<h1>Whats this Guide about?</h1>This guide intends to introduce some features of certain IDEs (Integrated Developer Environment) to help the lowly n00b into some sort of sane programming environment (NB, for those of you that think VI is sane, this isnt for you, if you dont know what VI is, this probably is for you.<br /><br />So, here's what you'll find:<br /><br /><ol><li>Delphi How-to</li><ul><li><a href="IDEHowTo.delphi.start" title="Getting Started">Getting started</a></li><li><a href="IDEHowTo.delphi.files" title="About the files, and problems therewith.">Files explaination</a></li><li><a href="IDEHowTo.delphi.shcut" title="Shortcuts in Delphi">Shortcuts</a></li><li>Tricks</li><li>Stuff<br /></li></ul><li>Blue-J How-to</li><li>Stuff.</li></ol><h6><a title="email Steve P" href="">stringfellow</a> wrote this guide.</h6><br />