</strong>: Deals with the society's accounts, and general financial administration.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Secretary</strong>: Deals with paperwork, and takes minutes during meetings.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Publicity Officer</strong>: Deals with posters and other publicity materials, and generally publicises the society.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>These positions are all non-technical, for more information on \r\ngetting involved with SUCS admin email admin[AT]sucs[DOT]org. If there \r\nis more than one candidate for each position then a vote will be taken.<br /><br />All\r\n nominations must be submitted by 12 noon on Friday 30th November. \r\nVoting will then commence from 12 midnight on the morning of Monday 3rd December for a period of 1 week.<br />Next years executive will be announced on Monday 10th December</p>\r\n<p><br />To keep up-to-date with election news and to read candidate manifestos, visit the Election Blog, at:</p>	2012-11-23 13:44:14	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-11-30 20:52:19
177	Downtime 2012-08-28	<p><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">There will be a short (~15 minute) downtime later today in order to remove a failed hard drive from silver.<br /></span><strong>Update: </strong>All done, hard drive has been returned to Seagate for replacement (again)<span style="text-decoration: line-through;"><br /></span></p>	2012-08-28 08:05:48	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-09-04 08:14:18
183	Executive Committee elections for 2013 - Part 1	<p>At the close of nominations, the following candidates were nominated in accordance with the SUCS constitution:<br /><strong>President:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Robert James (~rjames93)</li>\r\n<li>Robert Fletcher (~robrotheram)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>Publicity:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Jake Bailey (~melonxhead)<br /></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>As such, Jake Bailey is elected to the post of Publicity Officer for 2013.<br />A vote for the role of president will take place between Midnight on the 3rd of December and 23:59 on Sunday the 9th.<br />Nominations for the posts of Secretary and Treasurer are extended until 5pm on Friday the 7th. Candidates are reminded that they must receive at least <strong>2</strong> nominations, other than themselves, to stand for a position.</p>	2012-11-30 20:52:00	\N	f	tswsl1989	2012-12-10 13:12:07
184	Election Time	<p>Votes for the presidency can now be cast by all student members by logging into the SUCS website.<br />Nominations are still being accepted for the roles of secretary and treasurer&nbsp; - see the previous posts for more information</p>	2012-12-03 10:39:31	\N	t	tswsl1989	2012-12-10 13:12:00
185	Welcome to (most of) the SUCS Exec for 2013	<p>The vote for next year's SUCS president has now finished. Nominations were received for the roles of secretary and publicity officer during the respective nomination periods, and the candidates for those positions were elected unopposed.<br />The SUCS executive committee for 2013 will be:</p>\r\n<p><strong>President: </strong>Robert James (~rjames93)<strong><br />Treasurer: </strong>To be determined (see below)<br /><strong>Secretary: </strong>Lorah Woodward (~shirelings89)<br /><strong>Publicity Officer:</strong> Jake Bailey (~melonxhead)<br /><br />As no candidate for the role of treasurer was nominated by the \r\ndeadline, nominations for this role will remain open until 5pm on Friday\r\n the 7th of January, with an election to follow.<br />Our current treasurer, \r\nSafi (~Zephyr) will continue in post until after that election has been \r\nheld.<br /><br />Congratulations to all successful candidates and the best of luck for 2013!</p>	2012-12-10 13:25:02	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-01-08 10:47:29
187	Lightning Talks	<p>The first SUCS lightning talks of the year will be taking place on \r\nThursday 21st February at 6pm in the Robert Recorde room in the Faraday \r\nbuilding.\r\n<br />\r\n<br />Members give talks on a variety of topics. The talks are about 5-10 \r\nminutes in length, and can be on any subject. Any member is free to give \r\na talk - if you're interested in doing so then it would be helpful (but \r\nnot mandatory) if you could let the exec know in advance \r\n(<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a>).\r\n<br />\r\n<br />A few of our earlier talks are available online at \r\n<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href=""></a>\r\n<br />\r\n<br />\r\n<br />If you have questions about either of these events, just ask or drop an \r\nemail to <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a>.\r\n<br /></p>	2013-02-05 18:00:10	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-02-21 20:12:19
186	Oh look, it's January already	<p>Nominations for treasurer have (finally) closed, and we now have a complete commitee for 2013:</p>\r\n<p><strong>President: </strong>Robert James (~rjames93)<strong><br />Treasurer: </strong>Michael Dec (~grepwood)<br /><strong>Secretary: </strong>Lorah Woodward (~shirelings89)<br /><strong>Publicity Officer:</strong> Jake Bailey (~melonxhead)</p>\r\n<p>Well done, and good luck to them for the next twelve months</p>	2013-01-08 10:52:14	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-02-06 18:00:07
189	Varnished election coverage.	<p>As some of you might have heard, the final week of the students' union sabbatical elections is here. SUCS will be running the live coverage of the hustings on Monday, with the results being announced on Thursday evening.<br />In an attempt to avoid disruption to SUCS services due to the extra traffic we're likely to see this week, all sites hosted on are now being served via an instance of Varnish (a caching proxy) on rubidium. This may mean that updates to hosted websites will be delayed, but should stop everything grinding to a halt as it did last year. </p>\r\n<p>If you encounter any problems accessing a hosted website, please email admin@ or visit <a href="">Milliways</a></p>	2013-03-03 10:33:19	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-03-27 17:51:10
188	SMTP on port 587	<p>In order to accommodate those of you with inept ISPs, we are now offering SMTP on port 587 in addition to port 25.<br />If available in your email client, enable TLS or STARTTLS to use a secure connection</p>	2013-02-06 18:06:09	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-03-03 10:36:16
190	Swansea Hackspace project	<p>Swansea Hackspace project, building a community workshop and meeting space for those that like to tinker, build, create and learn about technology.</p>\r\n<p>Introductory Meeting 7pm 2nd April, Vivian Arms, Sketty.</p>\r\n<p><a href=""><br /></a></p>	2013-04-01 21:18:47	\N	f	arthur	2013-04-15 11:24:42
192	Beach Party 2013	<p>It's that time of year again. Beach party is going to be on Saturday June 1st 2013.</p>\r\n<p>As usual, we need people to help find and arrange for wood to be available on the day to keep us going throughout the night.</p>\r\n<p>A few drinks and good company will keep us powered through the night (weather permitting) ready for our breakfasts on Sunday morning at the Uplands Diner.</p>\r\n<p>As usual we are going to be in this general area.</p>\r\n<p>;mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15</p>\r\n<p>As usual, SUCS will be providing a small amount of food (no drinks I'm afraid) so you will have to bring your own to supplement this.</p>\r\n<p>Anyone who wants to help with the planning and organisation of the event can contact exec@</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you there!</p>	2013-05-09 22:09:37	\N	t	rjames93	2013-06-09 22:09:37
191	Swansea Hackspace Lightning Talks	<p>Swansea Hackspace are holding a set of Lightning Talks at the university at 7pm on Monday the 22nd in the Marino Room, Fulton House.<br />Talks can be up to 10 minutes long and anyone interested in giving one should email <br /><br />For more information, and to keep up to date with the Hackspace project, visit <a href="">the website</a> and <a href="">join the mailing list</a>.<br />There is also a <a href="">facebook page</a> that can be used to promote the group, but the mailing list is where most discussions take place</p>	2013-04-15 11:30:55	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-05-09 22:09:58
193	It's Summer Time!	<p>In case you hadn't noticed, it's summer! For everyone who had exams, I hope they went well. Many of you are aware that we have been slowly aquiring new equipment over the last few weeks/months to perform an upgrade on Silver. We plan to do this with as little downtime as possible but if anything goes missing we apologise in advance.</p>\r\n<p>We are already looking for volunteers to help us with Freshers Fayre. Be it ideas about our first semester socials or handing out flyers inside the Freshers Marquee we are always looking.</p>\r\n<p>I hope everyone has a good summer and comes back ready to 'aquire' Freshers.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>	2013-06-14 18:19:49	\N	t	rjames93	2013-07-14 18:19:49
194	Planned Downtime: 14-09-2013	<p>The main SUCS server, silver, will be moved to new hardware this weekend. It will also be upgraded to the latest stable version of Debian.<br />\r\nDuring the upgrade on Saturday, SUCS services will be unavailable. This includes:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Desktop on Demand</li>\r\n<li>Email</li>\r\n<li>Database access</li>\r\n<li>Hosted websites</li>\r\n<li>Jabber/XMPP</li>\r\n<li>Milliways</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>\r\nas well as all other SUCS services. Emails sent to SUCS accounts during this period will be held on Outpost and delivered when normal service is resumed.</p>\r\n<p>There may also be some shorter periods of disruption after the upgrade has been completed while servers are physically moved in preparation for Freshers Week and the start of term.</p>\r\n<p>Users are invited to join Outpost, our backup Milliways instance, during the upgrade. Information will also be made available via our <a href="">Facebook</a> and <a href="">Twitter</a> accounts.\r\n</p>	2013-09-10 17:06:05	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-09-15 15:09:52
196	Meet And Greet Tonight!	<p>We are having a Meet and Greet event tonight [02/10] in JCs coffee side to get to know the new people in the society and just generally hang&nbsp;<br />out. We will be in JCs from 7pm till 9pm, and some of us will probably stay later.<br /><br />If you aren't sure where JCs is, it is on the second floor of Fulton House and we will be on the side of the bar with all the sofas.<br /><br />The porters at the front of Fulton House will be happy to direct you if you're really lost :)<br /><br />Come say hi!</p>	2013-10-01 20:07:25	\N	f	hazmo	2013-10-03 11:06:36
200	Important Maintenance Notice	<p>Last week, backup suffered a single drive failure and suffered a second drive failure during the rebuild this week. As such is out of commission until further notice.</p>\r\n<p><strong>As such it is important that users continue to back up important information to other locations.</strong></p>	2013-11-08 13:09:08	\N	t	worldinsideme	2013-12-19 10:38:47
198	Lightning and lasers	<p>Our \r\nnext Lightning Talks session will be in the Robert Recorde room in Faraday block on the 17th October at 6pm. This is an \r\nevent we hold every few months, where members of the society give short \r\ntalks about what they're currently working on, or just something that \r\nthey're interested in. Anyone can give a talk, if you're interested just \r\nsend an email to <span class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"></span> saying what your name is and what you'd \r\nlike to give a talk on.<br /> There is a Facebook event <a href="">here</a></p>\r\n<p>The next evening, the 18th October, at 8pm we are having our \r\nreorganised Laserzone event. The Facebook event page is still there with \r\nthe updated date, so if people could click attending so we can get an \r\nidea of numbers that would be great. It can be found <a href="">here</a><span class="moz-txt-link-freetext">. </span>If you don't have Facebook or prefer not to use it, email \r\nand we'll count you in <span class="moz-smiley-s1" title=":)"></span>\r\n</p>	2013-10-11 10:37:29	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-10-22 10:07:28
195	We're back!	<p>After a longer than expected period of downtime, SUCS services have now been resumed on our new server. As well as moving to new hardware, we have also upgraded to the Debian 7.1 Wheezy.<br />Services should function as before, unless noted below. If something is no longer working, please let us know by emailing admin at</p>\r\n<p><strong>Known Issues/Notable changes</strong>:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>PHP, Python and most other software has been updated</li>\r\n<li>The default apache configuration has changed slightly. Let us know if you notice problems with any websites.<br />The largest change is that we are no longer running suhosin - although this isn't expected to cause any problems</li>\r\n<li>PHP have removed support for the option "allow_call_time_ pass_reference"<br />If you have a custom php.ini file, this entry will need to be removed. <br /></li>\r\n<li>SUID perl scripts are no longer supported<br />&nbsp;</li>\r\n</ul>	2013-09-15 15:04:50	\N	f	tswsl1989	2013-10-02 12:52:07
197	SUCS Make Lab - Introductory session	<p>SUCS Make Lab &amp; Swansea Hackspace - Introduction to Microcontrollers.</p>\r\n<p>7pm Monday 7th October, Lecture Room 1, Fulton House</p>\r\n<h5 class="uiStreamMessage userContentWrapper"><span class="messageBody"><span class="userContent">This is the first in a new season of talks and workshops on building, modifying and otherwise hacking on your own projects. <span class="text_exposed_show"><br /> <br />\r\n This session will be an introduction to a few of the popular \r\nMicrocontrollers on the market and how they can be used to control and \r\ncomputerise your projects and ideas. We will also cover the planned \r\nseries of workshops which will be hands on teaching how to construct and\r\n use such simple circuits and take you get to take them home.<br /> <br /> These sessions are free and open to everyone, please invite anyone you feel might be interested.</span></span></span></h5>	2013-10-03 16:38:37	\N	f	arthur	2013-10-09 09:03:52
201	Swansea Hackspace Technical Meeting	<p><strong>7pm Monday 2nd December 2013</strong><br />\r\n<strong>Volcano Theatre, 229 High Street, Swansea.</strong><br /><br />\r\nA hands on workshop teaching the basics of using small, cheap computing devices to build circuits that can automate and interact with the physical world. This session will be covering the Getting Started (buttons and lights) and Communications (serial ports) tutorials.</p>\r\n<p>Participants will need to bring their Starter Kit and a suitable laptop, it would be advisable to download and install the software in advance (links on the website). I have a few loan kits for anyone that doesn't already have a Starter \r\nKit.</p>\r\n<p>Bonus Activity: To help demonstrate that this isn't just an electronics club, and that we want to embrace all of the creative maker community, we shall also be running an informal intro to Crochet for those that want have a go.</p>\r\n<p>These events are open to the public, no membership, tickets, or fees require.</p>	2013-11-26 15:32:57	\N	f	arthur	2013-12-03 12:01:20
203	Backup unavailable	<p>Users are reminded that the SUCS backup server is still unavailable while we fix it's filesystem. Users should make sure that they have their own backups of anything important stored on SUCS.<br />But you all do that already, right?</p>	2013-12-19 10:41:15	\N	f	tswsl1989	2014-01-19 10:41:15
202	Election results	<p>The election results are in and Priyan Gami (stig) is our new Treasurer, congratulations!</p>\r\n<p>This means that next years executive committee is:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>President: Imran Hussain (imranh)</li>\r\n<li>Treasurer: Priyan Gami (stig)</li>\r\n<li>Secretary: Calum Mark Phillips (nenenxi)</li>\r\n<li>Publicity: Samuel Joseph Bust-Webber (sambw)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Well done to all candidates, enjoy your holidays and best of luck to everybody with their exams in January.</p>	2013-12-18 13:33:36	\N	t	worldinsideme	2014-01-18 13:33:36
204	Planned Maintenance: 2014-01-25	<p>Our gateway machine will be upgraded to the latest stable version of Debian (Wheezy) on Saturday afternoon. This means that SUCS services will be unavailable for a short period of time while the machine is rebooted for a kernel update.</p>	2014-01-24 16:26:42	\N	f	tswsl1989	2014-01-27 13:06:21
205	Backup is back up	<p>Good news everybody. Our backup server is back in the Computer Science department and fully operational!</p>\r\n<p>I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that you should have backup copies of your important files in multiple places and that relying solely on SUCS for backup is not recommended.</p>	2014-02-26 13:11:00	\N	f	imranh	2014-03-05 12:29:06
206	Coming up next	<p>We have our Annual General Members meeting on <strong>Monday the 17th of March</strong>. It will be held in the Robert Recorde room, which is Faraday 205, at 6PM. An email with the agenda for the AGM will be going out on <strong>Monday the 10th of March</strong>.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nOn <strong>Thursday the 20th of March</strong> we have a Lightning talks session. Which will be held in the Robert Recorde room, Faraday 205, at 6PM.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>For those of you who are unaware of what lightning talks are. Members give talks on a variety of topics. The talks are about 5-10 minutes in length, and can be on any subject. Any member is free to give a talk - if you're interested in doing so then it would be helpful (but not mandatory) if you could let the exec know in advance (exec at\r\n</p>\r\n<p>A few of our earlier talks are available online at</p>	2014-03-05 12:28:19	\N	f	imranh	2014-03-10 19:55:16
207	2014 AGM Agenda	<p>For those of you that have yet to discover email here's the agenda for the AGM taking place next Monday, that's the <strong>17th of March at 6PM</strong> in Faraday 205 (Robert Recorde room).</p>\r\n<p>0. Welcome<br />1. Present/Apologies<br />2. Confirm last AGMs minutes<br />3. Treasurer report<br />4. Secretary report<br />5. Publicity Officer report<br />6. President &ndash; Ask me almost anything<br />7. Discussion of hardware (desktops, osmium, backup, door, printer)<br />8. Discussion of software (Fedora 20, door, pykota)<br />9. Discussion of the room (whiteboard, clean up, noise, heat)<br />10. Price for printing &ndash; Minimum of 2p per page<br />11. Discussion/suggestion of future events<br />n. Any other business</p>\r\n<p>If you're thinking "Huh A-G-M???". The Annual General Members meeting (AGM) gives members of the society an opportunity to help decide on what the society does and focuses on for the next year. It also gives people an chance to bring up an issues or concerns they might have.</p>	2014-03-10 19:55:04	\N	f	imranh	2014-03-18 09:20:36
208	Party Time	<p>The annual SUCS beach party will take place on Saturday the 7th June.\r\n We will be starting at around 19:00 though people will be around to set\r\n up before hand, any help would be appreciated.</p>\r\n<p>We will be on the beach near the junction between Mumbles road and Sketty lane, <a href=";mlon=-3.98297&amp;zoom=15" title="here">here</a>.\r\n Everyone is welcome especially if you can bring burnable items for the \r\nfire. Please remember to bring your own food and drink for the BBQ.</p>\r\n<p>We hope to see you all there.</p>	2014-06-03 14:17:31	\N	t	imranh	2014-06-08 08:57:06
209	The day after	<p><span style="line-height: 1.4em;">Thanks to everyone who showed up.</span></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>It was good.</p>	2014-06-08 08:58:24	\N	f	imranh	2014-06-12 11:30:55
210	SWAMP Fest, Sat 11 Oct	<p><strong>South WAles Makers &amp; Programmers</strong> present <strong>SWAMP Fest</strong></p>\r\n<p>10am - 5pm Saturday 11th October 2014</p>\r\n<p>TechHub Swansea, 11 Wind Street, Swansea, SA1 1DP</p>\r\n<p>A day of workshops, tutorials talks, stands and exhibitions of everything that is making, coding, tinkering, and crafting. Workshops include 3D Printing,&nbsp; Chain Maille, Soldering, Raspberry Pi, Minecraft, Sugru, Machine Sewing, and Arduino. Plus stalls, exhibitions and talks on a variety of subjects.</p>\r\n<p>Free Tickets and full schedule on <a href=""></a></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>	2014-10-07 21:47:49	\N	f	arthur	2014-10-11 21:41:05
211	When things went missing	<p>\r\nIt saddens me that the first news post I make of this academic year is about a data corruption incident.</p>\r\n<p>On Friday the 10th of October some of you may have noticed that silver (our main server) went away for a bit, and so did your files. What happened was that sometime during Wednesday the 8th of October the part of the server where we keep your (and our) files got corrupted, we didn't notice. Maybe if we had noticed then this wouldn't have been so bad, maybe. However for the next 2 days or so, random files and data were being erased, overwrite or just not being written.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWhen we finally noticed on the morning of Friday the 10th we took the server offline, after examining the damage we decided the best course of action was to wipe everything and restore from a backup. Due to the fact that files were being randomly written to etc.. the last backup that we had and that we also trusted was taken on the morning of the 8th. That has been restored and you should all now have the vast majority of your files back.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>The file restoration process is still going on and at a later date we shall make the backups from the 9th and the 10th available to you all, these are to be used at your own risk as we cannot guarantee that they are what you think they are. Instructions on how to access them will be posted later, watch this space.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>We have taken steps to prevent data corruption potentially becoming so bad in the future, upon detecting an error, file systems will be remounted as read only and only after an admin has examined the situation will they become available for writing again.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nIn the occurrence of unexpected downtime places like facebook ( and twitter ( are where we will post updates.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nI would also like to remind  that you should have anything important backed up in multiple places.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThanks,\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Imran</p>	2014-10-11 21:35:00	\N	t	imranh	2014-10-30 17:53:42
212	Election Time!	<p>Hello,<br /><br />It's that time of year again where the sun isn't out, the birds aren't singing, and it's very wet. What am I talking about? I hear you cry, Elections!<br /><br />Interested in helping shape Swansea University's Society of the Year? Good then keep on reading! :)<br /><br />If you have been a student member from at least the 1st of November and are expecting to still be a student in September of 2015 then you can run!<br /><br />Nominations for positions on the executive committee, which lasts a whole calendar year, will be open on the 15th of November at 00:00, that's this Saturday, and will end on the 28th of November at 23:59. The standard rules apply, to be nominated for a position you must have 2 other student members put your name forward, an email must be sent to Those students must have been members from 2 weeks before nominations open, so the 1st of November in this case.<br /><br />Here's a list of positions and what you can expect to be doing:<br /><br />NONE OF THESE POSITIONS ARE TECHNICAL ROLES. NO EXPERIENCE WITH COMPUTERS REQUIRED.<br /><br />President (<br />* Responsible for the overall running of the society.<br />* A spokesperson for the society, able to promote the society&rsquo;s interests in outside circles. The main point of contact for liaison with the SU.<br />* Responsible for calling committee meetings and full society meetings.<br />* Supporting the other committee members in their roles.<br />* Joint responsibility (with Treasurer) of authorising all payments.<br />* Ensure that the aims and objectives are being achieved.<br /><br />Treasurer (<br />* Responsible for the financial affairs of the society.<br />* Manage a record of the society&rsquo;s finances.<br />* Able to present the finances of the society to the Societies and Services Officer upon request.<br />* Joint responsibility (with President) of authorising all payments.<br />* Leading on applications for grant funding (with President).<br />* Requesting cheques/petty cash/bank transfers from the Finance Office.<br /><br />Secretary (<br />* Responsible for the administration of the society.<br />* Minute-taker for all meetings of the committee and the whole society.<br />* Responsible for notifying members of Annual General Meetings/Elections.<br />* Maintain all records of the society.<br /><br />Publicity (<br />* Responsible for organising society events<br />* Working with the president to complete room bookings<br />* Promoting the society<br />* Be the societies PR person<br /><br />Once the nominations have closed the mandatory 2 day break will be enforced. Online voting will begin on 01/12/2014 at 00:00 and will close on 07/12/2014 at 23:59.<br /><br />Our returning officer is Nicholas Corlett (worldinsideme) so any queries should be directed at him via the email address All the election rules can be found in our constitution which is at<br /><br />Good luck and have fun!</p>	2014-11-10 14:37:16	\N	t	imranh	2014-11-30 16:58:07
213	Executive Elections 2015	<p><span>Greetings!</span><br /><br /><span>The nomination period for the executive elections for 2015 has now closed, so it's time for the elections. OK, one election.</span><br /><br /><span>The only contested position this year is Secretary, which will be contested between Stuart John Watson (~ripp_) and Courtney Simone Vasile (~sockitwench). The remaining positions received only one successful nomination each.</span><br /><br /><span>Therefore the following positions are filled for next year.</span><br /><br /><span>President - Imran Hussain (~imranh)</span><br /><span>Treasurer - Priyan Gami (~stig)</span><br /><span>Publicity - Andrew Vincent Pover (~andy)</span><br /><br /><span>The online voting can be found here:&nbsp;</span><a href="" target="_blank"></a><span>&nbsp;and will open at midnight tonight and last for 7 days. Only Student Members of the society who have been members for more than 14 days from the start of voting, i.e. before 17/11/2014 are eligible to vote.</span><br /><br /><span>Once the time for voting has expired the results will be available from the voting page above.</span><br /><br /><span>Any questions should be directed to myself at&nbsp;</span><a href="" target="_blank"></a><span>.</span><br /><br /><span>Best of luck to both candidates and congratulations to those who will be on our new exec already,</span><br /><br /><span>Nick Corlett (~worldinsideme), Returning Officer</span></p>	2014-11-30 16:44:28	\N	t	worldinsideme	2014-12-09 16:23:45
215	Members Meeting	<p>Hello, world!\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nDon't forget that we're meeting in the SUCS room today at 18:00 to discuss changes to our <a href="/About/Constitution" rel="bookmark" title="SUCS Constitution">constitution</a> and <a href="/About/Conditions" rel="bookmark" title="SUCS Terms and Conditions">terms and conditions</a>.\r\nThe proposed changes relate to gender-neutrality and spelling and grammatical errors.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Light refreshments will be served at the meeting.\r\nHope to see you there.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nAndrew Pover (~andy), Publicity Officer 2015</p>	2014-12-09 16:26:59	\N	t	imranh	2014-12-09 20:18:31
216	Election Results 2015	<p>Greetings everybody,</p>\r\n<p>The elections are now closed!<br /><br />Which means that the SUCS executive committee for the calendar year 2015 is:<br /><br />President - Imran Hussain (~imranh)<br />Treasurer - Priyan Gami (~stig)<br />Secretary - Courtney Simone Vasile (~sockitwench)<br />Publicity - Andrew Vincent Pover (~andy)<br /><br />We wish you all good holidays and best of luck for your exams in the New Year,<br /><br />SUCS Exec\r\n</p>	2014-12-09 20:20:16	\N	t	imranh	2015-01-09 20:20:16
53	Election Results 2008	<p>The election is now officially over and we have a clear winner for each position.</p>\r\n<p><strong>President:</strong> Grant James (grant)<br /><strong>Secretary:</strong> Tim Clark (eclipse)<br /><strong>Treasurer:</strong> Nicholas Corlett (worldinsideme)<br /><strong>Publicity Officer:</strong> Jocelyn Konrad-Lee (kyara)</p>\r\n<p>A full vote count is available here: <a href=""></a></p>\r\n<p>Congratulations to our 2008 executive committee! Have a great year, folks :-)&nbsp;</p>	2007-12-03 00:07:45	\N	t	talyn256	2008-01-03 00:07:45
217	Fedora 21	<p>All the desktops have now been upgraded to Fedora 21 Workstation.</p>\r\n<p>Some of the release highlights include: DevAssistant, just look for "DevAssistant" in the application menu and Gnome on Wayland, see the "Session" menu which can be accessed by pressing the gear icon on the login screen if you'd like to give it a go.</p>\r\n<p>If you encounter any problems or bugs, please let an admin know - if you can't find one in the room then email or visit <a href="">Milliways</a> and have a chat.</p>	2015-01-08 17:32:47	\N	t	imranh	2015-01-13 14:54:57
220	Room closure & Service outage on Wed 14 Jan 2015	<p>The SUCS room will be unavailable to members tomorrow evening (14th) from around 5pm while the existing server rack is removed and replaced.\r\nThe new rack should allow us to mount our servers properly, and further away from accidental beverage spills.</p>\r\n<p>Most SUCS services will be offline during the move. Further details and updates will be given through the society Facebook and Twitter accounts while Milliways and other services are unavailable.</p>\r\n<p>As a reminder, a backup instance of Milliways is accessible by SSH to, using the username and password bbs. You can then log in using your Milliways username and password.</p>\r\n<p>Apologies for the short notice and any inconvenience caused.</p>	2015-01-13 14:36:12	\N	t	imranh	2015-01-15 15:58:46
218	Introducing our Gaming Officer	<p>Part of what the exec want to do this year is to develop the gaming side of SUCS. We have had a games server for quite a few years now and we've even had a LAN party... about 7 years ago.</p>\r\n<p>We thought the most effective way to help get this all going again would be to have a dedicated person be responsible for gaming, so it isn't treated like an afterthought but more like a proper segment of SUCS.</p>\r\n<p>So I'm pleased to announce that Peter Jenkins (~unreturnable) has be co-opted to the position of Gaming Officer.</p>\r\n<p>His responsibilities are but not limited to:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>To make sure the games server is functional and all our members can access it</li>\r\n<li>To help decide what games and mods are run on the server</li>\r\n<li>To run and organise events</li>\r\n<li>To work with the publicity officer in regards to games</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>If you have any ideas of suggestions as to what you'd like to see us do regarding gaming, please email Peter at</p>	2015-01-12 06:48:24	\N	f	imranh	2015-02-11 14:04:36
221	Film Night	<p><span style="line-height: 1.4em;">We will be hosting our first film night of the term on Thursday 19 February at 18:00 in Caf&eacute; West, First Floor, Fulton House.</span></p>\r\n<p>The film is yet to be announced, all will be revealed on the evening.</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you there!</p>\r\n<p>Andrew Pover (~andy)<br />Publicity Officer</p>	2015-02-07 15:12:04	\N	t	andy	2015-02-20 13:40:45
222	AGM 2015	<p>We have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 13/03/2015 at 18:00 in Faraday 205 (Robert Recorde room).\r\n</p>\r\n<p>The AGM gives members of the society an opportunity to help decide on what the society does and focuses on the year ahead. Additionally, it gives people a chance to bring up any issues or concerns they might have.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>As promised, here is this year's AGM agenda:\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n0. Welcome<br />\r\n1. Present/Apologies<br />\r\n2. Confirm last AGM's minutes<br />\r\n3. Treasurer report<br />\r\n4. Secretary report<br />\r\n5. Publicity Officer report<br />\r\n6. President ? Ask me almost anything<br />\r\n7. Constitution Changes<br />\r\n8. Ratification of the Gaming Officer<br />\r\n8.5. Gaming<br />\r\n9. Need more members<br />\r\n10. What new toys do we want?<br />\r\n11. What is "SUCS Orange"?<br />\r\n12. Website redesign<br />\r\n13. Relationship with the Students' Union<br />\r\n14. Need more student admins<br />\r\n15. Events<br />\r\n16. Any other business</p>\r\n<p>We hope to see you all there!</p>	2015-02-28 13:02:51	\N	t	imranh	2015-03-14 11:35:25
223	Lightning Talks No 18 on the 18th of March	<p>Our \r\nnext Lightning Talks session will be held on<span class="fsl"> 18/03/2015 at 18:00 in Faraday 205 (Robert Recorde room)</span>. </p>\r\n<p>This is an \r\nevent we hold every few months, where members of the society give short \r\ntalks about what they're currently working on, or just something that \r\nthey're interested in. </p>\r\n<p>Anyone can give a talk, just show up with one :) </p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>	2015-02-28 13:13:43	\N	f	imranh	2015-03-18 23:22:43
224	Table-top Games	<p>On 19 March 2015, we'll be hosting a table-top games event in the SUCS room. </p>\r\n<p>The event will start at 1800 and conclude at 2100.</p>\r\n<p>Hope to see you there</p>	2015-03-11 18:26:00	\N	f	andy	2015-03-20 09:55:40
225	2015 AGM Brief Post Mortem	<p>Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you to all that showed up, it was very much\r\nappreciated. I just want to make everyone aware of the key votes that\r\ntook place.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nWe were able to vote on the changes to the constitution, in accordance with section 7.1.\r\nYou may find the updated constitution in the usual place.\r\n<a href=""></a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe position of Gaming Officer was ratified.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nThe appointment of Peter Jenkins (~unreturnable) as the Gaming Officer was also\r\nratified.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>\r\nA detailed set of minutes will be published sometime in the future.</p>	2015-03-14 10:58:46	\N	f	imranh	2015-03-25 13:10:55
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256	2008-03-04 14:00:50	davea	\r\nimport objc\r\nimport _uicaboodle\r\nfrom objc import YES, NO, NULL, nil\r\nobjc.loadBundle(&#039;UIKit&#039;, globals(), &#039;/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework&#039;)\r\nUIApplication = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIApplication&#039;)\r\nUITable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UITable&#039;)\r\nUIWindow = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIWindow&#039;)\r\nUIHardware = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIHardware&#039;)\r\nUIView = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIView&#039;)\r\nUINavigationBar = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationBar&#039;)\r\nUINavigationItem = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationItem&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTable&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTextTableCell&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTableCell&#039;)\r\nUISectionList = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UISectionList&quot;)\r\nUIImageAndTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UIImageAndTextTableCell&quot;)\r\n\r\nclass PYApplication(UIApplication):\r\n    def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, unused):\r\n        frame = UIHardware.fullScreenApplicationContentRect()\r\n\r\n        self.window = UIWindow.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame)\r\n\r\n        self.view = UIView.alloc().initWithFrame_(self.window.bounds())\r\n        self.window.setContentView_(self.view)\r\n\r\n        self.window.orderFront_(self)\r\n        self.window.makeKey_(self)\r\n        self.window._setHidden_(NO)\r\n\r\n        navsize = UINavigationBar.defaultSize()\r\n        navrect = ((0, 0), navsize)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar = UINavigationBar.alloc().initWithFrame_(navrect)\r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.navbar)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar.setBarStyle_(1)\r\n        self.navbar.setDelegate_(self)\r\n\r\n        navitem = UINavigationItem.alloc().initWithTitle_(u&quot;Network Information&quot;)\r\n        self.navbar.pushNavigationItem_(navitem)\r\n\r\n        bounds = self.view.bounds()\r\n        tblrect = ((0, navsize[1]), (bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1] - navsize[1]))\r\n\r\n        self.secList = UISectionList.alloc().initWithFrame_(tblrect)\r\n        self.secList.setDataSource_(self)\r\n        self.secList.reloadData()\r\n        \r\n        col = UITableColumn.alloc().initWithTitle_identifier_width_(u&quot;Name&quot;, u&quot;name&quot;, 320.0)\r\n        table = self.secList.table()\r\n        table.setSeparatorStyle_(1)\r\n        table.addTableColumn_(col)\r\n        \r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.secList)\r\n    \r\n    def numberOfSectionsInSectionList_(self, sectionList):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfSectionsInSectionList_&quot;, sectionList\r\n        return 0\r\n    \r\n    def sectionList_titleForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_titleForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return u&quot;Title&quot;\r\n    \r\n    def sectionList_rowForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_rowForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return 0\r\n    \r\n    def numberOfRowsInTable_(self, table):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfRowsInTable_&quot;, table\r\n        return 0\r\n    \r\n    def table_cellForRow_column_(self, table, row, column):\r\n        print u&quot;table_cellForRow_column_&quot;, table, row, column\r\n        cell = UIImageAndTextTableCell.alloc.init()\r\n        cell.setTitle_(u&quot;Test &quot; + row)\r\n        return cell\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    def respondsToSelector_(self, selector):\r\n        responds = dir(self).count(selector.replace(&quot;:&quot;, &quot;_&quot;)) &gt; 0\r\n        if not responds:\r\n            print selector\r\n        return responds\r\n\r\n_uicaboodle.UIApplicationMain([&#039;NetInfo&#039;], PYApplication)\r\n\r\n	\N	PYTHON	\N
257	2008-03-04 23:19:53	davea	\r\nimport objc\r\nimport _uicaboodle\r\nfrom objc import YES, NO, NULL, nil\r\nobjc.loadBundle(&#039;UIKit&#039;, globals(), &#039;/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework&#039;)\r\nUIApplication = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIApplication&#039;)\r\nUITable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UITable&#039;)\r\nUIWindow = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIWindow&#039;)\r\nUIHardware = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIHardware&#039;)\r\nUIView = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIView&#039;)\r\nUINavigationBar = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationBar&#039;)\r\nUINavigationItem = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationItem&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTable&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTextTableCell&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTableCell&#039;)\r\nUISectionList = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UISectionList&quot;)\r\nUIImageAndTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UIImageAndTextTableCell&quot;)\r\n\r\nclass PYApplication(UIApplication):\r\n    def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, unused):\r\n        frame = UIHardware.fullScreenApplicationContentRect()\r\n\r\n        self.window = UIWindow.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame)\r\n\r\n        self.view = UIView.alloc().initWithFrame_(self.window.bounds())\r\n        self.window.setContentView_(self.view)\r\n\r\n        self.window.orderFront_(self)\r\n        self.window.makeKey_(self)\r\n        self.window._setHidden_(NO)\r\n\r\n        navsize = UINavigationBar.defaultSize()\r\n        navrect = ((0, 0), navsize)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar = UINavigationBar.alloc().initWithFrame_(navrect)\r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.navbar)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar.setBarStyle_(1)\r\n        self.navbar.setDelegate_(self)\r\n\r\n        navitem = UINavigationItem.alloc().initWithTitle_(u&quot;Network Information&quot;)\r\n        self.navbar.pushNavigationItem_(navitem)\r\n\r\n        bounds = self.view.bounds()\r\n        tblrect = ((0, navsize[1]), (bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1] - navsize[1]))\r\n\r\n        self.secList = UISectionList.alloc().initWithFrame_(tblrect)\r\n        self.secList.setDataSource_(self)\r\n        self.secList.reloadData()\r\n        \r\n        col = UITableColumn.alloc().initWithTitle_identifier_width_(u&quot;Name&quot;, u&quot;name&quot;, 320.0)\r\n        table = self.secList.table()\r\n        table.setSeparatorStyle_(1)\r\n        table.addTableColumn_(col)\r\n        \r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.secList)\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)\r\n    def numberOfSectionsInSectionList_(self, sectionList):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfSectionsInSectionList_&quot;, sectionList\r\n        return 1\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_titleForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_titleForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return u&quot;Title&quot;\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_rowForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_rowForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return 0\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)    \r\n    def numberOfRowsInTable_(self, table):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfRowsInTable_&quot;, table\r\n        return 3\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I@&quot;)\r\n    def table_cellForRow_column_(self, table, row, column):\r\n        print u&quot;table_cellForRow_column_&quot;, table, row, column\r\n        cell = UIImageAndTextTableCell.alloc().init()\r\n        cell.setTitle_(u&quot;Test &quot; + unicode(row))\r\n        return cell\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    def respondsToSelector_(self, selector):\r\n        responds = dir(self).count(selector.replace(&quot;:&quot;, &quot;_&quot;)) &gt; 0\r\n        if not responds:\r\n            print selector\r\n        return responds\r\n\r\n_uicaboodle.UIApplicationMain([&#039;NetInfo&#039;], PYApplication)\r\n\r\n	\N	PYTHON	\N
258	2008-03-04 23:51:54	davea	\r\nimport objc\r\nimport _uicaboodle\r\nfrom objc import YES, NO, NULL, nil\r\nobjc.loadBundle(&#039;UIKit&#039;, globals(), &#039;/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework&#039;)\r\nUIApplication = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIApplication&#039;)\r\nUITable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UITable&#039;)\r\nUIWindow = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIWindow&#039;)\r\nUIHardware = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIHardware&#039;)\r\nUIView = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIView&#039;)\r\nUINavigationBar = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationBar&#039;)\r\nUINavigationItem = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UINavigationItem&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTable = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTable&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTextTableCell&#039;)\r\nUIPreferencesTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&#039;UIPreferencesTableCell&#039;)\r\nUISectionList = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UISectionList&quot;)\r\nUIImageAndTextTableCell = objc.lookUpClass(&quot;UIImageAndTextTableCell&quot;)\r\n\r\nclass PYApplication(UIApplication):\r\n    def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, unused):\r\n        frame = UIHardware.fullScreenApplicationContentRect()\r\n\r\n        self.window = UIWindow.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame)\r\n\r\n        self.view = UIView.alloc().initWithFrame_(self.window.bounds())\r\n        self.window._.contentView = self.view\r\n\r\n        self.window.orderFront_(self)\r\n        self.window.makeKey_(self)\r\n        self.window._setHidden_(NO)\r\n\r\n        navsize = UINavigationBar.defaultSize()\r\n        navrect = ((0, 0), navsize)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar = UINavigationBar.alloc().initWithFrame_(navrect)\r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.navbar)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar._.barStyle = 1\r\n        self.navbar._.delegate = self\r\n\r\n        navitem = UINavigationItem.alloc().initWithTitle_(u&quot;Network Information&quot;)\r\n        self.navbar.pushNavigationItem_(navitem)\r\n\r\n        bounds = self.view.bounds()\r\n        tblrect = ((0, navsize[1]), (bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1] - navsize[1]))\r\n\r\n        self.secList = UISectionList.alloc().initWithFrame_(tblrect)\r\n        self.secList._.dataSource = self\r\n        self.secList.reloadData()\r\n        \r\n        col = UITableColumn.alloc().initWithTitle_identifier_width_(u&quot;Name&quot;, u&quot;name&quot;, 320.0)\r\n        table = self.secList.table()\r\n        table._.separatorStyle = 1\r\n        table._.delegate = self\r\n        table.addTableColumn_(col)\r\n        \r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.secList)\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)\r\n    def numberOfSectionsInSectionList_(self, sectionList):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfSectionsInSectionList_&quot;, sectionList\r\n        return 3\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_titleForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_titleForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return u&quot;Section &quot; + unicode(section)\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_rowForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_rowForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return section\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)    \r\n    def numberOfRowsInTable_(self, table):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfRowsInTable_&quot;, table\r\n        return 3\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I@&quot;)\r\n    def table_cellForRow_column_(self, table, row, column):\r\n        print u&quot;table_cellForRow_column_&quot;, table, row, column\r\n        cell = UIImageAndTextTableCell.alloc().init()\r\n        cell._.title = u&quot;Test &quot; + unicode(row)\r\n        return cell\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;B@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def table_canSelectRow_(self, table, row):\r\n        return NO\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;B@::&quot;)\r\n    def respondsToSelector_(self, selector):\r\n        responds = dir(self).count(selector.replace(&quot;:&quot;, &quot;_&quot;)) &gt; 0\r\n        if not responds:\r\n            print selector\r\n        return responds\r\n\r\n_uicaboodle.UIApplicationMain([&#039;NetInfo&#039;], PYApplication)\r\n	\N	PYTHON	\N
259	2008-03-05 01:19:15	davea	\r\nimport objc\r\nimport _uicaboodle\r\nfrom objc import YES, NO\r\nfrom sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite\r\nobjc.loadBundle(&#039;UIKit&#039;, globals(), &#039;/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework&#039;)\r\n\r\nclass PYApplication(UIApplication):\r\n    def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, unused):\r\n        self.contacts = []\r\n        self.sections = []\r\n        \r\n        frame = UIHardware.fullScreenApplicationContentRect()\r\n\r\n        self.window = UIWindow.alloc().initWithFrame_(frame)\r\n\r\n        self.view = UIView.alloc().initWithFrame_(self.window.bounds())\r\n        self.window._.contentView = self.view\r\n\r\n        self.window.orderFront_(self)\r\n        self.window.makeKey_(self)\r\n        self.window._setHidden_(NO)\r\n\r\n        navsize = UINavigationBar.defaultSize()\r\n        navrect = ((0, 0), navsize)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar = UINavigationBar.alloc().initWithFrame_(navrect)\r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.navbar)\r\n\r\n        self.navbar._.barStyle = 1\r\n        self.navbar._.delegate = self\r\n\r\n        navitem = UINavigationItem.alloc().initWithTitle_(u&quot;Contacts&quot;)\r\n        self.navbar.pushNavigationItem_(navitem)\r\n\r\n        bounds = self.view.bounds()\r\n        tblrect = ((0, navsize[1]), (bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1] - navsize[1]))\r\n        \r\n        self.loadContactsFromDB()\r\n        \r\n        self.secList = UISectionList.alloc().initWithFrame_(tblrect)\r\n        self.secList._.dataSource = self\r\n        self.secList.reloadData()\r\n        \r\n        col = UITableColumn.alloc().initWithTitle_identifier_width_(u&quot;Name&quot;, u&quot;name&quot;, 320.0)\r\n        table = self.secList.table()\r\n        table._.separatorStyle = 1\r\n        table._.delegate = self\r\n        table.addTableColumn_(col)\r\n        \r\n        self.view.addSubview_(self.secList)\r\n    \r\n    def loadContactsFromDB(self):\r\n        db = sqlite.connect(&quot;/private/var/mobile/Library/AddressBook/AddressBook.sqlitedb&quot;) #FIXME: get proper path\r\n        cursor = db.cursor()\r\n        cursor.execute(&quot;select first, last from ABPerson where first is not null order by first&quot;)\r\n        row = 0\r\n        lastInitial = u&quot;&quot;\r\n        for first, last in cursor.fetchall():\r\n            self.contacts.append({&quot;first&quot;: (first or u&quot;&quot;), &quot;last&quot;: (last or u&quot;&quot;), &quot;cell&quot;: None})\r\n            thisInitial = unicode(first[0])\r\n            if thisInitial != lastInitial:\r\n                self.sections.append((thisInitial, row))\r\n                lastInitial = thisInitial\r\n            row += 1\r\n        cursor.close()\r\n        db.close()\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)\r\n    def numberOfSectionsInSectionList_(self, sectionList):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfSectionsInSectionList_&quot;, sectionList\r\n        return len(self.sections)\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_titleForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_titleForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return self.sections[section][0]\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def sectionList_rowForSection_(self, sectionList, section):\r\n        print u&quot;sectionList_rowForSection_&quot;, sectionList, section\r\n        return self.sections[section][1]\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;I@:@&quot;)\r\n    def numberOfRowsInTable_(self, table):\r\n        print u&quot;numberOfRowsInTable_&quot;, table\r\n        return len(self.contacts)\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;@@:@I@&quot;)\r\n    def table_cellForRow_column_(self, table, row, column):\r\n        print u&quot;table_cellForRow_column_&quot;, table, row, column\r\n        if not self.contacts[row][&#039;cell&#039;]:\r\n            cell = UIImageAndTextTableCell.alloc().init()\r\n            cell._.title = &quot;%s %s&quot; % (self.contacts[row][&#039;first&#039;], self.contacts[row][&#039;last&#039;])\r\n            self.contacts[row][&#039;cell&#039;] = cell\r\n        return self.contacts[row][&#039;cell&#039;]\r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;B@:@I&quot;)\r\n    def table_canSelectRow_(self, table, row):\r\n        return NO\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    @objc.signature(&quot;B@::&quot;)\r\n    def respondsToSelector_(self, selector):\r\n        responds = dir(self).count(selector.replace(&quot;:&quot;, &quot;_&quot;)) &gt; 0\r\n        if not responds:\r\n            print selector\r\n        return responds\r\n\r\n_uicaboodle.UIApplicationMain([&#039;HelloPython&#039;], PYApplication)\r\n\r\n	\N	PYTHON	\N
453	2010-10-05 12:47:08	firefury	Version  1.96       ------Sequential Output------ --Sequential Input- --Random-\r\nConcurrency   1     -Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks--\r\nMachine        Size K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP  /sec %CP\r\ 16736M   134  99 43553  27 19694  16   279  99 33826  18 283.7   9\r\nLatency             67407us   23918ms   85572ms   42023us    1228ms     724ms\r\nVersion  1.96       ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------\r\ -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete--\r\n              files  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP  /sec %CP\r\n                 16  3894  39 +++++ +++ 20230  73  8571  84 +++++ +++ 12833  48\r\nLatency             27346us    1067us    8971us    8277us      28us     219us\r\n1.96,1.96,,1,1286281130,16736M,,134,99,43553,27,19694,16,279,99,33826,18,283.7,9,16,,,,,3894,39,+++++,+++,20230,73,8571,84,+++++,+++,12833,48,67407us,23918ms,85572ms,42023us,1228ms,724ms,27346us,1067us,8971us,8277us,28us,219us\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
592	2012-01-11 18:30:44	rjames93	&lt;?php\r\n$Title = $_POST[&#039;Title&#039;];\r\n$Date = $_POST[&#039;Date&#039;];\r\n$BCon = $_POST[&#039;Content&#039;];\r\n\r\nmysql_connect (&quot;localhost&quot;, &quot;rjames93&quot;,&quot;I know the password&quot;) or die (&#039;Error: &#039;$\r\nmysql_select_db (&quot;rjames93&quot;);\r\n\r\n$query=&quot;INSERT INTO TABLE1 (ID, Title, Date, Content)VALUES (&#039;NULL&#039;,&#039;&quot;.$Titl$\r\n\r\nmysql_query($query) or  die (&#039;Error updating database&#039;);\r\necho &quot;Database Updated: &quot;.$Title.&quot; &quot;.$Date.&quot; &quot;.$BCon.&quot;&quot; ;\r\n\r\n?&gt;\r\n	\N	PHP	\N
627	2012-05-06 13:40:36	rjames93	#include &quot;basic.h&quot;\r\n\r\nint NumberOfBodies;\r\n\r\nstruct object{\r\n\tdouble mass;\r\n\tdouble radialdistance;\r\n\tdouble polarangle;\r\n\tdouble azimuthalangle;\r\n\tdouble xcoordinate;\r\n\tdouble ycoordinate;\r\n\tdouble zcoordinate;\r\n\t};\r\n\r\nstruct object * objectarray = NULL;\r\n\t\r\nstruct object object;\r\n\r\nint i=0;\r\n\r\nint input(){\r\n\tprintf(&quot;Insert number of bodies in the System:&quot;);\r\n\tscanf(&quot;%d&quot;,&amp;NumberOfBodies);\r\n\r\n\tobjectarray = calloc(NumberOfBodies, sizeof(struct object));\r\n\r\n\tif (objectarray == NULL) {\r\n\tfprintf(stderr, &quot;No more memory can be allocated \\n Hope you like eels! \\n&quot;);\t\t\t\t\r\n}\r\n\r\n    for (i=0; i&lt;NumberOfBodies; i++){\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;For Body number %d \\n&quot;,i);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;Enter mass of body (kg) %d : \\n&quot;,i);\r\n\t\tscanf(&quot;%lf&quot; , &amp;object.mass);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;Enter the, |r|, the radial distance of object %d: \\n&quot;, i);\r\n\t\tscanf(&quot;%lf&quot; , &amp;object.radialdistance);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;Enter the polar angle, theta, of object %d: \\n&quot;, i);\r\n\t\tscanf(&quot;%lf&quot; , &amp;object.polarangle);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;Enter the azimuthal angle, thi, of object %d: \\n&quot;, i);\r\n\t\tscanf(&quot;%lf&quot; , &amp;object.azimuthalangle);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tprintf(&quot;Converting the coordinates you entered in to Cartesian&quot;);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tconversion();\r\n\r\n\t\tobjectarray[i] = object;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn(0);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint conversion(){\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tobject.xcoordinate =  (&amp;object.radialdistance)*cos(&amp;object.azimuthalangle)*sin(&amp;object.polarangle);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tobject.ycoordinate = (&amp;object.radialdistance)*sin(&amp;object.azimuthalangle)*sin(&amp;object.polarangle);\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tobject.zcoordinate = (&amp;object.radialdistance)*cos(&amp;object.polarangle);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn(0);\r\n}	\N	CPP	\N
598	2012-01-29 09:35:26	rjames93	#Welcome Screen Hydrogen\r\nclear\r\necho &quot;${White} Hydrogen Plug Users&quot;\r\necho &quot;Hello $USER today is&quot; ; date\r\necho &quot;${Red}&quot;; cal ; echo\r\necho &quot;${LightBlue} Uptime for this server is&quot; ; uptime\r\necho &quot;${White};\r\nsleep 10\r\n\r\n#Welcome Screen Silver\r\nclear\r\necho &quot;${White} SUCS - Silver&quot;\r\necho &quot;Hello $USER today is&quot; ; date\r\necho &quot;${Red}&quot;; cal ; echo\r\necho &quot;${LightBlue} Uptime for this server is&quot; ; uptime\r\necho &quot;${White};\r\nsleep 10\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
711	2013-06-10 09:17:39	eclipse	talk{0}-* *** glibc detected *** mw: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000000001ea3434 ***\r\n======= Backtrace: =========\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ab1d5e16]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ab1dab8c]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ad18795e]\r\nmw[0x407c27]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ad3c9d55]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ac16fff0]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ab22d3e3]\r\nmw[0x429bf6]\r\nmw[0x409c05]\r\nmw[0x40904c]\r\n/lib/[0x7f22ab182c8d]\r\nmw[0x4055e9]\r\n======= Memory map: ========\r\n00400000-0046b000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 912358                             /usr/bin/mw\r\n0066b000-00671000 rw-p 0006b000 08:01 912358                             /usr/bin/mw\r\n00671000-00676000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n01ea2000-036d4000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]\r\n7f2298000000-7f2298021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f2298021000-7f229c000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a0000000-7f22a00a8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a00a8000-7f22a00c3000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a00c3000-7f22a4000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a63f9000-7f22a63fe000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1222676                    /lib/\r\n7f22a63fe000-7f22a65fd000 ---p 00005000 08:01 1222676                    /lib/\r\n7f22a65fd000-7f22a65fe000 r--p 00004000 08:01 1222676                    /lib/\r\n7f22a65fe000-7f22a65ff000 rw-p 00005000 08:01 1222676                    /lib/\r\n7f22a65ff000-7f22a6600000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a6600000-7f22a6f00000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a7000000-7f22a7100000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a71d8000-7f22a75d8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a75d8000-7f22a75d9000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a75d9000-7f22a7dd9000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a7dd9000-7f22a7de5000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1221667                    /lib/\r\n7f22a7de5000-7f22a7fe4000 ---p 0000c000 08:01 1221667                    /lib/\r\n7f22a7fe4000-7f22a7fe5000 r--p 0000b000 08:01 1221667                    /lib/\r\n7f22a7fe5000-7f22a7fe6000 rw-p 0000c000 08:01 1221667                    /lib/\r\n7f22a7fe6000-7f22a827a000 r--p 00000000 08:01 928418                     /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive\r\n7f22a827a000-7f22a827d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 916041                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a827d000-7f22a847c000 ---p 00003000 08:01 916041                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a847c000-7f22a847d000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 916041                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a847d000-7f22a848d000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 915188                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a848d000-7f22a868c000 ---p 00010000 08:01 915188                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a868c000-7f22a868d000 rw-p 0000f000 08:01 915188                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a868d000-7f22a868f000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1221898                    /lib/\r\n7f22a868f000-7f22a888e000 ---p 00002000 08:01 1221898                    /lib/\r\n7f22a888e000-7f22a888f000 rw-p 00001000 08:01 1221898                    /lib/\r\n7f22a888f000-7f22a8896000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 912565                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8896000-7f22a8a96000 ---p 00007000 08:01 912565                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8a96000-7f22a8a97000 rw-p 00007000 08:01 912565                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8a97000-7f22a8a9a000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1221957                    /lib/\r\n7f22a8a9a000-7f22a8c99000 ---p 00003000 08:01 1221957                    /lib/\r\n7f22a8c99000-7f22a8c9a000 rw-p 00002000 08:01 1221957                    /lib/\r\n7f22a8c9a000-7f22a8cbf000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 914507                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8cbf000-7f22a8ebe000 ---p 00025000 08:01 914507                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8ebe000-7f22a8ec0000 rw-p 00024000 08:01 914507                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8ec0000-7f22a8f7e000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 915449                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a8f7e000-7f22a917d000 ---p 000be000 08:01 915449                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a917d000-7f22a9188000 rw-p 000bd000 08:01 915449                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a9188000-7f22a91a1000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 914931                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a91a1000-7f22a93a0000 ---p 00019000 08:01 914931                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a93a0000-7f22a93a1000 rw-p 00018000 08:01 914931                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a93a1000-7f22a93b4000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1221717                    /lib/\r\n7f22a93b4000-7f22a95b3000 ---p 00013000 08:01 1221717                    /lib/\r\n7f22a95b3000-7f22a95b4000 r--p 00012000 08:01 1221717                    /lib/\r\n7f22a95b4000-7f22a95b5000 rw-p 00013000 08:01 1221717                    /lib/\r\n7f22a95b5000-7f22a95b7000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0\r\n7f22a95b7000-7f22a962b000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 916053                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a962b000-7f22a982b000 ---p 00074000 08:01 916053                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a982b000-7f22a982f000 rw-p 00074000 08:01 916053                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a982f000-7f22a98cb000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 913263                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a98cb000-7f22a9aca000 ---p 0009c000 08:01 913263                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a9aca000-7f22a9ad1000 rw-p 0009b000 08:01 913263                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a9ad1000-7f22a9ae8000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 915628                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a9ae8000-7f22a9ce7000 ---p 00017000 08:01 915628                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a9ce7000-7f22a9ce8000 rw-p 00016000 08:01 915628                     /usr/lib/\r\n7f22a9ce8000-7f22a9d1b000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 914513                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a9d1b000-7f22a9f1b000 ---p 00033000 08:01 914513                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a9f1b000-7f22a9f1d000 rw-p 00033000 08:01 914513                     /usr/lib/ (deleted)\r\n7f22a9f1d000-7f22a9f24000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 1222156                    /lib/\r\n7f22a9f24000-7f22aa123000 ---p 00007000 08:01 1222156                    /lib/\r\n7f22aa123000-7f22aa124000 r--p 00006000 08:01 1222156                    /lib/librt-2.11.3.soAborted\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
693	2013-02-08 11:25:01	welshbyte	0x00000000004296a0 in alarm_at (when=0x7fff26124480, what=0x675cb8, how=0x40a982 &lt;time_out&gt;) at alarm.c:130\r\n130\talarm.c: No such file or directory.\r\n\tin alarm.c\r\n(gdb) info locals\r\ntemp = 0x7fff261244b0\r\nnext = 0x3566820\r\nprev = 0x153a470\r\nnow = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 140733833017597}\r\nit_delay = {it_interval = {tv_sec = 140179973121920, tv_usec = 140733833016912}, it_value = {tv_sec = 10, \r\n    tv_usec = 140733832119392}}\r\n(gdb) p *next\r\n$1 = (struct alarm * volatile) 0x3589030\r\n(gdb) p **next\r\n$2 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396328, tv_usec = 928954}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3589090}\r\n(gdb) p when\r\n$3 = (const struct timeval *) 0x7fff26124480\r\n(gdb) p *when\r\n$4 = {tv_sec = 1360408579, tv_usec = 265238}\r\n(gdb) p &amp;(**next).next\r\n$5 = (struct alarm **) 0x3589050\r\n(gdb) p *&amp;(**next).next\r\n$6 = (struct alarm *) 0x3589090\r\n(gdb) p **&amp;(**next).next\r\n$7 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 7220}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3566860}\r\n(gdb) p next\r\n$8 = (struct alarm * volatile *) 0x3566820\r\n(gdb) p *next\r\n$9 = (struct alarm * volatile) 0x3589030\r\n(gdb) p **next\r\n$10 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396328, tv_usec = 928954}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3589090}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next\r\n$11 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 7220}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3566860}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$12 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 8998}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x35890f0}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$13 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 85547}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x35668c0}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$14 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 97019}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3589150}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$15 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 164753}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3566920}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$16 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 231422}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x35891b0}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$17 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 295434}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3566980}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$18 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 331443}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3589210}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$19 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 374126}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x35669e0}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$20 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 409470}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3589270}\r\n(gdb) p *next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next-&gt;next\r\n$21 = {when = {tv_sec = 1360396329, tv_usec = 456125}, what = 0x675cb8, how = 0, next = 0x3566a40}\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
712	2013-06-27 12:29:27	rjames93	U-Boot\r\n\r\nU-Boot 2013.01.01 (May 10 2013 - 06:32:54)\r\nMarvell-DreamPlug\r\ngcc (Debian 4.6.3-12) 4.6.3\r\nGNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.22\r\n\r\n\r\nMarvell&gt;&gt; printenv\r\nbaudrate=115200\r\nboot_sdb=fatload usb 1 0x6400000 uImage; bootm 0x6400000;\r\nbootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda2 rootdelay=10\r\nbootargs_console=console=ttyS0,115200\r\nbootcmd=setenv bootargs $(bootargs_console); run bootcmd_usb; bootm 0x00800000 0x01100000\r\nbootcmd_em=echo Purgingkernel in memory; mw 0x6400000 0x0 0x300000\r\nbootcmd_eth=setenv ethact egiga0; ${x_bootcmd_ethernet}; setenv ethact egiga1; ${x_bootcmd_ethernet}\r\nbootcmd_sda=${bootcmd_eth}; ${x_bootcmd_usb}; ${x_bootcmd_kernel}; setenv bootargs ${x_bootargs} ${x_bootargs_root}; bootm 0x6400000;\r\nbootcmd_sdb=setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sdb2 panic=10 rootwait; usb start; run boot_sdb;\r\nbootcmd_usb=usb start; ext2load usb 0:1 0x00800000 /uImage; ext2load usb 0:1 0x01100000 /uInitrd\r\nbootdelay=3\r\nclear_kernel_in_mem=echo Purging kernel in memory; mw 0x6400000 0x0 0x300000\r\neth1addr=F0:AD:4E:00:7C:DD\r\nethact=egiga0\r\nethaddr=F0:AD:4E:00:7C:DC\r\nstderr=serial\r\nstdin=serial\r\nstdout=serial\r\nx_bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200\r\nx_bootargs_root=root=/dev/sda2 rootdelay=10\r\nx_bootcmd_ethernet=ping\r\nx_bootcmd_kernel=fatload usb 0 0x6400000 uImage\r\nx_bootcmd_usb=sb start\r\n\r\nEnvironment size: 1196/4092 bytes\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
716	2013-07-18 10:10:43	firefury	This is an unsolicited communication by means of electronic mail transmitted to an individual subscriber for direct marketing purposes. This is contrary to section 22 of The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.\r\n\r\n\r\nPlease do not send any further unsolicited emails.  A charge of &pound;25 per email will be made for any further unsolicited emails received and your sending of any such emails will be deemed as acceptance of these terms.\r\n\r\nI am also making a request under Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 for all the data / information you hold on me and from where you obtained it.\r\n\r\n\r\nI suggest you remove me from your list and review your marketing methods with a qualified lawyer.\r\n\r\nPlease confirm the receipt of this email.  Failure to respond within 40 days will result in your organisation being reported to the Office of the Information Commissioner.\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
661	2012-10-26 11:36:57	tswsl1989	#!/bin/bash\r\nwget -N -P ~/.minecraft/bin/ \r\npython\r\npython --genpoi	\N	NONE	\N
723	2013-09-17 09:15:51	rjames93	This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.\r\n\r\nA message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its\r\nrecipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:\r\n\r\n  pipe to |/usr/bin/lurker-index -l exec -m\r\n    generated by\r\n    local delivery failed\r\n\r\nThe following text was generated during the delivery attempt:\r\n\r\n------ pipe to |/usr/bin/lurker-index -l exec -m\r\n       generated by ------\r\n\r\n/var/lib/lurker/exec: Permission denied	\N	NONE	\N
753	2013-12-02 11:43:33	rjames93	htop 1.0.1 aborting. Please report bug at\r\nBacktrace: \r\nhtop[0x407cfc]\r\n/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8ab45774f0]\r\nhtop(main+0x8ae)[0x40c932]\r\n/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8ab4563ead]\r\nhtop[0x4057e9]\r\nAborted\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
791	2014-06-13 11:52:34	grepwood	size_t grepline(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE * stream)\r\n{\r\n  size_t len = 0;\r\n  size_t offset = ftell(stream);\r\n  char trash = 0;\r\n  char * buf = NULL;\r\n  char sizeofnewline = 0;\r\n/* Cleaning up after previous run */\r\n  if(lineptr != NULL){\r\n    free(*lineptr);\r\n  }\r\n/* Reading the file until we suspect the line ends */\r\n  do{\r\n    trash = fgetc(stream);\r\n    ++len;\r\n  }while(!feof(stream) &amp;&amp; trash != &#039;\\n&#039; &amp;&amp; trash != &#039;\\r&#039;);\r\n/* Windows and OSX newline detection */\r\n  if(trash == &#039;\\r&#039;){\r\n    trash = fgetc(stream);\r\n    if(trash == &#039;\\n&#039;){\r\n    ++sizeofnewline; /* It&#039;s a Windows newline */\r\n    }\r\n  }\r\n/* Going back and reading our line */\r\n  fseek(stream,offset,SEEK_SET);\r\n  buf = (char*)malloc(len+1);\r\n  fread(buf,len,1,stream);\r\n  if(sizeofnewline){\r\n    trash = fgetc(stream);\r\n  }\r\n/* Fixing the line in memory into a null-terminated LF line */\r\n  buf[len-1] = &#039;\\n&#039;;\r\n  buf[len] = &#039;\\0&#039;;\r\n/* Plugging our input pointers up the addresses we were using */\r\n  *n = len;\r\n  *lineptr = buf;\r\n  return len;\r\n}	\N	CPP	\N
798	2014-07-16 19:30:22	grepwood	[ 10%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/Application.cpp.o\r\nIn file included from /home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/Application.cpp:2:0:\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/core/Log.hpp:11:2: warning: extra &lsquo;;&rsquo; [-Wpedantic]\r\n };\r\n  ^\r\n[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/gui/core/Base.cpp.o\r\n[ 30%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/gui/gtk/Gtk.cpp.o\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/gui/gtk/Gtk.cpp:3:1: warning: unused parameter &lsquo;argc&rsquo; [-Wunused-parameter]\r\n GuiGtk::GuiGtk(int argc, char **argv)\r\n ^\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/gui/gtk/Gtk.cpp:3:1: warning: unused parameter &lsquo;argv&rsquo; [-Wunused-parameter]\r\n[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/gui/gtk/GtkAddMagnetLinkWindow.cpp.o\r\n[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/gui/gtk/GtkMainWindow.cpp.o\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/gui/gtk/GtkMainWindow.cpp:96:6: warning: unused parameter &lsquo;event&rsquo; [-Wunused-parameter]\r\n bool GtkMainWindow::onDestroy(GdkEventAny *event)\r\n      ^\r\n[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/gui/gtk/GtkTorrentTreeView.cpp.o\r\n[ 70%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/core/Core.cpp.o\r\nIn file included from /home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/core/Core.cpp:2:0:\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/core/Log.hpp:11:2: warning: extra &lsquo;;&rsquo; [-Wpedantic]\r\n };\r\n  ^\r\n[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/core/Torrent.cpp.o\r\n[ 90%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/core/Log.cpp.o\r\nIn file included from /home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/core/Log.cpp:1:0:\r\n/home/grepwood/git/gTorrent/src/core/Log.hpp:11:2: warning: extra &lsquo;;&rsquo; [-Wpedantic]\r\n };\r\n  ^\r\n[100%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/gtorrent.dir/src/main.cpp.o\r\nLinking CXX executable gtorrent\r\n[100%] Built target gtorrent	\N	NONE	\N
805	2014-09-04 12:11:55	imranh	Societies Constitution\r\n\r\nPART 1: THE SOCIETY\r\n\r\n1) Full Membership: Full Membership is open to any registered student studying at Swansea University upon payment of the subscription fee as set by the committee. The number of members in a society refers to full membership only and does not include associate or Alumni Members. All Members must be provided with a copy of, and by joining a society agree to abide by the Societies Code of Conduct.\r\n\r\n2) Associate Membership: Associate Membership is open to individuals with a close connection with the Swansea University upon an affirmative vote of the society committee, and upon payment of the subscription fee. Associate Members shall have the same privileges as full members, except the privilege of voting in meetings, to hold office in the society, or to nominate or vote in elections. Privileges, apart from those previously stated, normally only available to full members may be granted to associate members at the discretion of the society committee. All Associate Members must be provided with a copy of, and by joining a society, agree to abide by the Societies Code of Conduct.\r\n\r\n3) Expulsion of Members: The Committee shall have the power to expel full or associate members from the Society for misconduct, breech of the Societies Code of Conduct, or for behaviour opposed to the objectives of the Society, and the Students&rsquo; Union. If your Committee takes the decision to expel a member, please inform the Societies and Services Officer before this action is taken. For further guidance please see the Societies&rsquo; Disciplinary Procedures. The Societies and Services Officer reserves the right to in extreme circumstances expel members from societies without agreement of a society committee\r\n\r\n4) Membership Regulations: The Society&rsquo;s General Meeting shall have the power to make such rules and regulations relating to the conduct of the members of the Society in addition to the Societies&rsquo; Code of Conduct.\r\n\r\n5) Subscriptions: The annual subscription shall be set no later than the penultimate society general meeting of the academic year.  The subscription shall be fixed at the annual general meeting and must satisfy either the minimum membership fee of &pound;1 or the minimum first activity charge of &pound;1.\r\n\r\nPart 2: THE COMMITTEE\r\n\r\n1) The Committee: The entire administration and management of the Society shall be the responsibility of the committee.  The members shall be:\r\n\r\na) The President/Chairperson\r\nb) The Treasurer\r\nc) The Secretary\r\nd) Any other relevant positions as decided by the Annual General Meeting of the Society.\r\n\r\nBy accepting a position on the committee, each committee member shall have read, understood and agreed to the rules and regulations set out by the Students&rsquo; Union in the Societies Handbook, the Societies Constitution and the Societies Code of Conduct. If a Committee Member or Members were to break the rules, constitution or code the matter will be investigated by the Societies and Services Officer and relevant action taken, up to and including removal from post.\r\n\r\n2) The Election of the committee: The committee shall be elected via an AGM and an annual online vote. The Committee shall have the term of office from 1st July to 30th June of any given year unless otherwise stated and agreed by the outgoing and incoming Committees. The Societies and Services officer must be informed of any change to this period of office.\r\n\r\nPart 3: MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY\r\n\r\n1) Notice of Meetings: \r\n\r\na) General Meetings: Notice shall be issued at least 10 clear days in advance.  Notice should be given through email to the membership and by other agreed means of publicity\r\n\r\nb) Annual General Meeting (AGM): Notice shall be issued at least 14 clear days in advance.  Notice shall be given through email to the membership and a facebook event if appropriate. The AGM must be held at least 1 week prior to the online vote. \r\n\r\nc) Extra-Ordinary Meetings (EGM): Notice shall be issued at least 5 clear days in advance of the meeting being held.  Notice should be given through emailing the membership and a facebook event if appropriate. \r\n\r\n2) Notice of Business:\r\n\r\na) General Meetings: Agenda items must be handed to the Secretary (in writing) at least 2 days before the meeting.  With the consent of two-thirds of the voting members present at the meeting items can be raised without notice.\r\n\r\nb) Annual General Meeting: Members wishing to make any resolution at the annual general meeting must hand the resolution to the Secretary in writing, at least 4 clear days before the meeting.\r\n\r\n3) Voting: Every full member present shall be entitled to one vote upon every voting matter. Only full members shall be allowed to vote.  No proxy votes shall be accepted for any purpose. Online votes will be accessed via individuals&rsquo; student numbers; no fraudulent votes should be placed.\r\n\r\n4) Quorum: The Quorum at Annual general meetings and Extra-Ordinary general meetings as well as in the subsequent online vote shall be 10% of the full members.\r\n\r\n\r\nPart 4: POWERS OF THE SOCIETY\r\n\r\n1) Warnings: The Society general membership (which includes Committee members themselves) in Society Meetings shall have the power to pass motion to serve a warning to the Committee or individual Committee member by a majority vote of those members present. The Societies and Services Officer reserves the right to propose a Warning Motion against committee members\r\n\r\n2) No Confidence Motions: the Society general membership in a Society Meeting shall have the power to pass a resolution of &ldquo;No Confidence&rdquo; in the Committee or individual Committee members by a majority vote of those members present.  The Societies and Services Officer reserves the right to propose a No Confidence Motion against committee members and in extreme case action No Confidence protocol without a vote.\r\n\r\n3) Committee Decisions: The Society general membership in a Society Annual General Meeting (EGM in an emergency) shall have the power to overrule any decision of the Committee by a majority vote of those members present so long as the meeting quorum is met.\r\n\r\n\r\nPart 5: FINANCIAL PROVISIONS\r\n\r\n1) Liability: The members of the Society will not be liable for debts contracted by Committee members or by any persons acting on behalf of the Society, unless such person has the authorization of the Committee in contracting such debt. Committee members will not be personally liable unless it is proved and argued by SUSU trustees that they have acted negligibly.\r\n\r\n2) Access to Account: Only the President and Treasurer of the committee are able to access the society account. They can only withdraw petty cash or request a cheque with a valid invoice or receipt and that both of the signatories are on the necessary forms. If one of the two required signatories is unavailable for a valid reason the Societies and Services officer can sign in and authorise in their absence.  All purchases made must be agreed upon by the whole committee with anything over &pound;100 being cleared by the Societies and Services prior to purchase. \r\n\r\nPart 6: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION\r\n\r\n1) Affiliation: The Society is an affiliated Society under the Constitution of Swansea University Students&rsquo; Union.  Any by-law or resolution of the Society or its office bearers which is inconsistent with the Union Constitution or any amendment to a special rule there under shall be void and of no effect insofar as it is inconsistent.\r\n\r\nThe Society may affiliate to any external organisation which is in line with the aims of the Society.  \r\n\r\n2) Amendments: These rules may be added to, repealed or amended by a majority vote of the members present at the AGM (or EGM) and so long as they adhere to the Constitution of Swansea University Students&rsquo; Union. For amendments to be put forward to the AGM or EGM they must be approved by a majority vote of the Committee members. If the amendment entails the annulment of a pre-existing rule, the amendment must be passed by two thirds of the full members present; otherwise the majority shall be one half.  All amendments must be recorded in your society handbook and the Societies and Services Officer notified.\r\n\r\n3) Sponsorship &amp; Contracts: If a society wishes to enter into a contract with an outside company, the contract must be confirmed with the Societies and Services Officer before the society enters into the contract. Contracts must only be for the term of the current committee and cannot bind any future committees.\r\n\r\n4) Risk Assessment and Insurance: The committee must ensure that a Risk Assessment is completed before ANY society event or activity takes place. The committee must ensure that members have the relevant insurance in order to participate in society activities (e.g. travel insurance). \r\n\r\n5) Discipline: If a society fails to comply with any part of the constitution they will be subject to the disciplinary procedures auctioned by the Societies Executive Committee.\r\n	\N	NONE	\N
824	2014-10-11 23:28:59	grepwood	#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;\r\n#include &lt;stdint.h&gt;\r\n#include &lt;string.h&gt;\r\n#include &lt;SDL2/SDL.h&gt;\r\n#include &lt;acm/libacm.h&gt;\r\n\r\n/* Written circa 2014 by */\r\n\r\n/* This program will utilize libacm and some string logic\r\n * in order to absolutely correctly decode an ACM at all times,\r\n * without user hints. */\r\n\r\n/* prototype for our audio callback\r\n * see the implementation for more information */\r\n\r\n/* variable declarations */\r\nstatic uint8_t *audio_pos; /* global pointer to the audio buffer to be played */\r\nstatic uint32_t audio_len; /* remaining length of the sample we have to play */\r\n\r\n/* audio callback function\r\n * here you have to copy the data of your audio buffer into the\r\n * requesting audio buffer (stream)\r\n * you should only copy as much as the requested length (len) */\r\n \r\nvoid my_audio_callback(void * userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) {\r\n\tif (audio_len ==0)\r\n\t\treturn;\r\n\tlen = ( (unsigned)len &gt; audio_len ? audio_len : (unsigned)len );\r\n\tSDL_MixAudio(stream, audio_pos, len, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME); /* mix from one buffer into another */\r\n\r\n\taudio_pos += len;\r\n\taudio_len -= len;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* Some sounds in Fallout have spoofed channel amount.\r\n * Known suspects are from the Speech directory.\r\n * Hence the strstr call */\r\nuint8_t DetectFakeStereo(const char *fn) {\r\n\tuint8_t result = 0;\r\n\tchar * pointer;\r\n\tpointer = strstr(fn,&quot;Speech&quot;);\r\n\tif(pointer != NULL) {\r\n\t\tresult = 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\treturn result;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint main(int argc, char* argv[]){\r\n\tstatic uint32_t wav_length;\r\n\tstatic uint8_t *wav_buffer;\r\n\tstatic SDL_AudioSpec wav_spec;\r\n\tuint32_t wavsize;\r\n\tchar * fn2 = NULL;\r\n\tuint8_t cf_force_chans;\r\n\tSDL_RWops * WavFromACM = NULL;\r\n\tif ( argc != 2 ) {\r\n\t\tfputs(&quot;Need a path to ACM file\\n&quot;,stderr);\r\n\t\treturn 2;\r\n\t}\r\n\tif (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) &lt; 0) {\r\n\t\tfputs(&quot;Could not SDL_Init\\n&quot;,stderr);\r\n\t\treturn 1;\r\n\t}\r\n/* Detect spoofed stereo by known strings */\r\n\tcf_force_chans = DetectFakeStereo(argv[1]);\r\n/* FSF.ACM is unfortunately spoofed too */\r\n\tcf_force_chans = 1;\r\n/* Convert the ACM to WAV */\r\n\tfn2 = libacm_decode_file_to_mem(argv[1],cf_force_chans,&amp;wavsize);\r\n/* Load the WAV the specs, length and buffer of our wav are filled */\r\n\tWavFromACM = SDL_RWFromConstMem(fn2,wavsize);\r\n\tif(SDL_LoadWAV_RW(WavFromACM,1,&amp;wav_spec,&amp;wav_buffer, &amp;wav_length) == NULL) {\r\n\t\tfree(fn2);\r\n\t\tfputs(&quot;Loading the ACM didn&#039;t succeed\\n&quot;,stderr);\r\n\t\treturn 2;\r\n\t}\r\n/* set the callback function */\r\n\twav_spec.callback = my_audio_callback;\r\n\twav_spec.userdata = NULL;\r\n/* set our global static variables */\r\n\taudio_pos = wav_buffer; /* copy sound buffer */\r\n\taudio_len = wav_length; /* copy file length */\r\n/* Open the audio device */\r\n\tif ( SDL_OpenAudio(&amp;wav_spec, NULL) &lt; 0 ){\r\n\t\tfprintf(stderr, &quot;Couldn&#039;t open audio: %s\\n&quot;, SDL_GetError());\r\n\t\tfree(fn2);\r\n\t\texit(-1);\r\n\t}\r\n/* Start playing */\r\n\tSDL_PauseAudio(0);\r\n/* wait until we&#039;re don&#039;t playing */\r\n\twhile ( audio_len &gt; 0 ) {\r\n\t\tSDL_Delay(100);\r\n\t}\r\n/* shut everything down */\r\n\tSDL_CloseAudio();\r\n\tSDL_FreeWAV(wav_buffer);\r\n\tfree(fn2);\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n	\N	CPP	\N

-- Name: pastebin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: dez

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('pastebin_id_seq', 845, true);

-- Data for Name: poems; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989

COPY poems (id, title, body, author, submitter) FROM stdin;
1	Purple Cow	I never saw a purple cow.<br />I never hope to see one.<br />But I can tell you anyhow<br />I'd rather see than be one.	Gelett Burgess	tswsl1989
7	listen (a perl poem)	#!/usr/bin/perl<br />\n<br />\nAPPEAL:<br />\n<br />\nlisten (please, please);<br />\ndo something if distressed;<br />\n<br />\n  @dawn, dance;<br />\n  @evening, sing;<br />\n  read (books, $poems, stories) until peaceful;<br />\n  study if able;<br />\n<br />\nsort your feelings, reset goals, seek (friends, family, anyone);<br />\n<br />\nkeys (hidden), open (locks, doors), tell secrets;<br />\n  do not, I-beg-you, close them, yet.<br />\n<br />\nselect (always), length(of-days)</p>Study this if you do MS-306	Sharon Hopkins	Abridged by rhys
3	Excerpt from Jabberwocky	One, two! One, two! And through and through<br />\n    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!<br />\nHe left it dead, and with its head<br />\n    He went galumphing back.<br />\n<br />\n"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?<br />\n    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!<br />\nO frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"<br />\n    He chortled in his joy.<br />\n<br />\n'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves<br />\n    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;<br />\nAll mimsy were the borogoves,<br />\n    And the mome raths outgrabe.	Lewis Carroll	
6	Probable-possible, my black hen	Probable-Possible, my black hen,<br />She lays eggs in the Relative When.<br />She doesn&apos;t lay eggs in the Positive Now<br />Because she&apos;s unable to postulate How.	Frederick Winsor	chckens
9	Oh Captain! My Captain!	O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,<br />\nThe ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,<br />\nThe port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,<br />\nWhile follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;<br />\n    But O heart! heart! heart!<br />\n     O the bleeding drops of red,<br />\n      Where on the deck my Captain lies,<br />\n        Fallen cold and dead.	Walt Whitman	\N
10	The Courtship of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo	On the Coast of Coromandel<br />\nWhere the early pumpkins blow,<br />\nIn the middle of the woods<br />\n  Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò.<br />\nTwo old chairs, and half a candle,--<br />\nOne old jug without a handle,--<br />\n    These were all his worldly goods:<br />\n    In the middle of the woods,<br />\n    These were all the worldly goods,<br />\n  Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò,<br />\n  Of the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò.<br />\n<br />\n Once, among the Bong-trees walking<br />\n  Where the early pumpkins blow,<br />\n    To a little heap of stones<br />\n  Came the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò.<br />\nThere he heard a Lady talking,<br />\nTo some milk-white Hens of Dorking,--<br />\n    Tis the lady Jingly Jones!<br />\n    'On that little heap of stones<br />\n    'Sits the Lady Jingly Jones!'<br />\n  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò,<br />\n  Said the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò.	Edward Lear	\N
-- Name: poems_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('poems_id_seq', 10, true);

-- Data for Name: redirect; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: dez

COPY redirect (id, from_uri, to_uri) FROM stdin;
1	/uri	/Tools/ShortURI
2	/help	/Knowledge/Help
3	/Help	/Knowledge/Help
4	/games	/Games
5	/news	/News
6	/about	/About
7	/wiki	/Knowledge/Help
9	/shop	/Community/Shop
10	/Shop	/Community/Shop
11	/pb	/Tools/PasteBin
20	/projects	/Community/Projects
24	/vote	/Vote
14	/planet	/Community/Planet
15	/info	/About
16	/services	/Tools
17	/people	/Community
18	/signup.php	/signup
12	/forum	/Community/Forum
13	/punbb	/Community/Forum
21	/mw.html	/Community/Milliways
25	/blogs	/Blogs
26	/mwuri	/Community/Milliways/URI
8	/join	/uri/8O
27	/fb	/uri/8Y
28	/FB	/uri/8Y
-- Name: redirect_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: dez

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('redirect_id_seq', 28, true);

-- Data for Name: shorturi; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: dez

COPY shorturi (id, url, creator, created) FROM stdin;
1	dez	2006-09-18 19:59:57.218819
2	rollercow	2006-09-18 20:28:32.658491
3	dez	2006-09-18 20:30:35.181219
4	frosty	2006-09-18 20:30:48.951419
5,50468&InMerch=1	psycodom	2006-09-18 21:00:04.341336
6	rollercow	2006-09-18 21:00:29.629866
7	dez	2006-09-18 21:01:56.56057
8	dez	2006-09-18 21:03:05.989633
9*V8SR7evS65vSl9FMCO*cGfpCGTZf1EUrj!sg8jTi4EGdJsgePyh!w5En4frihSxN9c6hlYxiJYbAI3TjO50jRHZ09rXV/getwellsoonHAMMOND.jpg	chckens	2006-09-21 15:51:08.958125
10	jonhurlock	2006-09-22 20:37:17.57498
11	dez	2006-09-23 15:15:32.760333
12	tobeon	2006-09-23 15:41:23.36563
13	tobeon	2006-09-23 15:41:39.430555
14	davea	2006-09-24 12:22:12.485381
15	aeternus	2006-09-24 15:31:10.108538
2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000
16	aeternus	2006-09-29 17:20:17.249971
17	akyan	2006-09-29 20:49:58.872808
18	davea	2006-09-30 11:29:42.568486
19	aeternus	2006-09-30 17:31:09.904998
20,158338&st=4&ar=Y&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf&ax=574960&ay=158338	dez	2006-10-01 21:57:01.960454
21	rollercow	2006-10-01 22:21:23.691102
22	bogglesteinsky	2006-10-05 14:11:26.189558
23	rollercow	2006-10-08 20:21:26.880238
24	welshbyte	2006-10-11 21:17:36.02891
25	welshbyte	2006-10-18 21:41:31.862617
26	frosty	2006-10-25 12:56:35.657993
27,+swansea&ie=UTF8&z=16&ll=51.620095,-3.940187&spn=0.008913,0.020127&om=1&iwloc=A	frosty	2006-10-25 21:22:40.055914
28	talyn256	2006-11-01 16:06:21.35406
29	aeternus	2006-11-01 17:43:57.430935
30,-3.912726&spn=0.002528,0.00501&t=k&om=1	chckens	2006-11-07 13:25:17.890348
31	chckens	2006-11-07 21:22:09.482839
32	rollercow	2006-11-16 18:00:34.675555
33	tobeon	2006-11-20 12:39:12.14348
34	frosty	2006-11-22 16:20:53.019255
35	frosty	2006-11-23 10:02:05.264167
36	rollercow	2006-11-25 19:40:36.286339
37	akyan	2006-11-29 23:17:22.523366
38	frosty	2006-11-30 22:53:40.498048
39	welshbyte	2006-12-01 17:24:30.271176
40	frosty	2006-12-03 21:29:44.243844
41,-0.544971&spn=0.003101,0.006566&t=k	jk	2006-12-05 13:40:36.194963
42,+malaysia&ie=UTF8&z=14&ll=5.354547,100.345688&spn=0.044181,0.086002&t=k&om=1	jk	2006-12-05 13:44:34.029799
43,+malaysia&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=13&ll=5.279683,100.355301&spn=0.088372,0.172005&t=k&iwloc=addr	jk	2006-12-05 13:46:41.034868
44	tobeon	2006-12-07 21:57:20.10069
45	tobeon	2006-12-07 21:58:44.799843
46	tobeon	2006-12-07 22:00:25.880738
47	frosty	2006-12-11 23:12:18.015427
48	welshbyte	2006-12-13 14:20:13.124493
49	willwel2000	2006-12-14 01:39:55.085854
50	talyn256	2006-12-15 20:50:45.46369
51	talyn256	2006-12-20 00:10:06.729302
52	talyn256	2006-12-20 00:14:10.600081
53	chckens	2006-12-30 23:50:38.046042
54	jonhurlock	2007-01-02 01:57:45.536748
55	rollercow	2007-01-06 16:41:07.724073
56	willwel2000	2007-01-13 11:49:57.269248
57	willwel2000	2007-01-13 12:11:24.763004
58	frosty	2007-01-21 19:30:23.820565
59	rollercow	2007-01-23 17:57:04.832385
60	davea	2007-02-14 17:13:15.751663
61	talyn256	2007-02-14 17:23:12.648733
62	arthur	2007-02-19 18:15:58.44254
63	dez	2007-02-26 21:27:42.17459
64,353095&st=4&ar=Y&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf&ax=371480&ay=353095	cmckenna	2007-02-26 22:24:10.020823
65	tobeon	2007-02-27 15:17:19.014728
66	talyn256	2007-03-01 08:55:31.620925
67	dez	2007-03-01 22:41:46.565933
68	chckens	2007-03-02 15:24:18.344983
69	frosty	2007-03-02 17:32:48.96157
70	frosty	2007-03-02 17:35:35.473748
71,%206pm,%20Kier%20Hardie%20248	saya	2007-03-09 20:30:09.338593
72	willwel2000	2007-03-10 19:13:03.389864
73	willwel2000	2007-03-13 15:14:32.668594
74	davea	2007-03-16 16:09:37.917695
75	talyn256	2007-03-18 21:06:08.736335
76	willwel2000	2007-03-20 23:04:47.879718
77	saya	2007-03-21 12:10:50.809143
78	dez	2007-03-21 15:22:31.310497
79	willwel2000	2007-03-21 23:02:32.957242
80	welshbyte	2007-03-21 23:22:04.462395
81	kiteaholics	2007-03-22 15:44:56.384495
82	aeternus	2007-04-04 16:18:13.98647
83	aeternus	2007-04-04 16:18:41.099678
84	aeternus	2007-04-04 16:23:58.087533
85	davea	2007-04-05 10:11:13.296057
86	cmckenna	2007-04-05 11:15:53.898048
87	frosty	2007-04-05 19:11:42.202669
88	cmckenna	2007-04-07 15:01:30.19137
89	akyan	2007-04-10 16:25:14.462316
90	arthur	2007-04-11 10:52:13.07399
91	aeternus	2007-04-12 00:03:49.832428
92	talyn256	2007-04-13 18:16:00.310529
93	talyn256	2007-04-13 18:19:09.124478
94,+switzerland&daddr=San+Francisco,+CA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.443045,68.291016&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=2&ll=54.162434,-56.953125&spn=125.852613,273.164062&om=1	frosty	2007-04-13 23:18:36.64035
95	davea	2007-04-16 01:23:28.006884
96	pwb	2007-04-17 09:03:23.645614
97	rollercow	2007-04-18 22:01:41.736695
98	psycodom	2007-04-23 08:50:34.702499
99	cmckenna	2007-04-23 14:57:37.611528
100	dez	2007-05-04 12:35:16.373204
101	talyn256	2007-05-06 10:01:14.569712
102	frosty	2007-05-07 13:20:25.770534
103,-3.967652&spn=0.007394,0.013969&z=16	davea	2007-05-14 16:54:23.940636
104	arthur	2007-05-21 09:42:24.32392
105	dez	2007-05-21 15:39:30.084103
106	frosty	2007-05-26 12:20:30.446588
107,-3.9828&t=h&z=17	frosty	2007-05-27 15:19:26.821674
108,-3.983223&spn=0.000941,0.002307&z=19	saya	2007-05-27 15:47:15.636865
346	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:57:02.154465
109	tobeon	2007-05-27 17:38:03.269093
110	tobeon	2007-05-27 18:18:57.484446
111*29%29+mod+24&btnG=Search&meta=	tobeon	2007-05-27 19:19:27.39762
112	frosty	2007-05-28 09:08:02.435819
113	tobeon	2007-05-29 15:15:37.095227
114	tobeon	2007-05-30 22:07:24.86489
115,-95.537109&sspn=15.570326,29.882813&ie=UTF8&ll=42.682435,-72.070312&spn=6.912675,14.941406&z=6&om=0	cmckenna	2007-05-30 22:13:32.466729
116	rollercow	2007-05-31 20:07:54.931001
117	tobeon	2007-06-01 17:12:45.022411
118	tobeon	2007-06-03 17:23:18.276834
119	tobeon	2007-06-03 19:05:11.020376
120;ai.26955580;ct.1/01&clickTag=;ai.26955580;ct.1/01	rollercow	2007-06-06 20:53:02.14395
121	pwb	2007-06-11 22:02:14.556696
122	pwb	2007-06-11 22:14:21.715372
123	tobeon	2007-06-12 18:13:20.564509
124	tobeon	2007-06-12 18:13:45.831056
125	pwb	2007-06-15 20:47:04.761581
126	chckens	2007-06-18 13:07:41.937176
127,-3.489254&spn=0.00297,0.007467&t=h&z=17&om=1	arthur	2007-06-20 16:55:57.416357
128;a=blob;h=4bfd6e2458aab86d01995f3e2decd40d7d30984b;hb=b72e4ea43b03b980f6818a10050f2d65d347f36c;f=drivers/ata/libata-core.c#l5762	welshbyte	2007-06-25 02:45:29.957168
129;a=blob;h=047eabd75363a110d56e88edd54d899624ab0c6b;hb=1894e382776d175c020feb6b4a26ee00a655f544;f=drivers/ata/libata-core.c#l5874	welshbyte	2007-06-25 02:46:12.302554
130;wi.120;hi.600;ai.27620624.27627188;ct.1/01;ai.27617094;ct.1/01&clickTag=;wi.120;hi.600;ai.27620624.27627188;ct.1/01;ai.27617094;ct.1/01	talyn256	2007-06-27 21:19:11.342626
131,-3937406,3797166904452670303&li=lmd&z=9&ll=51.610097,-3.978512&spn=1.125757,2.576294&t=h&om=1"	talyn256	2007-07-01 11:48:25.545077
132	rollercow	2007-07-01 16:27:45.302981
133,0.705378&spn=0.010553,0.019999&t=k&z=16&om=1&msid=101930951531884660507.000001137da5eff91fb89	dez	2007-07-02 14:55:40.670992
134	pwb	2007-07-09 11:14:56.491086
135,+swansea&sll=54.162434,-3.647461&sspn=12.009709,41.132813&ie=UTF8&ll=51.620788,-3.984132&spn=0.012416,0.040169&z=15&iwloc=addr&om=1	pwb	2007-07-18 12:02:03.715896
136	arthur	2007-07-20 13:47:41.844974
137	frosty	2007-07-30 23:14:45.480873
138,0.473678&spn=0.001017,0.00195&t=k&z=19&om=1&msid=101930951531884660507.0004369fbec4ac02ec59b	dez	2007-08-01 10:16:18.513054
139	tobeon	2007-08-06 22:06:21.659092
140	frosty	2007-08-08 00:55:16.8044
141	dez	2007-08-18 13:32:07.48962
142	dez	2007-08-18 13:33:38.670396
143	dez	2007-08-20 13:20:15.962979
144	tobeon	2007-08-28 15:40:18.094815
145	tobeon	2007-08-28 16:35:10.553363
146	davea	2007-08-30 08:44:53.224833
147	davea	2007-08-30 12:03:10.202865
148,000,000%29.txt	davea	2007-08-30 13:33:35.166515
149	davea	2007-09-10 15:59:53.263449
347	tobeon	2009-01-09 09:25:10.254338
348	tobeon	2009-01-09 13:23:31.040728
150	psycodom	2007-09-12 20:45:21.866866
151	rollercow	2007-09-14 07:54:16.447212
152	rollercow	2007-09-14 07:55:20.05608
153	rollercow	2007-09-14 08:04:47.335616
154	rollercow	2007-09-14 08:05:58.720445
155	dez	2007-10-01 13:44:40.236655
156	pwb	2007-10-01 14:26:35.813875
157	pwb	2007-10-01 14:35:05.204014
158	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:16:26.052176
159	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:19:45.144979
160,M1	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:30:55.841991
161	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:39:31.13981
162,M1	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:43:10.534605
163	tobeon	2007-10-05 12:43:19.285822
164	aeternus	2007-10-07 13:53:11.523853
165	aeternus	2007-10-07 13:53:24.367917
166	aeternus	2007-10-07 14:01:19.308041
167	chckens	2007-10-07 14:04:19.125944
168	pwb	2007-10-09 20:35:40.191105
169	finnw	2007-10-09 20:45:16.600999
170	aeternus	2007-10-09 21:08:28.369523
171	pwb	2007-10-11 22:36:25.774255
172	pwb	2007-10-13 20:21:48.233558
173,+Uplands&sll=54.162434,-3.647461&sspn=12.940851,40.957031&ie=UTF8&ll=51.614259,-3.970313&spn=0.006689,0.019999&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1	aeternus	2007-10-15 23:03:47.024768
174	dez	2007-10-19 18:36:02.313313
175	rollercow	2007-10-22 13:55:03.246733
176	welshbyte	2007-10-23 22:09:42.756263
177	frosty	2007-10-25 22:32:25.538093
178	chckens	2007-10-28 23:02:20.180299
179	frosty	2007-11-01 17:10:15.57992
180	tobeon	2007-11-01 19:41:26.377051
181	tobeon	2007-11-04 14:36:33.434207
182	rollercow	2007-11-05 19:11:59.799079
183	finnw	2007-11-07 23:02:00.542851
184	tobeon	2007-11-08 14:23:59.338659
185	tobeon	2007-11-08 21:16:06.455711
186	tobeon	2007-11-08 21:17:15.206515
187	tobeon	2007-11-08 21:18:42.134123
188	tobeon	2007-11-09 11:05:54.613322
189	tobeon	2007-11-09 11:09:18.991162
190	shepherdnick	2007-11-09 11:17:34.484531
191,,20158840,00.html	tobeon	2007-11-12 00:11:20.796934
192	tobeon	2007-11-12 16:03:29.699468
193	tobeon	2007-11-12 16:03:43.834573
400	cmckenna	2009-07-15 19:25:09.038031
194,-3.647461&sspn=13.199629,29.882813&ie=UTF8&ll=51.274374,-2.692337&spn=0.219935,0.466919&z=11&om=1	cmckenna	2007-11-14 09:41:15.735174
195	shepherdnick	2007-11-14 11:28:58.149139
196	tobeon	2007-11-17 16:49:34.569806
197	tobeon	2007-11-17 16:49:36.561704
198	tobeon	2007-11-17 18:01:20.370475
199	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:04:26.118663
200	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:41:15.433383
201	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:42:10.397409
202,M1	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:42:14.671821
203	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:42:45.416744
204	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:42:58.026483
205	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:43:37.570664
206	tobeon	2007-11-17 21:43:52.277446
207	tobeon	2007-11-19 08:19:55.082826
208	tobeon	2007-11-22 11:23:01.574032
209	tobeon	2007-11-22 11:40:20.580088
210	tobeon	2007-11-23 12:23:06.187784
211,+sketty&sll=51.618536,-3.983681&sspn=0.011125,0.026951&ie=UTF8&ll=51.620521,-3.984132&spn=0.011124,0.026951&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1	pwb	2007-11-23 15:19:03.400482
212	tobeon	2007-11-27 20:10:31.76974
213 hugs	tobeon	2007-11-27 20:12:57.195184
214	tobeon	2007-11-27 20:13:00.998251
215	tobeon	2007-11-29 20:19:38.597602
216	tobeon	2007-12-02 22:23:19.05399
217	tobeon	2007-12-03 01:29:20.813389
218	cmckenna	2007-12-11 16:27:03.854077
219	tobeon	2007-12-11 16:30:29.592923
220	tobeon	2007-12-11 16:55:58.0206
221	tobeon	2007-12-11 19:04:41.745653
222	cmckenna	2007-12-13 18:58:29.293264
223,0.071068&spn=0.007908,0.043044&z=15&om=1	cmckenna	2007-12-16 22:12:32.496441
224;buffer=5&amp;shape=1&amp;fc=FFFFFF&amp;pc=000000&amp;kc=FF9900&amp;bc=FFFFFF&amp;brand=1&amp;player=bp13	zaphod	2007-12-21 09:36:57.062987
225	tobeon	2007-12-24 19:16:52.916892
226	willwel2000	2007-12-29 22:26:31.26928
227	tobeon	2007-12-30 00:48:48.223395
228	tobeon	2008-01-02 19:44:38.631419
229	tobeon	2008-01-02 19:44:40.174574
230	tobeon	2008-01-02 19:44:40.865596
231	dez	2008-01-03 15:48:13.953621
232	dez	2008-01-12 11:37:22.208188
233	dez	2008-01-12 11:44:32.208228
234;a=blob;f=net/socket.c;h=74784dfe8e5b2b6d304c68e34e9ba4c8194123e3;hb=d0c4c9d4a2e46f052178806c4004d52cd3ae040f#l55	welshbyte	2008-01-13 08:18:51.449814
235;a=commitdiff;h=9eb42d7c2fafb25a28972b57095c87d56f8bd21d	welshbyte	2008-01-13 20:23:54.149631
236,-0.267663&spn=0.003488,0.010815&t=h&z=17&om=1	cmckenna	2008-01-15 11:35:03.03694
237	talyn256	2008-01-15 20:44:45.170101
238	pwb	2008-02-02 19:24:22.908672
239	pwb	2008-02-07 01:02:06.883527
240	welshbyte	2008-02-08 23:51:26.313588
241;a=commit;h=900cf086fd2fbad07f72f4575449e0d0958f860f	welshbyte	2008-02-13 23:41:37.887796
242	dez	2008-02-20 14:22:50.701394
243,-0.10982&spn=0.002944,0.007113&z=17	welshbyte	2008-02-20 21:00:09.635953
244	pwb	2008-02-25 01:11:35.557019
245 	jfro	2008-02-25 16:53:10.892328
492	psycodom	2011-10-21 15:53:17.041888
246	rollercow	2008-03-05 14:13:57.6108
247	tobeon	2008-03-10 11:12:27.51564
248	tobeon	2008-03-13 12:07:10.35965
249	tobeon	2008-03-31 15:21:14.698904
250	welshbyte	2008-04-01 14:58:07.752408
251	firefury	2008-04-01 15:00:36.782829
252	welshbyte	2008-04-01 15:06:20.755078
253	welshbyte	2008-04-05 18:13:53.087207
254	tobeon	2008-04-22 18:28:40.316775
255	saya	2008-04-25 16:07:55.50424
256	psycodom	2008-05-07 16:34:44.31089
257,-3.968983&spn=0.013325,0.034118&z=15	rollercow	2008-05-17 12:41:23.631729
258	foshjedi2004	2008-05-19 23:18:42.730947
259	foshjedi2004	2008-05-19 23:19:31.481472
260	dk	2008-05-30 16:34:53.842288
261	dez	2008-06-02 21:10:28.308109
262	foshjedi2004	2008-06-07 10:46:54.872424
263	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:43:29.241963
264	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:43:44.420549
265	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:43:58.112728
266	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:44:11.179776
267	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:44:24.662906
268	cmckenna	2008-06-11 15:44:36.922839
269	dez	2008-06-12 20:19:59.656774
270	dez	2008-06-12 20:20:53.207849
271,+London,+Greater+London,+E11+2LT&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.492317,27.246094&ie=UTF8&ll=51.567574,0.027251&spn=0.013845,0.043259&z=15	cmckenna	2008-06-13 18:46:57.649905
272,+London,+Greater+London,+E11+2LT&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.492317,27.246094&ie=UTF8&ll=51.567307,0.025792&spn=0.013845,0.043259&z=15	cmckenna	2008-06-20 01:02:22.82965
273Ólafur+Arnalds	davea	2008-06-30 14:02:51.638212
274	chckens	2008-07-02 13:59:38.705176
275░░▓█▓░░░░░░░░▄█▄░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▓▒░▒+░▓███▓░░░░░▄█████▄░░░░░░░░▒▒▒░░░▒▒░░▒▒▒▒▒+░░▓█▓░░░░░█████████░░░░▓███▒▒▒░░▒▒▒▓▒▓▒▓▒+░░░▓░░░░░░░█▓▓▓▓▓█░▒▒███████▄▒░▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒+███▓████████▓▓█▓▓██████▓██▓██████████████	davea	2008-07-09 10:29:10.849869
276,+nottingham&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.648906,27.246094&ie=UTF8&ll=52.953197,-1.14574&spn=0.000848,0.002704&t=k&z=19	cmckenna	2008-07-12 11:51:44.351167
277	cmckenna	2008-07-15 10:09:21.603088
278,+ig10&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.648906,27.246094&ie=UTF8&ll=51.65062,0.078406&spn=0.013979,0.043259&z=15	cmckenna	2008-07-15 10:12:16.277839
279**&p_li=&p_topview=1	pwb	2008-08-13 19:24:02.525965
280	pwb	2008-08-14 15:48:51.423306
281	cmckenna	2008-08-22 20:28:13.513188
282|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1308&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14	rollercow	2008-08-27 12:32:25.401498
283	tobeon	2008-08-28 10:51:20.685935
284,415,666.PN.&OS=PN/7,415%3Cbr%20/%3E%20,666&RS=PN/7,415,666	pwb	2008-08-30 14:38:52.838887
285	chckens	2008-09-16 17:07:25.762313
286	welshbyte	2008-09-18 11:21:02.094769
287	chckens	2008-09-21 20:06:13.545594
288	worldinsideme	2008-09-25 18:53:48.426919
289	worldinsideme	2008-09-25 18:54:03.932225
290	tobeon	2008-09-26 15:31:47.151031
291	welshbyte	2008-10-02 16:40:14.16913
292\r\n	ramuth	2008-10-02 16:53:29.531229
293	shepherdnick	2008-10-02 23:12:05.219847
294	worldinsideme	2008-10-05 02:49:30.446664
295	chckens	2008-10-06 11:45:12.431259
296	cmckenna	2008-10-07 12:20:36.309423
297	cmckenna	2008-10-08 18:15:57.055698
298	cmckenna	2008-10-08 18:16:08.502095
299	chckens	2008-10-08 19:12:51.083178
300,+Uplands,+Swansea+SA1,+United+Kingdom&daddr=SA2+7QL+to:Swansea+Rail+Station+to:Tyn+Y+Cwm,+Sylen+Rd,+Pontyberem,+Llanelli,+Dyfed+SA15,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=51.69299,-4.056015&sspn=0.198346,0.617981&ie=UTF8&ll=51.69299,-4.055328&spn=0.198346,0.617981&z=11	tswsl1989	2008-10-12 15:47:41.678216
301	pwb	2008-10-18 14:03:50.230384
302	chckens	2008-10-21 01:15:40.457767
303,-3.958211&spn=0.006955,0.013304&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr	chckens	2008-10-21 01:18:25.812556
304,-3.952739&spn=0.006635,0.013304&t=h&z=16	chckens	2008-10-21 01:21:11.060963
305	firefury	2008-10-21 10:23:31.859264
306	firefury	2008-10-21 10:23:45.632657
307	foshjedi2004	2008-10-21 13:40:44.844454
308	foshjedi2004	2008-10-21 13:41:01.030034
309	foshjedi2004	2008-10-22 09:37:15.823047
310	foshjedi2004	2008-10-22 09:38:22.002628
311	foshjedi2004	2008-10-22 09:39:10.083046
312	foshjedi2004	2008-10-22 09:40:27.993171
313	foshjedi2004	2008-10-22 09:41:36.588798
314	pwb	2008-10-22 13:03:32.381538
315,-4.064941&sspn=14.30596,28.300781&ie=UTF8&ll=51.618896,-3.947268&spn=0.007328,0.021973&z=16	cmckenna	2008-10-23 01:21:02.270905
316	foshjedi2004	2008-10-23 16:09:18.516204
317	chckens	2008-10-24 18:55:01.050749
318	foshjedi2004	2008-10-27 11:47:02.195487
319	dez	2008-10-27 14:45:44.564465
320	dez	2008-10-27 14:49:08.499611
321	psycodom	2008-10-28 09:29:41.735438
322	tobeon	2008-10-31 13:17:39.263134
323	uberduber	2008-11-06 01:35:33.571162
324|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318	tobeon	2008-11-13 14:44:08.176183
325	tobeon	2008-11-14 12:56:54.915169
326	tobeon	2008-11-19 12:21:07.508601
327	tobeon	2008-11-21 14:13:23.693501
328	worldinsideme	2008-11-22 00:03:34.363259
329	welshbyte	2008-11-25 22:48:24.174511
330	welshbyte	2008-12-01 13:19:16.045695
331	foshjedi2004	2008-12-09 13:38:12.303165
332	rollercow	2008-12-11 11:31:03.777721
333	foshjedi2004	2008-12-12 10:11:26.30994
334	foshjedi2004	2008-12-18 00:20:39.764786
335	foshjedi2004	2008-12-18 00:22:17.905934
336	foshjedi2004	2008-12-22 22:11:50.696627
337	tobeon	2008-12-23 09:54:37.859565
338	tobeon	2008-12-29 10:56:04.614131
339	tobeon	2009-01-01 19:39:39.233989
340	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:35:27.116613
341	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:41:24.145873
342	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:43:28.587905
343	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:45:38.118715
344	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:52:39.243908
345	cmckenna	2009-01-05 20:55:30.015286
384;content-type=text%2Fplain	welshbyte	2009-03-31 11:21:52.253836
385	foshjedi2004	2009-03-31 21:39:30.463216
386	worldinsideme	2009-04-11 04:03:03.417436
349	tobeon	2009-01-09 13:40:42.955964
350	tobeon	2009-01-09 13:43:05.971454
351	tobeon	2009-01-09 13:46:50.641696
352	cmckenna	2009-01-13 11:38:43.679456
353	dez	2009-01-18 16:14:48.233705
354	dez	2009-01-20 01:29:16.711589
355	dez	2009-01-21 13:21:08.921875
356	dez	2009-01-23 11:51:12.433829
357’s-get-twitter-out-of-our-system/	dez	2009-01-23 12:57:13.24113
358	foshjedi2004	2009-01-24 18:36:40.649832
359;topicseen#msg256050	dez	2009-01-24 23:26:28.803598
360	dez	2009-01-27 21:04:39.684548
361	welshbyte	2009-01-28 16:22:57.318849
362,-152.743056&ie=UTF8&ll=60.493086,-152.760086&spn=0.167067,0.440826&z=11&iwloc=addr	welshbyte	2009-01-30 14:56:58.420194
363	dez	2009-01-31 18:57:29.108839
364,com_bestoftemplate/task,detail/Itemid,46/id,1620/	chckens	2009-01-31 19:57:13.70518
365	tswsl1989	2009-02-02 09:46:35.544418
366	dez	2009-02-02 15:32:08.489643
367	welshbyte	2009-02-04 21:10:36.287093
369	cmckenna	2009-02-05 23:02:50.761047
368	cmckenna	2009-02-05 23:00:20.41154
370	foshjedi2004	2009-02-06 11:46:10.798319
371	tswsl1989	2009-02-13 15:13:24.634536
372	cmckenna	2009-02-20 15:59:51.286089
373,-2.664185&sspn=0.057383,0.11055&ie=UTF8&z=13	cmckenna	2009-02-23 18:53:39.127262
374	firefury	2009-02-23 22:19:55.456754
375	foshjedi2004	2009-02-28 12:49:56.215114
376	foshjedi2004	2009-03-06 16:31:10.017996
377	foshjedi2004	2009-03-09 10:57:29.512098
378	foshjedi2004	2009-03-14 09:20:42.931371
379	foshjedi2004	2009-03-15 23:29:13.285478
380	foshjedi2004	2009-03-18 19:58:00.885321
381,-3.959026&spn=0,359.972341&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.617318,-3.959427&panoid=VonQ3PSSfLVmjA-KUUOVNQ&cbp=12,96.94352145762626,,0,5	foshjedi2004	2009-03-20 11:45:35.95246
382,-3.959026&sspn=0,359.972341&ie=UTF8&ll=51.615219,-3.966633&spn=0.002332,0.006915&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.615339,-3.966776&panoid=AqXS8RIIvoDcyWdGutMzmA&cbp=12,13.67528406264824,,0,5	foshjedi2004	2009-03-20 11:47:11.405602
383,%20Mr%20Wolf%27s,%20Bristol%202009-03-20/	cmckenna	2009-03-21 20:33:25.050003
387	worldinsideme	2009-04-19 21:11:54.72705
388	foshjedi2004	2009-04-24 14:24:57.414009
389	foshjedi2004	2009-04-27 16:13:21.760116
390	foshjedi2004	2009-04-27 22:44:29.101368
391	cmckenna	2009-05-18 17:08:22.255753
392,+swansea&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=13.940309,29.179688&ie=UTF8&ll=51.619029,-3.970098&spn=0.028564,0.056992&t=h&z=14&iwloc=A	arthur	2009-05-20 09:36:36.480627
393	eclipse	2009-05-21 22:06:46.204882
394,+Weston-Super-Mare,+Somerset+BS25,+United+Kingdom&sll=47.814093,0.251944&sspn=3.95471,7.075195&ie=UTF8&cd=2&geocode=FV3LDgMdvtbU_w&split=0&ll=51.312392,-2.824746&spn=0.000449,0.001373&t=h&z=20	cmckenna	2009-05-29 12:56:13.881812
395	welshbyte	2009-06-09 17:06:56.85852
396	cmckenna	2009-06-29 16:26:07.888933
397	worldinsideme	2009-07-01 01:53:42.655019
398	cmckenna	2009-07-03 09:34:05.926437
399|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1683|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50	arthur	2009-07-08 12:36:07.495507
493	psycodom	2011-10-21 15:54:13.875466
402	dez	2009-07-19 12:43:31.28567
401	eclipse	2009-07-16 21:25:45.692184
403	eclipse	2009-07-28 23:50:32.534344
404	dez	2009-07-29 13:33:36.109113
405,-3.969814&sspn=0.007954,0.014913&ie=UTF8&ll=51.34084,-2.982622&spn=0.002001,0.003728&t=h&z=18	arthur	2009-08-05 11:55:42.332602
406 You'll know why	worldinsideme	2009-08-23 17:37:52.985077
407	worldinsideme	2009-08-23 17:38:42.238692
408	dez	2009-08-26 19:13:51.28201
409,+bs27&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=14.066575,28.256836&ie=UTF8&ll=51.280495,-2.780474&spn=0.001815,0.005493&t=h&z=18	cmckenna	2009-08-27 12:49:44.040829
410	dez	2009-08-27 20:45:12.803391
411,-95.677068&sspn=47.033113,63.457031&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=12&iwloc=A	dez	2009-08-31 22:11:55.095715
412	rollercow	2009-09-01 13:37:43.319481
413	dez	2009-09-02 09:50:56.591615
414	dez	2009-09-14 22:26:14.724453
415	arthur	2009-09-22 16:30:09.424012
416ésumés/	arthur	2009-09-28 15:07:07.987518
417	lizza	2009-10-11 15:03:34.943809
418é2009.pdf	dez	2009-10-13 10:44:38.361063
419	foshjedi2004	2009-10-28 13:18:18.973205
420	cmckenna	2009-11-03 01:16:27.602161
421	cmckenna	2009-11-19 13:43:10.56926
422	cmckenna	2009-12-11 13:57:35.244604
423	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:01:00.646641
424	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:04:08.014065
425	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:04:19.941909
426	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:04:24.636438
427	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:04:32.816802
428	cmckenna	2009-12-11 14:04:40.369637
429	rollercow	2010-01-08 10:53:23.091776
430,173020&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=891&ax=355512&ay=173020&lm=0	cmckenna	2010-01-10 13:07:26.01876
431	cmckenna	2010-01-10 13:08:10.098834
432,-3.810861&spn=0,359.966977&z=16&layer=c&cbll=50.695956,-3.811586&panoid=IVGWb7vL4LnKsAufb8qIvQ&cbp=12,92.97,,0,-8.45	rollercow	2010-01-21 14:12:44.688641
433,+Ipswich,+Suffolk+IP1,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.622581,-3.948109&sspn=0.008406,0.013261&g=sa1+6ej&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FdxjGgMd7ZoRAA&split=0&hq=&hnear=Fonnereau+Rd,+Ipswich,+Suffolk+IP1,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.063428,1.147406&spn=0.008271,0.013261&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=52.063383,1.147556&panoid=1NRWGR57mq_2YU20DfPylA&cbp=12,166,,0,-17.5	psycodom	2010-03-11 10:57:32.950935
434,-2.773061&spn=0.006603,0.043945&z=15&layer=c&cbll=51.285899,-2.773044&panoid=RoNtJj0z8agMNzZmPW8XZw&cbp=11,5.79,,0,11.42	cmckenna	2010-03-11 11:03:37.339907
435,-3.207664&spn=0.016788,0.132093&t=p&z=14&layer=c&cbll=54.402764,-3.187106&panoid=8coAgvOTLGnq91RdkkHmcA&cbp=11,267.78,,0,5.29	rollercow	2010-03-11 11:08:44.728914
436,-3.192518&panoid=i4IBA3pB0fV8LnfHhaJ6dw&cbp=11,248.48,,0,1.43&ll=54.399848,-3.207664&spn=0.016788,0.132093&z=14	rollercow	2010-03-11 11:09:02.954586
437,-3.207664&sspn=0.02733,0.055189&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cheddar,+Somerset+BS27+3HH,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.278857,-2.784412&spn=0.003302,0.021973&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.279204,-2.780173&panoid=g0jFyV4WzB478zHIFOIYsQ&cbp=11,148.9,,0,1.2	cmckenna	2010-03-11 11:17:49.794842
438,-2.784412&sspn=0.007342,0.021973&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Loughton,+Essex+IG10+2AD,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.652071,0.078449&spn=0.003275,0.021973&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.652331,0.077711&panoid=Lo_oFxy_EfjS2RUB0L6r5Q&cbp=11,34.43,,0,5.7	cmckenna	2010-03-11 11:18:27.928519
439,-2.887001&sspn=0.038344,0.143509&ie=UTF8&split=1&rq=1&ev=p&radius=3.1&hq=rooksbridge&hnear=&ll=51.34852,-2.894382&spn=0,359.912109&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.347946,-2.866221&panoid=L_iKx-JaAQuPCRSnapuZ8A&cbp=12,201.13,,0,9.68	cmckenna	2010-03-11 17:41:01.356047
440,+exeter&sll=50.464303,-4.150626&sspn=0.014943,0.027595&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Ide,+Exeter,+Devon,+United+Kingdom&ll=50.704914,-3.560058&spn=0.000571,0.008969&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=50.704769,-3.559511&panoid=NnPLD0xzO3yrOhUcQWO7iQ&cbp=12,84.02,,0,4.09	cmckenna	2010-03-11 18:36:10.27444
441,+alberta&sll=48.936033,-104.576111&sspn=0.489845,1.40625&ie=UTF8&hq=border+road,&hnear=Alberta,+Canada&ll=49.012654,-111.754303&spn=0,358.59375&z=10&layer=c&cbll=49.000194,-111.875808&panoid=iIRUFD6CbOYqU734W8MHlg&cbp=12,188.41,,0,5.62	cmckenna	2010-04-02 15:42:38.070304
442,-1.228185&panoid=4VzbLv0IguYTJeUXrLM_tg&cbp=12,67.76,,1,12.6&ll=52.773493,-1.228185&spn=0,0.000862&z=20	cmckenna	2010-04-08 09:43:53.707343
444	worldinsideme	2010-05-11 00:49:26.089898
495	tswsl1989	2011-11-01 15:39:40.248746
443,-1.634973&sspn=0.001879,0.004823&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cheltenham,+Gloucestershire,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.851606,-2.048285&spn=0.003738,0.009645&t=k&z=17&layer=c&cbll=51.851539,-2.048429&panoid=bzodO-lROE-myIFiHF75CA&cbp=12,262.08,,0,12.81	cmckenna	2010-05-10 00:53:08.46094
445,-4.04236&spn=0.000662,0.0012&t=h&z=20	rollercow	2010-05-27 19:04:54.955821
446 	tswsl1989	2010-06-03 08:49:58.805048
447\\alpha%29%3D+I_0+\\frac{+sin^2+\\left%28+\\alpha+%2F2+\\right%29}{\\left%28+\\alpha+%2F2+\\right%29^2}	tswsl1989	2010-06-03 09:17:35.165275
448,+ryde,+uk&sll=-33.889984,151.061924&sspn=0.269607,0.441513&ie=UTF8&hq=la+bowl,&hnear=Ryde,+Isle+Of+Wight,+United+Kingdom&t=h&ll=50.738329,-1.161407&spn=0.00368,0.010986&z=17	cmckenna	2010-06-15 19:00:44.848213
449,+Westbury&sll=51.236315,-2.717528&sspn=0.014698,0.027595&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Westbury-sub-Mendip,+Wells,+Somerset,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.236288,-2.717571&spn=0.029181,0.055189&z=14&layer=c&cbll=51.236289,-2.717392&panoid=j_aMeLPg2LMkqTOBeXw2BA&cbp=12,109.57,,1,8.78	cmckenna	2010-06-28 21:15:36.776539
450	dk	2010-07-07 22:56:17.504937
451	cmckenna	2010-07-07 23:04:27.020847
452,&layerGroupToQuery=1&location=Swansea	welshbyte	2010-07-22 14:55:31.688058
453	tswsl1989	2010-07-26 22:38:45.164402
454	tswsl1989	2010-07-27 11:49:23.017167
455|cc:|prd:4949672|cat:Electronics	cmckenna	2010-07-28 19:45:46.278739
456	welshbyte	2010-07-29 10:29:00.922771
457	tswsl1989	2010-07-29 14:33:13.327638
458	tswsl1989	2010-07-30 13:53:38.580919
459	cmckenna	2010-07-31 22:59:47.091594
460,+London&sll=52.19739,-1.162191&sspn=3.656959,7.064209&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Terminus+Pl,+London+SW1V+1JR,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.494971,-0.144904&spn=0.007254,0.021973&z=16	cmckenna	2010-07-31 23:06:33.648594
461	tswsl1989	2010-09-03 18:12:07.347416
462,-0.322782&sspn=0.002388,0.008969&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Terminus+Pl,+London+SW1V+1JR,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.496645,-0.14404&spn=0.001079,0.006925&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.496645,-0.14404&panoid=0rO7V6FVX00Uj4kLUObV7w&cbp=12,167.05,,0,8.9	cmckenna	2010-09-13 10:55:50.754228
463	tswsl1989	2010-09-28 19:28:31.508955
464	cmckenna	2010-09-29 23:59:02.597725
465,-59.901651&panoid=ZzuMubmHCfCGGo3ePSlpCQ&cbp=12,170.1,,0,1.52&hq=&hnear=Antarctica&ll=-62.595731,-59.901667&spn=0.01039,0.03768&z=15	rollercow	2010-10-01 15:08:31.508199
466	tswsl1989	2010-10-20 20:12:56.187212
467	tswsl1989	2010-10-25 20:47:23.222811
468	tswsl1989	2010-11-17 21:52:56.198346
469[%28%286.626*10^-34%29%2F%28%289.109*10^-31%29*%283*10^8%29%29%29*%281+-+Cos[T]%29%2C+{T%2C+0%2C2+\\[Pi]}]	tswsl1989	2010-11-22 16:55:59.753603
470	tswsl1989	2010-12-10 11:31:46.172868
471	tswsl1989	2010-12-20 16:48:53.833286
472	tswsl1989	2010-12-21 00:11:42.855043
473	rollercow	2011-01-12 09:52:23.995722
474	kais58	2011-01-15 15:41:24.827316
475	kais58	2011-01-15 15:42:10.095811
476	tswsl1989	2011-02-25 01:38:17.127781
477,+Southend-on-Sea,+United+Kingdom&daddr=Percy+Road,+Southend-on-Sea,+United+Kingdom+to:SS2+6LH+to:CM9+5DL&hl=en&geocode=Fc6VEgMdJU0KAClNMFVYm9nYRzF9_tqEah2VMg%3BFciMEgMdiNwJAClnYnfgMNrYRzGtl_j8I3JWUg%3BFbWTEgMdbs8KACkBWr2krNnYRzF4CU7JmsAbug%3BFcxRFQMdaWEKACn5edh1JuHYRzEPS70z16iYIA&mra=ls&sll=51.638805,0.633985&sspn=0.355403,0.629654&ie=UTF8&ll=51.637198,0.63446&spn=0.355417,0.629654&t=h&z=11	dez	2011-03-08 17:06:49.173772
478	arthur	2011-03-17 11:33:43.961982
479	tswsl1989	2011-03-18 18:34:02.323406
480	cmckenna	2011-03-24 11:24:40.867403
481,-0.017509&spn=0.057926,0.110893&z=13&msid=218396897640768068125.0004a043fe003cb5e5576	cmckenna	2011-04-06 19:51:52.511061
482,0.086174&spn=0.115816,0.22213&t=h&z=12	cmckenna	2011-04-10 21:24:55.377997
483,0.223675&spn=0.038177,0.110807&z=14&msid=218396897640768068125.0004a18806084d499a0d8	cmckenna	2011-04-22 22:11:53.709731
484	cmckenna	2011-05-20 15:08:52.296946
485	tswsl1989	2011-05-20 15:15:12.179843
486,-0.023174&spn=0.028589,0.087891&z=14	cmckenna	2011-05-23 09:59:29.723277
487	cmckenna	2011-05-23 10:00:16.882202
488,-0.063751&spn=0.009443,0.027702&z=16&msid=218396897640768068125.0004a3edb76152fb2c18a	cmckenna	2011-05-23 10:06:37.028456
489	cmckenna	2011-05-23 10:08:10.73756
490	tswsl1989	2011-07-19 19:11:00.320826
491	welshbyte	2011-10-03 15:23:26.908005
494,+Portishead,+Bristol,+Avon+BS20+6PR,+United+Kingdom+(Portishead+Fish+Bar)&hl=en&ll=51.476082,-2.76679&spn=0.001325,0.004128&sll=51.481763,-2.768542&sspn=0.010597,0.033023&geocode=FVqqEwMde8fD_ymxl05aVUVuSDF0y-cvjhJ3PQ%3BFaOMEQMdYsHV_ykL5dR5dfJxSDHgMpApNtI6EA&vpsrc=6&mra=ls&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.476085,-2.766929&panoid=MJpuiJ64EgAzAqXxNod4-A&cbp=12,279.71,,0,-5.79	rollercow	2011-10-21 16:04:22.200414
496	ed	2011-11-09 14:51:09.237635
497	tswsl1989	2011-11-09 15:01:07.746471
498	tswsl1989	2011-11-23 19:09:21.609311
499	ed	2011-12-06 13:18:30.260867
500	kais58	2011-12-12 17:13:57.842643
501	rjames93	2012-01-09 17:30:51.619791
502	cmckenna	2012-02-07 22:01:12.229104
503	cmckenna	2012-02-07 22:02:11.85666