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  • osian/sucs-site
  • kais58/sucs-site
  • imranh/sucs-site
  • foshjedi2004/sucs-site
  • gigosaurus/sucs-site
  • matstn/sucs-site
  • ripp_/sucs-site
  • eggnog/sucs-site
  • sucssite/sucs-site
  • elbows/sucs-site
  • realitykiller/sucs-site
  • crox/sucs-site
  • vectre/sucs-site
  • welshbyte/sucs-site
  • paperclipman/sucs-site
15 results
Show changes
with 4049 additions and 1707 deletions
$smarty->assign("title", "Planet SUCS");
$smarty->assign("rss_url", "");
$smarty->assign("atom_url", "");
// Read planet output from where (we hope) Planet wrote it
$body = file_get_contents($base."static/Community/Planet.txt");
$smarty->assign("body", $body);
// component to dynamically generate a configuration file for the Planet feed aggregator
global $base;
// where to put the generated config file?
$outputfile = $base."lib/venus/sucs/generatedconfig.ini";
// Where Planet should output its generated files to
$planetoutputdir = $base."htdocs/planet";
$sucsdbname = "sucs";
$hackergotchipath = "/var/www/sucssite/htdocs/pictures/people/";
// open connection to sucs database
$sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
$sucsDB->Connect('dbname='.$sucsdbname.' user=apache');
// fetch blogroll
$blogroll = $sucsDB->GetAll("SELECT username, blogfeed AS feeduri FROM members WHERE syndicateblog=TRUE");
// figure out whether each user has a hackergotchi picture
foreach($blogroll as &$blog) {
if (is_file($hackergotchipath.$blog['username'].".png")) {
$blog['hackergotchi'] = TRUE;
} else {
$blog['hackergotchi'] = FALSE;
$smarty->assign("blogroll", $blogroll);
$smarty->assign("planetoutputdir", $planetoutputdir);
$config = $smarty->fetch("planetconfig.tpl");
file_put_contents($outputfile, $config);
// number of recent planet entries we want to return
$num_entries = 5;
$planetposts = array();
$xmldata = @file_get_contents("../htdocs/planet/atom.xml");
if (!$xmldata) {
trigger_error("No planet atom.xml data loaded", E_USER_WARNING);
$simplexml = simplexml_load_string($xmldata);
$xml = $simplexml->children('');
foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) {
$planetposts[] = array(
"post" => $entry->title,
"post_uri" => $entry->link->attributes()->href,
"user" => $entry->author->name,
"user_uri" => $entry->author->uri
$planetposts = array_slice($planetposts, 0, $num_entries);
$smarty->assign('planetposts', $planetposts);
$result = $smarty->fetch('planetposts.tpl');
$sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8');
$sucsDB->Connect('dbname=sucs user=apache');
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
$num = $res->RecordCount();
for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) {
$row[$i] = $res->FetchRow();
if ($i < 12)
else {
$otherSize += $row[$i]['pages'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$row[$i] = $res->FetchRow();
if ($i < 12) {
$item[] = $row[$i]['username'];
$slice[] = $row[$i]['pages'];
} else {
$otherSize += $row[$i]['pages'];
// $itemName[]="Other";
// $sliceSize[]=$otherSize;
$slice = array_merge(array($otherSize),$slice);
$item = array_merge(array("Other"), $item);
$slice = array_merge(array($otherSize), $slice);
$item = array_merge(array("Other"), $item);
/* echo "<pre>";
piechart("Top 12, Users of Printing", $slice, $item,0)
piechart("Top 12, Users of Printing", $slice, $item, 0)
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@ $conn = ldap_connect(_LDAP_SERVER);
$search = ldap_search($conn, _BASE_DN, 'uid=*', array('uid', 'cn', 'homedirectory'));
// Sort By Username
ldap_sort($conn, $search, 'uid');
// Produce an array of usernames
$usernames = array();
$entryHandler = ldap_first_entry($conn, $search);
while($entryHandler) {
$username = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'uid');
$fullname = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'cn');
$homedir = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'homedirectory');
$homedir = $homedir[0];
$homedirArray = explode('/', $homedir);
if (($homedirArray[2]=="society") && file_exists( "$homedir/public_html")) {
$usernames[] = array( "username" => $username[0], "fullname" => $fullname[0]);
$entryHandler = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entryHandler);
// Sort By Username
ldap_sort($conn, $search, 'uid');
// Produce an array of usernames
$usernames = array();
$entryHandler = ldap_first_entry($conn, $search);
while ($entryHandler) {
$username = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'uid');
$fullname = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'cn');
$homedir = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'homedirectory');
$homedir = $homedir[0];
$homedirArray = explode('/', $homedir);
if (($homedirArray[2] == "society") && file_exists("$homedir/public_html")) {
$usernames[] = array("username" => $username[0], "fullname" => $fullname[0]);
$entryHandler = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entryHandler);
$smarty->assign("societies", $usernames);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
DELETE FROM session;
ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN logintime timestamp(0) without time zone;
ALTER TABLE session ADD COLUMN lastseen timestamp(0) without time zone;
DELETE FROM menu WHERE title='Bananas';
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.