<?php // Display execution time? //$displaytime = TRUE; // start the clock (this is just temporary cause I'm interested in how long all this takes) if (@$displaytime) { $time = microtime(); $time = explode(' ', $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $begintime = $time; } /* -------------------------------------------------------- Settings -------------------------------------------------------- */ include("settings.php"); if (!(isset($base) && isset($preferred_hostname) && isset($dbname))) { echo "Website unconfigured"; exit(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------- Libraries -------------------------------------------------------- */ // Include our custom error handling business require("../lib/error.php"); // Include the Smarty templating engine define('SMARTY_DIR', '/usr/share/php/smarty/libs/'); require("/usr/share/php/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php"); $smarty = new Smarty; $smarty->template_dir = $base."templates"; $smarty->compile_dir = $base."templates_c"; $smarty->plugins_dir[] = $base."plugins"; $smarty->assign("baseurl", $baseurl); // Initialise the database require("/usr/share/php/adodb/adodb.inc.php"); $DB = NewADOConnection('postgres8'); $DB->Connect('dbname='.$dbname.' user=apache'); $DB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); // Include the session library require($base."lib/session.php"); $session = new Session; $smarty->assign_by_ref("session", $session); /* -------------------------------------------------------- Debugging -------------------------------------------------------- */ // Turn on adodb debugging by uncommenting: //$DB->debug = true; // Turn on Smarty debugging by uncommenting: //$smarty->assign("debug",TRUE); // Should we display unexpected output from components? $compdebug = TRUE; /* -------------------------------------------------------- Read Browser's settings -------------------------------------------------------- */ // Determine the language to serve pages in $languagelist = explode(',', @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); $language = array(); $language['code'] = "en"; /* The following is hideously unscientific, but works for now. What really needs to happen is the list get searched to see if cy is higher priority than en */ if ($languagelist[0]=="cy") $language['code'] = "cy"; $language['file'] = ".".$language['code']; $language['db'] = "_".$language['code']; if ($language['code']=="en") { $language['file'] = ""; $language['db'] = ""; } $smarty->assign("language", $language); // SSL? $ssl_path = @$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (($n=strpos($ssl_path,"?"))!==FALSE) $ssl_path=substr($ssl_path,0,$n); $ssl_url = "https://".$preferred_hostname.$ssl_path; $smarty->assign("ssl_url", $ssl_url); // Determine which component to run $pathlist = explode('/', parse_url(@$_SERVER['PATH_INFO'],PHP_URL_PATH)); while (end($pathlist) === "") array_pop($pathlist); $smarty->assign_by_ref("pathlist", $pathlist); $path = ''; $query = "select * from pagemap where path='/' "; foreach($pathlist as $item) { if ($item && $item != '/') { $query .= "or path = '".addslashes($path)."/*' "; $path .= "/$item"; $query .= "or path = '".addslashes($path)."' "; } } // Determine the path of the request $smarty->assign_by_ref("path", $path); $query .= "order by depth desc"; $pagemap = $DB->GetAll($query); //echo $query; if (!$pagemap) $smarty->assign("error", $DB->ErrorMsg()); if (!$pagemap || count($pagemap)<1) { $smarty->assign("component", "Default"); $component = ""; } else { $smarty->assign("component", $pagemap[0]['component']); $component = $pagemap[0]; } if ($path == "") $path="/"; // Prep values for the components to use $smarty->assign("title", "Set Me"); $smarty->assign("body", "Empty Body"); include($base."components/menu.php"); // Load the component $comppath = $base."components/".$component['component'].".php"; $compoutput = ""; if (file_exists($comppath)) { ob_start(); include($comppath); $compoutput = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $smarty->assign("body", "Component ".$component['component']." not found"); } // Pass error/warning/info messages to the template $smarty->assign("user_messages", $messages); // Render the results if (!(isset($no_template)) || (!$no_template)) { // Send appropriate Content-Type if (ereg('application/xhtml\+xml', @$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) { header('Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml'); echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"; } else { header('Content-Type: text/html'); } $smarty->display("head.tpl"); $smarty->display("index.tpl"); if ($compdebug) { $smarty->assign("compoutput",$compoutput); $smarty->display("debug.tpl"); } // Last chance to stop the clock and still end up with valid HTML if (@$displaytime) { $time = microtime(); $time = explode(" ", $time); $time = $time[1] + $time[0]; $endtime = $time; $totaltime = ($endtime - $begintime); $smarty->assign("totaltime", $totaltime); } $smarty->display("foot".$language['file'].".tpl"); } else { echo $compoutput; } // Save any changes made to the session data $session->save(); ?>