// sorry
//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
//SUCS Org ID According to the SU
$orgid = "6613";
$apibaseurl = "${apikey}&orgid=${orgid}";
$ch = curl_init($apibaseurl);
$raw_data = curl_exec($ch);
$formated_raw_data = json_decode($raw_data, true); //convert it into php arrays
* $membership_data is an array where each type of memebrship is it;s own array
* Insdie each of those arrays the actual arrary of members is under ["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"]
* So $membership_data[0]["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"][0] will get you the array containing the
* first member in the data
$membership_data = $formated_raw_data["table1"]["table1_Product_Collection"]["table1_Product"];
// make a new array that just contains *every* member no matter what they bought
$just_members = array();
foreach ($membership_data as $typeOfMember) {
foreach ($typeOfMember["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"] as $member) {
array_push($just_members, $member["@attributes"]);
/* You can now use $just_members to probe member detials. It's an array of arrays which each contain:
* transaction_id (recepit id)
* purchaser (full name)
* textbox6 (under 18 or not) NOT SURE OF THE FORMAT
* card_number (student number)
* shop_name (where they bought sucs memebrship)
* qty (how many sucs memebrships they bought)
* purchase_date (timestamp of when they bought memebrship)4
* Used by /susignup to verify that the stduent number and transaction id combo are valid
* returns true or false
function check_su_sid_and_trans($sid, $transid)
global $just_members;
foreach ($just_members as $member) {
if ($sid == $member["card_number"] && $transid == $member["transaction_id"]) {
return true;
return false;
* Used to verify taht a given stduent number has paid for membership via the su system.
* returns false or true
function check_su_sid($sid)
global $just_members;
foreach ($just_members as $member) {
if ($sid == $member["card_number"]) {
return true;
return false;