Graham Cole authoredGraham Cole authored
options.php 7.82 KiB
// e-mail, password validation functions
// Some Constants
// These could possibly be moved somewhere saner?
define('GUESTNET_LOW',''); // These could possibly be a set of ranges or a subnet which might be saner?
define('GUESTNET_HIGH',''); // These could possibly be a set of ranges or a subnet which might be saner?
$sucsdbname = 'sucs'; // This was stored in config, I just don't have it here in the test
// Helper Functions
// Could these be moved to some kind of library?
// function to change a user's password
function changePassword ($oldpass, $newpass1, $newpass2) {
global $session;
if ($newpass1 !== $newpass2) {
// new passwords do not match!
trigger_error("New passwords do not match", E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
$reason = weakPassword($newpass1);
if ($reason !== FALSE) {
trigger_error("New password is weak: $reason", E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
if (!($ldap = @ldap_connect("ldap://localhost"))) {
trigger_error("LDAP connect failed", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
if (!($ldapbind = ldap_bind($ldap, "uid=".$session->username.",ou=People,dc=sucs,dc=org",$oldpass))) {
trigger_error("Existing password incorrect", E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
// if everything looks OK, attempt to make the change
$success = ldap_mod_replace ($ldap, "uid=".$session->username.",ou=People,dc=sucs,dc=org",
array('userpassword' => "{SHA}".base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($newpass1)))));
return $success;
// function to update contact details
function changeContactDetails($address, $phone, $externalEmail) {
global $sucsDB, $session, $error;
// Do some kind of checking here
// Check valid email (do we have a function for this?
if (!validEmail($externalEmail))
return FALSE; // Valid Email handles errors itself
// Check valid phone number (do we have a function for this?)
if (empty($phone) || (strlen($phone) < 6)) {
trigger_error("You must have a contact phone number!", E_USER_WARNING);
return FALSE;
// Update
if ($sucsDB->Execute('UPDATE members SET address = ?,phone = ?, email = ?, lastupdate = now(), lastedit = uid WHERE username = ?',
array($address, $phone, $externalEmail, $session->username)) === FALSE) {
trigger_error("There was an error updating your contact details. Please contact admin.", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function changeGuestnetDetails($wiredMAC) {
global $sucsDB, $session, $error;
// Get UID as we don't have it yet
if(($uid = $sucsDB->GetOne("SELECt uid FROM members WHERE username = ?", array($session->username))) === FALSE) {
trigger_error("There was an error updating your GuestNET MAC Address. Please contact admin. (UID)", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
// Replace the guestnet record with the one with the new mac
if (!$sucsDB->Replace('guestnet', array('mac' => "'$wiredMAC'", 'uid' => $uid), 'uid')) {
trigger_error("There was an error updating your GuestNET MAC Address. Please contact admin. (QUERY)", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
exec('/usr/local/bin/update-dhcpd', $placeholder, $returnVar);
if ($returnVar == 0) {
return TRUE;
// $message[] = 'GuestNet MAC Address updated. Please wait a minute or two for the changes to take effect.';
} else {
trigger_error("There was an error updating your GuestNet Mac Address. Please contact admin. (RETURNVAR)", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
// Checks whether the given string mac address is valid
function isValidMACAddr($mac) {
// Put code here if needed
return TRUE;
// Returns the users GuestNet MAC Address if they have one and false otherwise
function getGuestNetMAC() {
$ip = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
// Sanity Check ip?
// Check we are in the correct ip range (unregistered GuestNET addresses)
if (ip2long($ip) && (ip2long($ip) >= ip2long(GUESTNET_LOW)) && (ip2long($ip) <= ip2long(GUESTNET_HIGH))) {
exec("sudo /usr/local/sbin/gw-copy-arp.sh", $placeholder, $returnVar);
if ($returnVar == 0) {
$arpLines = file('/tmp/gwarp');
foreach ($arpLines as $arpLine) {
$arpFields = preg_split('/[\s\t\n]+/', $arpLine);
if ($arpFields[0] == $ip) {
// Perhaps do some checking on the mac here?
if (isValidMACAddr($arpFields[3]))
return $arpFields[3];
// We didn't find their mac address :\
trigger_error("There was an error finding your MAC Address. Please contact admin.", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;
// Delete the user's hackergotchi file cause they've decided they're too embarrassed by it
function clearHackergotchi() {
global $session;
$imagefilepath = hackergotchiPath($session->username);
if (unlink($imagefilepath)) {
return true;
} else {
trigger_error("Unable to remove hackergotchi file", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
// construct the filesystem path to a user's hackergotchi picture
function hackergotchiPath($username) {
global $base;
$path = $base."htdocs/pictures/people/".$username.".png";
return $path;
// Takes an entry from $_FILES and makes this the new hackergotchi
function updateHackergotchi($fileDetails) {
global $session;
if ( ((list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = @getimagesize($fileDetails['tmp_name'])) !== false) &&
($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) && ($width <= 128) && ($height <= 128)) {
$imagefilepath = hackergotchiPath($session->username);
// Move uploaded hackergotchi into place
if( move_uploaded_file($fileDetails['tmp_name'], $imagefilepath) && chmod($imagefilepath, 0644) ) {
return TRUE;
// We should have returned True by now
trigger_error("There was an error updating your hackergotchi. Please contact admin.", E_USER_ERROR);
return FALSE;
// Template Setup
$smarty->assign('session', $session);
if ($session->loggedin === TRUE) {
$sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
$newGuestNetMAC = getGuestNetMAC();
// Handle Postbacks
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
switch($_POST['action']) {
case 'changepass' :
if (changePassword($_POST['oldpass'], $_POST['newpass1'], $_POST['newpass2'])) {
message_flash('Password changed.');
} else {
// Should we log something here for bug trcaking use?
trigger_error("Password change failed.", E_USER_WARNING);
case 'changecontact' :
if(changeContactDetails($_POST['address'], $_POST['phone'], $_POST['email'])) {
message_flash('Contact Details Updated.');
case 'changeguestnet' :
if(changeGuestNetDetails($newGuestNetMAC)) {
message_flash('GuestNet Details Updated!');
case 'updatehackergotchi' :
if (updateHackergotchi($_FILES['hackergotchi'])) {
message_flash('Hackergotchi Updated');
case 'clearhackergotchi' :
if (clearHackergotchi()) {
message_flash('Hackergotchi Cleared');
// Display Details
// Some checking could be done here to ensure we have a members record. Ideally we should
// be able to assume this though if they are logged in.
if (is_file($base."htdocs/pictures/people/".$session->username.".png")) $smarty->assign('hackergotchi', TRUE);
$member = $sucsDB->GetRow("select * from members where username='".$session->username."'");
$smarty->assign('member', $member);
if(($currentGuestNetMAC = $sucsDB->GetOne('SELECT * FROM guestnet WHERE uid=?', array((int)$member['uid']))) !== FALSE) {
$smarty->assign('currentGuestNetMAC', $currentGuestNetMAC);
} else {
$smarty->assign('currentGuestNetMAC', '');
if (($newGuestNetMAC !== false) && ($newGuestNetMAC != $currentGuestNetMAC)) {
$smarty->assign('newGuestNetMAC', $newGuestNetMAC);
$smarty->assign('url', $component['path']);
$result = $smarty->fetch('options.tpl');
$smarty->assign('title', "Options");
$smarty->assign('body', $result);