<?php $smarty->assign("news",$DB->GetArray("(SELECT * FROM news WHERE expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 3) UNION SELECT * FROM news WHERE sticky=true and expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC")); $output = $smarty->fetch("front.tpl"); $smarty->assign("title", "Home"); $smarty->assign("body", $output); if (!$session->loggedin) { $output = file_get_contents("../static/fragments/Join.txt"); } else { $output = "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p>If you would like to contribute to the site or report a bug, please contact chckens or dez.</p></div>"; //include('users.php'); //$output .= $result; include('electionreminder.php'); $output .= $result; include('planetposts.php'); $output .= $result; include('forumposts.php'); $output .= $result; } $smarty->assign("secondary",$output); ?>