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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 29, 2000
  2. Nov 27, 2000
    • Finn Wilcox's avatar
      · bc24d0f6
      Finn Wilcox authored
      Changed display_message() so that colour codes are cancelled before
      line wraps (return and indent), and restored on the next line.  This
      prevents 'leaking' of the background colour onto the next line, on
      certain terminals.
    • Finn Wilcox's avatar
      · 4f9c7d1e
      Finn Wilcox authored
      Fixed display of 'wiz' flag in who lists, which I broke when I
      removed the daemon flag.
      Added a few more babelfish entries.
  3. Nov 25, 2000
    • Finn Wilcox's avatar
      · 6c3fa777
      Finn Wilcox authored
      Removed an entry from the warez table that was causing infinite loops
      in apply_bork().
      1.15         (fry      10-Mar-00): //{ "", "" },
      1.40         (fry      03-Nov-00): { "", "" },
      1.15         (fry      10-Mar-00): { NULL, NULL} };
      Looks like the 2nd line was uncommented by accident recently.
      Note: this means giving anyone the warez gag in the release version will
      crash their mw session as soon as they say anything.  Maybe we'd better
      release another version?
      Also added some more entries to the babelfish table.
    • Finn Wilcox's avatar
      · edc0a4d4
      Finn Wilcox authored
      Added a few more entries to the tnarg filter.
      Added the "babelfish" gag.
  4. Nov 22, 2000
    • Finn Wilcox's avatar
      · e8868276
      Finn Wilcox authored
      Removed the redundant 'daemon' flag.
      Fixed a .notsayto loophole, where the person could hear the message if
      they had global and were in a different room.
  5. Nov 15, 2000
  6. Nov 04, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 8178c206
      Chris Fry authored
      More 'french' gag stuff.
      Finalised 'mud command' stuff.
      Fixed some minor 'room' code.
      This will be my last edit for a while, and have got it ready and stable for
      a release... - I start work now, with no time to spare (no internet at home
      - b&b)
  7. Nov 03, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · ec5c4736
      Chris Fry authored
      Q-IGNORE, and Q-UNIGNORE now do not give out messages indicating when they
      have ignored/unignored etc.., but instead set comparison counters. Means you
      can now truly use them quietly, and write your own message in whatever
      format you wish.
      Added 'allo allo' gag - only _very_ few bork filters in there yet, but will
      add more soon.
  8. Nov 02, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · beae72e3
      Chris Fry authored
      'initfunc' now working
      From now on, 'autoexec' will not be executed automatically unless it is
      initfunc autoexec
      instead of the normal
      function autoexec
      you can have as many 'inifunc' functions as you wish.
      once it is changed, autoexec will work perfectly as normal.
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · d5243795
      Chris Fry authored
      Removed 'look' and 'users' from talker commands - now purely mud.
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · d0b47045
      Chris Fry authored
      Added more 'mud' commands - gradually converting them from 'talk' commands.
      Things like 'look' and 'users' are now mud commands.
      Fixed a segmentation fault on mud commands when trying to tab complete part
      of a word that doesnt exist, eg '[fis<tab>' - there is nothing beginning
      with 'f' so segv's - small spelling error :/
      Oh, mud commands now back to '[', as ';', '@', '\', plus other characters
      dont seem to be recognised by readline as a letter. Normally, if you do
      ',<tab>', 'start' is set to 0 in the complete_entry function. However, if
      you use '@<tab>', start is set to '1' - the number of characters. (ie,
      '@@<tab>' gives '2').
      Is there any way to fix this?
  9. Oct 31, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 21d75e0f
      Chris Fry authored
      USERROOM <var for result> <USERNAME>
      if in mud-mode and cant find room, etc.. returns -1 instead of room.
      Acts the same as the wholist room numbers do.
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 236951cb
      Chris Fry authored
      Fixed bug in 'ChangeRoom' which duplicated 'Cannot find that room' error
      Added 'ABS' mw-script command.
      Usage: 'ABS <var> <input>' - 'input' may be variables etc.. and must be
      Added 'RANGE' mw-script command.
      Usage: 'RANGE <input> <low> <high>' - is 'input' within (inclusive) the
             range 'low..high'. Must all be numeric. Sets comparison counter
             if matched.
      	SET test -4
      	ABS out $test
      	PRINT $out
      	INPUT test "Enter number: "
      	RANGE $test 1 10
      	IFALL yes
      	PRINT "NO"
      	PRINT "YES"
      	Enter number: 4
      	Enter number: 38
  10. Oct 29, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · b2167ff4
      Chris Fry authored
      Fixed a bug in the help message '. Use !help for a list of commands'. Now
      changes '!' for whatever it _should_ be. Cunning bug that always seems to
      have been there, but just noticed it...
      Oh, and i've noticed the revision number is getting rediculously high again
      (something like 52 now :). I think once i've finished this set of bugs/fixes
      (about 4 to go now), we should have another release. Theres _alot_ of new
      code which alot of people will find useful - such as the username
      tab-completion which has been requested alot by users who use mw alot
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 1720974b
      Chris Fry authored
      MUD commands changed from ':' to '@'...
      Slight oversight.. I now find it *very* irritating doing smileys :)
      Command ')' not found. Use !help for a list of commands.
      Arse.. gotta change the '!help' bit too.. <sigh> so much that goes wrong..
      I'm pooped. I've been working a long 6 days with a games company.. i'm going
  11. Oct 23, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 70e75854
      Chris Fry authored
      - More MUD directions
      - Some slightly better MUD command code
      - MUD Command character now ':' - more accessible. I tried '>', and ';', but
        these both cause mw to segfault. Any reason? eg, invalid char?
  12. Oct 22, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 53d4bb16
      Chris Fry authored
      Okay, mud commands now work - at least for noraml compass directions. Havent
      addd others yet, but will now be extremely easy to do so.
      Username tab-completion flag now added too. use '.tcunames on|off' (or .t)
      with it on, you can tab-complete in normal talker text the username of
      anyone currently on talker. turn it off for pasting tabs etc.. onto talker
      Off as default.
  13. Oct 21, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 375006b7
      Chris Fry authored
      New room code. All room change code now put into the one function in
      'rooms.c' - ChangeRoom.
      Takes a string argument (the new room), and an int (the 'quiet' flag).
      Slightly more efficient, and less userdb access.
  14. Oct 19, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 5f308ba8
      Chris Fry authored
      Fixed 'checkonoff'. Seems to work all the time now (no 'system') users -
      moved all the broadcast to start of logoff functions so to give it time
      before removing from the who-list
      Added a 'timeout' style message for people when their connection drops.
      Checkonoff now broadcasts when the user logs off the talker in the following
      normal, zod, mrod, timeout, connection lost, banned
      each one gives off a different code:
      Logon = 1
      Logoff normally = 0
      Connectino Lost = -1
      Timeout = -2
      Banned = -3
      Zod = -4
      MRoD = -5
      Logoff messages are negative (and 0), logon messages are positive, incase
      you wish to add other cases in the future.
      Everyone has the ability to check whether a user has logged on/off using the
      'checkonoff' bind in scripts. However, only those with SU can tell the exact
      method of logging off/on. Those without SU will just get 0/1.
  15. Oct 15, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 4f6ab648
      Chris Fry authored
      Fixed some stuff in the 'annoy' gag - better filters
      IPC's, RPC's, and CHECKONOFF's now added to event stack, so wont spam screen
      when writing messages
  16. Oct 13, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 3f1a78e4
      Chris Fry authored
      script instruction 'set' now takes args like 'print' does - any number of
      them appended rather than one.
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 185d5bfa
      Chris Fry authored
      script function tab completion now works perfectly.
      added script function tab completion to 'bind' talker command
  17. Oct 12, 2000
    • Steve Hill's avatar
      · 109214a0
      Steve Hill authored
      A minor change to the censor gag to piss Gareth off...
  18. Oct 11, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 44dc2691
      Chris Fry authored
      Okay. ROOM is now silent again if you have SU
  19. Oct 09, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 02827cc4
      Chris Fry authored
      Arse.. apparently missed this file out according to finnw. Here is it..
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 5a91f0ad
      Chris Fry authored
      Changed the script 'room' command to always be loud again.
      Q-ROOM is available for those with Developer mode (D chatpriv) if you need
      to move around quietly, while developing rooms/scripts whatever. However,
      dont give this priv to anyone - it enables the other devel commands too,
      which will spam your screen with crud etc... :)
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 8febdd52
      Chris Fry authored
      Added mudmode commands. in mudmode, use /command.
      so far, the tab-complete/command structure is all there, but only:
      /east, /west, /north, and /south are present atm, and all they do is print
      the command name.
      Will add the other directions, plus things like /look etc.. in a while, and
      actually make them *do* something (needs a large rewrite of the room change
      code, otherwise i'm repeating it two-three times!)
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 2abc022d
      Chris Fry authored
      I've only just noticed something and added it.
      script tab completion will now *not* work, if you dont have script priv
      turned on!
  20. Oct 08, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · c2628185
      Chris Fry authored
      Two new script commands:
      INLIST <comp> <arg1> [<arglist> ...]
      INLISTI - case insensitive counterpart
      Takes first argument, and if it matches exactly (or case insensitively) any
      one of the given arguments, set comparisons to true.
      makes it easier to test for things, so rather than:
      USER u
      EQ $u "Fry"
      EQ $u "psycodom"
      EQ $u "Jo"
      IFANY ...
      you can do:
      USER u
      INLISTI $u Fry psycodom Jo
      IFANY ...
      Allows you do reduce the number of lines needed for list checking.
  21. Sep 30, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 873f7dde
      Chris Fry authored
      Now lets users tab-complete usernames for all those currently on mw, as
      default if you havent got any arguments set for script tab-completion.
  22. Sep 29, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 12c3c2c5
      Chris Fry authored
      script tab-completion now working fine.
      however, the 'script' argument isnt working (yet?) - may get rid of it..
  23. Sep 28, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · e3fd8ab8
      Chris Fry authored
      Added 'screxec' script instruction.
      This allows you execute any other script function from the talker. eg:
      bind screxec screxec
      function screxec
          SCREXEC $*
      ,screxec whoami me
      .var me
      Variable 'me' contains value 'Fry'
      Well.. I find it useful in my scripts anyhow :)
      ,all screxec boardexec force * .e is a fish!
      is a script command that allows me to make everyone other than me say
      '<user> is a fish!' - without having to define functions screxec, boardexec,
      and force, to use them...
  24. Sep 27, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · ef6c0767
      Chris Fry authored
      Fixed a bug in the ungag command where is said:
      '<user1> has just tried to <un-user1-gagtype> <user2>'
      rather than:
      '<user1> has just tried to <un-user2-gagtype> <user2>'
      Thats been around for _ages_ (oops :) but no-one seemed to spot it until me
      and cmc tried to work out why it seemed to work correctly ungagging
      yourself, and not others ;)
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 52f25949
      Chris Fry authored
      Petty.. but the Makefile now capitalises the first letter of the user who
      built the program (look alot nicer).
      Morse gag slightly better.
  25. Aug 31, 2000
    • Chris Fry's avatar
      · 832c55be
      Chris Fry authored
      New morse code gag for manic. It's quite cool, though difficult to read.
      It's also properly constructed to proper morse code standards, so anyone
      want to write a script to decrypt it ;) (_very_ easy :)
      Also, am working on script tab-complete stuff. ATM it detects extra
      arguments to script definitions, but I havent coded the tab-copmlete stuff
      yet. _may_ not do so, depends how slow it is...
  26. Jul 25, 2000
  27. Jul 24, 2000
  28. Jul 23, 2000