/****************************************************************/ /* 1. background and text colours */ /****************************************************************/ /* 1.1 default background colour and text colour */ .pun {color: #000} div.box, .pun blockquote, div.codebox, #adminconsole fieldset th, .rowodd, .roweven {background-color: #fff6e1} #adminconsole td, #adminconsole th {border-color: #fff6e1} /* 1. 2 darker background colours */ td.tc2, td.tc3, td.tcmod, #postpreview, #viewprofile dd, div.forminfo, #adminconsole fieldset td, div.blockmenu div.box, #adstats dd {background-color: #fff} /* 1.3 main headers and navigation bar background and text colour */ .pun h2, #brdmenu {background-color: #e76808; color: #fff} /* 1.4 table header rows */ .pun th {background-color: #ffa405} /* 1.5 fieldset legend text colour */ .pun legend {color: #e76808} /* 1.6 highlighted text for various items */ .pun div.blockmenu li.isactive a, #posterror li strong {color: #333} /****************************************************************/ /* 2. post backgrounds and text */ /****************************************************************/ /* 2.1 this is the setup for posts. */ div.blockpost div.box, div.postright, div.postfootright {background-color: #fff} div.postright, div.postfootright {border-left-color: #fff6e1} div.postleft, div.postfootleft, div.blockpost label {background-color: #fff6e1} /* 2.2 background for post headers and text colour for post numbers in viewtopic */ div.blockpost h2 {background-color: #ffa405} div.blockpost h2 span.conr {color: #fff} /* 2.3 this is the line above the signature in posts. colour and background should be the same */ .pun hr {background-color: #333; color: #333} /****************************************************************/ /* 3. border colours */ /****************************************************************/ /* 3.1 all external borders */ div.box {border-color: #e76808} /* 3.2 makes the top border of posts match the colour used for post headers */ div.blockpost div.box {border-color: #ffa405 #e76808 #e76808} /* 3.3 table internal borders. by default th is same as background so border is invisible */ .pun td {border-color: #bbcede} .pun th {border-color: #d1d1d1} /* 3.4 creates the inset border for quote boxes, code boxes and form info boxes */ .pun blockquote, div.codebox, div.forminfo, div.blockpost label {border-color: #aca899 #fff #fff #aca899} /* 3.5 gecko's default fieldset borders are really nasty so this gives them a colour without interferring with ie's rather nice default */ .pun div>fieldset {border-color: #aca899} /****************************************************************/ /* 4. link colours */ /****************************************************************/ /* 4.1 this is the default for all links */ /*.pun a:link, .pun a:visited {color: #005cb1} .pun a:hover {color: #b42000}*/ /* 4.2 this is the colour for links in header rows and the navigation bar */ .pun h2 a:link, .pun h2 a:visited, #brdmenu a:link, #brdmenu a:visited {color: #fff} .pun h2 a:hover, #brdmenu a:hover {color: #fff} /* 4.3 this is for closed topics and "hot" links */ li.postreport a:link, li.postreport a:visited, tr.iclosed td.tcl a:link, tr.iclosed td.tcl a:visited {color: #888} li.postreport a:hover, tr.iclosed td.tcl a:hover {color: #aaa} li.maintenancelink a:link, li.maintenancelink a:visited {color: #b42000} li.maintenancelink a:hover {color: #b42000} /****************************************************************/ /* 5. post status indicators */ /****************************************************************/ /* these are the post status indicators which appear at the left of some tables. .inew = new posts, .iredirect = redirect forums, .iclosed = closed topics and .isticky = sticky topics. the default is "icon". by default only .inew is different.*/ div.icon {border-color: #e6e6e6 #dedede #dadada #e2e2e2} tr.iredirect div.icon {border-color: #fff6e1 #fff6e1 #fff6e1 #fff6e1} div.inew {border-color: #0080d7 #0065c0 #0058b3 #0072ca}