// Set defaults
$mode = "list";
$admin = false;
// who's notified of items being requested?
// If you're an admin and the path ends in Edit/ then a number put it into edit mode
// create canedit rules
$canedit=$canedit && isset($pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2]);
$canedit=$canedit && $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+1]=='Edit';
$canedit=$canedit && is_numeric($pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2]);
$canedit=$canedit && $admin;
// Apply canedit rules
if ($canedit){
$id = $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2];
$items = $DB->GetAll("SELECT id, title, category, description, donated_by, status FROM inventory WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL",$id);
if(sizeof($items) === 1){
$item = $items[0];
$smarty->assign("item", $item);
$mode = "edit";
// If you're an admin and the path ends in Add put it into add mode
// create canadd rules
$canadd=$canadd && $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+1]=='Add';
$canadd=$canadd && $admin;
// Apply canadd rules
if ($canadd){$mode = "add";}
// Process actions before retrieving the data
// List request data
if ($session->loggedin && isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
// Junk Requests
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Request") {
// Request Item if its available
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=?, requested_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, array($session->username, $_REQUEST['item']));
// mail someone so we know that this has been requested
$iteminfo = $DB->GetRow("SELECT title, description FROM inventory WHERE id=?", array($_REQUEST['item']));
$msgbody = "User {$session->username} has requested the junk item:\n\n";
$msgbody .= "{$iteminfo['title']}: {$iteminfo['description']}\n\n";
$msgbody .= "Please ensure this is taken away and never brought back.";
mail($junk_contact,"Junk item requested",$msgbody);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Un-Request") {
// Un-Request Item
if ($admin){
// if you're admin just do it
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item']);
// if not admin check if you requested it first
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=? AND requested_by=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item'], $session->username);
$DB->Query($query, $array);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Take" && $admin){
// Take item, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET taken_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NOT NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Remove" && $admin){
// Remove item, if you're admin
$query = "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE id=?";
if ($DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item'])) {
message_flash("Item removed");
} else {
trigger_error("Failed to remove item");
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Not Junk" && $admin){
// Mark item as not junk if it's not been requested and you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='unknown' WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] =="Junk" && $admin){
// Mark item as junk, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='junk' WHERE id=?";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
// Update/Add item
if ($session->loggedin && $admin && (isset($_REQUEST['update']) || isset($_REQUEST['add']))) {
// try to guess which category field the user meant us to see
// ideally we'd use an html combo box, but since they don't exist...
if ($_REQUEST['categorymenu'] == "") {
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];
} else {
$category = $_REQUEST['categorymenu'];
// Update/Add item if title and category are filled in else error
if ($_REQUEST['title'] != "" && $category != "") {
// if the description is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['description'] == ""){
$description = null;
$description = $_REQUEST['description'];
// if the donated_by is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['donated_by'] == ""){
$donated_by = null;
$donated_by = $_REQUEST['donated_by'];
// run the query
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET title=?, category=?, description=?, donated_by=?, status=? WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Updated");
} else {
trigger_error("Item update failed :-(", E_USER_ERROR);
$query = "INSERT INTO inventory (title, category, description, donated_by, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Added");
} else {
trigger_error("Adding item failed :-( - ".$DB->ErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("Required field(s) missing", E_USER_WARNING);
Tim Clark
// Remove old taken junk
$DB->Query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE (taken_on + interval'7 days') < now()");
if ($mode == 'list'){
// Get junk from database, and give admin the full list
if ($admin == true){
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory ORDER BY category, title, id");
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE status = 'junk' ORDER BY category, title, id");
// Check there is some junk
if (sizeof($junk) < 1) {
$mode = "nojunk";
} else {
// group the junk by status then by category
foreach($junk as $junkitem) {
if ($junkitem['status'] != 'junk') {
$status = "unknown";
} else if ($junkitem['requested_by'] == null) {
$status = "available";
} else if ($junkitem['taken_on'] == null) {
$status = "requested";
} else {
$status = "taken";
$sortedjunk[$status][$junkitem['category']][] = $junkitem;
$smarty->assign("junk", $sortedjunk);
} else {
$categories = $DB->GetCol("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM inventory ORDER BY category ASC");
$smarty->assign("categories", $categories);
// Generate output
$smarty->assign("statuses",array("unknown", "in use", "wanted", "junk"));
$smarty->assign("componentpath", $baseurl . $component[path]);
$smarty->assign("mode", $mode);
$smarty->assign("admin", $admin);
$output = $smarty->fetch("junk.tpl");
$smarty->assign("title", "Junk List");
$smarty->assign("body", $output);