/* Banana Admin library. This handles awarding bananas and nominating people to receive bananas */
// Requires $who variable to be initialised before including
if (!isset($who)) {
echo "Error: I don't know who to award bananas to";
$who = "nobody";
Robert Scott James
// Adding variable to limit maximum bananas awarded at once?
$maxbanana = 3;
// what permission does a user need to be able to award bananas?
$permission = "bananas";
// e-mail address to send banana nominations to
$contact = "";
// banana admin bits
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
$smarty->assign("banana_admin", TRUE);
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "award") {
if (trim($_POST['why']) !== "") {
$number = intval($_POST['number']);
Robert Scott James
$why = $_POST['why'];
if ((abs($number) <= $maxbanana) && $number) {
Robert Scott James
$DB->Query("INSERT INTO awards (username, score, whn, who, why) VALUES (?,?,NOW(),?,?)", array($who, $number, $session->username, $why));
header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
Robert Scott James
} // Checks for a nonzero banana and denies awarding if it's zero
elseif ($number == 0) {
trigger_error("Come on " . $session->username . ", enter a nonzero value please");
} else {
trigger_error("Nice try " . $session->username . "! You've submitted a request with too many bananas");
} else {
trigger_error("No reason entered for the awarding of bananas.", E_USER_WARNING);
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "award") {
$number = intval($_POST['number']);
$why = $_POST['why'];
// Send a mail to someone about them bananas
$msgbody = $session->username . " thinks $who deserves $number bananas:\r\n";

Laurence Sebastian Bowes
//Make sure we send out the right link depending on whether they are a member or not
$msgbody .= "\"$why\"\r\n\r\nVisit" . ($isnonmember ? 'Bananas' : 'Members') . "/$who if you want to make an award.";
mail($contact, "Banana Award Nomination", $msgbody, $msgheaders);
$smarty->assign("awarded", TRUE);
$secondary = $smarty->getTemplateVars("secondary");
$secondary .= $smarty->fetch('banana-award.tpl');
$smarty->assign('secondary', $secondary);
$smarty->assign('who', "$who");