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blog.lib.php 32.2 KiB
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  • <?php
    /* vim: set tabstop=4: */
     * blogs class - provides functions for blogs
    // PHP Notices are fun, but we don't really want to see them right now
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
    // Initialise the database
    $BlogDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
    $BlogDB->Connect('dbname=blogs user=apache');
    // Some useful validation functions
    // Some useful miscellaneous functions
    /* a stub of an error handler
    scale of 1-5, 5 being warnings, 1 being fatal errors?
    1 : fatal
    2 : dberror
    4 : bad input
    5 : not found/doesnt exist etc
    function error($level, $error) {
    	echo("<p class=\"errorinfo\">"._("Level ").$level._(" error - ").$error."</p>");
    //A bit of a nicer error handler, to allow errors encounterd in the construction phase to be displayed in the 'correct' place
    function error_exc($e) {
    	if (!isset($e->error) || !isset($e->errormsg)) {
    		echo("<p class=\"errorinfo\">"._("Level 0 error - no error message available")."</p>");
    	} else {
    		echo("<p class=\"errorinfo\">"._("Level ").$e->error._(" error - ").$e->errormsg."</p>");
    //Our Blogs Class
    class blogs {
    	//Blog ID
    	var $id;
    	//Blogger's Details
    	var $userName;
    	var $realName;
    	//Blog Details
    	var $title;
    	var $description;
    	var $cssFile;
    	//Date formats
    	var $shortDateFormat;
    	var $longDateFormat;
    	var $httpPath;
    	var $blogPath;
    	var $basePath;
    	var $adminPath;
    	var $comment_moderation;
    	var $editor; //surely this should be in admin.lib? it doesnt seem to be used in blog.lib
    	var $currentEntry;
    	var $error;
    	var $errormsg;
    	//SVN Revision... the closest thing we've got to a version number
    	var $svnRevision;
    	//Constructor - checks we've been given a valid username, and pulls in generic blog info
    	function blogs($user) {
    		//set the error string first, so we dont wipe out any errors
    		$this->error = null;
    		$this->errormsg = null;
    		//set the locale
    		setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_GB');
    		//check the username
    		if(!safeuname($user)) {
    			$this->error = 1;
    			$this->errormsg = "No such user";
    		} else {
    			//check to see if the user has a blog
    			$sql = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT id, name, title, description, css, moderate, editor from users where username = '".$user."' and enabled = true;");
    			if (!$sql) {
    				$this->error = 1;
    				$this->errormsg = "No such user";
    			} else {
    				//pull in the blog details
    				$this->id = $sql['id'];
    				$this->userName = $user;
    				$this->realName = $sql['name'];
    				$this->title = $sql['title'];
    				$this->description = $sql['description'];
    				$this->cssFile = $sql['css'];
    				$this->shortDateFormat = "%x %X";
    				$this->longDateFormat = "%c";
    				//set path for all http stuff.. ie images, css and so on
    				//make the httpPath work nicely if we're not in a subdir
    				//if(substr($this->httpPath, -1)!="/") {
    				//	$this->httpPath .= "/";
    				//path for the blog viewer with no user
    110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549
    				//path to this blog
    				$this->blogPath = $this->basePath.$this->userName."/";
    				//path to the admin bits
    				$this->adminPath = $this->httpPath."Admin/";
    				$this->comment_moderation = ($sql['moderate']=='t') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    				$this->editor = ($sql['editor']=='t') ? TRUE : FALSE;
    				$this->currentEntry = "";
    				$this->svnRevision = getSVNRevision();
    				//setup the session
    	// print a blog entry, when provided with a database $row containing one.
    	function printEntry($row, $commentLink = true, $titleLink = true) {
    		global $pathlist;
    		echo "<div class=\"box\">\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxhead\"><h2>";
    		if ($titleLink) {
    			echo "<a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/". htmlentities($row['shortsubject']) ."\">". htmlentities($row['subject']) ."</a>";
    		} else {
    			echo htmlentities($row['subject']);
    		if ($pathlist[3]=="entry") {
    		// If we're displaying a single entry, hack the pathlist into shape
    		echo "</h2></div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxcontent\">\n";
    		echo $row['body'] . "\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxfoot\"><p>[ Entry posted at: ".strftime($this->longDateFormat,strtotime($row['timestamp']));
    		if ($commentLink) {
    			echo " | <a href=\"".$this->blogPath."entry/{$row['shortsubject']}\">Comments</a>: ".$this->commentCount($row['id']);
    		} else {
    			echo " | ".$this->commentCount($row['id'])." comment(s)...";
    		echo " | Cat: <a href=\"".$this->blogPath."category/{$row['category']}\">".$this->categoryName($row['category'])."</a> ";
    			echo "| <a href=\"".$this->adminPath."update/{$row['shortsubject']}\">"._("Edit")."</a> ";
    			//delete link, disabled for now
    			//echo "| <a href=\"".$this->adminPath."deleteentry/{$row['shortsubject']}\">"._("Delete")."</a>";
    		echo " ]</p></div>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    	// print lots of blog entries
    	function printEntries($offset=0, $limit=15, $constraint='') {
    		global $BlogDB;
    		//get the entries from the database
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT id, category, subject, body, timestamp, shortsubject from entries where user_id = '".$this->id."' ".$constraint." order by timestamp desc limit ".$limit." offset ".$offset.";");
    		//return an error if we cant find any
    		if (count($sql) < 1) {
    			error(5,"No relevant posts");
    		} else {
    			//print each entry
    			while ($sqlRow = array_shift($sql)) {
    			//archive link
    			echo "<div class=\"archivelink\"><a href=\"{$this->blogPath}Archive/\">"._("archived posts...")."</a></div>";
    	// print old entries sorted by either date (default), subject or category
    	function printArchive($request) {
    		switch(trim($request[0])) {
    			case 'category' : 
    			case 'subject' : 
    			case 'date' :
    			default :
    	// print a list of entries by date
    	function printArchiveByDate($request) 
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$request = preg_grep('/.+/', $request); // Remove any additional silly extra elements due to additional /'s
    		//get the refinements if set
    		$year = (isset($request[0]) && is_numeric($request[0])) ? $request[0] : "";
    		$month = (isset($request[1]) && is_numeric($request[1])) ? $request[1] : "";
    		$day = (isset($request[2]) && is_numeric($request[2]) ) ? $request[2] : "";
    		// Get the last request option (sort order) after the date
    		$lastIndex = count($request) - 1; 
    		$order = strtoupper($request[$lastIndex]);
    		//this ensures order is sane
    		switch($order) {
    			case 'ASC' :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Descending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'DESC';
    				$strOrder = 'Ascending';
    			case 'DESC' :
    			default :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Ascending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'ASC';
    				$strOrder = 'Descending';
    				$order = 'DESC';
    		if($month=="" && $day=="") {
    			$enddate = $year+1;
    		} elseif($month != "" && $day=="") {
    			$enddate = $year.(sprintf("%02d", $month+1));
    		} else {
    			$enddate = $year.$month.(sprintf("%02d", $day+1));
    		$sql = "SELECT shortsubject,subject,timestamp FROM entries WHERE ".((!$year)? "" : "timestamp >= $year$month$day AND timestamp < $enddate AND ") . 
    			"user_id = '".$this->id."' ORDER BY timestamp " . $order;
    		$result = $BlogDB->GetAll($sql);
    		$requestPath = (count($request) > 0)?implode ( $request, '/' ) . '/':'';
    		$curyear = "";
    		$curmonth = "";
    		$curday = "";
    		echo "<div class=\"td\"><h2>Sorted By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/date/\">Date</a> (" . $strOrder . ")</h2><a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/date/" . $requestPath  . "" . $oppositeOrder . "\"> Sort " . $strOppositeOrder . 
    			"</a> || Sort By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/category\">Category</a> | <a href=\"" .
    			$this->blogPath . "Archive/subject\"> Subject </a><br />";
    		if ( count($result) >= 1 ) {
    			while($row = array_shift($result)){
    				if($curyear!=date("Y", strtotime($row['timestamp']))) {
    					$curyear = date("Y", strtotime($row['timestamp']));
    					echo "<h1><a href=\"".$this->blogPath."Archive/$curyear\">$curyear</a></h1>";
    				if($curmonth!=date("F", strtotime($row['timestamp']))) {
    					$curmonth = date("F", strtotime($row['timestamp']));
    					echo "<h2><a href=\"".$this->blogPath."Archive/".date("Y/m", strtotime($row['timestamp']))."\">$curmonth</a></h2>\n";
    				if($curday!=date("l jS", strtotime($row['timestamp']))) {
    					$curday = date("l jS", strtotime($row['timestamp']));
    					echo "<h3><a href=\"".$this->blogPath."Archive/".date("Y/m/d", strtotime($row['timestamp']))."\">$curday</a></h3>\n";
    				echo date("g:ia", strtotime($row['timestamp']))." - <a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/{$row['shortsubject']}\">". htmlentities($row['subject']) ."</a><br />\n";
    		} else {
    			error(5,"No Entries Available" . ($allentries ? '' : " for $year" . ($month != '' ? "/$month":'') . ($day != '' ? "/$day":'')));
    		echo "</div>";
    	//print a list of entries by category
        function printArchiveByCategory($request) 
        		global $BlogDB;
    		// Check for a category id
    		// There must be a better way to check that it isn't $order
     		$request = preg_grep('/.+/', $request); // Remove any additional silly extra elements due to additional /'s
    		if (isset($request[0]) && (strtoupper($request[0]) != 'ASC') && (strtoupper($request[0]) != 'DESC')) {
    			$category = $this->makeCleanString($request[0]);
    			if (strlen($category) < 3)
                    		$allentries = true;
    		} else {
    			$allentries = true;
    		$lastIndex = count($request) - 1; // Get the last request option after the date
    		$order = 'ASC';
    		if (isset($request[$lastIndex]) && (($lastIndex > 0) || isset($allentries)) &&
    			(strlen($request[$lastIndex]) > 2)) {
    			$order = strtoupper($request[$lastIndex]);
    		switch($order) {
    			case 'DESC' :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Ascending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'ASC';
    				$strOrder = 'Descending';
    			case 'ASC' :
    			default :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Descending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'DESC';
    				$strOrder = 'Ascending';
    				$order = 'ASC';
    		$sql = "SELECT shortsubject,subject,timestamp, name FROM entries AS e,categories AS c WHERE " . 
    			($allentries ? "" : " lower( = '" . $category . "' AND ") .
    			"e.user_id = '".$this->id."' AND e.category = ORDER BY " . ($allentries? "name " . $order . " ,timestamp ASC" : "timestamp " . $order );
    		$result = $BlogDB->GetAll($sql);
    		$requestPath = (count($request) > 0)?implode ( $request, '/' ) . '/':'';
    		$dbCategory = '';
    		echo "<div class=\"td\"><h2>Sorted By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/category/\">Category</a> (" . $strOrder . ")</h2><a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/category/" . $requestPath  . "" . $oppositeOrder . "\"> Sort " . $strOppositeOrder . 
    			"</a> || Sort By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/date\">Date</a> | <a href=\"" .
    			$this->blogPath . "Archive/subject\"> Subject </a><br />";
    		if ( count($result) >= 1 ) {
    			while($row = array_shift($result)){
    				if($dbCategory != $row['name']) {
    					$dbCategory = $row['name'];
    					echo "<h1><a href=\"".$this->blogPath."Archive/category/$dbCategory\">$dbCategory</a></h1>";
    				echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row['timestamp'])) . " - <a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/{$row['shortsubject']}\">". htmlentities($row['subject']) ."</a><br />\n";
    			echo "</div>";
    		} else {
    			error(5,"No Entries Available" . (isset($category) ? " in $category":''));
    	//print a list of entries by title
    	function printArchiveBySubject ($request) 
    		global $BlogDB;
    		// Look for a single character to show subjects by 
    		$request = preg_grep('/.+/', $request); // Remove any additional silly extra elements due to additional /'s
    		if (isset($request[0]) && (preg_match('/^[a-z]$/i', $request[0]))) {
    			$letter = strtolower($request[0]);
    		} else {
    			$allentries = true;
    		// Get whether it is Ascending or Descending
    		$lastIndex = count($request) - 1; // Get the last request option after the date
    		$order = 'ASC';
    		if (isset($request[$lastIndex]) && !is_numeric($request[$lastIndex])) {
    			$order = strtoupper($request[$lastIndex]);
    		switch($order) {
    			case 'DESC' :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Ascending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'ASC';
    				$strOrder = 'Descending';
    			case 'ASC' :
    				default :
    				$strOppositeOrder = 'Descending';
    				$oppositeOrder = 'DESC';
    				$strOrder = 'Ascending';
    				$order = 'ASC';
    		$requestPath = (count($request) > 0)?implode ( $request, '/' ) . '/':'';
    		// lower() exists in PG and MySQL, but given that db abstraction is wanted, is it part of the SQL standard?
    		// Should a better method be used?
    		$sql = "SELECT shortsubject,subject,timestamp FROM entries WHERE ".(($allentries)? "" : "lower(subject) LIKE '" . $letter . "%' AND ") . 
    			"user_id = '".$this->id."' ORDER BY subject " . $order;
    		$result = $BlogDB->GetAll($sql);
    		echo "<div class=\"td\"><h2>Sorted By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/subject/\">Subject</a> (" . $strOrder . ")</h2><a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/" . $requestPath  . "" . $oppositeOrder . "\"> Sort " . $strOppositeOrder . 
    			"</a> || Sort By <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . "Archive/date\">Date</a> | <a href=\"" .
    			$this->blogPath . "Archive/category\"> Category </a><br /><a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/a/$order\">a</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/b/$order\">b</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/c/$order\">c</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/d/$order\">d</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/e/$order\">e</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/f/$order\">f</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/g/$order\">g</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/h/$order\">h</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/i/$order\">i</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/j/$order\">j</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/k/$order\">k</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/l/$order\">l</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/m/$order\">m</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/n/$order\">n</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/o/$order\">o</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/p/$order\">p</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/q/$order\">q</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/r/$order\">r</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/s/$order\">s</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/t/$order\">t</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/u/$order\">u</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/v/$order\">v</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/w/$order\">w</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/x/$order\">x</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/y/$order\">y</a> | <a href=\"" . $this->blogPath . 
    			"Archive/subject/z/$order\">z</a><br />";
    		if ( count($result) >= 1 ) {
    			while($row = array_shift($result)){
    				echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row['timestamp'])) . " - <a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/{$row['shortsubject']}\">". htmlentities($row['subject']) ."</a><br />\n";
    		} else {
    			error(5, "No Entries Available" . ($allentries ? '' : " beginning with '$letter'"));
    		echo "</div>";
    	//print Prev/Next nav bar
    	function printNavigationBar($id) {
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT timestamp from entries WHERE id='".$id."'");
    		$prev = $BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT id, shortsubject, subject FROM entries WHERE timestamp < '".$sql['timestamp']."' AND user_id = '".$this->id."' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1");
    		$next = $BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT id, shortsubject, subject FROM entries WHERE timestamp > '".$sql['timestamp']."' AND user_id = '".$this->id."' ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1;");
    		if (count($prev)>0) $prevRow=array_shift($prev);
    		if (count($next)>0) $nextRow=array_shift($next);
    		echo "<div class=\"navbar\"><div><div><div>\n";
    		echo "<ul class=\"blognav\">";
    		if ($prevRow['shortsubject']!="") echo "<li class=\"prev\"><a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/{$prevRow['shortsubject']}\">&lt; ".htmlentities($prevRow['subject'])."</a></li>";
    		if ($nextRow['shortsubject']!="") echo "<li class=\"next\"><a href=\"{$this->blogPath}entry/{$nextRow['shortsubject']}\">".htmlentities($nextRow['subject'])." &gt;</a></li>";
    		echo "</ul>\n";
    		echo "<br style=\"clear: both:\" /></div></div></div></div>\n";
    	//print one entry and its comments
    	function printEntryAndComments($shortsubject) 
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$shortsubject = $this->makeCleanString($shortsubject);
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT id, category, subject, body, timestamp, shortsubject from entries where shortsubject='".$shortsubject."' and user_id = ".$this->id." LIMIT 1;");
    		if (!$sql) {
    			error(5,"No relevant posts");
    		else	{
    			$this->currentEntry = $sql['shortsubject'];
    			$this->printEntry($sql, false, false);
    	//print lots of comments
    	function printComments($postid, $offset=0, $limit=15) 
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT timestamp, name, email, body, host, id FROM comments WHERE post = ".$postid." and moderated = true ORDER BY timestamp ASC limit ".$limit." OFFSET ".$offset.";");
    		echo "<div id=\"comments\">\n";
    		if (count($sql) > 0) {
    			$blogOwner = $this->checkSessionOwner();
    			if($blogOwner) {
    				echo "<form name=\"deletecomments\" id=\"deletecomments\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$this->adminPath}deletecomments/{$this->currentEntry}\">\n";
    			while ($sqlRow = array_shift($sql)) {
    				$this->printComment($sqlRow, $blogOwner, $count++);
    			if($blogOwner) {
    				echo "<div style=\"width: 100%; text-align: right\">\n";
    				echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Delete Comments\" />\n";
    				echo "</div>\n";
    				echo "</form>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    	//print a comment
    	function printComment($row, $printCheckBox=FALSE, $checkBoxNum=0) 
    		echo "<div class=\"box\">\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxhead\"><h3>" . htmlentities($row['name']) . " writes:</h3></div>";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxcontent\"><p>" . nl2br(htmlentities(br2nl($row['body']))) . "</p></div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"boxfoot\"><p>[ " .strftime($this->longDateFormat,strtotime($row['timestamp']));
    			echo " | <input class=\"smallcheckbox\" type=\"checkbox\" id=\"comment{$checkBoxNum}\" name=\"comment[{$checkBoxNum}]\" value=\"{$row['id']}\" />\n";
    			echo "<label for=\"comment{$checkBoxNum}\">Delete</label>\n";
    		echo " ]</p></div>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    	//counts the number of comments 
    	function commentCount($entry) {
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetCol("SELECT count(id) from comments where post = ".$entry." and moderated = true;");		
    		return $sql[0];
    	//returns a category name
    	function categoryName($category) {
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetCol("SELECT name from categories where id = ".$category.";");		
    		return $sql[0];
    	//prints a form so people can comment
    	function printCommentForm($id) 
    		echo "<div class=\"entry\">\n";
    		echo "<h2>Add Comment<a id=\"cmt\"></a></h2>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"td\">\n";
    		if ($this->commentError != "") {
    			echo "<p class=\"invalid\">*** " . $this->commentError . " ***</p>\n";
    		elseif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    			echo "<p>Thank you for your comment</p>\n";
    		// try to work out the viewer's name + email
    		//seems a bit silly to check for the existance of the session stuff in two places, its probably fair to assume if one is set, the other will be too
    		//these need the same validation checks as when we put things into the db, else people can inject what ever html they like into our pages
    		if(isset($_SESSION['realName'])) {
    			$name = $_SESSION['realName'];
    		} elseif(isset($_COOKIE['Blog_CommentRealName'])) {
    			$name = $_COOKIE['Blog_CommentRealName'];
    		} else {
    			$name = "";
    		if(isset($_SESSION['userName'])) {
    			$email = $_SESSION['userName']."";
    		} elseif(isset($_COOKIE['Blog_CommentEmailAddress'])) {
    			$email = $_COOKIE['Blog_CommentEmailAddress'];
    		} else {
    			$email = "";
    		echo "<form onsubmit=\"return postcomment('".$this->httpPath."', '".$this->userName."', '".$id."')\" action=\"".$this->blogPath."postcomment/".$id."\" method=\"post\" id=\"commentform\">\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"row\">\n";
    		echo "<label for=\"author\">Name (required)</label>\n";
    		echo "<span class=\"textinput\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"author\" id=\"author\" value=\"$name\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"50\" tabindex=\"1\" /></span>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"row\">\n";
    		echo "<span class=\"textinput\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\" id=\"email\" value=\"$email\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"70\" tabindex=\"2\" /></span>\n";
    		echo "<label for=\"email\">E-mail (required, not displayed)</label>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"row\">\n";
    		echo "<span class=\"textinput\"><textarea name=\"comment\" id=\"comment\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" tabindex=\"3\">" . (($this->commentError != "") ? strip_tags($_POST['comment']) : "") . "</textarea></span>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    		echo "<div class=\"row\">\n";
    		echo "<span class=\"textinput\"><input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" tabindex=\"4\" value=\"Submit Comment\" /></span>";
    		echo "<img src=\"".$this->httpPath."img/spinner.gif\" alt=\"\" id=\"spinner\"/>\n";
    		echo "<label class=\"invalid\" for=\"submit\" id=\"errors\"></label>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
    		echo "</form>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    		echo "</div>\n";
    	//takes a string and strips it, making it safe to put in a URL
    	function makeCleanString($string,$externalSource=false)
    		//externalSource meaning directly inputed by a user, in most cases this should be false.. appart from starting a new post
    		$string = strtolower($string);
    		$string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9\- _]/i", "", $string);
    		$string = str_replace(" ", "-",trim($string));
    		if ($externalSource) {
    			$string = str_replace("_", "-",$string);
    		$string = urlencode($string);
    		return $string;
    	//handles posting of comments
    	function newComment($id, $printentry=TRUE) 
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$author = "";
    		$email = "";
    		$comment = "";
    		//check the post exists, and is part of this blog
    		$row = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT subject, id from entries where user_id = ".$this->id." and id = '".$id."';");
    		if (!$row) {
    			error(1,_("Invalid blog entry, This entry may have been removed..?"));
    		//pull in the unadulterated subject for later on
    		$subject = $row['subject'];
    		$postid =  $row['id'];
    		//set hostname
    		if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
    			$host = addslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) . " : " . addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    		else {
    			$host = addslashes($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    		//sanitise comment
    		if (isset($_POST['comment']) && trim($_POST['comment']) != "") {
    			if(strip_tags($_POST['comment']) == $_POST['comment']) {
    				$comment = addslashes(nl2br(trim($_POST['comment'])));
    			} else {
    				$this->commentError = _("HTML within comments is not allowed, Please remove all html tags and try again");
    				$element = "comment";
    		} else {
    			$this->commentError = _("Please check the comment field");
    			$element = "comment";
    		//decided if the comment is likly to be spam
    		if (checkSpam($host,$_POST['comment'])) {
    			$spam = true;
    			//force this comment though moderation
    			$this->comment_moderation = true;
    		} else {
    			$spam = false;
    		//sanitise email
    		if (isset($_POST['email']) && trim($_POST['email']) != "" && validEmail(trim($_POST['email']))) {
    			$email = addslashes(trim($_POST['email']));
    		} else {
    			$this->commentError = _("Check email address, it does not apear to be valid.");
    			$element = "email";
    		//sanitse author
    		if (isset($_POST['author']) && trim($_POST['author']) != "") {
    			if(preg_match("/^([a-z0-9]+ *)+$/i", $_POST['author'])) {
    				$author = addslashes(nl2br(trim(strip_tags($_POST['author']))));
    			} else {
    				$this->commentError = _("Invalid name. We only allow alphanumeric names!");
    				$element = "author";
    		else {
    			$this->commentError = _("Please give us your name.");
    			$element = "author";
    		//if no errors have been raised so far commit to the db
    		if ($this->commentError == "") {
    			// do we need to set the moderated flag on this comment?
    			if(!$this->comment_moderation) {
    				$moderated = TRUE;
    			} else {
    				//check the list of 'authorised' commentors
    				if(count($BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT name FROM authorised_emails WHERE user_id={$this->id} AND email='{$email}'"))>0) {
    					$moderated = TRUE;
    				} else {
    					$moderated = FALSE;
    			//actualy insert the new comment and check it worked
    			$query = "INSERT INTO comments (post, name, email, body, host, moderated, spam) VALUES ('{$postid}','{$author}','{$email}','{$comment}','{$host}', ".(($moderated) ? "true" : "false").", ".(($spam) ? "true" : "false").")";
    			if(!$BlogDB->Execute($query)) {
    				error(2,_("Database commit failed -").$BlogDB->ErrorMsg());
    			//send out an notificaiton email if we have succeeded unless we think its spam or moderation has been bypassed
    			else {
    				if(!$spam or !$moderated) 
    					mail($this->userName . "", "Blog comment on \"".$subject."\"", "You've received a comment from ".$author." on your blog post \"".$subject.". The comment is:\n==========\n".$comment.(($moderated) ? "" : "\n==========\nPlease login to your blog admin page to approve or delete this comment."), "From: Your Blog <>");
    				//inform the commentor if the message has been tagged for modderation
    				if(!$moderated) {
    					echo "<p class=\"updateinfo\">"._("Your comment has been added, but before it appears here it must be accepted by the blog owner.")."</p>";
    				//or pass out the comment useing the standard form
    				elseif(!$printentry) {
    					$time = strftime($this->longDateFormat, time());
    					$this->printComment(array('name'=>$author, 'body'=>$comment, 'timestamp'=>$time));
    				//reprint the entire entry (for the case where we're not useing the ajax goodness)
    				if($printentry) {
    				//if we dont have a valid session store the name & email in there own cookies
    				if(!isset($_SESSION['realName'])) {
    					setcookie("Blog_CommentRealName", $author, time()+604800);
    					setcookie("Blog_CommentEmailAddress", $email, time()+604800);
    				return array(TRUE);
    		//else return our error and the status gumf for the benifit of the ajax goodness
    		} else {
    			echo $this->commentError;
    			return array(FALSE, $element);
    	//reutrns the id of the message assosiated with a short subject
    	function shortSubjectToID($shortsubject)
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT id from entries where user_id = ".$this->id." and shortsubject = '".$shortsubject."';");
    		if ($sql) {
    			return $sql['id'];
    		else {
    			error(3,"No such post");
    	//reutrns the short subject of the message given message 
    	function IDToShortSubject($id)
    		global $BlogDB;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetRow("SELECT shortsubject from entries where user_id = ".$this->id." and id = '".$id."';");
    		if ($sql) {
    			return $sql['shortsubject'];
    		else {
    			error(3,"No such post");
    	// Blog menu
    	function menu()
    		global $smarty, $session;
    		$submenu = array();
    		if ($session->loggedin && blogger($session->username)) $submenu[_("My Blog")] = "{$this->httpPath}{$session->username}";
    		if ($session->username != $this->userName) $userblog = $this->userName._("'s Blog");
    		$submenu[$userblog] = $this->blogPath;
    		if ($session->username == $this->userName) $archiveblog = _("My Archive");
    		else $archiveblog = $this->userName._("'s Archive");
    		$submenu[$archiveblog] = "{$this->blogPath}Archive/";
    		if ($this->checkSessionOwner() && blogger($session->username)){
    			$submenu[_("Blog admin")] = "{$this->adminPath}";
    		$menu = $smarty->get_template_vars("menu");
    		$menu[Blogs] = $submenu;
    		$smarty->assign("menu", $menu);
    	// Check the session to see if the user is browsing her own blog
    	function checkSessionOwner()
    		global $session;
    		$maxSessionAge = 3600;
    		// if the session's expired then nuke it
    		if ($session->username != $this->userName) {
    			return FALSE;
    		} else {
    			// the time's not up and the usernames match so it's probably the right user.
    			return TRUE;
    // a pseudo-class to list all blog users
    class bloglist {
    	var $title;
    	var $description;
    	var $httpPath;
    	var $listPath;
    	var $adminPath;
    	var $cssFile;
    	var $svnRevision;       // the SVN revision number of the currently running blog
    	// don't do anything apart from setting up default variables
    	function bloglist() 
    		$this->title = _("Blogs");
    		$this->description = _("Swansea University Computer Society member web logs");
    		//if(substr($this->httpPath, -1)!="/") {
    		//	$this->httpPath .= "/";
    		$this->adminPath = $this->httpPath."Admin/";
    		$this->cssFile = "blog.css";
    		$this->svnRevision = getSVNRevision();
    		// setup the session purely so we get the debug bits..
    	// print a nice list of blog users and when they last updated
    	function listBlogs()
    		global $BlogDB, $session;
    		$sql = $BlogDB->GetAll("SELECT max(entries.timestamp) AS ts, users.username, users.description,, users.title FROM entries LEFT JOIN users ON entries.user_id = GROUP BY users.username,, users.title, users.description ORDER BY ts DESC;");
    		if (count($sql) > 0) {
    			echo "<div class=\"td\">\n";
    			echo "<p>"._("Welcome to SUCS Blogs - The multi-user web log system created by SUCS members for SUCS members.")."</p>\n";
    			echo "<p>"._("Browse the blogs below or use the links on the left to navigate the site. Happy blogging!")."</p>\n";
    			if ($session->loggedin && !blogger($session->username)) echo "<p>"._("Want to join the ranks of SUCS bloggers? - ")."<a href=\"{$this->adminPath}signup\">"._("Start a Blog!")."</a></p>\n";
    			echo "</div>\n";
    			echo "<div id=\"listofblogs\">\n";
    			echo "<table class=\"border\">\n";
    			echo "<tr><th class=\"bname\">"._("Name")."</th><th class=\"btitle\">"._("Blog")."</th><th class=\"bupdated\">"._("Last Updated")."</th></tr>";
    			while($row = array_shift($sql)) {
    				echo "<tr>\n";
    				echo "    <td>".$row['name']."</td>\n";
    				echo "    <td><a href=\"".$this->basePath.$row['username']."\" title=\"".$row['description']."\">".$row['title']."</a></td>\n";
    				echo "    <td>".$this->timeDiff(strtotime($row['ts']))." ago</td>\n";
    				echo "</tr>\n";
    			echo "</table>\n";
    			echo "</div>\n";
    		else {
    			error(3,_("No blogs"));
    	//Returns a textual diff between two time stamps
    	function timeDiff($first, $second=0)
    		if($second == 0) {
    			$second = time();
    		$diff = max($first, $second) - min($first, $second);
    		if($diff>604800) {
    			$ret = round($diff/604800);
    			return $ret.(($ret>1)? _(" weeks") : _(" week"));
    		elseif($diff>86400) {
    			$ret = round($diff/86400);
    			return $ret.(($ret>1)? _(" days") : _(" day"));
    		elseif($diff>3600) {
    			$ret = round($diff/3600);
    			return $ret.(($ret>1)? _(" hours") : _(" hour"));
    		elseif($diff>60) {
    			$ret = round($diff/60);
    			return $ret.(($ret>1)? _(" minutes") : _(" minute"));
    		else {
    			return $diff.(($diff>1)? _(" seconds") : _(" second"));
    	// Blog menu - links displayed when the blog list is displayed
    	function menu() {
    		global $smarty, $session;
    		if ($session->loggedin) {
    		$submenu = array();
    			if (blogger($session->username)) {
    				$submenu[_("My Blog")] = "{$this->httpPath}{$session->username}";
    				$submenu[_("Blog admin")] = "{$this->adminPath}";
    			} else {
    				$submenu[_("Start a Blog")] = "{$this->adminPath}signup";		
    		$menu = $smarty->get_template_vars("menu");
    		$menu[Blogs] = $submenu;
    		$smarty->assign("menu", $menu);