Forked from
sucssite / sucs-site
678 commits behind the upstream repository.
Graham Cole authored
stop using temporary cookies for logged in users and set a timeout instead. Sessions should now timeout after 48 hours of inactivity, or 8 days since authenticating, whichever comes first. Also fix a bug where we tried to delete users sessions before actually figuring out who they were which stopped logout functioning correctly
Graham Cole authoredstop using temporary cookies for logged in users and set a timeout instead. Sessions should now timeout after 48 hours of inactivity, or 8 days since authenticating, whichever comes first. Also fix a bug where we tried to delete users sessions before actually figuring out who they were which stopped logout functioning correctly
session.php 9.68 KiB
// To use:
// include_once "session.php"
// $mysession = new Session;
// $mysession->loggedin is TRUE if they have logged in
// other attributes are :
// username - the username they logged in with
// fullname - whatever full name we know for them
// lastseen - unix timestamp for their previous page access
// data - var/array for persistant data, commit by calling the 'save' method
// Session management and authentication mechanism.
class Session {
public $loggedin=FALSE; // Is this a valid logged in user ?
public $username=''; // Username
public $fullname; // Fullname
public $email=0; // Email waiting?
public $email_forward; // Email forwarded?
public $groups =array(); // users groups
public $data=''; // Var/array for session persistant data
public $token=''; // session identifier
public $logintime=''; // Time which user last gave us credentials
public $lastseen=''; // Time of last page request
private $timeout = 2880; // Idle timeout limit in minutes (session deleted), 2880 == 48 hours
private $secure_timeout = 30; // Idle timeout limit in minutes (consider session less secure, require reauth for sensitive ops)
private $max_session_length = 11520; // maximum length of a session, 11520 == 8 days
private $table = "session"; // session storage table (const)
private $datahash=''; // hash of data field
// Create a new (insecure) session
private function newsession()
global $DB, $preferred_hostname;
$token = $this->genSessionID();
$DB->Execute("insert into {$this->table} (hash, lastseen, ip) values (?,NOW(),?)", array($token, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
setcookie("sucssite_session", $token, NULL, "/", $preferred_hostname);
setcookie("sucssite_loggedin", "false");
$this->token = $token;
public function isSecure()
global $DB;
// is user coming from the IP address they were when they logged in?
if ($detail['ip'] != $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
return false;
} elseif (time() > ($this->logintime + $this->secure_timeout)) {
// has it been too long since we last asked for credentials?
return false;
// Public Object constructor
function __construct()
global $DB, $preferred_hostname, $baseurl;
// if user requests a page via HTTP and claims to be logged in, bump them to HTTPS
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (@$_COOKIE['sucssite_loggedin'] == "true")) {
header("HTTP/1.0 307 Temporary redirect");
header("Location: https://{$preferred_hostname}{$baseurl}{$_SERVER['PATH_INFO']}");
// The possible form elements
$submit = @$_POST['Login'];
$logout = @$_POST['Logout'];
$session_user = strtolower(@$_POST['session_user']);
$session_pass = @$_POST['session_pass'];
// We havent logged them in yet
$this->loggedin = FALSE;
// Time out any old sessions
"delete from {$this->table} where lastseen < NOW() - '{$this->timeout} minutes'::reltime".
"or logintime < NOW() - '{$this->max_session_length} minutes'::reltime"
// the possible token data passed from a form
if (isset($_REQUEST['token']))
$token = $_REQUEST['token'];
// Check if we were handed a specific token identifier
// Otherwise use the value from the cookie we gave out
if (!isset($token) && isset($_COOKIE['sucssite_session']))
if (isset($token)) $this->token = $token;
// Log them out if they ask
if ($logout=="Logout") {
// Okay, so we still dont have a session id
// so issue a new one and go back to core
if (!isset($token))
// Is this a login attempt ?
if ($submit != '' && $session_user != '' && $session_pass != '')
$this->session_init($session_user, $session_pass);
// Retrieve session information
$oldsess=$DB->GetAll("select * from {$this->table} where hash=?", array($this->token));
if (!$oldsess || count($oldsess) < 1) {
trigger_error("Session timed out", E_USER_NOTICE);
// Extract detail of session for pass-back
$detail = $oldsess[0];
$this->data = unserialize((string)$detail['data']);
$this->lastseen = strtotime($detail['lastseen']);
$this->logintime = strtotime($detail['logintime']);
$this->datahash = md5(serialize($this->data));
// are we actually logged in, fill in more
if ($detail['username']) {
// Are we using HTTPS?
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
trigger_error("Insecure Connection", E_USER_NOTICE);
$this->loggedin = FALSE;
$this->loggedin = TRUE;
// update time stamp
$DB->Execute( "update {$this->table} set lastseen=NOW() where hash=?", array($this->token));
// generate a string suitable to be used as a session ID
private function genSessionID()
global $DB;
$try = 0;
$tt=date("D M d H:i:s Y");
$nonce = rand(); // this should stop session IDs being (easily) guessable by someone with the algorithm
do {
$token = md5("$ip$tt$nonce".$try++);
$old = $DB->GetAll("select hash from {$this->table} where hash=?", array($token));
} while ($old);
return $token;
// Public function: Store the session data away in the database
public function save( )
global $DB;
$newhash = md5(serialize($this->data));
if ($newhash == $this->datahash) {
// no change in data, dont save
$DB->Execute("update {$this->table} set data=? where hash=?", array(serialize($this->data),$this->token));
// Public function: force a logout of the session
public function logout( )
global $DB;
$DB->Execute("delete from {$this->table} where hash=?", array($this->token));
$this->loggedin = FALSE;
setcookie("sucssite_loggedin", "false");
// Fill out any extra details we know about the user
private function fetch_detail( $user )
if (!($ldap = @ldap_connect("ldap://localhost"))) {
trigger_error("LDAP connect failed", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
$info = $this->ldap_getuser($ldap, $user);
if (!$info) return FALSE;
// Check the user's email status
$mailstat = @stat("/var/spool/mail/".$user);
if ($mailstat[size]>0) {
if ($mailstat[mtime]>$mailstat[atime]) $this->email = 2;
else $this->email = 1;
if (file_exists($info['homedirectory'][0]."/.forward")) {
$forward = file($info['homedirectory'][0]."/.forward");
$this->email_forward = ereg_replace("\n", "", $forward[0]);
$this->fullname = $info['cn'][0];
$this->groups = $info['grouplist'];
/* check using mod_auth_externals helper
private function check_pass($user, $pass)
if ($fd === FALSE) {
$this->errormsg = "Auth system error";
return FALSE;
fwrite($fd, "$user\n");
fwrite($fd, "$pass\n");
$ret = pclose($fd);
if ($ret == 0) return TRUE;
$this->autherror = "u='$user' p='$pass' ret=$ret";
$this->errormsg = "Invalid Username or Password";
return FALSE;
// Get a users full record from ldap
private function ldap_getuser($ldap, $user)
// publically bind to find user
if (!($bind=@ldap_bind($ldap, "", ""))) {
trigger_error("LDAP bind failed", E_USER_ERROR);
return NULL;
// find the user
if (!($search=@ldap_search($ldap, "dc=sucs,dc=org", "(&(uid=$user))"))) {
trigger_error("LDAP search fail", E_USER_ERROR);
return NULL;
$n = ldap_count_entries($ldap, $search);
if ($n < 1) {
trigger_error("Username or Password Incorrect", E_USER_WARNING);
return NULL;
$info = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search);
if (($grpsearch=@ldap_search($ldap, "ou=Group,dc=sucs,dc=org", "memberuid=$user"))) {
$gn = ldap_count_entries($ldap,$grpsearch);
$gpile = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $grpsearch);
for ($i=0;$i<$gn;$i++) {
$glist[ $gpile[$i]['cn'][0] ] = $gpile[$i]['gidnumber'][0];
$info[0]['grouplist'] = $glist;
return $info[0];
/* check using ldap directly */
private function check_pass($user, $pass)
// Open connection
if (!($ldap = @ldap_connect("ldap://localhost"))) {
trigger_error("LDAP connect failed", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
$info = $this->ldap_getuser($ldap, $user);
if (!$info) return FALSE;
$real = @ldap_bind($ldap, $info['dn'], $pass);
if ($real) return TRUE;
trigger_error("Username or Password Incorrect", E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
// Private function: process login form
private function session_init($user, $pass)
global $DB, $preferred_hostname;
// Check that this is a valid session start
// This prevents replay attacks
$sess = $DB->GetAll("select * from {$this->table} where hash=? and username is NULL", array($this->token));
if (!$sess || count($sess)<1) {
trigger_error("Invalid session, login again.", E_USER_WARNING);
if (!$this->check_pass($user, $pass)) return;
$this->username = $user;
// the token has likely been used on an insecure connection
// so generate a new one with the secure flag set
$oldtoken = $this->token;
$this->token = $this->genSessionID();
setcookie("sucssite_session", $this->token, time() + $this->max_session_length * 60, "/", $preferred_hostname, TRUE);
// set a cookie as a hint that we're logged in
// this can be checked for to allow redirecting to SSL to get the secure cookie
setcookie("sucssite_loggedin", "true", time() + $this->max_session_length * 60);
// Update the session, filling in the blanks
$DB->Execute("update {$this->table} set hash=?, username=?, logintime='NOW()', lastseen='NOW()', ip=? where hash=?",
array($this->token, $this->username, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $oldtoken));
// Return back to normal session retrieval
} // end of Class