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No results found


Select target project
  • osian/sucs-site
  • kais58/sucs-site
  • imranh/sucs-site
  • foshjedi2004/sucs-site
  • gigosaurus/sucs-site
  • matstn/sucs-site
  • ripp_/sucs-site
  • eggnog/sucs-site
  • sucssite/sucs-site
  • elbows/sucs-site
  • realitykiller/sucs-site
  • crox/sucs-site
  • vectre/sucs-site
  • welshbyte/sucs-site
  • paperclipman/sucs-site
15 results
Show changes
with 4300 additions and 1163 deletions
// number of recent planet entries we want to return
$num_entries = 5;
$planetposts = array();
$xmldata = file_get_contents("../htdocs/planet/atom.xml");
$simplexml = simplexml_load_string($xmldata);
$xml = $simplexml->children('');
foreach ($xml->entry as $entry) {
$planetposts[] = array(
"post" => $entry->title,
"post_uri" => $entry->link->attributes()->href,
"user" => $entry->author->name,
"user_uri" => $entry->author->uri
$planetposts = array_slice($planetposts, 0, $num_entries);
$smarty->assign('planetposts', $planetposts);
$result = $smarty->fetch('planetposts.tpl');
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
$num = $res->RecordCount();
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$row[$i] = $res->FetchRow();
if ($i < 12) {
$item[] = $row[$i]['username'];
$slice[] = $row[$i]['pages'];
} else {
$otherSize += $row[$i]['pages'];
// $itemName[]="Other";
// $sliceSize[]=$otherSize;
$slice = array_merge(array($otherSize), $slice);
$item = array_merge(array("Other"), $item);
/* echo "<pre>";
piechart("Top 12, Users of Printing", $slice, $item, 0)
\ No newline at end of file
* Printer Shame List
* Ported from old site by tswsl1989
$max = 10; //Set this to number of users to display in chart
$timestamp = '2014-02-05 18:29:02+00'; //display printer stats since this time
$smarty->assign('title', "Printer Statistics");
// $out="<img src=\"/images/printer.graph.php\" alt=\"pie chart of top 12 printer users\"/>";
$table = "<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n<tr>\n<th>Username</th>\n<th>Pages</th>\n<th>Projected Monthly Usage</th>\n<th>Printed This Month</th>\n<th>What it would cost in the library</th></tr>\n";
//pull in all the current users (ie not old) who have printed stuff
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' AND start > '" . $timestamp . "' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
$num = $res->RecordCount();
//for each row stuff the infomation into an array, then free up the database resorces
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$data[$i] = $res->FetchRow();
$data[$i]['month'] = 0;
//get the second since epoch
$thisSecond = time();
//for each user who has printed stuff add the first printed time (since epoch) to the array
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select date_part('epoch',start) as first from printer where username ='" . $data[$i]['username'] . "' order by start asc limit 1;");
$temp = $res->FetchRow();
$data[$i]['first'] = $temp['first'];
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, pages, start from printer where username != 'old'");
$datesnum = $res->RecordCount();//for each row stuff the infomation into an array, then free up the database resorces
for ($i = 0; $i < $datesnum; $i++) {
$dates[$i] = $res->FetchRow($res, $i);
// get the current month
$theMonth = date("m");
$theYear = date("Y");
for ($i = 0; $i < $datesnum; $i++) {
$userMonth = substr($dates[$i]['start'], 5, 2);
$userYear = substr($dates[$i]['start'], 0, 4);
if (($userMonth == $theMonth) && ($userYear == $theYear)) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $num; $j++) {
if ($data[$j]['username'] == $dates[$i]['username']) {
$data[$j]['month'] += $dates[$i]['pages'];
//start the total counter
$total = 0;
//for each user.. print a row in the table
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$table .= "<tr align=\"center\">\n";
$table .= "<td>{$data[$i]['username']}</td>\n";
$table .= "<td>{$data[$i]['pages']}</td>\n";
//avg pages per month = seconds in a month / (now - first print) * pages
$crazyGuess = round((2629743.83 / ($thisSecond - $data[$i]['first'])) * $data[$i]['pages']);
//if the user has only started printing in the last month its not sensible to give a guess of average useage
if ($thisSecond - $data[$i]['first'] <= 2629743.83) {
$table .= "<td>Not enough data</td>\n";
} //traffic lights for pinter useage, adjust values as required
elseif ($crazyGuess <= 25) {
$table .= "<td BGCOLOR=\"Green\">" . $crazyGuess . "</td>\n";
} elseif ($crazyGuess <= 33) {
$table .= "<td BGCOLOR=\"Orange\">" . $crazyGuess . "</td>\n";
} else {
$table .= "<td BGCOLOR=\"Red\">" . $crazyGuess . "</td>\n";
if ($data[$i]['month'] >= 300) {
$table .= "<td BGCOLOR=\"Red\">{$data[$i]['month']}</td>\n";
} else {
$table .= "<td>{$data[$i]['month']}</td>\n";
$table .= "<td>" . sprintf("£ %01.2f", round(0.05 * $data[$i]['pages'], 2)) . "</td>\n";
//add this users useage to the total
$total += $data[$i]['pages'];
$table .= "</tr>\n";
//get the first print date
$date['first'] = getdate("1391624942");
//get the last print date
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select date_part('epoch',start) as last from printer order by start desc limit 1;");
$temp = $res->FetchRow();
$date['last'] = getdate($temp['last']);
//get the number of pages printed by "old" users and add it to the total
$res = $sucsDB->Execute("select sum(pages) as pages from printer where username = 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc");
$old = $res->FetchRow();
$old = $old['pages'];
$total += $old;
//Output two lines at the bottem of the table, one for "old" users and the other for the total
$table .= "<tr align=\"center\">\n\t<th>Old Users</th>\n\t<th>$old</th>\n\t<th>n/a</th>\n</tr>";
$table .= "<tr align=\"center\">\n\t<th>Total</th>\n\t<th>$total</th>\n\t<th>" . round((2629743.83 / ($thisSecond - $date['first'][0])) * $total) . "</th>\n</tr>";
$table .= "</table>\n";
//output the dates of the first and last prints recorded
$out .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
google.load(\"visualization\", \"1\", {packages:[\"corechart\"]});
function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'User');
data.addColumn('number', 'Pages Printed');
data.addRows(" . ($max + 2) . ");\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < ($max + 1); $i++) {
$out .= "data.setValue(" . ($i) . ", 0, '" . $data[$i]['username'] . "');\n";
$out .= "data.setValue(" . ($i) . ", 1," . $data[$i]['pages'] . ");\n";
$others = 0;
for ($i = $max; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$others += $data[$i]['pages'];
$out .= "data.setValue(" . ($max + 1) . ", 0, 'Others');\ndata.setValue(" . ($max + 1) . ",1, $others);\n";
$out .= "\t\tvar chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, {width: 500, height: 360, backgroundColor: 'none', is3D: true, title: 'Printer Usage'});
$out .= "<div id=\"chart_div\" style=\"background: none;\"></div>";
$out .= "<p>First Data - " . $date['first'][weekday] . ", " . $date['first'][mday] . " " . $date['first'][month] . " " . $date['first'][year] . ", at " . sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $date['first'][hours], $date['first'][minutes], $date['first'][seconds]) . "<br />";
$out .= "Last Data - " . $date['last'][weekday] . ", " . $date['last'][mday] . " " . $date['last'][month] . " " . $date['last'][year] . ", at " . sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $date['last'][hours], $date['last'][minutes], $date['last'][seconds]) . "</p>";
//do some silly maths to work out lots of silly things
$paperarea = round(0.21 * 0.297 * $total, 3); //area of paper
$paperweight = round($paperarea * .08, 3); //how much that would weigh
$numtrees = round($paperweight / 730.296, 6); //*very* roughly how many trees that would be
$cost = sprintf("£%01.2f", round(0.05 * $total, 2));
$out .= "<p>That's " . $paperarea . "m<sup>2</sup> of paper, weighing " . $paperweight . "kg!<br>\n";
$out .= "This is equivalent to approximately " . $numtrees . " trees.<br>\n";
$out .= "That would have cost our members a grand total of " . $cost . " if it were printed in the library.. not bad for £5 each!";
$out .= "<p>Note: The number of pages is the number spooled and may be more than the actual number printed</p>";
$out .= $table;
$smarty->assign('body', $out);
...@@ -4,34 +4,39 @@ $dirlist = scandir("/var/projects/trac"); ...@@ -4,34 +4,39 @@ $dirlist = scandir("/var/projects/trac");
$projects = array(); $projects = array();
foreach ($dirlist as $file) { foreach ($dirlist as $file) {
if ($file[0]!=".") { if ($file[0] != ".") {
$object=array(); $object = array();
$object['filename'] = $file; $object['filename'] = $file;
$ini_array = array(); $ini_array = array();
$ini_data = file("/var/projects/trac/".$file."/conf/trac.ini"); $filepath = "/var/projects/trac/" . $file . "/conf/trac.ini";
$projectsection = FALSE; // read trac.ini for this project
foreach ($ini_data as $ini_line) { if (is_readable($filepath) && ($ini_data = file($filepath)) != FALSE) {
if (trim($ini_line) == "[project]") {
$projectsection = TRUE; $projectsection = FALSE;
} else if ($projectsection && (1 == preg_match("/^\[.*\]$/", trim($ini_line)))) { foreach ($ini_data as $ini_line) {
$projectsection = FALSE; if (trim($ini_line) == "[project]") {
} else if ($projectsection) { $projectsection = TRUE;
list($key, $value) = split("=", $ini_line); } else if ($projectsection && (1 == preg_match("/^\[.*\]$/", trim($ini_line)))) {
$ini_array[trim($key)] = trim($value); $projectsection = FALSE;
} } else if ($projectsection) {
} list($key, $value) = preg_split("/=/", $ini_line);
$ini_array[trim($key)] = trim($value);
if (isset($ini_array['public']) && ($ini_array['public'] == "true")) { }
$object['name'] = $ini_array['name'];
if ($object['name']=="") $object['name'] = $file; // only list projects whose trac.ini sets public = true
if (isset($ini_array['public']) && ($ini_array['public'] == "true")) {
$object['descr'] = $ini_array['descr'];
$object['name'] = $ini_array['name'];
$projects[$file]=$object; if ($object['name'] == "") $object['name'] = $file;
} $object['descr'] = $ini_array['descr'];
$projects[$file] = $object;
} }
$smarty->assign("projects", $projects); $smarty->assign("projects", $projects);
// Config options
$permission = "sucsstaff";
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
$smarty->assign("staff", TRUE);
//get unused signup slips
$query = "SELECT, signup.sid, member_type.typename, members.username, signup.card";
$query .= " FROM signup LEFT JOIN member_type ON signup.type = LEFT JOIN members ON signup.issuedby=members.uid";
$query .= " WHERE";
$query .= " signup.activated is NULL";
$query .= " or signup.username is NULL";
$query .= " ORDER BY";
$query .= ";";
$data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query);
// process responces
if (isset($_POST['command'])) {
if ($_POST['command'] == 'update') {
$changed = 0;
$upquery = "UPDATE signup";
$upquery .= " SET sid = ?";
$upquery .= " WHERE id = ?";
$upquery .= ";";
foreach ($data as $value) {
if (array_key_exists('sid:' . $value['id'], $_POST) && $_POST['sid:' . $value['id']] != $value['sid']) {
$uparray = array($_POST['sid:' . $value['id']], $value['id']);
$sucsDB->query($upquery, $uparray);
message_flash($changed . " record(s) updated");
$data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query);
//set smarty stuff
$smarty->assign("signups", $data);
$smarty->assign("self", $baseurl . $path . $getout);
$body = $smarty->fetch("signup-admin.tpl");
$smarty->assign('title', "Signup Slip Admin");
$smarty->assign('body', $body);
This diff is collapsed.
// don't output the site template
$no_template = TRUE;
header("Content-type: text/plain");
if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
switch ($_GET['key']) {
case "sid":
$sid = $_GET['value'];
if (validSID($sid, false)) {
echo "OK:" . lookupSID($_GET['value']);
} else {
echo "ERROR:" . $error;
case "postcode":
$postcode = validPostcode($_GET['value']);
if ($postcode != false) {
case "username":
$username = $_GET['value'];
if (validUsername($username)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
case "realname":
$realname = $_GET['value'];
if (validName($realname, false)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
case "socname":
$socname = $_GET['value'];
if (validName($socname, false)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
case "address":
$address = $_GET['value'];
if (validAddress($address)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
case "email":
$email = $_GET['value'];
if (validSignupEmail($email)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
case "phone":
$phone = $_GET['value'];
if (validPhone($phone)) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo $error;
...@@ -5,28 +5,29 @@ define('_LDAP_SERVER', 'ldap://silver'); ...@@ -5,28 +5,29 @@ define('_LDAP_SERVER', 'ldap://silver');
// Connect and bind to ldap server // Connect and bind to ldap server
$conn = ldap_connect(_LDAP_SERVER); $conn = ldap_connect(_LDAP_SERVER);
$bind = ldap_bind($conn); # ldap_set_option($conn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
# $bind = ldap_bind($conn);
$search = ldap_search($conn, _BASE_DN, 'uid=*', array('uid', 'cn', 'homedirectory')); $search = ldap_search($conn, _BASE_DN, 'uid=*', array('uid', 'cn', 'homedirectory'));
// Sort By Username // Sort By Username
ldap_sort($conn, $search, 'uid'); ldap_sort($conn, $search, 'uid');
// Produce an array of usernames // Produce an array of usernames
$usernames = array(); $usernames = array();
$entryHandler = ldap_first_entry($conn, $search); $entryHandler = ldap_first_entry($conn, $search);
while($entryHandler) { while ($entryHandler) {
$username = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'uid'); $username = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'uid');
$fullname = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'cn'); $fullname = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'cn');
$homedir = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'homedirectory'); $homedir = ldap_get_values($conn, $entryHandler, 'homedirectory');
$homedir = $homedir[0]; $homedir = $homedir[0];
$homedirArray = explode('/', $homedir); $homedirArray = explode('/', $homedir);
if (($homedirArray[2]=="society") && file_exists( "$homedir/public_html")) { if (($homedirArray[2] == "society") && file_exists("$homedir/public_html")) {
$usernames[] = array( "username" => $username[0], "fullname" => $fullname[0]); $usernames[] = array("username" => $username[0], "fullname" => $fullname[0]);
} }
$entryHandler = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entryHandler); $entryHandler = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entryHandler);
} }
$smarty->assign("societies", $usernames); $smarty->assign("societies", $usernames);
...@@ -5,109 +5,114 @@ ...@@ -5,109 +5,114 @@
$permission = "html"; $permission = "html";
// Get the right filename... // Get the right filename...
$myfile = $base."static".$path.$language['file'].".txt"; $myfile = $base . "static" . $path . $language['file'] . ".txt";
$secondaryfile = $base."static".$path.$language['file']."-secondary.txt"; $secondaryfile = $base . "static" . $path . $language['file'] . "-secondary.txt";
if (!file_exists($myfile)) { if (!file_exists($myfile)) {
$myfile = $base."static$path.txt"; $myfile = $base . "static$path.txt";
$secondaryfile = $base."static$path-secondary.txt"; $secondaryfile = $base . "static$path-secondary.txt";
// If the file doesn't exist... // If the file doesn't exist...
if (!file_exists($myfile)) { if (!file_exists($myfile)) {
if (isset($session->groups[$permission]) && @$_REQUEST['action']=="create") { if (isset($session->groups[$permission]) && @$_REQUEST['action'] == "create") {
// ...and we have permission and have been asked to, create it // ...and we have permission and have been asked to, create it
$body = "foo"; $body = "foo";
} else { } else {
$redirect_path = $DB->GetOne("SELECT to_uri FROM redirect where from_uri=?", array("/".$pathlist[1])); $redirect_path = $DB->GetOne("SELECT to_uri FROM redirect where from_uri=?", array("/" . $pathlist[1]));
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $proto = "https://"; if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $proto = "https://";
else $proto = "http://"; else $proto = "http://";
if ($redirect_path!="") { if ($redirect_path != "") {
$variables = ""; $variables = "";
for ($i=2;$i<count($pathlist);$i++) { for ($i = 2; $i < count($pathlist); $i++) {
$variables .= "/".$pathlist[$i]; $variables .= "/" . $pathlist[$i];
} }
$redirect_uri = $proto.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$redirect_path.$variables; $redirect_uri = $proto . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $redirect_path . $variables;
if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']!="") $redirect_uri.="?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "") $redirect_uri .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: ".$redirect_uri); header("Location: " . $redirect_uri);
} else { } else {
// ...serve a 404 error // ...serve a 404 error
header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
$body = @file_get_contents($base."static/404.txt"); $body = @file_get_contents($base . "static/404.txt");
$smarty->assign("pathlist", array("", "Error")); $smarty->assign("pathlist", array("", "Error"));
$title = "File not found"; $title = "File not found";
$smarty->assign("title", $title); $smarty->assign("title", $title);
$smarty->assign("body", $body); $smarty->assign("body", $body);
// Give those with permission the chance to create the page // Give those with permission the chance to create the page
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) $smarty->assign("creatable", TRUE); if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) $smarty->assign("creatable", TRUE);
} }
return; return;
} }
} }
} }
// If we've got edit permission... // If we've got edit permission...
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) { if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
switch (@$_REQUEST['action']) { switch (@$_REQUEST['action']) {
case "Save": case "Save":
// the file // the file
$savesuccess = @file_put_contents($myfile, $_REQUEST['body'], LOCK_EX); $savesuccess = @file_put_contents($myfile, $_REQUEST['body'], LOCK_EX);
if (!$savesuccess) trigger_error("Write failed", E_USER_ERROR); if (!$savesuccess) trigger_error("Write failed", E_USER_ERROR);
$id = $DB->GetOne("select id from static where path=?", array($path)); $id = $DB->GetOne("select id from static where path=?", array($path));
$record = array(); $record = array();
$record['summary'] = $_REQUEST['summary']; $record['summary'] = $_REQUEST['summary'];
$record['editor'] = $session->username; $record['editor'] = $session->username;
$record['path'] = $path; $record['path'] = $path;
if ($id>0) { if ($id > 0) {
$DB->AutoExecute("static", $record, 'UPDATE', "id = '".$id."'"); $DB->AutoExecute("static", $record, 'UPDATE', "id = '" . $id . "'");
} else { } else {
$DB->AutoExecute("static", $record, 'INSERT'); $DB->AutoExecute("static", $record, 'INSERT');
} }
// probably need some error-handling here... // probably need some error-handling here...
break; break;
case "Delete": case "Delete":
$deleted = unlink($myfile); $deleted = unlink($myfile);
break; break;
} }
} }
$title = end($pathlist); $title = end($pathlist);
if (file_exists($myfile)) { if (file_exists($myfile)) {
$body = file_get_contents($myfile); $body = file_get_contents($myfile);
$modified = date("r", filectime($myfile)); $modified = date("r", filectime($myfile));
$modifiedby = $DB->GetOne("select editor from static where path=?", array($path)); $modifiedby = $DB->GetOne("select editor from static where path=?", array($path));
} }
if (file_exists($secondaryfile)) { if (file_exists($secondaryfile)) {
$secondary = file_get_contents($secondaryfile); $secondary = file_get_contents($secondaryfile);
$smarty->assign("secondary", $secondary); $smarty->assign("secondary", $secondary);
} }
$smarty->assign("title", $title); // include a widget for leaving feedback on this page if the user is logged in
if ($session->loggedin) {
// include("../lib/page-feedback.php");
$smarty->assign("title", str_replace("_", " ", $title));
// Editing static pages - does the user have permission? // Editing static pages - does the user have permission?
if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) { if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
// display Edit link on page // display Edit link on page
$smarty->assign("editable", TRUE); $smarty->assign("editable", TRUE);
switch (@$_REQUEST['action']) { switch (@$_REQUEST['action']) {
// load the editing template // load the editing template
case "create": case "create":
if (!file_exists($myfile)) file_put_contents($myfile, "Page under construction\n", LOCK_EX); if (!file_exists($myfile)) file_put_contents($myfile, "Page under construction\n", LOCK_EX);
case "edit": case "edit":
$smarty->assign("editcontent", $body); $smarty->assign("editcontent", $body);
$record['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($path)); $record['summary'] = $DB->GetOne("select summary from static where path=?", array($path));
$smarty->assign("record", $record); $smarty->assign("record", $record);
$smarty->assign("action", "edit"); $smarty->assign("action", "edit");
$modified = NULL; $modified = NULL;
$body = $smarty->fetch('static_edit.tpl'); $body = $smarty->fetch('static_edit.tpl');
break; break;
case "delete-query": case "delete-query":
$body = $smarty->fetch('static_delete.tpl').$body; $body = $smarty->fetch('static_delete.tpl') . $body;
break; break;
case "Delete": case "Delete":
if ($deleted) $body = "File deleted"; if ($deleted) $body = "File deleted";
break; break;
} }
} }
$smarty->assign("body", $body); $smarty->assign("body", $body);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/* Serve gif images to IE/Win pre version 7 */ /* Serve gif images to IE/Win pre version 7 */
.i1, .i2 { .i1, .i2 {
background-image:url('/images/borders.gif'); background-image: url('/images/borders.gif');
} }
.bt, .bt div, .bb, .bb div { .bt, .bt div, .bb, .bb div {
background-image:url('/images/box.gif'); background-image: url('/images/box.gif');
} }
/* Set a height to fix up some rendering issues. */ /* Set a height to fix up some rendering issues. */
.i1, .i3 { .i1, .i3 {
height:1px; height: 1px;
} }
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.