if(strtotime('now')>strtotime(ELECTION_START)&&strtotime('now')<strtotime(ELECTION_END)&&!$DB->GetOne("SELECT username FROM election_votes where username=?",$session->username)){
$messages['info'][]="<strong>You haven't voted yet</strong><br />\nThe SUCS Executive Election is in progress. <a href=\"/Vote\">Vote now!</a>\n";
$output="<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p>If you would like to contribute to the site or report a bug, please contact chckens or dez.</p></div>";
$output="<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p>If you would like to contribute to the site or report a bug, please contact chckens or dez.</p></div>";