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// Language definitions used in various scripts
$lang_misc = array(

'Mark read redirect'		=>	'All topics and forums have been marked as read. Redirecting &hellip;',

// Send e-mail
'Form e-mail disabled'		=>	'The user you are trying to send an e-mail to has disabled form e-mail.',
'No e-mail subject'			=>	'You must enter a subject.',
'No e-mail message'			=>	'You must enter a message.',
'Too long e-mail message'	=>	'Messages cannot be longer than 65535 characters (64 KB).',
'E-mail sent redirect'		=>	'E-mail sent. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Send e-mail to'			=>	'Send e-mail to',
'E-mail subject'			=>	'Subject',
'E-mail message'			=>	'Message',
'E-mail disclosure note'	=>	'Please note that by using this form, your e-mail address will be disclosed to the recipient.',
'Write e-mail'				=>	'Write and submit your e-mail message',

// Report
'No reason'					=>	'You must enter a reason.',
'Report redirect'			=>	'Post reported. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Report post'				=>	'Report post',
'Reason'					=>	'Reason',
'Reason desc'				=>	'Please enter a short reason why you are reporting this post',

// Subscriptions
'Already subscribed'		=>	'You are already subscribed to this topic.',
'Subscribe redirect'		=>	'Your subscription has been added. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Not subscribed'			=>	'You are not subscribed to this topic.',
'Unsubscribe redirect'		=>	'Your subscription has been removed. Redirecting &hellip;',

// General forum and topic moderation
'Moderate'					=>	'Moderate',
'Select'					=>	'Select',	// the header of a column of checkboxes
'Move'						=>	'Move',
'Delete'					=>	'Delete',

// Moderate forum
'Open'						=>	'Open',
'Close'						=>	'Close',
'Move topic'				=>	'Move topic',
'Move topics'				=>	'Move topics',
'Move legend'				=>	'Select destination of move',
'Move to'					=>	'Move to',
'Leave redirect'			=>	'Leave redirect topic(s)',
'Move topic redirect'		=>	'Topic moved. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Move topics redirect'		=>	'Topics moved. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Confirm delete legend'		=>	'Please confirm deletion',
'Delete topics'				=>	'Delete topics',
'Delete topics comply'		=>	'Are you sure you want to delete the selected topics?',
'Delete topics redirect'	=>	'Topics deleted. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Open topic redirect'		=>	'Topic opened. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Open topics redirect'		=>	'Topics opened. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Close topic redirect'		=>	'Topic closed. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Close topics redirect'		=>	'Topics closed. Redirecting &hellip;',
'No topics selected'		=>	'You must select at least one topic for move/delete/open/close.',
'Stick topic redirect'		=>	'Topic sticked. Redirecting &hellip;',
'Unstick topic redirect'	=>	'Topic unsticked. Redirecting &hellip;',

// Delete multiple posts in topic
'Delete posts'				=>	'Delete posts',
'Delete posts comply'		=>	'Are you sure you want to delete the selected posts?',
'Delete posts redirect'		=>	'Posts deleted. Redirecting &hellip;',
'No posts selected'			=>	'You must select at least one post to be deleted.'
