$usermessage.="Wondering what to do next? Check out our Getting Started page: http://sucs.org/Getting%20Started or go right ahead and post on our forum at http://sucs.org/Community/Forum or join in the discussion on our chat system, Milliways: http://sucs.org/Community/Milliways\n\n";
$usermessage.="Our weekly social is held in the coffee end JC's at 1:00 PM every Friday\n\n";
$usermessage.="Our weekly social is held in the coffee end JC's at 1:00 PM every Wednesday\n\n";
$usermessage.="Before you use the SUCS computers or the computer room, please make sure you are familiar with the conditions of use and room rules at http://sucs.org/About/Regulations\n\n";
$usermessage.="If you require help using the system, introductory guides are available at http://sucs.org/Knowledge\n\n";
$usermessage.="If you have any trouble using the system, reply to this e-mail describing the nature of the problem and we'll look into it.\n\n";