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    $smarty->assign("election_year", ELECTION_YEAR);
    $smarty->assign("title", "Executive Election ".ELECTION_YEAR);
    function display_ballot() {
    	global $DB, $smarty, $output;
    	$members = new Members;
    	$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
    	foreach ($role as $post) {
    		$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? ORDER BY username ASC", $post['post']);
    		foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
    			$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
    			$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
    			if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
    	$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
    	$output = $smarty->fetch('election-vote.tpl');
    if (!$session->loggedin) {
    	# You can't vote if you're not logged in!
    	trigger_error("You are not logged in.", E_USER_WARNING);
    } else {
    	# The election hasn't started yet
    	if (strtotime('now') < strtotime(ELECTION_START)) trigger_error("The polling station is not yet open. Voting begins on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_START)).".");
    	# The election is over - display the results
    	else if (strtotime('now') > strtotime(ELECTION_END)) {
    		$members = new Members;
    		$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
    		foreach ($role as $post) {
    			$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=?", $post['post']);
    Denis Walker's avatar
    Denis Walker committed
    			foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
    				$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
    				$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
    				if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
    				$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['votes'] = $DB->GetOne("SELECT count(username) FROM election_votes WHERE ".$post['post']."=?", array($person['username']));
    		$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
    		$output = $smarty->fetch('election-results.tpl');		
    	} else {
    	# It's election time
    		# Check the user hasn't already voted
    		$vote_details = $DB->GetRow("SELECT time, ipaddress FROM election_votes WHERE username=?", $session->username);
    		if (count($vote_details)>0) {
    			trigger_error("You already voted on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime($vote_details['time']))." from IP address ".$vote_details['ipaddress'].".", E_USER_WARNING);
    			$output = "<p>Please email the Returning Officer at <a href=\"\"></a> with any queries.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)).", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
    		} else {
    			if ($_POST['submit']=="Cast Votes") {
    			# We have a ballot paper to process
    				$output = "<h2>Thank you for your vote</h2>\n<p>You will shortly receive an email confirming your vote.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)).", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
    				# Establish which positions are contested
    				$role = $DB->GetCol("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post HAVING count(username) > 1");
    				$fail = FALSE;
    				$invalid_candidate = FALSE;
    				$abstain_count = 0;
    				foreach ($role as $post) {
    					if ($_POST[$post] == "abstain") $abstain_count++;					
    					# check that we have a valid option selected
    					if (!($DB->GetOne("SELECT username FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post])) || $_POST[$post]=="abstain")) $fail = TRUE;
    				# Check their password first
    				if ($session->check_pass($session->username, $_POST['vote_passwd'])) {
    					if ($fail) {
    					# Either no option or an invalid candidate was supplied
    						trigger_error("An invalid option was selected in at least one ballot. Please try again.", E_USER_WARNING);
    					} else {
    					# User has abstained in all votes
    						if ($abstain_count == count($role)) {
    							trigger_error("You have not selected any candidates in any ballots.", E_USER_WARNING);
    						} else {
    						# The input is valid - record the vote
    							$vote = array(
    								'username' => $session->username,
    								'time' => 'now',
    								'ipaddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    							# Email the Returning Officer
    							$ro_message = "User: ".$vote['username']."\nIP:   ".$vote['ipaddress']."\n\n";
    							# Email the voter with confirmation
    							$voter_message = "Thank you for voting in the SUCS election this year. Here are the votes you cast:\n\n";
    							foreach ($role as $post) {
    								# Don't add votes up as we go
    								# $DB->Execute("UPDATE election_candidates SET votes=votes+1 WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post]));
    								$vote[$post] = $_POST[$post];
    								$ro_message .= ucfirst($post).": ".$_POST[$post]."\n";
    								$voter_message .= ucfirst($post).": ".$_POST[$post]."\n";
    							$voter_message .= "\nResults of the election will be announced on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END))." at\n";
    							$DB->AutoExecute("election_votes", $vote, 'INSERT');
    							mail("SUCS Returning Officer <>", "[SUCS Election] Vote received from ".$vote['username'], $ro_message, "From: SUCS Election ".ELECTION_YEAR." <>");
    							mail($session->fullname." <".$session->username.">", "[SUCS Election] Thanks For Voting", $voter_message, "From: SUCS Election ".ELECTION_YEAR." <>");
    				} else {
    			} else {
    			# Display the ballot paper
    $smarty->assign("body", $output);