$table="<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n<tr>\n<th>Username</th>\n<th>Pages</th>\n<th>Projected Monthly Usage</th>\n<th>Printed This Month</th>\n<th>What it would cost in the library</th></tr>\n";
//pull in all the current users (ie not old) who have printed stuff
$res=$sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
$res=$sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' AND start > '".$timestamp."' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
//for each row stuff the infomation into an array, then free up the database resorces