- Jul 28, 2002
Unknown User authored
Chris Fry authored
Changed the way scripts work slightly, so that they will quite happily run off the talker - although output from SAY etc.. are ignored, and WHEREAMI always returns "-1" - that sort of thing. --- Changed checkonoff's to use this ability, so you can receive checkonoff codes while on the board (ie, if you leave the talker, you will get your own checkonoff code). Normal scripts of course, still cant be run from the BBS, and IPC/RPC messages are currently ignored if off the talker. --- Radically, completely rewrote the entire checkonoff system to give more information, and a much more logical code system. Scripts executed using this method now recieve certain arguments: $0 = "CheckOnOff" $1 = <code> $2 = <method> $3 = <is_quiet> $4 = <sourceuser> $5 = <version> Where <code> can be one of: 0 - leave the talker 1 - enter the talker 2 - leave the board 3 - enter the board This keeps backwards compatibility the same - users can still detect each of these settings, although the extra features - such as detecting zods - will never occur using this code alone For each of the <code> values, <method> has several meanings: for leaving the board (2): 0 - normal (by user) 1 - timeout 2 - connection dropped M 3 - get mrodded S 4 - get banned S 5 - crash / error S 6 - deleted for leaving the talker (0): 0 - normal (by user) Z 1 - zodded S 2 - chatmode -c 3 - straight to shell (!quit etc...) for joining the board (3): 0 - normal (by user) 1 - straight to talker (-autochat) for joining the talker (1): 0 - normal (by user) U 1 - summoned S 2 - chatmode +c The extra letters in front of the <method> indicate certain privs are needed: M - needs mrod priv to detect S - needs SU to detect U - needs summon to detect Z - needs zod to detect So, for example, if a user were to log on using "-autochat", two messages would be created: <code=3> <method=1> <code=1> <method=0> These are the main two values that most people will use - along with "USER <variable" to get the user that caused the checkonoff message. Added to these two values, <is_quiet> simply returns: 0 - user logged on normally 1 - user logged on with -quiet to supress messages This allows script writers to only display their own messages if a user is logged on quietly if they so wish. <sourceuser> is more tricky. This is the person that caused the initiation of the checkonoff code in the first place. ie, for most messages, it is the same as the user the broadcast came from. However, in cases such as zod, mrod, or chatmode +/-c alteration, <sourceuser> will be the person that performed that operation. ie, SUPERUSER bans USER <code=0> <method=3> <code=2> <method=4> <user=USER> <sourceuser=SUPERUSER> and finally, <version> is mainly for being able to work out which version of checkonoff is used. this ranges from "1" to "3" currently, but if you wish, you can simply check if any of the arguments is left blank "" and work out what needs to be done from there. --- Added a "force_status" to incoming.c, and moved the 'ban' and 'delete' detection code to there instead of in the main loop - necessary for the new checkonoff information. --- Fixed a bug with 'ExecEvent2' where it only accepted up to 3 arguments --- Removed the now-obsolete "zodded" script Chris
Chris Fry authored
Force and Shutdown functions have to be bound now using: force <function> shutdown <function> like checkonoff's Chris
- Jul 27, 2002
Denis Walker authored
Corrected error in help for msg and postinfo that said they were the same command - they're not.
Chris Fry authored
More tasks Chris
Finn Wilcox authored
strdup(). This fixes another phantom memory leak.
Finn Wilcox authored
the wrappers. Changed dupstr() to use this function instead of malloc() so that readline() can safely free these blocks.
Chris Fry authored
Okay, all of the snprintf's have been updated again to remove all of the extra null characters added. However, each of them have now been checked to make sure the lengths are okay, so that no overruns can occur. Chris
Finn Wilcox authored
The wrapper functions were complaining when script variables set by the INPUT command were destroyed.
Denis Walker authored
Corrected spelling of "receive" (was spelt "recieve" eight times)
Chris Fry authored
Updated the who lists (!who, .who, mw -who) to detect screen width and fill the correct width with ---------- characters, rather than always 80. This means that screens less than 80 characters wide are easier to read. Modified the protection level stuff to show "?" instead of "9" if a user has too low a protection level to see other peoples values, as this is more intuitive to show you dont know what level it is. Chris
- Jul 26, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Fixed memory leak in zod/mrod messages if the entire reason was spaces: ie, ".zod <user> " Added command ".linewrap <on|off>" to enable/disable the milliways talker linewrapping, since several people prefer it without, as it splits up pastes such as web addresses. *LINEWRAPPING ENABLED BY DEFAULT TO KEEP MW THE SAME* Chris
Chris Fry authored
Fixed a mistake I made in expand.c using snprintf Chris
Chris Fry authored
Realised that 'snprintf' and 'vsnprintf' dont terminate a string with a \0 if it reaches the end of the buffer. Had to make quite a few corrections to fix this, but scripts seem quite a bit more stable now! Chris
Chris Fry authored
Found a fault with the STRISTR script command, and fixed it Chris
Chris Fry authored
Fixed a problem with -c chatmode, where the "Sulking" message wasnt displayed, and where I accidently changed the users chatmodes inside a chatmode changing function (doh! :/) Chris
Chris Fry authored
Removed 'talkmode' variable, since this is an exact duplicate of querying the 'CM_ONCHAT' chatmode flag, and it wasnt consistently updated in a few places. Due to the changes above, fixed a problem where a user though they were still on the BBS prompt, but couldnt log onto the talker. This was caused when a superuser did a "!user chatmode <user>" and added "+c". Also fixed a similar issue in scripts, where some scripts could be run from the BBS when they shouldnt be! Added new checkonoff broadcasts "-6" and "4" to show chatmode "-c" and "+c" being done to a user. Before, a user just got told "log off" and "log on" but it was put forward that these should be different. Easy to change back if it is deemed completely unuseful. Neatened up the 'new user' code where it queries if a user is a member of sucs, for autoregistration. Removed some unused 'extern'd variables at the start of a few C files. Chris
- Jul 23, 2002
Steve Hill authored
Removed the reference to me that Dez keeps fscking adding in again!
Denis Walker authored
Corrected a typo in help for "script"
Steve Hill authored
Removed some dumb comments about me.
- Jul 22, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Updated the SAFE_FREE macro in bb.h with finnw's suggestion of using do/while to avoid errors using the macro Chris
Chris Fry authored
Problems with tab-completion fixed (".unbind <tab>" and ",<tab>" used the same function in different ways causing ".unbind" to break). Added extra tab completion for ".raw", ".e" and ".emote" Chris
- Jul 21, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Fixed another memory leak in the room changing code. I cant find any more leaks other than the "apparent leak" caused by using 'strdup' to return strings to the readline tab completion functions. Since readline frees this memory, the wrappers cant detect it and report a leak. Okay for a release now I think Chris
Chris Fry authored
Fixed another couple of memory leaks - one in .restart, and a couple in alias.c and rooms.c Chris
Denis Walker authored
Corrected spelling mistake in script command descriptions.
Denis Walker authored
Added help for isedall and sedall.
Chris Fry authored
Oops, I really oughtn't to check in Makefile with wrappers enabled Chris
Chris Fry authored
Found two more memory leaks in tab-completion code (memory from 'FindLinks' was never freed) Chris
Chris Fry authored
Fixed a small error that allowed checkonoffs to be intercepted while on the BBS and not the talker, resulting in initialisation problems Chris
Chris Fry authored
Quiet information now given on board logon messages (checkonoff code 3) Chris
- Jul 20, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Written a second "ExecEvent" function (ExecEvent2) that now takes an array of arguments instead of just the one bit of text. The preamble still works on argument 1 as normal. Changed 'CheckOnOff' to use this new event function. There is now an optional second argument to checkonoff events, that indicates whether the user is logged on silently or not. NOTE: this will cause any current users to experience a slightly different checkonoff argument format - namely "code[,quiet]". eg: "1,1" if the user logged on to the talker quietly. Forgot to mention it in the last checkin, but summons now ignore multiple similar arguments. eg ".summon 0 test1 test2 test2 test2" will only summon the users "test1" and "test2" once each. Before, it used to repeat all of the "test2" users... Chris
Chris Fry authored
Fixed the new random function so that it returns a value (min,max) inclusive, rather than (min,max-1). Chris
- Jul 19, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Reworded the 'split' script help file since it implied the first argument was a variable, or could be a variable, instead of being a value input (ie, "hello", or $test etc..) Chris
- Jul 18, 2002
Denis Walker authored
Corrected error in file split
- Jul 15, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Okay, thats the last of the current bugs out of the way! Chris
Chris Fry authored
Moved ".alias" and ".unalias" to "!alias" and "!unalias" since all commands are affected by aliases, and not just talker commands. Fixed a problem with displaying "---more---" in the wrong place in aliases in the help (!help etc..) Chris
- Jul 14, 2002
Chris Fry authored
Updated command help (!help) to take priveledges into account on commands. The 'wizhelp' directory is now used for more help on the same message. For example, "emote", and "wiz" would go into the "help" directory since these rely on priveledges alone. However, "ls" will probably have an extra file also present in the "wizhelp" directory to explain about being able to read files you dont have permissions for etc... - there are quite a few commands like this! Chris
Chris Fry authored
Updated todo list Chris
Chris Fry authored
Updated the 'special' help to include the 'o' flag (for blocking use of 'contact'). Added 'emote' command Chris
Chris Fry authored
Updated the really old 'user' help Chris