diff --git a/components/susignup.php b/components/susignup.php
index 540a8a0885a928d1715794112ac85950672323f7..942a34da24803916cbf801831bdcce27b71b58b9 100755
--- a/components/susignup.php
+++ b/components/susignup.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 $GroupingID = "6613";
 include "../lib/member_functions.php";
+include "../lib/date.php";
 include "../suapi.inc.php";
 $error_email = "admin@sucs.org";
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ if(!empty($_REQUEST['sid'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['transactionID'])){
         $transactionID = $_REQUEST['transactionID'];
 	//set POST variables
-	$url = "https://$suapi_user:$suapi_pass@hap.swansea-union.co.uk/memberships/Membership.asmx/GetMemberByTransactionID";
+	$url = "https://$suapi_user:$suapi_pass@su-api.sucs.org/memberships/Membership.asmx/GetMemberByTransactionID";
 	$fields = array(
@@ -39,157 +40,220 @@ if(!empty($_REQUEST['sid'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['transactionID'])){
 	//close connection
-	}else{	
-  		$re1='.*?';	
-		$re2='(\\{.*?\\})';	
-		if ($c=preg_match_all ("/".$re1.$re2."/is", $result, $matches))
-		{
-		  	$json_string=$matches[1][0];
-		}else{
-			  //ERROR
-		}
-		$array = json_decode($json_string,TRUE);
-		if($array['cardNumber'] == $sid && $sid != ""){
-		  	$mode = 'form';
+		$mode = "error";
+		$smarty->assign("error_text", "Invalid query returned");
+	} else {	
+		libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
+		$xml=simplexml_load_string($result);
+		if (!$xml||isset($xml->head->title)) {
+			$mode='error';
+			$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API");		
+		} else{
+			$re1='.*?';	
+			$re2='(\\{.*?\\})';	
+			if ($c=preg_match_all ("/".$re1.$re2."/is", $result, $matches))
+			{
+			  	$json_string=$matches[1][0];
+			} else{
+			  $mode = "error";
+			}
+			$array = json_decode($json_string,TRUE);
+			if($array['cardNumber'] == $sid && $sid != ""){
+				$mode = 'form';
-			// connect to sucs database
-                        $sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
-			// $sucsDB->debug = true;
-                        $sucsDB->Connect('dbname=sucs user=apache');
-			$sucsDB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
-			$fullName = $array['firstName']." ".$array['lastName'];
-			$query = "INSERT INTO transactions (transactionID,fullName,emailAddress,cardNumber,personID) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
-			$attribs[] = $transactionID;
-			$attribs[] = $fullName;
-			$attribs[] = $array['emailAddress'];
-			$attribs[] = $array['cardNumber'];
-			$attribs[] = $array['personID'];
-			$valid = true;
-			if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
-				// We did this because Adodb ErrorNo command is broken
-				$query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?";
-				unset($attribs);
-				$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-				if($sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
+				// connect to sucs database
+				$sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
+				// $sucsDB->debug = true;
+				$sucsDB->Connect('dbname=sucs user=apache');
+				$sucsDB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC);
+				$fullName = $array['firstName']." ".$array['lastName'];
+				$query = "INSERT INTO transactions (transactionID,fullName,emailAddress,cardNumber,personID) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
+				$attribs[] = $transactionID;
+				$attribs[] = $fullName;
+				$attribs[] = $array['emailAddress'];
+				$attribs[] = $array['cardNumber'];
+				$attribs[] = $array['personID'];
+				$valid = true;
+				if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
+					// We did this because Adodb ErrorNo command is broken
 					$query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?";
-					$attribs= array();
+					unset($attribs);
-					$data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query,$attribs); 
-					if(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']==NULL){
-						// As it stands this shouldn't happen but if it does, no reason not to let them carry on
-						$valid = true;
-					} elseif(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']!=NULL) {
-						$query = "SELECT * FROM signup WHERE sid = ? AND username IS NULL";
-						unset($attribs);
-						$attribs[]=$sid;
-						$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs);
-						if(!$data) {
-							mail(  
-                                                        	$error_email,
-	                                                        "SUSignup Error",
-        	                                                "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 0\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-                	                                        "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-                                                );
-							$valid=false;
-						} else if($data->RecordCount()==0) {
-							$smarty->assign("username", $data->fields['username']);
-							$mode='numpty2';		
-							// This happens if they already ahve a SUCS account and are trying to create a new signupid  
-							$valid = false;
+					if($sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
+						$query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?";
+						$attribs= array();
+						$attribs[]=$transactionID;
+						$data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query,$attribs);
+						if(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']==NULL){
+							// As it stands this shouldn't happen but if it does, no reason not to let them carry on
+							$valid = true;
+						} elseif(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']!=NULL) {
+							$query = "SELECT * FROM signup WHERE sid = ?";
+							unset($attribs);
+							$attribs[]=$sid;
+							$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs);
+							if(!$data) {
+								mail(
+									$error_email,
+									"SUSignup Error",
+									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 0\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+							);
+								$valid=false;
+							} else if($data->fields['username']!=NULL){
+								$smarty->assign("username", $data->fields['username']);
+								$mode='numpty2';		
+								// This happens if they already ahve a SUCS account and are trying to create a new signupid
+								$valid = false;
+							} else {
+								$smarty->assign("id", $data->fields['id']);
+								$smarty->assign("pass", $data->fields['password']);
+								$mode='numpty';
+								// If this happens they tried to get a new signupid/pass after already getting one, and should get weekly reminders about it  
+								$valid = false;
+							}
 						} else {
-							$smarty->assign("id", $data->fields['id']);
-							$smarty->assign("pass", $data->fields['password']);
-							$mode='numpty';
-							// If this happens they tried to get a new signupid/pass after already getting one, and should get weekly reminders about it  
+							$mode="error";
+							mail(
+								$error_email,
+								"SUSignup Error",
+								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 1\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+							);
 							$valid = false;
 					} else {
 							"SUSignup Error",
-							"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 1\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+							"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
 							"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
 						$valid = false;
-				} else {
-					$mode="error";
-					mail(
-						$error_email,
-						"SUSignup Error",
-						"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-						"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-					);
-					$valid = false;
-			}
-			if($valid)
-			{
-				$pass = make_password();		
-				unset($query);
-				$query = "insert into signup (password,sid,issuedby) values( ?, ?, ?) returning id";
-				unset($attribs);
-				$attribs[]=addslashes($pass);
-				$attribs[]=$array['cardNumber'];
-				$attribs[]='99999';
-				$id = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
-				$id = $id->fields['id'];
-				if (!$id) {
-					$mode="error";
-					mail(   
-						$error_email,
-						"SUSignup Error",
-						"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 3\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-						"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-					);
-				} else {
-					$query = "update transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?";
+				if($valid)
+				{	
-					$attribs[]=$id;
-					$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-					if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
-						$mode="error";
-						mail(
-							$error_email,
-							"SUSignup Error",
-							"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 4\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-							"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-						);
-						print($sucsDB->ErrorMsg());
-					} else {
-		        	              	$smarty->assign("id", $id);
-              				        $smarty->assign("pass", $pass);
-						mail(
-							$array['emailAddress'].','.$sid.'@swansea.ac.uk',
-							"SUCS Signup Information",
-							"Thankyou for joining Swansea University Computer Society, your signup details are below;\nSignupID: $id\nSignup Password: $pass\nIf you have successfully completed signup immediately then you can disregard this message.\n\nSUCS Admin Team.",
-							"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-						);
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				//ERROR
-			}
-		  }
+					unset($query);
+					$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE sid = ?";
+					$attribs[] = $sid;
+					unset($data);
+					$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs);
+					if (!$data) {
+						$mode = "error";
+						$smarty->assign("error_text", "Error in internal database check");
+					} elseif ($data->RecordCount()==1) {
+						$mode = "renew";
+						$q="UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE username=?;";
+        					$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array(paidUntil(time()), '99999', $data->fields['username']));
+						if (!$r) {
+							mail(  
+								$error_email,
+								"SUSignup Error",
+								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2.5\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+							);
+					        } else {
+							$q="SELECT email, typename FROM members, member_type WHERE username=?  AND type=member_type.id;";
+							$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array($data->fields['username']));
+							$message  = "Account Renewal notification\n\n";
+							$message .= "Account   : ".$data->fields['username']."\n";
+							$message .= "User Type : ".$r->fields['typename']."\n";
+							$message .= "Renewed by: ".$data->fields['username'].".\n\n";
+							$message .= "**** Payment was made via the SU payments system ****\n";
+							$message .= "Regards\n  The SU Renewals script";
+							mail("treasurer@sucs.org","Account Renewal",$message);
+							$message = "Your Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) membership has been renewed\n\n";
+							$message .= "Username: ".$renew_name."\n";
+							$message .= "If you do not know or have forgotten your password, please email admin@sucs.org to arrange for it to be changed.\n\n";
+							$message .= "Regards\n  The SUCS admin";
+							$header = "From: admin@sucs.org\r\n";
+							$header .= "Reply-To: admin@sucs.org";
+							// Personal account
+							mail($r->fields['email'],"SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
+							// sucs account
+							mail($data->fields['username']."@sucs.org","SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
+							unset($query);
+							unset($attribs);
+							$query = "UPDATE transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?";
+							$attribs[]="000";
+							$attribs[]=$transactionID;
+							$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
+							if (!$data) { 
+								$mode="error";
+								mail(
+									$error_email,
+									"SUSignup Error",
+									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2.6\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+								);
+							}
+				        	}	
+					} else {
+						$pass = make_password();		
+						unset($query);
+						$query = "insert into signup (password,sid,issuedby) values( ?, ?, ?) returning id";
+						unset($attribs);
+						$attribs[]=addslashes($pass);
+						$attribs[]=$array['cardNumber'];
+						$attribs[]='99999';
+						$iddata = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
+						$id = $iddata->fields['id'];
+						if (!$iddata) {
+							$mode="error";
+							mail(   
+								$error_email,
+								"SUSignup Error",
+								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 3\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+							);
+						} else {
+							$query = "update transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?";
+							unset($attribs);
+							$attribs[]=$id;
+							$attribs[]=$transactionID;
+							if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
+								$mode="error";
+								mail(
+									$error_email,
+									"SUSignup Error",
+									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 4\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
+									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+								);
+								print($sucsDB->ErrorMsg());
+							} else {
+								$smarty->assign("id", $id);
+								$smarty->assign("pass", $pass);
+								mail(
+									$array['emailAddress'].','.$sid.'@swansea.ac.uk',
+									"SUCS Signup Information",
+									"Thankyou for joining Swansea University Computer Society, your signup details are below;\nSignupID: $id\nSignup Password: $pass\nIf you have successfully completed signup immediately then you can disregard this message.\n\nSUCS Admin Team.",
+									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
+								);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} 
+			} 
+		}
 $smarty->assign("mode", $mode);