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  • osian/sucs-site
  • kais58/sucs-site
  • imranh/sucs-site
  • foshjedi2004/sucs-site
  • gigosaurus/sucs-site
  • matstn/sucs-site
  • ripp_/sucs-site
  • eggnog/sucs-site
  • sucssite/sucs-site
  • elbows/sucs-site
  • realitykiller/sucs-site
  • crox/sucs-site
  • vectre/sucs-site
  • welshbyte/sucs-site
  • paperclipman/sucs-site
15 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (365)
Showing with 612 additions and 595 deletions
# Some of the files that are generated by the setup script don't want to be version controlled.
# To that end I have added this .gitignore file to ignore the following files and folders
# This is the generated .htaccess
# Generated settings.php file
# Compiled templates_c
# Password file for the su-api thing
# lastsnap.jpg from cam
\ No newline at end of file
# specify what docker image
# go with the default image for now and mangle it
#image: debian:jessie
- test
- deploy
stage: test
image: php:7.0-cli-jessie
# - apt-get clean
# - apt-get update
# - apt-get install -y php-cli
- php -l htdocs/index.php
- find components -name *.php | xargs -n 1 php -l
- find plugins -name *.php | xargs -n 1 php -l
- find lib -name *.php | xargs -n 1 php -l
stage: test
name: node:16
#entrypoint: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
- npm install -g jshint
- find htdocs/js/ -name *.js ! -name jquery* | xargs -n 1 jshint --verbose
stage: deploy
- apt update
- apt install -y curl
- curl
- beta
environment: beta
stage: deploy
- apt update
- apt install -y curl
- curl
- sucs-site
environment: live
[submodule "htdocs/js/ckeditor"]
path = htdocs/js/ckeditor
url = git://
2008-01-29 - Version 0.3 "Logged Out"
Sessions now last a lot longer and are more secure to boot (chckens)
Library admin component allows adding books (chckens, eventually)
Bananas component shelved in favour of Members component for most things (chckens)
Don't list societies with no website in the societies website list (chckens)
Pastebin now redirects to url of pasted item to prevent confusion (chckens)
News article summary can now deal with new lines in the first paragraph (chckens)
2007-10-28 - Version 0.2 "Oktoberfest"
Options component now allows users to change their hackergotchi (aeternus)
Pastebin now lets you view a plaintext version of pastes (aeternus)
Simple password security checks added to hopefully prevent weak passwords (chckens)
Members page now displays this academic year's banana leaderboard (chckens)
2007-09-25 - Version 0.1 "Ferocious Freshers"
First actual version with a number, below are some recent changes:
New member options component!
- MAC registration, contact details editing (aeternus)
- Password changing (chckens)
- Groups display, hackergotchi display (dez)
Beginnings of generic error handling support (chckens)
Improved usability of ShortURI interface (patch from davea)
Layout tweaks to defend against long titles (dez)
Fix calculation for banana summaries on Member pages (chckens)
What's in these 'ere folders:
PHP components of the site, each drives a separate element - e.g.
static content, the library, the help system, etc.
Where all served content is to be found:
Cascading StyleSheets
Files for download (e.g. Help examples)
Images used by the site skin
Placeholder dir for TinyMCE, which should not itself
be stored in SVN
Images used in the content (e.g. /Help)
Custom libraries used by the site - e.g. session library
Custom Smarty plugins used by the site - e.g. banana drawing
Static content for the static content components (includes help)
Any HTML fragments used to make up parts of pages (e.g.
secondary bars)
Smarty templates
Compiled Smarty templates - do not use this dir
# SUCS Site
[![build status](](
## Project Structure
| Directory | Description |
| --------- | ----------- |
| components | PHP components of the site, each drives a separate element - e.g. static content, the library, the help system, etc. |
| htdocs/css | Cascading StyleSheets |
| htdocs/files | Files for download (e.g. Help examples) |
| htdocs/images | Images used by the site skin |
| htdocs/js | JavaScript |
| htdocs/js/tinymce | Placeholder dir for TinyMCE, which should not itself be stored in SVN |
| htdocs/pictures | Images used in the content (e.g. /Help) |
| lib | Custom libraries used by the site - e.g. session library |
| plugins | Custom Smarty plugins used by the site - e.g. banana drawing function |
| static | Static content for the static content components (includes help) |
| static/fragments | Any HTML fragments used to make up parts of pages (e.g. secondary bars) |
| templates | Smarty templates |
| templates_c | Compiled Smarty templates - do not use this dir |
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,35 +8,36 @@ $members = new Members;
$banana_index = array_search("Bananas", $pathlist);
if ((sizeof($pathlist) > $banana_index + 1) && (trim($pathlist[$banana_index + 1]) != "")) {
$mode = "detail";
$who = $pathlist[$banana_index + 1];
$mode = "detail";
$who = $pathlist[$banana_index + 1];
} else {
// User wasn't looking for anything in particular, so bump them to the Members page
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: https://$preferred_hostname$baseurl/Community/Members/");
// User wasn't looking for anything in particular, so bump them to the Members page
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: https://$preferred_hostname$baseurl/Community/Members/");
/* redirect requests for members' bananas to Members component. Only serve banana info for non-members (e.g. LIS ;-)) */
if (count($members->memberView($who)) > 0) {
// this is actually a real member, so serve a redirect and let Members handle it
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: https://$preferred_hostname$baseurl/Community/Members/$who");
// this is actually a real member, so serve a redirect and let Members handle it
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: https://$preferred_hostname$baseurl/Community/Members/$who");
} else {
// banana admin bits
if ($mode == "detail") {
if ($session->loggedin) {
// attempt to find some bananas for this name in the database
$smarty->assign("awards",$DB->GetAll("SELECT *, date_trunc('second', whn) FROM awards WHERE username=? ORDER BY whn DESC", array($who)));
// banana admin bits
// Tell the banana library that the person/organisation/thing we're dealing with isn't a SUCS member
$isnonmember = true;
if ($mode == "detail") {
if ($session->loggedin) {
// attempt to find some bananas for this name in the database
$smarty->assign("awards", $DB->GetAll("SELECT *, date_trunc('second', whn) FROM awards WHERE username=? ORDER BY whn DESC", array($who)));
if (isset($who))
$smarty->assign('who', "$who");
$smarty->assign('who', "$who");
$smarty->assign('mode', "$mode");
$smarty->assign('users', $users);
......@@ -46,5 +47,4 @@ $smarty->assign('title', "Banana Awards");
$smarty->assign('body', $result);
function listdir($mypath, $recurse, $summaries) {
global $DB, $base;
function listdir($mypath, $recurse, $summaries)
global $DB, $base;
$dirlist = @scandir($base."static".$mypath);
$output = array();
if (is_array($dirlist)) foreach($dirlist as $file) {
// Hide files starting with a .
if ($file[0]!=".") {
$element = array();
if (!is_dir($base."static".$mypath."/".$file)) {
$pagename = preg_replace("/\.txt/", "", $file);
if ($summaries) $element['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($mypath."/".$pagename));
if ($pagename!=@$lastdir) $output[$pagename]=str_replace("_", " ", $element);
} else {
if ($recurse) $element['file']=listdir($mypath."/".$file, $recurse, $summaries);
if ($summaries) $element['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($mypath."/".$file));
return $output;
$dirlist = @scandir($base . "static" . $mypath);
$output = array();
if (is_array($dirlist)) foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
// Hide files starting with a .
if ($file[0] != ".") {
$element = array();
if (!is_dir($base . "static" . $mypath . "/" . $file)) {
$pagename = preg_replace("/\.txt/", "", $file);
if ($summaries) $element['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($mypath . "/" . $pagename));
if ($pagename != @$lastdir) $output[$pagename] = str_replace("_", " ", $element);
} else {
if ($recurse) $element['file'] = listdir($mypath . "/" . $file, $recurse, $summaries);
if ($summaries) $element['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($mypath . "/" . $file));
$output[$file] = $element;
$lastdir = $file;
return $output;
if ($path==$component['path']) {
$dirlist = listdir($component['path'], TRUE, TRUE);
if ($path == $component['path']) {
$dirlist = listdir($component['path'], TRUE, TRUE);
$smarty->assign('rootnode', $component['path']);
$smarty->assign('dirlist', $dirlist);
$output = $smarty->fetch('contents.tpl');
$smarty->assign('title', $pathlist[1]);
$smarty->assign('body', $output);
$smarty->assign('rootnode', $component['path']);
$smarty->assign('dirlist', $dirlist);
$output = $smarty->fetch('contents.tpl');
$smarty->assign('title', $pathlist[1]);
$smarty->assign('body', $output);
} else {
if ($title!="File not found") {
if (!is_dir($base."static".$path)) {
$pos = strrpos($path, "/");
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
if ($title != "File not found") {
if (!is_dir($base . "static" . $path)) {
$pos = strrpos($path, "/");
$path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
$dirlist = listdir($path, FALSE, FALSE);
$smarty->assign('rootnode', $path);
$smarty->assign('data', $dirlist);
$smarty->assign('level', 0);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
$output = $smarty->fetch('contents-loop.tpl');
$smarty->assign("secondary", "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>In this section</h3>".$output."</div>");
$dirlist = listdir($path, FALSE, FALSE);
$smarty->assign('rootnode', $path);
$smarty->assign('data', $dirlist);
$smarty->assign('level', 0);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
$output = $smarty->fetch('contents-loop.tpl');
$smarty->assign("secondary", "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>In this section</h3>" . $output . "</div>");
$output = "<pre>".print_r($session, true)."</pre>";
$output = "<pre>" . print_r($session, true) . "</pre>";
$smarty->assign("title", "Debug");
$smarty->assign("body", $output);
exec("/usr/local/bin/ -a", $Shame);
for ( $i=1 ; $i < (count($Shame) - 1); $i++)
list($space, $place, $user, $size) = preg_split("/ +/", $Shame[$i]);
if ($i <= 12)
$slice[]=preg_replace('/M/', '', ${size});
else {
$otherSize += preg_replace('/M/', '', ${size});
exec("/usr/local/bin/ -a", $Shame);
for ($i = 1; $i < (count($Shame) - 1); $i++) {
list($space, $place, $user, $size) = preg_split("/ +/", $Shame[$i]);
if ($i <= 12) {
$item[] = $user;
$slice[] = preg_replace('/M/', '', ${size});
} else {
$otherSize += preg_replace('/M/', '', ${size});
// $itemName[]="Other";
// $sliceSize[]=$otherSize;
$slice = array_merge(array($otherSize),$slice);
$item = array_merge(array("Other"), $item);
$slice = array_merge(array($otherSize), $slice);
$item = array_merge(array("Other"), $item);
/* echo "<pre>";
piechart("Top 12 Users of disk space", $slice, $item, 1)
piechart("Top 12 Users of disk space", $slice, $item, 1)
<? exec("/usr/local/bin/ -a", $Shame);
$max=10; //SET to number of users to display
$smarty->assign('title',"The SUCS Hall of Shame");
<?php exec("/usr/local/bin/ -a", $Shame);
$max = 10; //SET to number of users to display
$smarty->assign('title', "The SUCS Hall of Shame");
//$o="<div style='text-align: center;'><img src=\"/images/disk.graph.php\" alt=\"pie chart of top 12 disk users\"/></div>";
$o.="<table align=\"center\">\n";
$o.="\t<tr><th align=\"center\">User</th><th align=\"center\">Home Directory Size</th></tr>\n";
for ( $i=1 ; $i < 13 /*(count($Shame) - 1)*/; $i++)
list($space, $place, $user, $size) = preg_split("/ +/", $Shame[$i]);
if ($size > 0)
$o.="\t<tr><td align=\"center\">$user</td><td align=\"center\">${size}B</td></tr>\n";
exec("df -m /home",$dfraw);
$dfout = preg_split('/[ ]+/', $dfraw[1]);
$o.="\t<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">".floor($dfout[2]/1024)."GB used of ".floor($dfout[1]/1024). "GB (".floor($dfout[3]/1024)."GB available)</td></tr>\n";
$o.=$Shame[count($Shame) - 1];
$o.="<br />\n";
$out="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>
$o .= "<table align=\"center\">\n";
$o .= "\t<tr><th align=\"center\">User</th><th align=\"center\">Home Directory Size</th></tr>\n";
for ($i = 1; $i < 13 /*(count($Shame) - 1)*/; $i++) {
list($space, $place, $user, $size) = preg_split("/ +/", $Shame[$i]);
if ($size > 0)
$o .= "\t<tr><td align=\"center\">$user</td><td align=\"center\">${size}B</td></tr>\n";
exec("df -m /home", $dfraw);
$dfout = preg_split('/[ ]+/', $dfraw[1]);
$o .= "\t<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" . floor($dfout[2] / 1024) . "GB used of " . floor($dfout[1] / 1024) . "GB (" . floor($dfout[3] / 1024) . "GB available)</td></tr>\n";
$o .= "</table>\n";
$o .= $Shame[count($Shame) - 1];
$o .= "<br />\n";
$out = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
google.load(\"visualization\", \"1\", {packages:[\"corechart\"]});
......@@ -26,26 +25,28 @@
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'User');
data.addColumn('number', 'Megabytes in use');
data.addRows(".(count($Shame) - 1).");\n";
for( $i=0; $i<(count($Shame) - 3); $i++ ){
$out.="data.setValue(".($i+1).", 0, '".$u."');\n";
$out.="data.setValue(".($i+1).", 1,".$d.");\n";
for ( $i=$max; $i<count($data); $i++ ) {
$out.="data.setValue(0, 0, 'Free Space');\ndata.setValue(0,1,".$dfout[3]." );\n";
$out.="\t\tvar chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
data.addRows(" . (count($Shame) - 1) . ");\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($Shame) - 3); $i++) {
list($u, $d) = parseLine($Shame[$i + 1]);
$out .= "data.setValue(" . ($i + 1) . ", 0, '" . $u . "');\n";
$out .= "data.setValue(" . ($i + 1) . ", 1," . $d . ");\n";
$others = 0;
for ($i = $max; $i < count($data); $i++) {
list($u, $d) = parseLine($Shame[$i + 1]);
$others += $d;
$out .= "data.setValue(0, 0, 'Free Space');\ndata.setValue(0,1," . $dfout[3] . " );\n";
$out .= "\t\tvar chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, {width: 500, height: 360, backgroundColor: 'none', is3D: true, title: 'Disk Usage',sliceVisibilityThreshold: 1/180});
$out.="<div id='chart_div' align='center'></div>";
$smarty->assign('body', ($out.$o));
function parseLine($l){
$fields=explode("|",preg_filter("/[ ]+/","|",$l));
return array(trim($fields[2]),trim(str_replace("M","",$fields[3])));
$out .= "<div id='chart_div' align='center'></div>";
$smarty->assign('body', ($out . $o));
function parseLine($l)
$fields = explode("|", preg_filter("/[ ]+/", "|", $l));
return array(trim($fields[2]), trim(str_replace("M", "", $fields[3])));
$smarty->assign("election_year", ELECTION_YEAR);
$smarty->assign("title", "Executive Election ".ELECTION_YEAR);
function display_ballot() {
global $DB, $smarty, $output;
$members = new Members;
$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
foreach ($role as $post) {
$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? ORDER BY username ASC", $post['post']);
foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
$output = $smarty->fetch('election-vote.tpl');
$smarty->assign("title", "Executive Election " . ELECTION_YEAR);
function display_ballot()
global $DB, $smarty, $output;
$members = new Members;
$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
foreach ($role as $post) {
$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? ORDER BY username ASC", $post['post']);
$i = 0;
foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
$output = $smarty->fetch('election-vote.tpl');
if (!$session->loggedin) {
# You can't vote if you're not logged in!
trigger_error("You are not logged in.", E_USER_WARNING);
# You can't vote if you're not logged in!
trigger_error("You are not logged in.", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
# The election hasn't started yet
if (strtotime('now') < strtotime(ELECTION_START)) trigger_error("The polling station is not yet open. Voting begins on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_START)).".");
# The election is over - display the results
else if (strtotime('now') > strtotime(ELECTION_END)) {
$members = new Members;
$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
foreach ($role as $post) {
$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=?", $post['post']);
foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['votes'] = $DB->GetOne("SELECT count(username) FROM election_votes WHERE ".$post['post']."=?", array($person['username']));
$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
$output = $smarty->fetch('election-results.tpl');
} else {
# It's election time
# Check the user hasn't already voted
$vote_details = $DB->GetRow("SELECT time, ipaddress FROM election_votes WHERE username=?", $session->username);
if (count($vote_details)>0) {
trigger_error("You already voted on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime($vote_details['time']))." from IP address ".$vote_details['ipaddress'].".", E_USER_WARNING);
$output = "<p>Please email the Returning Officer at <a href=\"\"></a> with any queries.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)).", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
} else {
if ($_POST['submit']=="Cast Votes") {
# We have a ballot paper to process
$output = "<h2>Thank you for your vote</h2>\n<p>You will shortly receive an email confirming your vote.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)).", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
# Establish which positions are contested
$role = $DB->GetCol("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post HAVING count(username) > 1");
$fail = FALSE;
$invalid_candidate = FALSE;
$abstain_count = 0;
foreach ($role as $post) {
if ($_POST[$post] == "abstain") $abstain_count++;
# check that we have a valid option selected
if (!($DB->GetOne("SELECT username FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post])) || $_POST[$post]=="abstain")) $fail = TRUE;
# Check their password first
if ($session->check_pass($session->username, $_POST['vote_passwd'])) {
if ($fail) {
# Either no option or an invalid candidate was supplied
trigger_error("An invalid option was selected in at least one ballot. Please try again.", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
# User has abstained in all votes
if ($abstain_count == count($role)) {
trigger_error("You have not selected any candidates in any ballots.", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
# The input is valid - record the vote
$vote = array(
'username' => $session->username,
'time' => 'now',
'ipaddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
# Email the Returning Officer
$ro_message = "User: ".$vote['username']."\nIP: ".$vote['ipaddress']."\n\n";
# Email the voter with confirmation
$voter_message = "Thank you for voting in the SUCS election this year. Here are the votes you cast:\n\n";
foreach ($role as $post) {
# Don't add votes up as we go
# $DB->Execute("UPDATE election_candidates SET votes=votes+1 WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post]));
$vote[$post] = $_POST[$post];
$ro_message .= ucfirst($post).": ".$_POST[$post]."\n";
$voter_message .= ucfirst($post).": ".$_POST[$post]."\n";
$voter_message .= "\nResults of the election will be announced on ".date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END))." at\n";
$DB->AutoExecute("election_votes", $vote, 'INSERT');
mail("SUCS Returning Officer <>", "[SUCS Election] Vote received from ".$vote['username'], $ro_message, "From: SUCS Election ".ELECTION_YEAR." <>");
mail($session->fullname." <".$session->username.">", "[SUCS Election] Thanks For Voting", $voter_message, "From: SUCS Election ".ELECTION_YEAR." <>");
} else {
} else {
# Display the ballot paper
# The election hasn't started yet
if (strtotime('now') < strtotime(ELECTION_START)) trigger_error("The polling station is not yet open. Voting begins on " . date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_START)) . ".");
# The election is over - display the results
else if (strtotime('now') > strtotime(ELECTION_END)) {
$members = new Members;
$role = $DB->GetAll("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post");
foreach ($role as $post) {
$candidate[$post['post']] = $DB->GetAll("SELECT username, manifesto_link FROM election_candidates WHERE post=?", $post['post']);
$i = 0;
foreach ($candidate[$post['post']] as $person) {
$details = $members->memberView($person['username']);
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['realname'] = $details[0]['cn'];
if (empty($person['manifesto_link'])) $candidate[$post['post']][$i]['manifesto_link'] = ELECTION_NO_MANIFESTO;
$candidate[$post['post']][$i]['votes'] = $DB->GetOne("SELECT count(username) FROM election_votes WHERE " . $post['post'] . "=?", array($person['username']));
$smarty->assign("candidate", $candidate);
$output = $smarty->fetch('election-results.tpl');
} else {
# It's election time
# Check the user hasn't already voted
$vote_details = $DB->GetRow("SELECT time, ipaddress FROM election_votes WHERE username=?", $session->username);
if (count($vote_details) > 0) {
trigger_error("You already voted on " . date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime($vote_details['time'])) . " from IP address " . $vote_details['ipaddress'] . ".", E_USER_WARNING);
$output = "<p>Please email the Returning Officer at <a href=\"\"></a> with any queries.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on " . date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)) . ", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
} else {
if ($_POST['submit'] == "Cast Votes") {
# We have a ballot paper to process
$output = "<h2>Thank you for your vote</h2>\n<p>You will shortly receive an email confirming your vote.</p>\n<p>Once polling has closed on " . date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)) . ", the election results will be available on this page.</p>";
# Establish which positions are contested
$role = $DB->GetCol("SELECT post FROM election_candidates GROUP BY post HAVING count(username) > 1");
$fail = FALSE;
$invalid_candidate = FALSE;
$abstain_count = 0;
foreach ($role as $post) {
if ($_POST[$post] == "abstain") $abstain_count++;
# check that we have a valid option selected
if (!($DB->GetOne("SELECT username FROM election_candidates WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post])) || $_POST[$post] == "abstain")) $fail = TRUE;
# Check their password first
if ($session->check_pass($session->username, $_POST['vote_passwd'])) {
if ($fail) {
# Either no option or an invalid candidate was supplied
trigger_error("An invalid option was selected in at least one ballot. Please try again.", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
# User has abstained in all votes
if ($abstain_count == count($role)) {
trigger_error("You have not selected any candidates in any ballots.", E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
# The input is valid - record the vote
$vote = array(
'username' => $session->username,
'time' => 'now',
'ipaddress' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
# Email the Returning Officer
$ro_message = "User: " . $vote['username'] . "\nIP: " . $vote['ipaddress'] . "\n\n";
# Email the voter with confirmation
$voter_message = "Thank you for voting in the SUCS election this year. Here are the votes you cast:\n\n";
foreach ($role as $post) {
# Don't add votes up as we go
# $DB->Execute("UPDATE election_candidates SET votes=votes+1 WHERE post=? AND username=?", array($post, $_POST[$post]));
$vote[$post] = $_POST[$post];
$ro_message .= ucfirst($post) . ": " . $_POST[$post] . "\n";
$voter_message .= ucfirst($post) . ": " . $_POST[$post] . "\n";
$voter_message .= "\nResults of the election will be announced on " . date('l jS F, Y \a\t H:i', strtotime(ELECTION_END)) . " at\n";
$DB->AutoExecute("election_votes", $vote, 'INSERT');
mail("SUCS Returning Officer <>", "[SUCS Election] Vote received from " . $vote['username'], $ro_message, "From: SUCS Election " . ELECTION_YEAR . " <>");
mail($session->fullname . " <" . $session->username . ">", "[SUCS Election] Thanks For Voting", $voter_message, "From: SUCS Election " . ELECTION_YEAR . " <>");
} else {
} else {
# Display the ballot paper
$smarty->assign("body", $output);
if (strtotime('now') > strtotime(ELECTION_START) && strtotime('now') < strtotime(ELECTION_END) && !$DB->GetOne("SELECT username FROM election_votes where username=?", $session->username)) {
$messages['info'][] = "<strong>You haven't voted yet</strong><br />\nThe SUCS Executive Election is in progress. <a href=\"/Vote\">Vote now!</a>\n";
$messages['info'][] = "<strong>You haven't voted yet</strong><br />\nThe SUCS Executive Election is in progress. <a href=\"/Vote\">Vote now!</a>\n";
......@@ -2,56 +2,56 @@
$body = "";
$email_to = "";
$_REQUEST['email'] = str_replace("\n", "", $_REQUEST['email']);
$headers = "From: ".$_REQUEST['email']."\n"."Reply-to: ".$_REQUEST['email'];
$subject = "Join request for user ".$_REQUEST['uname'];
$headers = "From: " . $_REQUEST['email'] . "\n" . "Reply-to: " . $_REQUEST['email'];
$subject = "Join request for user " . $_REQUEST['uname'];
// Perform data integrity checks
// Full name
if (preg_match("/[^\p{L}- ]/iu", $_REQUEST['realname'])) {
$body .= "<p>That's a suspiciously unusual-looking name, <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['realname']) . "</strong>.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>That's a suspiciously unusual-looking name, <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['realname']) . "</strong>.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
} else {
// Student number
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['student_number']) || strlen($_REQUEST['student_number']) <> 6) {
$body .= "<p>The student number <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['student_number']) . "</strong> appears not to be valid.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
} else {
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['student_number']) || strlen($_REQUEST['student_number']) <> 6) {
$body .= "<p>The student number <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['student_number']) . "</strong> appears not to be valid.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
} else {
// Email address
list($username, $maildomain) = preg_split("/@/", $_REQUEST['email']);
if (!checkdnsrr($maildomain, "MX") && !checkdnsrr($maildomain)) {
$body .= "<p>The email address <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['email']) . "</strong> appears not to be valid.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
} else {
list($username, $maildomain) = preg_split("/@/", $_REQUEST['email']);
if (!checkdnsrr($maildomain, "MX") && !checkdnsrr($maildomain)) {
$body .= "<p>The email address <strong>" . htmlentities($_REQUEST['email']) . "</strong> appears not to be valid.</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and correct it.</p>\n";
} else {
// Username
// This test is rather inadequate. Needs improving
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_]*$/i", $_REQUEST['uname'])) {
$body .= "<p>Usernames can only contain letters, numbers and underscores(_).</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and choose a different one.</p>\n";
} else {
// This test is rather inadequate. Needs improving
if (!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_]*$/i", $_REQUEST['uname'])) {
$body .= "<p>Usernames can only contain letters, numbers and underscores(_).</p>\n";
$body .= "<p>Please click <em>Back</em> and choose a different one.</p>\n";
} else {
// We're good to go
$address = "http";
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) $address .= "s";
$address .= "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ;
$email_body = "This email was automatically created by the SUCS Website.\n\n";
$email_body .= "It was created by " . $address . "\n";
$email_body .= "from IP " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " on " . date("r") . "\n\n";
$email_body .= "The details of the request are as follows:\n\n";
$email_body .= " Real name ............ {$_REQUEST['realname']}\n";
$email_body .= " Student number ....... {$_REQUEST['student_number']}\n";
$email_body .= " Email address ........ {$_REQUEST['email']}\n";
$email_body .= " Requested username ... {$_REQUEST['uname']}\n\n";
$email_body .= "Please reply to this email, providing the user with details of\n";
$email_body .= "how to join.\n\n";
$email_body .= "-- \nSUCS Website\n";
$address = "http";
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) $address .= "s";
$address .= "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$email_body = "This email was automatically created by the SUCS Website.\n\n";
$email_body .= "It was created by " . $address . "\n";
$email_body .= "from IP " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " on " . date("r") . "\n\n";
$email_body .= "The details of the request are as follows:\n\n";
$email_body .= " Real name ............ {$_REQUEST['realname']}\n";
$email_body .= " Student number ....... {$_REQUEST['student_number']}\n";
$email_body .= " Email address ........ {$_REQUEST['email']}\n";
$email_body .= " Requested username ... {$_REQUEST['uname']}\n\n";
$email_body .= "Please reply to this email, providing the user with details of\n";
$email_body .= "how to join.\n\n";
$email_body .= "-- \nSUCS Website\n";
mail($email_to, $subject, $email_body, $headers);
mail($email_to, $subject, $email_body, $headers);
$body .= "<p>Thank you for your request to join SUCS.</p>";
$body .= "<p>Someone from our admin team will email you shortly.</p>";
} // username
} // email
} // student number
$body .= "<p>Thank you for your request to join SUCS.</p>";
$body .= "<p>Someone from our admin team will email you shortly.</p>";
} // username
} // email
} // student number
} // full name
$smarty->assign("body", $body);
......@@ -6,97 +6,97 @@
$permission = "sucsstaff";
$eventtable = "events";
$eventcategories = array("Technical","Talks","Gaming","Social","Misc");
$eventcategories = array("Technical", "Talks", "Gaming", "Social", "Misc");
$smarty->assign("event_categories", $eventcategories);
$events_index = array_search("Events", $pathlist);
if (isset($pathlist[$events_index + 1])) {
list($eventcat, $eventid) = preg_split("/_/", $pathlist[$events_index + 1]);
if (!in_array($eventcat, $eventcategories)) {
trigger_error("Invalid category specified", E_USER_ERROR);
unset($eventcat, $eventid);
} elseif (!ctype_digit($eventid)) {
trigger_error("Invalid event specified", E_USER_ERROR);
unset($eventcat, $eventid);
list($eventcat, $eventid) = preg_split("/_/", $pathlist[$events_index + 1]);
if (!in_array($eventcat, $eventcategories)) {
trigger_error("Invalid category specified", E_USER_ERROR);
unset($eventcat, $eventid);
} elseif (!ctype_digit($eventid)) {
trigger_error("Invalid event specified", E_USER_ERROR);
unset($eventcat, $eventid);
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
$smarty->assign("editable", true);
$action = @$_REQUEST['action'];
// process form actions with side-effects first
switch ($action) {
case "save":
$record['name'] = $_REQUEST['name'];
$record['description'] = $_REQUEST['description'];
$record['location'] = $_REQUEST['location'];
// reconstruct date/time
$datetime = $_REQUEST['Date_Year'];
$datetime .= str_pad((int) $_REQUEST['Date_Month'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$datetime .= str_pad((int) $_REQUEST['Date_Day'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT);
$datetime .= " ".$_REQUEST['Time_Hour'];
$datetime .= ":".$_REQUEST['Time_Minute'];
$record['whn'] = $datetime;
$record['category'] = $_REQUEST['category'];
$id = @$_REQUEST['id'];
// this may be an existing event which needs to be updated
if (ctype_digit($id)) {
$DB->AutoExecute($eventtable, $record, 'UPDATE', "id=".$id);
} else {
$DB->AutoExecute($eventtable, $record, 'INSERT');
$smarty->assign("editable", true);
$action = @$_REQUEST['action'];
// process form actions with side-effects first
switch ($action) {
case "save":
$record['name'] = $_REQUEST['name'];
$record['description'] = $_REQUEST['description'];
$record['location'] = $_REQUEST['location'];
// reconstruct date/time
$datetime = $_REQUEST['Date_Year'];
$datetime .= str_pad((int)$_REQUEST['Date_Month'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$datetime .= str_pad((int)$_REQUEST['Date_Day'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$datetime .= " " . $_REQUEST['Time_Hour'];
$datetime .= ":" . $_REQUEST['Time_Minute'];
$record['whn'] = $datetime;
$record['category'] = $_REQUEST['category'];
$id = @$_REQUEST['id'];
// this may be an existing event which needs to be updated
if (ctype_digit($id)) {
$DB->AutoExecute($eventtable, $record, 'UPDATE', "id=" . $id);
} else {
$DB->AutoExecute($eventtable, $record, 'INSERT');
if (isset($session->groups[$permission]) && isset($action)) {
switch($action) {
case "create":
$event = array("id" => "*");
$body = $smarty->fetch("event_edit.tpl");
case "edit":
if (isset($eventcat) && isset($eventid)) {
$event = $DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM $eventtable WHERE id=?", array($eventid));
//make tastier breadcrumbs
$pathlist[$events_index + 1] = $event['name'];
$smarty->assign("event", $event);
$body = $smarty->fetch("event_edit.tpl");
switch ($action) {
case "create":
$event = array("id" => "*");
$body = $smarty->fetch("event_edit.tpl");
case "edit":
if (isset($eventcat) && isset($eventid)) {
$event = $DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM $eventtable WHERE id=?", array($eventid));
//make tastier breadcrumbs
$pathlist[$events_index + 1] = $event['name'];
$smarty->assign("event", $event);
$body = $smarty->fetch("event_edit.tpl");
} else {
// not logged in, or no special action required
if (isset($eventcat) && isset($eventid)) {
$event = $DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM $eventtable WHERE id=?", array($eventid));
// not logged in, or no special action required
if (isset($eventcat) && isset($eventid)) {
$event = $DB->GetRow("SELECT * FROM $eventtable WHERE id=?", array($eventid));
//make tastier breadcrumbs
$pathlist[$events_index + 1] = $event['name'];
//make tastier breadcrumbs
$pathlist[$events_index + 1] = $event['name'];
$smarty->assign("event", $event);
$body = $smarty->fetch("event.tpl");
} else {
$events = $DB->GetAll("SELECT *,date_part('epoch', whn) as whn_timestamp
$smarty->assign("event", $event);
$body = $smarty->fetch("event.tpl");
} else {
$events = $DB->GetAll("SELECT *,date_part('epoch', whn) as whn_timestamp
FROM $eventtable WHERE date_trunc('day', whn) >= date_trunc('day',NOW()) ORDER BY whn ASC");
$oldevents = $DB->GetAll("SELECT *,date_part('epoch', whn) as whn_timestamp
$oldevents = $DB->GetAll("SELECT *,date_part('epoch', whn) as whn_timestamp
FROM $eventtable WHERE date_trunc('day', whn) < date_trunc('day', NOW()) ORDER BY whn DESC LIMIT 3");
$smarty->assign("events", $events);
$smarty->assign("oldevents", $oldevents);
$body = $smarty->fetch("events.tpl");
$smarty->assign("events", $events);
$smarty->assign("oldevents", $oldevents);
$body = $smarty->fetch("events.tpl");
$smarty->assign("body", $body);
......@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@ $cal = new vcalendar();
$cal->setConfig('unique_id', '');
$cal->setProperty('method', 'PUBLISH');
$cal->setProperty('x-wr-calname', "SUCS Events Calendar");
"Upcoming events for members of the Swansea University Computer Society");
"Upcoming events for members of the Swansea University Computer Society");
$cal->setProperty('X-WR-TIMEZONE', 'Europe/London');
//populate with upcoming events
$events = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM events WHERE
date_trunc('day', whn) >= date_trunc('day', NOW()) ORDER BY whn ASC");
foreach($events as $event) {
$vevent = new vevent();
$vevent->setProperty('dtstart', $event['whn']);
$vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', $event['location']);
$vevent->setProperty('summary', $event['name']);
$vevent->setProperty('description', $event['description']);
$vevent->setProperty('categories', $event['category']);
$cal -> setComponent($vevent);
foreach ($events as $event) {
$vevent = new vevent();
$vevent->setProperty('dtstart', $event['whn']);
$vevent->setProperty('LOCATION', $event['location']);
$vevent->setProperty('summary', $event['name']);
$vevent->setProperty('description', $event['description']);
$vevent->setProperty('categories', $event['category']);
//spit out a shiny new iCal file
$smarty->assign("news",$DB->GetArray("(SELECT * FROM news WHERE expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 3) UNION SELECT * FROM news WHERE sticky=true and expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC"));
$smarty->assign("news", $DB->GetArray("(SELECT * FROM news WHERE expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 3) UNION SELECT * FROM news WHERE sticky=true and expiry > now() ORDER BY date DESC"));
$output = $smarty->fetch("front.tpl");
$smarty->assign("title", "Home");
$smarty->assign("body", $output);
if (!$session->loggedin) {
$output = file_get_contents("../static/fragments/Join.txt");
$output = file_get_contents("../static/fragments/Join.txt");
} else {
$output = "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p>If you would like to contribute to the site or report a bug, please contact imranh.</p></div>";
$output = "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p style=\"text-align: center;\">Why not join our <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"'/mw/','Milliways','height=600,width=800,menubar=no,resizable=yes,location=no,directories=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no')\" style=\"font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold; color: #ffc62b;\">Live Chat</a>?</p></div>";
$output = "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p>If you would like to contribute to the site or report a bug, please contact imranh.</p></div>";
$output = "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>You are logged in</h3><p style=\"text-align: center;\">Why not join our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Live Chat</a>?</p></div>";
//$output .= $result;
$output .= $result;
$output .= $result;
$output .= "<div class=\"cbb\"><h3>SUCS Tools</h3><p>Download the SUCS Tools to make it easier to access SUCS services from your computer.</p><ul><li><a href=\"/files/sucstools-latest.exe\">SUCS Tools for Windows</a></li><li><a href=\"/files/SUCS-latest.dmg\">SUCS Tools for Mac OS X</a></li></ul><p>More information about the tools is available in \"<a href=\"/Knowledge/Help/SUCS%20Services/Using%20the%20SUCS%20Tools\">Using the SUCS Tools</a>\".</p></div>";
$smarty->assign("secondary", $output);
......@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ $smarty->assign("title", "Games");
$smarty->assign("body", $output);
$output = file_get_contents("../static/fragments/Games-secondary.txt");
$smarty->assign("secondary", $output);
$out = exec("/usr/bin/id");
$out = exec("/usr/bin/id");
$smarty->assign("body", $out);
......@@ -4,196 +4,187 @@
$mode = "list";
$admin = false;
$admin_group = "sucsstaff";
// who's notified of items being requested?
$junk_contact = "";
$admin = isset($session->groups[$admin_group]);
// If you're an admin and the path ends in Edit/ then a number put it into edit mode
// create canedit rules
$canedit=$canedit && isset($pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2]);
$canedit=$canedit && $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+1]=='Edit';
$canedit=$canedit && is_numeric($pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2]);
$canedit=$canedit && $admin;
$canedit = isset($pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 1]);
$canedit = $canedit && isset($pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 2]);
$canedit = $canedit && $pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 1] == 'Edit';
$canedit = $canedit && is_numeric($pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 2]);
$canedit = $canedit && $admin;
// Apply canedit rules
if ($canedit){
$id = $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+2];
$items = $DB->GetAll("SELECT id, title, category, description, donated_by, status FROM inventory WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL",$id);
if(sizeof($items) === 1){
$item = $items[0];
$smarty->assign("item", $item);
$mode = "edit";
if ($canedit) {
$id = $pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 2];
$items = $DB->GetAll("SELECT id, title, category, description, donated_by, status FROM inventory WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL", $id);
if (sizeof($items) === 1) {
$item = $items[0];
$smarty->assign("item", $item);
$mode = "edit";
// If you're an admin and the path ends in Add put it into add mode
// create canadd rules
$canadd=$canadd && $pathlist[($component[depth]/2)+1]=='Add';
$canadd=$canadd && $admin;
$canadd = isset($pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 1]);
$canadd = $canadd && $pathlist[($component[depth] / 2) + 1] == 'Add';
$canadd = $canadd && $admin;
// Apply canadd rules
if ($canadd){$mode = "add";}
if ($canadd) {
$mode = "add";
// Process actions before retrieving the data
// List request data
if ($session->loggedin && isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
// Junk Requests
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Request") {
// Request Item if its available
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=?, requested_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, array($session->username, $_REQUEST['item']));
// mail someone so we know that this has been requested
$iteminfo = $DB->GetRow("SELECT title, description FROM inventory WHERE id=?", array($_REQUEST['item']));
$msgbody = "User {$session->username} has requested the junk item:\n\n";
$msgbody .= "{$iteminfo['title']}: {$iteminfo['description']}\n\n";
$msgbody .= "Please ensure this is taken away and never brought back.";
mail($junk_contact,"Junk item requested",$msgbody);
// Junk Requests
if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Request") {
// Request Item if its available
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=?, requested_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, array($session->username, $_REQUEST['item']));
// mail someone so we know that this has been requested
$iteminfo = $DB->GetRow("SELECT title, description FROM inventory WHERE id=?", array($_REQUEST['item']));
$msgbody = "User {$session->username} has requested the junk item:\n\n";
$msgbody .= "{$iteminfo['title']}: {$iteminfo['description']}\n\n";
$msgbody .= "Please ensure this is taken away and never brought back.";
mail($junk_contact, "Junk item requested", $msgbody);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Un-Request") {
// Un-Request Item
if ($admin) {
// if you're admin just do it
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item']);
} else {
// if not admin check if you requested it first
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=? AND requested_by=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item'], $session->username);
$DB->Query($query, $array);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Take" && $admin) {
// Take item, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET taken_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NOT NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Remove" && $admin) {
// Remove item, if you're admin
$query = "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE id=?";
if ($DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item'])) {
message_flash("Item removed");
} else {
trigger_error("Failed to remove item");
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Un-Request") {
// Un-Request Item
if ($admin){
// if you're admin just do it
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item']);
// if not admin check if you requested it first
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET requested_by=null, requested_on=null WHERE id=? AND requested_by=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['item'], $session->username);
$DB->Query($query, $array);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Take" && $admin){
// Take item, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET taken_on=now() WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NOT NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Remove" && $admin){
// Remove item, if you're admin
$query = "DELETE FROM inventory WHERE id=?";
if ($DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item'])) {
message_flash("Item removed");
} else {
trigger_error("Failed to remove item");
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Not Junk" && $admin){
// Mark item as not junk if it's not been requested and you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='unknown' WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] =="Junk" && $admin){
// Mark item as junk, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='junk' WHERE id=?";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Not Junk" && $admin) {
// Mark item as not junk if it's not been requested and you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='unknown' WHERE id=? AND requested_by IS NULL";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == "Junk" && $admin) {
// Mark item as junk, if you're admin
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET status='junk' WHERE id=?";
$DB->Query($query, $_REQUEST['item']);
// Update/Add item
if ($session->loggedin && $admin && (isset($_REQUEST['update']) || isset($_REQUEST['add']))) {
// try to guess which category field the user meant us to see
// ideally we'd use an html combo box, but since they don't exist...
if ($_REQUEST['categorymenu'] == "") {
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];
} else {
$category = $_REQUEST['categorymenu'];
// Update/Add item if title and category are filled in else error
if ($_REQUEST['title'] != "" && $category != "") {
// if the description is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['description'] == ""){
$description = null;
$description = $_REQUEST['description'];
// if the donated_by is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['donated_by'] == ""){
$donated_by = null;
$donated_by = $_REQUEST['donated_by'];
// run the query
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET title=?, category=?, description=?, donated_by=?, status=? WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Updated");
} else {
trigger_error("Item update failed :-(", E_USER_ERROR);
$query = "INSERT INTO inventory (title, category, description, donated_by, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Added");
} else {
trigger_error("Adding item failed :-( - ".$DB->ErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("Required field(s) missing", E_USER_WARNING);
// try to guess which category field the user meant us to see
// ideally we'd use an html combo box, but since they don't exist...
if ($_REQUEST['categorymenu'] == "") {
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];
} else {
$category = $_REQUEST['categorymenu'];
// Update/Add item if title and category are filled in else error
if ($_REQUEST['title'] != "" && $category != "") {
// if the description is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['description'] == "") {
$description = null;
} else {
$description = $_REQUEST['description'];
// if the donated_by is blank, return null
if ($_REQUEST['donated_by'] == "") {
$donated_by = null;
} else {
$donated_by = $_REQUEST['donated_by'];
// run the query
if (isset($_REQUEST['update'])) {
$query = "UPDATE inventory SET title=?, category=?, description=?, donated_by=?, status=? WHERE id=?";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Updated");
} else {
trigger_error("Item update failed :-(", E_USER_ERROR);
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['add'])) {
$query = "INSERT INTO inventory (title, category, description, donated_by, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status']);
if ($DB->Query($query, $array)) {
message_flash("Item Added");
} else {
trigger_error("Adding item failed :-( - " . $DB->ErrorMsg(), E_USER_ERROR);
} else {
trigger_error("Required field(s) missing", E_USER_WARNING);
// Remove old taken junk
$DB->Query("DELETE FROM inventory WHERE (taken_on + interval'7 days') < now()");
if ($mode == 'list'){
// Get junk from database, and give admin the full list
if ($admin == true){
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory ORDER BY category, title, id");
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE status = 'junk' ORDER BY category, title, id");
// Check there is some junk
if (sizeof($junk) < 1) {
$mode = "nojunk";
} else {
// group the junk by status then by category
foreach($junk as $junkitem) {
if ($junkitem['status'] != 'junk') {
$status = "unknown";
} else if ($junkitem['requested_by'] == null) {
$status = "available";
} else if ($junkitem['taken_on'] == null) {
$status = "requested";
} else {
$status = "taken";
$sortedjunk[$status][$junkitem['category']][] = $junkitem;
$smarty->assign("junk", $sortedjunk);
if ($mode == 'list') {
// Get junk from database, and give admin the full list
if ($admin == true) {
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory ORDER BY category, title, id");
} else {
$junk = $DB->GetAll("SELECT * FROM inventory WHERE status = 'junk' ORDER BY category, title, id");
// Check there is some junk
if (sizeof($junk) < 1) {
$mode = "nojunk";
} else {
// group the junk by status then by category
foreach ($junk as $junkitem) {
if ($junkitem['status'] != 'junk') {
$status = "unknown";
} else if ($junkitem['requested_by'] == null) {
$status = "available";
} else if ($junkitem['taken_on'] == null) {
$status = "requested";
} else {
$status = "taken";
$sortedjunk[$status][$junkitem['category']][] = $junkitem;
$smarty->assign("junk", $sortedjunk);
} else {
$categories = $DB->GetCol("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM inventory ORDER BY category ASC");
$smarty->assign("categories", $categories);
$categories = $DB->GetCol("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM inventory ORDER BY category ASC");
$smarty->assign("categories", $categories);
// Generate output
$smarty->assign("statuses",array("unknown", "in use", "wanted", "junk"));
$smarty->assign("statuses", array("unknown", "in use", "wanted", "junk"));
$smarty->assign("componentpath", $baseurl . $component[path]);
$smarty->assign("mode", $mode);
$smarty->assign("admin", $admin);
$output = $smarty->fetch("junk.tpl");
$output = $smarty->fetch("junk.tpl");
$smarty->assign("title", "Junk List");
$smarty->assign("body", $output);