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database.sql 1020 KiB
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-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: 

-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: 

COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: acctype; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE acctype (
    id integer NOT NULL,
ALTER TABLE public.acctype OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: acctype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez
CREATE SEQUENCE acctype_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.acctype_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: acctype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez

-- Name: awards; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
    username text,
    score integer,
    whn timestamp(0) without time zone,
    who text,
    why text

ALTER TABLE public.awards OWNER TO chckens;
-- Name: awards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

CREATE SEQUENCE awards_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.awards_id_seq OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: awards_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: chckens
-- Name: bookcategories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE bookcategories (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    name text

ALTER TABLE public.bookcategories OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: bookcategories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

CREATE SEQUENCE bookcategories_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.bookcategories_id_seq OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: bookcategories_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

ALTER SEQUENCE bookcategories_id_seq OWNED BY;

-- Name: books; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: arthur; Tablespace: 

    id integer DEFAULT nextval(('"books_id_seq"'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
    title text,
    author text,
    keywords text DEFAULT ''::text,
    comments text,
    onloan boolean,
    loandate timestamp with time zone,
    publisher text,
    loanwho text,
    got boolean,
    isbn text,
    amazon_data text,
    image_url text

ALTER TABLE public.books OWNER TO arthur;
-- Name: books_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: arthur

CREATE SEQUENCE books_id_seq
    MAXVALUE 2147483647
ALTER TABLE public.books_id_seq OWNER TO arthur;
Denis Walker's avatar
Denis Walker committed
-- Name: booktags; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens; Tablespace: 
CREATE TABLE booktags (
    bookid integer,
    tag integer
ALTER TABLE public.booktags OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: election_candidates; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE election_candidates (
    username text,
    post text,
    manifesto_link text

ALTER TABLE public.election_candidates OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: election_votes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE election_votes (
    username text NOT NULL,
    "time" timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '2008-11-30 19:41:21.383885+00'::timestamp with time zone,
    president text,
    treasurer text,
    secretary text,
    publicity text,
    ipaddress text

ALTER TABLE public.election_votes OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: games; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
-- Name: games_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

CREATE SEQUENCE games_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.games_id_seq OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: games_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: chckens


-- Name: inventory; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE inventory (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    category text NOT NULL,
    title text NOT NULL,
    description text,
    requested_by text,
    requested_on timestamp with time zone,
    taken_on timestamp with time zone,
    donated_by text,
    status text DEFAULT 'unknown'::text

ALTER TABLE public.inventory OWNER TO eclipse;

-- Name: inventory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse

CREATE SEQUENCE inventory_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.inventory_id_seq OWNER TO eclipse;

-- Name: inventory_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse
ALTER SEQUENCE inventory_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: menu; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
    title text NOT NULL,
    parent integer,
    menuorder integer,
    target text,
    title_cy text,
    permission text


-- Name: menu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez

    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.menu_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: menu_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez
-- Name: news; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
    title text,
    body text,
    date timestamp(0) without time zone,
    category character varying(15),
    sticky boolean,
    author character varying(20),
    expiry timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT (now() + '1 mon'::interval)

-- Name: news_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.news_id_seq OWNER TO chckens;

-- Name: news_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: chckens
-- Name: pagemap; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: arthur; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE pagemap (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    path text,
    depth integer,
    component text

ALTER TABLE public.pagemap OWNER TO arthur;

-- Name: pagemap_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: arthur

CREATE SEQUENCE pagemap_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.pagemap_id_seq OWNER TO arthur;

-- Name: pagemap_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: arthur

-- Name: pastebin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE pastebin (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    created timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT now(),
    username character varying(50),
    code text,
    highlighted_code text,
    language character varying(10),
    retain_til timestamp(0) with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp(0) with time zone

ALTER TABLE public.pastebin OWNER TO dez;
-- Name: pastebin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez

CREATE SEQUENCE pastebin_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.pastebin_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: pastebin_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER SEQUENCE pastebin_id_seq OWNED BY;

-- Name: poems; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
    title text,
    body text,
    author character varying(20),
    submitter character varying(20)

ALTER TABLE public.poems OWNER TO tswsl1989;

-- Name: poems_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989

CREATE SEQUENCE poems_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.poems_id_seq OWNER TO tswsl1989;

-- Name: poems_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989

-- Name: redirect; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE redirect (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    from_uri text,
    to_uri text

ALTER TABLE public.redirect OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: redirect_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez

CREATE SEQUENCE redirect_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.redirect_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: redirect_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez
ALTER SEQUENCE redirect_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: session; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: arthur; Tablespace: 
CREATE TABLE session (
    hash text,
    username text,
    data text,
    ip text,
    logintime timestamp(0) without time zone,
    lastseen timestamp(0) without time zone
ALTER TABLE public.session OWNER TO arthur;
-- Name: shorturi; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE shorturi (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    url text,
    creator text,
    created timestamp without time zone

ALTER TABLE public.shorturi OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: shorturi_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez

CREATE SEQUENCE shorturi_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.shorturi_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: shorturi_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez
ALTER SEQUENCE shorturi_id_seq OWNED BY;

-- Name: static; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: dez; Tablespace: 

    id integer NOT NULL,
    path text,
    summary text,
    editor text,
    pageorder integer

ALTER TABLE public.static OWNER TO dez;
-- Name: static_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: dez

CREATE SEQUENCE static_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.static_id_seq OWNER TO dez;

-- Name: static_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: dez


-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY acctype ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('acctype_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: chckens
ALTER TABLE ONLY awards ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('awards_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

ALTER TABLE ONLY bookcategories ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('bookcategories_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

ALTER TABLE ONLY games ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('games_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: eclipse

ALTER TABLE ONLY inventory ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('inventory_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY menu ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('menu_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

ALTER TABLE ONLY news ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('news_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: arthur

ALTER TABLE ONLY pagemap ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('pagemap_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY pastebin ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('pastebin_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: tswsl1989

ALTER TABLE ONLY poems ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('poems_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY redirect ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('redirect_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY shorturi ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('shorturi_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: dez

ALTER TABLE ONLY static ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('static_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Data for Name: acctype; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: dez

COPY acctype (id, description) FROM stdin;
1	public
2	non-member
3	member
4	moderator
5	admin

-- Name: acctype_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: dez

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('acctype_id_seq', 5, true);

-- Data for Name: awards; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: chckens

COPY awards (id, username, score, whn, who, why) FROM stdin;
338	elsmorian	-3	2007-06-12 14:17:26	pwb	For banana fraud
339	elsmorian	2	2007-06-12 16:30:17	welshbyte	For finally getting your hair cut
340	elsmorian	3	2007-06-12 16:35:05	elsmorian	To again negate the wrath that is pwb - its not fraud when you don't deserve them!
341	elsmorian	-1	2007-06-13 15:39:48	saya	For not bulding a bridge with pwb and getting over it. Quit this banana war already >:(
342	pwb	-1	2007-06-13 15:40:07	saya	For not bulding a bridge with elsmorian and getting over it. Quit this banana war already >:(
343	everyone	3	2007-06-13 15:40:55	saya	For being at the beach party and making it fun :)
344	frosty	1	2007-06-14 12:13:22	chckens	For making the room clean and tidy
345	aeternus	2	2007-06-23 16:22:31	welshbyte	For cleaning up the SUCS FTP space. It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.
293	rollercow	-1	2007-04-04 00:19:44	frosty	For giving me a negative banana for not giving him a banana for the DV8 cable laying - Elmo gave everyone bananas and then asked me to give him one. If you didn't get one, it's Elmo's fault. :P
294	jk	-1	2007-04-22 22:46:14	chckens	For questioning the integrity of the banana-givers
295	malc	2	2007-04-27 18:01:52	pwb	For getting some Blu-Tack to hold the RFID reader up, and donating the entire pack to SUCS.
296	frosty	-1	2007-05-09 19:06:38	chckens	For changing your mind about port 706 and not telling people
297	frosty	2	2007-05-13 09:01:32	talyn256	For being pro-active with respect to finding foster homes for SUCS' vast array of orphaned hardware.
298	welshbyte	1	2007-05-16 03:10:40	chckens	For an informative (and not too, er, beige) talk about getting started in the FOSS community
299	saya	-1	2007-05-16 03:12:43	chckens	For not knowing when the SUCS talks were (on the day before the talks...)
300	frosty	1	2007-05-16 03:19:39	chckens	For an energetic history lesson about typewriters, and attempting to persuade people to join our Dvorak keyboard cult
301	frosty	2	2007-05-16 21:40:43	talyn256	Fixing up Door.
302	elsmorian	1	2007-05-16 21:41:06	talyn256	Fixing up Door.
303	pauljanicki	1	2007-05-16 21:41:22	talyn256	Fixing up Door.
318	chckens	2	2007-05-28 19:59:33	talyn256	For locating wood for the beach party on campus and relocating it to the room.
305	talyn256	1	2007-05-16 22:24:37	chckens	For doing a talk about wireless network insecurity
306	bogglesteinsky	1	2007-05-16 22:31:55	chckens	For giving a talk explaining about random number generation and entropy pools and what you can do with them
307	rollercow	1	2007-05-16 22:35:46	chckens	For another great talk about hiking related geekery
308	dez	-1	2007-05-16 22:38:53	chckens	For a spectacular display of XML parsing by guesswork
309	worldinsideme	1	2007-05-16 22:41:09	chckens	For leading an enjoyable talk-by-committee highlighting more useful *nix commands
310	wedge	1	2007-05-16 22:44:06	chckens	For a fun talk about prominent fictional computers
311	elsmorian	1	2007-05-16 22:47:28	chckens	For doing a talk about microprocessor history. At least that's what I think it was, as I was busy eating pizza at the time
312	davea	1	2007-05-16 22:48:07	chckens	An impressive display of pizza-ordering skill
313	hannah	1	2007-05-16 22:50:10	chckens	For managing to carry valuables (pizza, money) halfway across campus without "getting lost"
314	sara	1	2007-05-16 22:55:41	chckens	For not running away with pizza or pizza money
315	elsmorian	-1	2007-05-24 18:05:45	rollercow	For walking past a over-full bin for at least a week without emptying it.
316	frosty	-1	2007-05-24 18:05:49	rollercow	For walking past a over-full bin for at least a week without emptying it.
317	frosty	-1	2007-05-24 18:07:25	rollercow	For breaking door in the first place!
319	frosty	1	2007-06-02 15:31:40	chckens	For uploading the video of rollercow's talk at last!
285	worldinsideme	1	2007-03-29 00:36:44	elsmorian	For helping lay the cable from Dining room C to DV8\r\n
286	frosty	1	2007-03-29 01:41:00	chckens	For fixing a couple of banana-flavoured issues on the website
287	elsmorian	1	2007-03-29 02:09:55	frosty	For helping to lay the cable between DV8 and Dining Room C!
288	frosty	-1	2007-03-30 11:12:33	rollercow	For forgetting me when handing out bananas for the election day cable run. Silly Frosty!
289	rollercow	1	2007-03-30 13:07:18	chckens	For taking charge of the printer-ran-out-of-toner situation
290	chckens	-1	2007-04-01 10:06:43	talyn256	For playing a nasty April Fool's prank on
291	chckens	1	2007-04-01 10:07:01	talyn256	For playing a nasty prank on with quite pretty colours.
320	davea	-1	2007-06-02 15:32:34	chckens	For going to Finland and leaving us all Daveless for 6 months
321	tri	2	2007-06-02 16:09:22	rollercow	For lending me the MID book in my hour of need
322	grant	1	2007-06-04 22:53:38	saya	For sporting a SUCS t-shirt in Time of all places - way to represent ^_^
323	welshbyte	2	2007-06-07 22:39:38	chckens	For excellent work upgrading the room to Fedora 7... and dealing with platinum when others were too chicken to do so
324	worldinsideme	2	2007-06-07 22:44:10	chckens	For helping upgrade the SUCS desktops to Fedora 7
325	aeternus	1	2007-06-07 23:19:04	chckens	Because I'm sure you were meant to have bananas for something... *looks confused*
326	elsmorian	2	2007-06-09 11:37:55	elsmorian	To negate the wrath that is pwb and the Silver incident!
327	rollercow	3	2007-06-10 10:55:45	saya	For cooking all that food for us hungry SUCSians at the beach party :)
328	firefury	3	2007-06-10 10:56:47	saya	For bringing your van so we could have tonnes of wood at the beach party :)
329	dez	3	2007-06-10 10:58:58	saya	For making the golden diskettes and the shiny laminated certificates :)
431	mistake	2	2008-09-27 00:16:21	eclipse	Manning the SUCS Freshers stall
330	frosty	3	2007-06-10 10:59:33	saya	For making the bananas and coming up with the awards and certificates :)
331	chckens	2	2007-06-10 15:37:34	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
332	frosty	2	2007-06-10 15:37:55	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
333	wedge	2	2007-06-10 15:38:12	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
334	talyn256	2	2007-06-10 15:38:27	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
335	worldinsideme	2	2007-06-10 15:38:40	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
336	hannah	2	2007-06-10 15:38:58	saya	For risking lobsterisation and dehydration all for bonfire clean-up :)
337	saya	2	2007-06-12 10:52:53	talyn256	For helping clean up after the beach party.
527	itsme	1	2011-11-02 17:36:35	ed	For giving a lightning talk.
89	rollercow	3	2007-01-25 21:18:02	talyn256	For sorting out broken machines after the power cut in short order and generally being very good at fixing things - even when he has a project and viva to sort out :-)
76	willwel2000	-1	2006-12-10 03:06:44	chckens	For constantly pestering us to give you bananas
77	chckens	2	2006-12-10 16:15:55	welshbyte	For putting the forum back from scratch after it was deleted by someone who isn't him.
78	chckens	-1	2006-12-10 21:58:04	pwb	For making said calamity possible by not committing the component to svn
427	kyara	3	2008-09-27 00:12:32	eclipse	Manning the SUCS Freshers stall and BCS
80	willwel2000	1	2006-12-11 14:34:49	saya	For his "leet" Welsh skillz and being SUCS' lovable scamp :) 
81	talyn256	-2	2006-12-12 19:13:16	chckens	For abusing his sudo powers in order to baggy-pants bogglesteinsky on Milliways today
82	everyone	-1	2006-12-12 22:04:32	talyn256	Not letting me abuse my priveliges in peace :P
83	frosty	-2	2006-12-13 11:45:59	rollercow	For abusing his power to cheat at my <a href="">Name Guessing Game</a>
84	michael	2	2006-12-15 12:59:04	saya	For helping me clean up after the party :)
85	pwb	1	2006-12-15 18:27:31	talyn256	For a most-entertaining round of Twister at the Christmas party.
86	frosty	1	2006-12-17 22:19:51	chckens	For making yummy Christmas party food
87	hannah	1	2006-12-17 22:31:12	chckens	For making yummy Christmas party food
90	pwb	1	2007-01-26 23:35:41	chckens	For heading down the room at stupid o'clock to sort out silver after the kernel oopsed
264	rollercow	2	2007-02-15 00:36:01	talyn256	For sorting out the Xtreme Radio machine and putting the smackdown on them when they got arsey. Way to go :-)
91	bogglesteinsky	1	2007-02-01 14:18:20	chckens	For posting cmckenna's XDA stylus back to him after finding it in the SUCS room
92	elsmorian	-1	2007-02-05 15:04:26	saya	Forgetting about the meeting *tut tut*. Where's the love?
265	sara	1	2007-02-17 00:12:48	talyn256	For hoovering the room.
94	elsmorian	1	2007-02-05 17:21:02	saya	For still coming to the meeting, even though we started without him.
95	elsmorian	-1	2007-02-07 10:23:55	talyn256	For being a crimper hoarding squirrel!
96	mattaw	3	2007-02-07 15:48:28	talyn256	For donating a machine to SUCS.
97	bogglesteinsky	1	2007-02-08 18:07:46	talyn256	For helping to install FC6 on the workstations.
98	worldinsideme	1	2007-02-08 18:08:09	talyn256	For helping to install FC6 on the workstations.
99	foshjedi2004	1	2007-02-08 18:08:25	talyn256	For helping to install FC6 on the workstations.
100	LIS	-2	2007-02-11 19:18:24	chckens	For this weekend's round of network brokenness
266	rollercow	-1	2007-02-23 18:38:10	chckens	For leaving food related rubbish next to the computer he was using. Cookie wrappers and plastic should go in the bin
267	rollercow	1	2007-03-10 23:37:14	chckens	For sorting out a group project Trac for tri and probably several others
268	chckens	1	2007-03-13 08:35:37	welshbyte	For cleaning the room with frosty yesterday
269	frosty	1	2007-03-13 08:36:18	welshbyte	For cleaning the room with chckens yesterday
270	loki	1	2007-03-13 14:31:40	welshbyte	For beaing a good treasurer and correcting the errors i made in the accounts. Yay for balanced books!
271	frosty	2	2007-03-13 22:48:28	saya	For being Super Special Awesome and efficient so far this year ^_^
272	elsmorian	2	2007-03-13 22:48:58	saya	For being Super Special Awesome and efficient so far this year ^_^
273	loki	2	2007-03-13 22:49:15	saya	For being Super Special Awesome and efficient so far this year ^_^
274	frosty	1	2007-03-23 15:13:06	chckens	For a brilliant talk about procrastination and Getting Things Done
275	rollercow	1	2007-03-23 15:14:53	chckens	For a great talk on MythTV
276	talyn256	-1	2007-03-23 15:20:35	chckens	For not programming Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics into the robot he demonstrated during his talk, thus jeopardising the safety of fellow SUCS members
114	welshbyte	1	2007-03-23 15:16:46	chckens	For kicking the relevant people to make the SUCS talks event happen, and going first with his talk on pyBackPack
115	talyn256	2	2007-03-23 15:18:05	chckens	For an excellent talk about Lego Mindstorms
277	worldinsideme	1	2007-03-25 21:35:14	davea	For giving an excellent talk on basic *nix commands.
117	sits	2	2007-03-23 15:24:33	chckens	For an insightful talk about the state of power management in Linux, and helping ensure that people kept their talks to ten minutes
118	sits	-1	2007-03-23 15:26:03	chckens	For giving a talk that lasted well over fifteen minutes
119	jk	2	2007-03-23 15:27:48	chckens	For an inspirational introduction to creating documents with LaTeX
156	pwb	1	2005-02-13 23:53:47	stringfellow	For performing CPR on gw 13th Feb :D
430	grant	2	2008-09-27 00:15:16	eclipse	Manning the SUCS Freshers stall
120	jk	-1	2007-03-23 15:28:20	chckens	For not being able to pronounce "LaTeX" correctly
121	tri	1	2007-03-23 15:36:18	chckens	For taking the time to share his views on what the society could do better for newer members, and starting one of the most popular threads in the (brief) history of the SUCS forum
278	elsmorian	1	2007-03-25 21:36:15	davea	For giving an awesome talk about Music, Media + DRM.
279	jean	1	2007-03-25 21:38:47	davea	For giving an informative talk on 3D Programming in DarkBASIC.
280	frosty	2	2007-03-26 13:58:24	rollercow	For filming the talks, and then producing fancy videos for them.
281	rohan	2	2007-03-28 03:44:13	welshbyte	For helping out with the whole getting-a-cluster thing
282	frosty	1	2007-03-29 00:34:44	elsmorian	For helping lay the cable from DV8 to Dining room C!
284	bogglesteinsky	1	2007-03-29 00:35:29	elsmorian	For appearing just at the right time to help with laying the cable from Dining room C to DV8\r\n
292	LIS	-1	2007-04-03 23:26:19	chckens	For today's intermittent connectivity problems
69	frosty	2	2006-11-14 22:48:20	talyn256	Hacking up door to work with the RFID reader as well as the normal swiper.
61	elsmorian	-2	2006-11-02 14:55:39	pwb	For giving me green bananas I didn't deserve. Here, have them back.
62	sara	3	2006-11-06 19:58:38	frosty	For a great halloween party :) And some excellent pole dancing. On behalf of Hannah
63	vortex	1	2006-11-07 10:57:45	saya	For fixing the colours on the monitor of Neptunium so that it isn't that ugly pink "colour"
64	elsmorian	2	2006-11-07 10:58:41	saya	For being awesome and setting off fireworks on Bonfire Night
65	bogglesteinsky	2	2006-11-07 10:59:21	saya	For being awesome and setting off fireworks on Bonfire Night :)
599	eclipse	-1	2012-10-18 19:22:08	zephyr	For doing a callum, which resulted in him using his tablet as a plate
529	rollercow	1	2011-11-02 17:38:05	ed	For giving a lightning talk.
68	welshbyte	1	2006-11-10 21:08:20	chckens	For cycling to uni in the dark to deal with a bunch of machines which got mysteriously switched off
20	bogglesteinsky	1	2006-09-30 12:12:32	talyn256	For helping lots during freshers' fayre.
21	welshbyte	1	2006-09-30 12:13:22	elsmorian	For helping out at freshers fayre handing out le leaflets
22	saya	2	2006-09-30 12:14:26	elsmorian	For helping out at freshers fayre, and making baloons and signs
23	wedge	1	2006-09-30 12:15:28	elsmorian	For helping out at freshers even though he was on the SUMASOC stand aswell
24	saya	1	2006-09-30 12:15:43	talyn256	For being helpful, bouncy and energetic at the freshers' fayre.
25	saya	-1	2006-09-30 12:15:59	talyn256	For attacking me with Tux at the freshers' fayre.
26	talyn256	1	2006-09-30 12:16:04	elsmorian	For helping out at freshers fayre
27	wedge	1	2006-09-30 12:17:54	talyn256	For directing SUMA Soc members in the direction of SUCS.
28	worldinsideme	1	2006-09-30 12:19:18	talyn256	For helping out lots at the freshers' fayre.
29	frosty	3	2006-09-30 12:19:23	elsmorian	For helping at freshers fayre, dispite being rubbish in the waking up and producing cool videos and stuffs for the stand
30	jo	-1	2006-09-30 12:19:58	talyn256	For buggering off to London and denying a new batch of freshers' the joys of Jolog.
31	akyan	1	2006-09-30 12:22:02	talyn256	For helping to promote SUCS at the freshers fayre.
32	elsmorian	1	2006-09-30 12:22:06	saya	For helping me fix the sink in the SUCS room the last time so that the u-bend is all nice and snug and doesn't leak.
33	chckens	1	2006-09-30 12:23:23	saya	For helping me sort of fix the sink in the SUCS room the first time when I got my lefts and rights mixed up. 
34	elsmorian	2	2006-09-30 12:23:54	talyn256	For doing a grand job with publicity.
35	daibach	1	2006-09-30 12:25:58	talyn256	For helping to promote SUCS at the freshers' fayre.
36	rollercow	3	2006-09-30 12:33:27	chckens	For getting newsilver deployed and (reasonably) working before term started
37	sara	1	2006-09-30 12:38:58	saya	For talking to all the people at enrolment that the rest of us were too wussy to.
38	tobeon	1	2006-10-01 11:47:14	chckens	Because CD cases with eject buttons are great fun
39	saya	1	2006-10-01 13:13:18	welshbyte	For making some "Keep the SUCS room tidy" posters. I haven't seen them yet, but it's the thought that counts.
40	elsmorian	-1	2006-10-02 12:23:08	talyn256	Banana fraud on 10th June 2006 at 10.37am
41	tobeon	1	2006-10-03 12:05:39	chckens	For agreeing to investigate someone's network problem in exchange for a donation to the society
42	tobeon	-2	2006-10-03 12:07:23	chckens	For managing to lose the only copy of said someone's contact details, despite them being on a bright orange piece of paper
43	pwb	-2	2006-10-03 13:17:49	elsmorian	For pulling out Silver's screen and breaking its GFX card
44	welshbyte	1	2006-10-03 13:19:20	elsmorian	For helping with an emergency GFX card transplant on Silver after PWB broke it
45	frosty	-3	2006-10-03 13:37:07	elsmorian	For taking ages to decide on the new logo, and wiping his green bananas away
46	arthur	-1	2006-10-04 15:36:05	elsmorian	For wiping all frosty's green bananas and noone else's
47	frosty	-1	2006-10-05 16:56:51	talyn256	For ditching a staff meeting to get laid.
48	Dez	-1	2006-10-08 14:35:27	chckens	For not making a backup before playing with the "svn rm" command on the live website
70	bogglesteinsky	-1	2006-11-15 15:04:33	talyn256	For breaking the RFID reader by rubbing his crotch on it.
50	flagg	3	2006-10-10 15:07:25	welshbyte	For donating a bunch of nifty books to the SUCS library
51	frosty	-3	2006-10-13 11:23:33	elsmorian	For not turning up to two SU meetings even though he was on campus for the second one, at the right time!
206	rollercow	1	2006-03-06 16:24:27	wedge	For fixing the webcam (but not the java stream viewer)
52	elsmorian	2	2006-10-13 11:23:37	saya	For going to two SU meetings and representing SUCS when the president wouldn't :P
53	Dez	3	2006-10-13 11:24:53	frosty	For outstanding work on the new SUCS website. 
54	welshbyte	2	2006-10-13 11:25:22	saya	For going to two nifty SU meetings when the president wouldn't.
55	elsmorian	1	2006-10-13 11:34:18	frosty	For wheeling a mahoosive reel down to the beach.
56	sara	2	2006-10-13 11:35:08	frosty	For doing publicity and social-organisingy stuffs! w00t! Cool balloons!
71	pwb	-1	2006-11-22 16:03:32	rollercow	For leaving rubish in the room
72	pwb	-3	2006-12-06 16:07:24	frosty	For deleting the forum component on the SUCS website :-)
73	worldinsideme	2	2006-12-08 12:46:00	saya	For emptying the bin in The Room at least the last two times.
88	LIS	-5	2007-01-08 18:36:59	pwb	For being lazy enough to allow the firewall to be broken over a whole weekend, thus leaving the entire campus network offline for that period.
213	elsmorian	1	2006-03-22 17:36:46	saya	For all those times he's put the cleaner over in the room. _Now_ will you stop complaining :)
16	sara	2	2006-09-30 12:11:56	talyn256	For helping lots during freshers' week and being especially proactive about encouraging female members to join.
215	saya	1	2006-03-22 20:51:37	chckens	For brightening up the room by making colourful updated versions of the "Did you know?" posters... and recycling (mutilating?) some old Ubuntu discs into an attractive wall decoration
216	rollercow	1	2006-03-23 00:12:10	saya	For helping me print out new posters for the room :)
217	chckens	1	2006-03-23 00:12:32	saya	For helping me print out new posters for the room :)
218	welshbyte	1	2006-03-23 00:15:54	saya	For helping me print out new posters for the room :)
219	vortex	1	2006-03-23 09:26:50	saya	For taking me all the to Asda to get my toffypop fix the other day ^^
220	vortex	2	2006-05-13 22:42:51	seymansey	For kindly giving me a SVideo cable for my powerbook and letting me whine to him about the AIAPPs c/w
221	welshbyte	1	2006-05-14 21:36:43	wedge	For his Communist-fighting haircut. I promise to remember its proud service in Vietnam every Veterans' Day.
17	chckens	2	2006-09-30 12:11:57	frosty	For outstanding work on the new SUCS website :-)
223	welshbyte	-1	2006-05-30 17:20:08	jo	For moving his head out of optimum trajectory thus causing the mighty power of a flip flop to ravage silver.
224	frosty	3	2006-06-04 16:35:45	rollercow	For <b>finally</b> sorting out the replacement logos.
225	chckens	2	2006-06-04 17:13:53	rollercow	For audting and converting to PHP5 bits of the sucs website.
226	chckens	1	2006-06-04 17:14:46	rollercow	For reimplementing the vote script, in a more sane fashion.
513	zephyr	-1	2011-09-26 15:06:27	kais58	For not knowing what bananas are
227	sits	2	2006-06-04 17:16:50	rollercow	For helping to upgrade to FC5, and being master of all things related to selinux.
228	saya	1	2006-06-04 17:19:12	rollercow	For biting certian people.
229	saya	-1	2006-06-04 17:19:22	rollercow	For biting certian people.
230	pwb	1	2006-06-04 17:23:25	rollercow	For finally returning said wok
231	frosty	3	2006-06-10 00:22:45	worldinsideme	For announcing the logo on time!
232	vortex	1	2006-06-10 00:26:50	frosty	Taking us to Tescos to buy party supplies!
233	vortex	-1	2006-06-10 00:27:19	frosty	Dropping us off at some traffic lights and driving back to Port Talbot with all of our shopping still in your boot!
234	vortex	1	2006-06-10 00:27:41	frosty	Coming all the way back to bring the shopping back! Legend!
235	frosty	3	2006-06-10 00:34:28	seymansey	For whipping up a page to show the new logo in uber quick time. 
237	chckens	1	2006-06-10 10:35:12	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets
238	welshbyte	1	2006-06-10 10:35:31	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets
239	talyn256	1	2006-06-10 10:35:46	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets
240	worldinsideme	1	2006-06-10 10:36:06	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets
241	frosty	1	2006-06-10 10:37:12	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets, and nicking one all by yourself :)
242	elsmorian	1	2006-06-10 10:37:41	elsmorian	For scouring campus for wood and pallets
243	elsmorian	1	2006-06-12 23:23:06	seymansey	For taking lots of cool pics at the beach party.
244	elsmorian	-3	2006-06-12 23:23:31	seymansey	For buggering off to a party before uploading the cool pics :(
245	jo	1	2006-06-12 23:26:05	seymansey	For the rum + jaffa cakes idea at the beach party
246	davea	2	2006-06-12 23:27:29	seymansey	For going to the SUCS room with me to buy a poxy DVD (to open the doors), and i've disturbed him a bazillion times during revision with my 'filling a glass with coke' impression.
247	elsmorian	-1	2006-06-13 18:23:18	seymansey	STILL hasn't uploaded the pictures, after teasing me with one of them!
248	frosty	2	2006-06-14 14:55:04	welshbyte	For hoovering the beach party remnants out of the room
249	welshbyte	-1	2006-06-20 16:57:06	arthur	For putting an entry on the sucs wiki (webdav) which links to an offsite personal page. External pages, and even personal local pages, are to be considered transient and are to be avoided.
250	arthur	1	2006-06-30 00:09:34	worldinsideme	For creating a wiki to help the admin team get organised
251	wedge	-1	2006-07-06 23:37:03	welshbyte	For trying to extort money out of people by tempting them with shiny yellow SUCS bananas. Shame on you.
252	firefury	-1	2006-07-06 23:47:13	wedge	for being 'a complete tit' (by his own admission)
253	elsmorian	-1	2006-07-06 23:48:37	wedge	for awarding everyone else bananas for campus-scouring but not me in a heartbreaking fashion
254	worldinsideme	1	2006-08-10 19:51:18	chckens	For his impressive display of optimism in the what-time-will-the-network-explode contest on Monday evening
255	davea	1	2006-08-10 19:52:40	chckens	For eventually getting around to implementing the games server access control system
257	rohan	3	2006-09-13 09:53:04	pwb	For donating a long Cat5 cable to SUCS in my hour of need
258	rohan	3	2006-09-13 15:03:47	pwb	Performing a life-saving PSU transplant on silver
259	sara	2	2006-09-21 23:25:35	saya	For coming up with a neat idea for Freshers' and _doing_ it :) (and also for cooking a lush Chinese in the same night).
260	elsmorian	-1	2006-09-21 23:27:24	saya	For giving me a green banana for "breaking the sink" when it was already broken.
432	aeternus	2	2008-09-27 00:16:35	eclipse	Manning the SUCS Freshers stall
58	chckens	1	2006-10-26 11:00:01	talyn256	For making FireFox open in a sane amount of time on the SUCS machines.
59	sara	3	2006-11-01 14:14:38	saya	For Sorting out the neat awesomeness that was Que Pasa on Halloween :)
60	pwb	2	2006-11-02 14:54:22	pwb	Because the thing with the graphics card was just bad timing
165	welshbyte	1	2005-03-11 19:13:04	welshbyte	For testing the banana adding script after auditing the file
166	rollercow	1	2005-03-12 11:43:13	wedge	For coming in to fix gateway at least twice.
167	welshbyte	2	2005-03-12 11:44:13	wedge	For hoovering. Everyone loves hoovering.
168	wedge	2	2005-03-12 14:28:08	davea	For cleaning every surface in sight
169	chckens	-3	2005-03-13 01:40:49	welshbyte	For trying to make us give you bananas
170	davea	1	2005-03-13 01:42:25	welshbyte	For tidying up the room with wedge this morning
171	wedge	1	2005-03-13 01:42:57	welshbyte	For tidying up the room and cleaning the grubby keyboards this morning
172	davea	2	2005-03-17 14:30:34	wedge	For a quite ridiculous level of cleaning. Frighteningly much cleaning.
173	welshbyte	-2	2005-04-11 08:23:48	rollercow	For committing banana fraud
174	welshbyte	3	2005-04-11 08:25:33	rollercow	For checking large chunks of the website for stupid things like sql injection flaws.
175	wedge	-1	2005-04-11 08:35:13	rollercow	For describing me as "the best <b>thing</b> ever"
176	cmckenna	1	2005-04-24 11:14:37	wedge	For attempting to get hold of Art when Silver broke one day and nobody could log in and everything was bad.
177	stringfellow	-1	2005-04-29 12:22:06	rollercow	For leaving half drunk bottels of Dr Pepper about the room for weeks on end
178	pwb	-2	2005-04-29 12:22:50	rollercow	For leaving his empty coffee cups around the room even after being pesterd about it several times
179	chckens	3	2005-05-11 19:40:23	welshbyte	For staying up late (7:30pm) to fix up the web page to look like the rest of them.
180	jo	-1	2005-05-12 14:32:53	welshbyte	For blatant chocolate theft
181	welshbyte	-1	2005-05-12 15:00:49	jo	For blatantly teasing me with chocolate until I could not control my womanly urges and had to steal it.
182	rollercow	-1	2005-05-12 17:54:37	jo	For being crap at xblast and following me round so I died when he numptied himself on the bombs.
183	rollercow	1	2005-05-12 17:55:08	jo	For being crap at xblast and following TR round so TR died when rc numptied himself on the bombs.
184	arthur	3	2005-05-12 17:56:08	jo	For digging out and reinstalling xblast on request, so that I could blow people up.
185	theraven	1	2005-05-12 17:56:57	jo	For admitting that I am better than him at xblast
186	shadows	1	2005-05-12 17:59:26	jo	For being a society whose members are entirely women.  Bendy women.  
187	jo	1	2005-05-12 18:18:14	welshbyte	Because the last one wasnt organic
188	stringfellow	-3	2005-05-13 13:08:44	arthur	For the oranges, for not getting the joke, and for implimenting it very very badly.
189	pwb	1	2005-05-13 19:57:47	chckens	For fixing the banana script to show people who have a banana score totalling zero (e.g. me :D)
190	seymansey	2	2005-05-23 19:03:13	davea	For tidying and hoovering the room.
191	arthur	1	2005-05-25 10:26:15	wedge	For using the word cock-a-maime in a semi-serious way without being self-conscious. Brilliance.
192	jslootweg	2	2005-05-28 11:48:26	davea	For helping to move a shed load of pallettes
193	rollercow	1	2005-06-28 14:13:08	jo	For isntalling a very useful tool
194	rollercow	-3	2005-06-28 14:14:10	jo	For installing a very useful tool that had a security hole in it, and letting someone exploit aforementioned hole.
195	pwb	-3	2005-09-01 14:06:41	welshbyte	For stealing Chris's wok and disappearing
196	pwb	-3	2005-09-01 14:21:53	rollercow	For being wok thief and dirty scoundrel for not returning it
197	greggwilliams	1	2005-09-14 18:00:07	davea	For having a steadier soldering hand than me when fixing door.
198	elsmorian	1	2005-10-04 16:29:43	wedge	For helping at Freshers' Fayre (a bit).
199	vortex	1	2005-10-04 16:30:58	wedge	For helping out at Freshers' Fayre.
200	chckens	2	2005-10-04 16:31:37	wedge	For tons of help at Freshers' Fayre 2005 over more than one day.
201	wedge	1	2005-11-10 11:32:28	elsmorian	For giving me a loverly big bar of Galaxy for my Birthday.
202	wedge	1	2005-12-21 06:56:21	talyn256	For his delicious nifties. And general niftiness. And giving me a Christmas card. Which I chewed up and abandoned.
203	arthur	1	2005-12-21 06:57:38	talyn256	For helping me out with C.
204	saya	2	2006-02-20 13:44:15	wedge	For cleaning the sink, U-bend, etc. Superb dedication and hard work won the day.
205	saya	1	2006-03-02 21:12:51	wedge	For making me laugh a stupid amount with her 'Firefury has a sister?' comment (following a nearly-identical comment made by him referring to Saya's sister). Perhaps you had to be there, perhaps it was just awesome.
428	foshjedi2004	2	2008-09-27 00:13:41	eclipse	Manning the SUCS Freshers stall
57	tobeon	1	2006-10-13 11:37:37	frosty	For the awesome CDs for Freshers Fayre.
207	psycodom	1	2006-03-09 11:52:34	wedge	For checking an awkward line number for a Shakespeare thing for me. It was useful and saved me time and effort and stuff.
208	akyan	1	2006-03-16 19:22:47	chckens	For running a massive long network cable between the dining room and Divas... and getting through merely double the minimum number of RJ45 plugs
209	bogglesteinsky	1	2006-03-16 19:30:34	chckens	For running a massive long network cable between the dining room and Divas... And sitting patiently in a dark corner for a long time before we actually made the thing work
15	chckens	3	2006-09-30 12:11:01	elsmorian	For helping make the website, and the forum auth stuffs and this banana script
210	talyn256	1	2006-03-16 21:46:31	chckens	For running a massive long network cable between the dining room and Divas... Or so I'm told, cause you ran off before I actually saw you do anything ;-)
211	elsmorian	1	2006-03-16 21:53:02	talyn256	For hosting the SUCS Red Dwarf night every week without fail. And having a massive room with a massive projector screen.
212	elsmorian	-1	2006-03-22 17:32:25	welshbyte	For consistently not getting a hair cut
102	arthur	-2	2004-03-09 10:50:28	rollercow	For managing to turn off silver using the anti reset device
103	stringfellow	2	2004-03-09 11:36:25	davea	For buying an air freshener for the SUCS room.
104	stringfellow	-3	2004-03-09 16:35:14	rollercow	For buying an air freshener for the SUCS room that STINKS
105	chckens	1	2004-09-23 15:04:00	greggwilliams	For figuring out how to abuse admin access
106	chckens	-2	2004-09-23 15:41:56	greggwilliams	For abusing my admin username during freshers
107	greggwilliams	-1	2004-09-23 15:49:09	davea	For letting chckens abuse his admin access at freshers
108	pwb	-1	2004-10-04 17:36:57	rollercow	For trying to "guess" how much money we have, rather than counting it.
109	everyone	-1	2004-10-10 17:22:32	rollercow	Not giving me any bananas
110	firefury	2	2004-10-10 23:26:54	cmckenna	For arranging for me to get back in the room whilst he was in England.
111	pwb	1	2004-10-10 23:29:02	cmckenna	For letting me into the sucs room after the card swiper failed.
112	arthur	-1	2004-10-10 23:29:52	cmckenna	For not fixing a known problem with the door card swiper and for not having keys to the room.
113	rollercow	-1	2004-10-11 20:16:42	pwb	For complaining about not having any bananas
116	rollercow	3	2004-10-11 20:20:19	pwb	For being ridiculously helpful during freshers' fayre
256	Dez	2	2006-08-18 19:01:17	welshbyte	For being the person doing the most work towards developing a new SUCS website.
236	saya	-1	2006-06-10 10:33:36	elsmorian	For breaking the sink &amp; U-bend and promising to fix it, then going home!
13	chckens	1	2006-09-30 12:09:14	talyn256	For allowing people to award bananas at last!
123	rollercow	-1	2004-11-10 10:21:08	vortex	For being over-zealous about Debian.  Again.
124	vortex	-1	2004-11-10 10:24:45	rollercow	For not using Debian, despite it obviously being the best Linux distribution
125	rohan	2	2004-11-10 11:22:18	pwb	For donating yet more books to SUCS
126	arthur	2	2004-11-15 12:35:42	rollercow	For creating the oh-so-very-usefull auto signup system
127	davea	-2	2004-11-15 12:36:54	rollercow	For blowing up the recept printer
128	chckens	1	2004-11-15 12:37:47	rollercow	For helping out at the freshers fair
129	greggwilliams	1	2004-11-15 12:37:55	rollercow	For helping out at the freshers fair
130	davea	1	2004-11-15 12:38:05	rollercow	For helping out at the freshers fair