diff --git a/components/options.php b/components/options.php
index f6068a350287864f5aff41d7d973e379f86d2faf..913e519c8a57cb9c1bd53032ad771fbeafc3db74 100644
--- a/components/options.php
+++ b/components/options.php
@@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ function updateRenew() {
 		return FALSE;
-	$sucsDB->Execute("update members set paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=uid where uid=?", array($paydate, $member['uid']));
+	include_once("../lib/member_functions.php");
+	renew_membership($member['username']);
 	$sucsDB->Execute("update signup set activated=NOW(), username=? where id=?", array($member['username'], $signup['id']));
 	return TRUE;
diff --git a/components/susignup-admin.php b/components/susignup-admin.php
index ed8574d9405ca489808ebc9dfd89904a255dcefb..aeb59f2de95c87096830b587eca9e6dc6b8c0aba 100644
--- a/components/susignup-admin.php
+++ b/components/susignup-admin.php
@@ -1,232 +1,92 @@
- * SU Signup admin
- * Allows us to search the SU api for a given student number and checks if they're a SUCS member.
- * If they are - allows account renewal
- * If not - allows signup to be bootstrapped as per susignup component
- ***/
+// gib errars plox
+//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+// include functions and shit we need
 //Restrict access to staff.
+// if they have the right privs then lets do shit
 if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
 	//Setup smarty magic, step 1
 	$smarty->assign("staff", TRUE);
+	// if no mode has been requested then show options
 	if(!isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
 		$mode = 'menu';
 	} else {
 		$mode = urldecode($_REQUEST['mode']);
+	// We have a mode, lets try and work out wtf they want to do
+	// they have typed in a sid and want to bootstrap the signup processs
 	if ($mode == 'search') {
 		if (empty($_REQUEST['sid']) || empty($_REQUEST['snsubmit'])) {
 			$mode = 'error';
-			$smarty->assign("error_text", "Invalid search request");	
+			$smarty->assign("error_text", "Invalid search request");
 			if ($pres!=1) {
 				$mode = 'error';
 				$smarty->assign("error_text", "Search term doesn't look like a valid student ID");
 			} else {
-				$url = "$apibaseurl/IsPersonMember?strCriteria=".$sid[0]."&GroupingId=6613";
-				$apiReq = curl_init();
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
-				$apiResult = curl_exec($apiReq);
-				if ($apiResult === FALSE) {
-					$mode = 'error';
-					$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API.");
-				}else {
-					// Ostensibly we now have a valid search result from the SU - go to work
-					libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
-					$xml=simplexml_load_string($apiResult);
-					if (!$xml||isset($xml->head->title)) {
-						$mode='error';
-						$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API");
-					} else {
-						$ismember = $xml[0];
-						if ($ismember=="true") {
-							//Yay, we have a student who has paid and needs to be signed up.
-							//Check they don't have a signup slip already
-							$query = "SELECT transactionid, signupid FROM transactions WHERE cardNumber = ?;";
-							$qres = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $sid);
-							if ($qres->RecordCount()==0) {
-								// No transaction, but might have unused signup slip. If so, retrieve values.
-								$query = "SELECT id, username, password FROM signup WHERE sid=?;";
-								$qres = $sucsDB->Execute($query, array($sid[0]));
-								if ($qres && $qres->RecordCount() > 0) {
-									if ($qres->RecordCount() > 1) {
-										$mode='error';
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "Student has multiple signup slips in the DB. Bork! Bork! Bork!");
-									} else if (!empty($qres->fields['username'])) {
-										$mode='error';
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "Student hasn't tried to use the SU signup component (No transaction in DB), but has a previously used Signup Slip with username ".$qres->fields['username'].".<br />Is this a renewal? If not, ask an admin to generate a new signup slip for this student");
-										//TODO: Add option to generate new signup slip?
-									} else {
-										$id = $qres->fields['id'];
-										$pass = $qres->fields['password'];
-									}
-								} else {
-									$pass = make_password();
-									$query = "INSERT INTO signup (password,sid,issuedby) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id";
-									$attribs[]=$pass;
-									$attribs[]=$sid[0];
-									$attribs[]='99999'; //SUCS Magic internal use UID
-									$id = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
-									$id = $id->fields['id'];
-									if (!$id) {
-										$mode="error";
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred generating a signup ID. Report the following message to the admins:<br /><pre>".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg()."</pre>");
-									} else {
-										$smarty->assign('slipid', $id);
-										$smarty->assign('slippass', $pass);
-										$smarty->assign('sid', $sid[0]);
-									}
-								}
-							} else {
-								//Retrieve existing slip
-								$id = $qres->fields['signupid'];
-								$tid = $qres->fields['transactionid'];
-								if (empty($id)) {
-									$pass = make_password();
-									$query = "INSERT INTO signup (password,sid,issuedby) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id";
-									$attribs[]=$pass;
-									$attribs[]=$sid[0];
-									$attribs[]='99999'; //SUCS Magic internal use UID
-									$qres = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
-									if (!$qres) {
-										$mode="error";
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred generating a signup ID. Report the following message to the admins:<br /><pre>".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg()."</pre>");
-									} else {
-										$id = $qres->fields['id'];
-										$query = "UPDATE transactions SET signupid=? WHERE transactionid=?;";
-										$qres = $sucsDB->Execute($query, array($id, $tid));
-										$smarty->assign('slipid', $id);
-										$smarty->assign('slippass', $pass);
-										$smarty->assign('sid', $sid[0]);
-									}
-								}else {
-									$query = "SELECT username, password FROM signup WHERE id=?;";
-									$qres = $sucsDB->Execute($query, array($id));
-									if (!$qres) {
-										$mode="error";
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "The user appears to have generated a signup ID using the SU Signup system (Slip ID: ".$id."), but the password for that slip can't be retrieved.<br />Request assistance.");
-									} else if ($qres->fields['username'] !== NULL) {
-										$mode="error";
-										$smarty->assign("error_text", "This user appears to have completed signup, with username <strong>".$qres->fields['username']."</strong><br />Check that this user exists, and offer to reset their password if necessary.");
-									}
-									$pass = $qres->fields['password'];
-									$smarty->assign('slipid', $id);
-									$smarty->assign('slippass', $pass);
-									$smarty->assign('sid', $sid[0]);
-								}
-							}
-							if(!$mode=='error') {
-								//Right, this should be the point where we hand off to signup
-								$smarty->assign('slipid', $id);
-								$smarty->assign('slippass', $pass);
-								$smarty->assign('sid', $sid[0]);
-							}
-						}else{
-							$mode='error';
-							$smarty->assign("error_text", "Student does not appear to have paid. Extract fees");
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	} else if ($mode=="renew") {
-		if (empty($_REQUEST['member'])){
-			$mode='error';
-			$smarty->assign('error_text',"Can't renew a member without knowing their username!");
-		} else if (!isset($_REQUEST['renewconf'])) {
-			//Should be trying to renew $_REQUEST['member']
-			$username=urldecode($_REQUEST['member']);
-			$q = "SELECT username, typename, sid, paid, email FROM members, member_type WHERE username=?";
-			$res = $sucsDB->Execute($q,array($username));
-			if (!$res) {
-				$mode='error';
-				$smarty->assign('error_text', "A database error occurred while trying to retrieve member details");
-			} else if ($res->fields['paid'] == paidUntil(time())) {
-					$mode='error';
-					$smarty->assign('error_text', 'User appears to have been renewed already?');
-			} else {
-				$smarty->assign('renew_user', $username);
-				$smarty->assign('renew_paid', $res->fields['paid']);
-				$smarty->assign('renew_type', $res->fields['typename']);
-				$url = "$apibaseurl/IsPersonMember?strCriteria=".$res->fields['sid']."&GroupingId=6613";
-                                $apiReq = curl_init();
-                                curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
-                                curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-				curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
-                                $apiResult = curl_exec($apiReq);
-				libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
-				$xml=simplexml_load_string($apiResult);
-				if (!$xml || isset($xml->head->title)) {
-					$mode='error';
-					$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API.");
-				} else {
-					$ismember = $xml[0];
-					$user = posix_getpwnam($session->username);
-					if ($ismember!="true") {
-						$mode='error';
-						$smarty->assign('error_text', 'Member does not appear to have paid via the SU system. Use the old renewals system if they have paid using some other method');;
-					} else {
-						if (renew_member($username, $user['uid'], $user['name'])) {
-							message_flash("Successfully renewed");
-							$mode='menu';
+				// they have given us a valid sid lets check to see if they have paid
+				// make sure the user/admin/exec isn't an idiot
+				// check if they are already signed up and tell them so
+				$tmpresult = $sucsDB->Execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE sid=?", array($_REQUEST['sid']));
+				if($tmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid && $tmpresult->fields["paid"] == paidUntil(time())){
+					// let them know they are already signed up and renewed
+					message_flash("You are a numpty and have already signed up and paid for this year.");
+				// else if check to see if they have signedup and paid for the new year but haven't renewed
+				} else if ($tmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid && $tmpresult->fields["paid"] != paidUntil(time())){
+					// renew them!
+					renew_membership($tmpresult->fields["username"]);
+					// let them know that their account has been renewed
+					message_flash("Your SUCS account has been renewed.");
+				}else{
+					if (check_su_sid($_REQUEST['sid'])) {
+						// lets make them a signup slip
+						$pass = make_password();
+						$query = "INSERT INTO signup (password,sid,issuedby) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id";
+						$attribs[]=$pass;
+						$attribs[]=$_REQUEST['sid'];
+						$attribs[]='99999'; //SUCS Magic internal use UID
+						$id = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
+						$id = $id->fields['id'];
+						if (!$id) {
+							$mode="error";
+							$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred generating a signup ID. Report the following message to the admins:<br /><pre>".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg()."</pre>");
 						} else {
-							$mode='error';
-							$smarty->assign('error_text', 'An error occurred renewing account '.$username);
+							$smarty->assign('slipid', $id);
+							$smarty->assign('slippass', $pass);
+							$smarty->assign('sid', $_REQUEST['sid']);
+					}else{
+						$mode='error';
+						$smarty->assign("error_text", "Student does not appear to have paid. Extract fees");
+	// mass renewals page
 	} else if ($mode == 'renewals') {
-		//Get list of members according to the SU
-		$url = "$apibaseurl/GetMemberListData?GroupingId=6613";
-		$apiReq = curl_init();
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
-		$apiResult = curl_exec($apiReq);
-		$sumembers = su_response_decode($apiResult);
-		if (!$sumembers) {
-			$mode ='error';
-			$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API.");
-		} else {
 			$matches = array();
-			foreach ($sumembers as $sumem) {
-				$sucsmem = get_sucs_record($sumem['uni_card_number']);
+			foreach ($just_members as $sumem) {
+				$sucsmem = get_sucs_record($sumem['card_number']);
 				if ($sucsmem && $sucsmem['paid'] != paidUntil(time()) && $sucsmem['type']==1) {
-					$matches[]=array($sumem['firstName']." ".$sumem['lastName'], $sucsmem['realname'], $sumem['uni_card_number'], $sucsmem['username'], $sucsmem['paid']);
+					$matches[]=array($sumem['purchaser'], $sucsmem['realname'], $sumem['card_number'], $sucsmem['username'], $sucsmem['paid']);
 				} else if ($sucsmem && $sucsmem['paid'] == paidUntil(time())) {
@@ -238,7 +98,6 @@ if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
 			$smarty->assign("others", $others);
 			$smarty->assign("paidup", $paidup);
 			$smarty->assign("pending", $others - $paidup);
-		}
 	} else if ($mode == 'renewals2') {
 		$failures = array();
 		$successes = array();
@@ -248,8 +107,7 @@ if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
 			$smarty->assign("error_text", "Can't renew an empty list!");
 		} else {
 			foreach($_REQUEST['renew'] as $user) {
-				$admin_user=posix_getpwnam($session->username);
-				if (renew_member($user, $admin_user['uid'], $admin_user['name'])) {
+				if (admin_renew_member($user, $session->username)) {
 				} else {
@@ -261,27 +119,13 @@ if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
 			$smarty->assign("successes", count($successes));
 	} else if ($mode == 'list') {
-		//Get list of members according to the SU
-		$url="$apibaseurl/GetMemberListData?GroupingId=6613";
-		$apiReq = curl_init();
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-		curl_setopt($apiReq, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
-		$apiResult = curl_exec($apiReq);
-		$sumembers = su_response_decode($apiResult);
-		if (!$sumembers) {
-			$mode='error';
-			$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API.");
-		} else {
 			$matches = array();
-			foreach ($sumembers as $sumem) {
-				$sucsmem = get_sucs_record($sumem['uni_card_number']);
+			foreach ($just_members as $sumem) {
+				$sucsmem = get_sucs_record($sumem['card_number']);
 				if ($sucsmem) {
-					$matches[]=array($sumem['firstName']." ".$sumem['lastName'], $sucsmem['realname'], $sumem['uni_card_number'], $sucsmem['username'], $sucsmem['paid']);
+					$matches[]=array($sumem['purchaser'], $sucsmem['realname'], $sumem['card_number'], $sucsmem['username'], $sucsmem['paid']);
 				} else {
-					$matches[]=array($sumem['firstName']." ".$sumem['lastName'], "N/A", $sumem['uni_card_number'], "N/A", "Not signed up");
+					$matches[]=array($sumem['purchaser'], "N/A", $sumem['card_number'], "N/A", "Not signed up");
 			function sortbypaid($a, $b) {
@@ -290,7 +134,6 @@ if (isset($session->groups[$permission])) {
 			usort($matches, 'sortbypaid');
 			$smarty->assign("matches", $matches);
-		}
 $smarty->assign('renewables', get_renewable_members());
@@ -302,17 +145,6 @@ $body = $smarty->fetch("susignup-admin.tpl");
 $smarty->assign('body', $body);
 $smarty->assign("extra_styles", array("$baseurl/css/susignup-admin.css"));
-function su_response_decode($text) {
-	global $smarty;
-	libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
-	$xml=simplexml_load_string($text);
-	if (!$xml || isset($xml->head->title)) {
-		return false;
-	} else {
-		return json_decode($xml[0],TRUE);
-	}
 function get_sucs_record($sid) {
 	global $sucsDB;
@@ -338,37 +170,18 @@ function get_renewable_members() {
 	return $retvals;
-function renew_member($renew_name, $admin_uid, $admin_name) {
-	global $sucsDB;
-	$q="UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE username=?;";
-	$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array(paidUntil(time()), $admin_uid, $renew_name));
-	if (!$r) {
-		print $sucsDB->ErrorMsg();
-		return FALSE;
-	} else {	
+function admin_renew_member($renew_name, $admin_name) {
+		global $sucsDB;
+		renew_member($renew_name);
 		$q="SELECT email, typename FROM members, member_type WHERE username=?  AND type=member_type.id;";
 		$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array($renew_name));
 		$message  = "Account Renewal notification\n\n";
 		$message .= "Account   : ".$renew_name."\n";
 		$message .= "User Type : ".$r->fields['typename']."\n";
 		$message .= "Renewed by: ".$admin_name."\n\n";
 		$message .= "**** Payment was made via the SU payments system ****\n";
 		$message .= "Regards\n  The SU Renewals script";
-		mail("treasurer@sucs.org","Account Renewal",$message);
-		$message = "Your Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) membership has been renewed\n\n";
-		$message .= "Username: ".$renew_name."\n";
-		$message .= "If you do not know or have forgotten your password, please email admin@sucs.org to arrange for it to be changed.\n\n";
-		$message .= "Regards\n  The SUCS admin";
-		$header = "From: admin@sucs.org\r\n";
-		$header .= "Reply-To: admin@sucs.org";
-		// Personal account
-		mail($r->fields['email'],"SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
-		// sucs account
-		mail($renew_name."@sucs.org","SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
+		mail("exec@sucs.org","Account Renewal",$message);
 		return TRUE;
-	}
diff --git a/components/susignup.php b/components/susignup.php
index b5c153f7a4e7e46d6ae3133758a7af8287605dd3..c257c4486cd0b9a09a88da8a56944e418147226d 100755
--- a/components/susignup.php
+++ b/components/susignup.php
@@ -1,256 +1,72 @@
-//unique society identifier
-$GroupingID = "6613";
+// gib errars plox
+//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+// this is the php for sucs.org/susignup
+// Include shit we need. like the renew_membership fucntion
 include "../lib/member_functions.php";
 include "../lib/date.php";
-include "../suapi.inc.php";
+// include the suapiv2 stuff like check_su_sid_and_trans()
+include "../lib/suapiv2.php";
+// since the rewrite by ~imranh this no longer sends out emails
+// feel free to add it
+// Where do errors go?
 $error_email = "admin@sucs.org";
+// By default display a page asking for sid and transid
+// this is called "login"
 $mode = 'login';
+// if somone has post'd data to the page then do shit
-//set signup details
+	// stick the post'd data in a variable we can call easily
 	$sid = $_REQUEST['sid'];
         $transactionID = $_REQUEST['transactionID'];
-	//set POST variables
-	$url = "https://$suapi_user:$suapi_pass@su-api.sucs.org/memberships/Membership.asmx/GetMemberByTransactionID";
-	$fields = array(
-	       'transactionID'=>urlencode($transactionID),
-	       'GroupingID'=>urlencode($GroupingID),
-	       );
-	//url-ify the data for the POST
-	$field_string = "";
-	foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; }
-	rtrim($fields_string,'&');
-	//open connection
-	$ch = curl_init();
-	//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
-	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url);
-	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($fields));
-	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string);
-	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
-	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
-	//execute post
-	$result = curl_exec($ch);
-	//close connection
-	curl_close($ch);
-	if(!$result){
-		$mode = "error";
-		$smarty->assign("error_text", "Invalid query returned");
-	} else {
-		libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
-		$xml=simplexml_load_string($result);
-		if (!$xml||isset($xml->head->title)) {
-			$mode='error';
-			$smarty->assign("error_text", "An error occurred communicating with the SUSU API");		
-		} else{
-			$re1='.*?';
-			$re2='(\\{.*?\\})';
-			if ($c=preg_match_all ("/".$re1.$re2."/is", $result, $matches))
-			{
-			  	$json_string=$matches[1][0];
-			} else{
-			  $mode = "error";
-			}
-			$array = json_decode($json_string,TRUE);
-			if($array['cardNumber'] == $sid && $sid != ""){
-				$mode = 'form';
-				// $sucsDB->debug = true;
-				$fullName = $array['firstName']." ".$array['lastName'];
-				$query = "INSERT INTO transactions (transactionID,fullName,emailAddress,cardNumber,personID) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
-				$attribs[] = $transactionID;
-				$attribs[] = $fullName;
-				$attribs[] = $array['emailAddress'];
-				$attribs[] = $array['cardNumber'];
-				$attribs[] = $array['personID'];
-				$valid = true;
-				if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
-					// We did this because Adodb ErrorNo command is broken
-					$query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?";
-					unset($attribs);
-					$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-					if($sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
-						$query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?";
-						$attribs= array();
-						$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-						$data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query,$attribs);
-						if(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']==NULL){
-							// As it stands this shouldn't happen but if it does, no reason not to let them carry on
-							$valid = true;
-						} elseif(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']!=NULL) {
-							$query = "SELECT * FROM signup WHERE sid = ?";
-							unset($attribs);
-							$attribs[]=$sid;
-							$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs);
-							if(!$data) {
-								mail(
-									$error_email,
-									"SUSignup Error",
-									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 0\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-							);
-								$valid=false;
-							} else if($data->fields['username']!=NULL){
-								$smarty->assign("username", $data->fields['username']);
-								$mode='numpty2';		
-								// This happens if they already ahve a SUCS account and are trying to create a new signupid
-								$valid = false;
-							} else {
-								$smarty->assign("id", $data->fields['id']);
-								$smarty->assign("pass", $data->fields['password']);
-								$mode='numpty';
-								// If this happens they tried to get a new signupid/pass after already getting one, and should get weekly reminders about it  
-								$valid = false;
-							}
-						} else {
-							$mode="error";
-							mail(
-								$error_email,
-								"SUSignup Error",
-								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 1\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-							);
-							$valid = false;
-						}
-					} else {
-						$mode="error";
-						mail(
-							$error_email,
-							"SUSignup Error",
-							"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-							"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-						);
-						$valid = false;
-					}
-				}
-				if($valid)
-				{
-					unset($attribs);
-					unset($query);
-					$query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE sid = ?";
-					$attribs[] = $sid;
-					unset($data);
-					$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs);
-					if (!$data) {
-						$mode = "error";
-						$smarty->assign("error_text", "Error in internal database check");
-					} elseif ($data->RecordCount()==1) {
-						$mode = "renew";
-						$q="UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE username=?;";
-        					$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array(paidUntil(time()), '99999', $data->fields['username']));
-						if (!$r) {
-							mail(
-								$error_email,
-								"SUSignup Error",
-								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2.5\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-							);
-					        } else {
-							$q="SELECT email, typename FROM members, member_type WHERE username=?  AND type=member_type.id;";
-							$r=$sucsDB->Execute($q, array($data->fields['username']));
-							$message  = "Account Renewal notification\n\n";
-							$message .= "Account   : ".$data->fields['username']."\n";
-							$message .= "User Type : ".$r->fields['typename']."\n";
-							$message .= "Renewed by: ".$data->fields['username'].".\n\n";
-							$message .= "**** Payment was made via the SU payments system ****\n";
-							$message .= "Regards\n  The SU Renewals script";
-							mail("treasurer@sucs.org","Account Renewal",$message);
-							$message = "Your Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) membership has been renewed\n\n";
-							$message .= "Username: ".$renew_name."\n";
-							$message .= "If you do not know or have forgotten your password, please email admin@sucs.org to arrange for it to be changed.\n\n";
-							$message .= "Regards\n  The SUCS admin";
-							$header = "From: admin@sucs.org\r\n";
-							$header .= "Reply-To: admin@sucs.org";
-							// Personal account
-							mail($r->fields['email'],"SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
-							// sucs account
-							mail($data->fields['username']."@sucs.org","SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
-							unset($query);
-							unset($attribs);
-							$query = "UPDATE transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?";
-							$attribs[]="000";
-							$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-							$data = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
-							if (!$data) { 
-								$mode="error";
-								mail(
-									$error_email,
-									"SUSignup Error",
-									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2.6\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-								);
-							}
-				        	}
-					} else {
-						$pass = make_password();
-						unset($query);
-						$query = "insert into signup (password,sid,issuedby) values( ?, ?, ?) returning id";
-						unset($attribs);
-						$attribs[]=$pass;
-						$attribs[]=$array['cardNumber'];
-						$attribs[]='99999';
-						$iddata = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs);
-						$id = $iddata->fields['id'];
-						if (!$iddata) {
-							$mode="error";
-							mail(
-								$error_email,
-								"SUSignup Error",
-								"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 3\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-								"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-							);
-						} else {
-							$query = "update transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?";
-							unset($attribs);
-							$attribs[]=$id;
-							$attribs[]=$transactionID;
-							if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) {
-								$mode="error";
-								mail(
-									$error_email,
-									"SUSignup Error",
-									"An error occured in the susignup system at stage 4\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(),
-									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-								);
-								print($sucsDB->ErrorMsg());
-							} else {
-								$smarty->assign("id", $id);
-								$smarty->assign("pass", $pass);
-								mail(
-									$array['emailAddress'].','.$sid.'@swansea.ac.uk',
-									"SUCS Signup Information",
-									"Thankyou for joining Swansea University Computer Society, your signup details are below;\nSignupID: $id\nSignup Password: $pass\nIf you have successfully completed signup immediately then you can disregard this message.\n\nSUCS Admin Team.",
-									"From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>"
-								);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
+	// check if the data posted is valid
+	if(check_su_sid_and_trans($sid,$transactionID)){
+		// check to see if they are already a valid and paid member
+		$tmpresult = $sucsDB->Execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE sid=?", array($sid));
+		if($tmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid && $tmpresult->fields["paid"] == paidUntil(time())){
+			// let them know they are already signed up and renewed
+			message_flash("You are a numpty and have already signed up and paid for this year.");
+		// else if check to see if they have signedup and paid for the new year but haven't renewed
+		}else if ($tmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid && $tmpresult->fields["paid"] != paidUntil(time())){
+			// renew them!
+			renew_membership($tmpresult->fields["username"]);
+			// let them know that their account has been renewed
+			message_flash("Your SUCS account has been renewed.");
+		// else if they aren't in the SUCS DB but have a signup slip, take them back to that part of signup
+		$singuptmpresult = $sucsDB->Execute("SELECT * FROM signup WHERE sid=?", array($sid));
+		} else if ($tmpresult->fields == false && $signuptmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid) {
+			$mode = "form";
+			$smarty->assign("id",$signuptmpresult->fields["id"]);
+			$smarty->assign("pass",$signuptmpresult->fields["password"]);
+		// else if they aren't in the SUCS DB, then bootstrap signup process
+		} else if ($tmpresult->fields == false && $signuptmpresult->fields == false) {
+			$mode = "form";
+			$pass = make_password();
+			$iddata = $sucsDB->Execute("insert into signup (password,sid,issuedby) values( ?, ?, ?) returning id",array($pass,$sid,"99999"));
+			$id = $iddata->fields['id'];
+			$smarty->assign("id", $id);
+			$smarty->assign("pass", $pass);
+		} else {
+			// they should never get here
+			echo("fuck you");
+	} else {
+		trigger_error("That Student Number and Transaction ID combo are invalid.", E_USER_ERROR);
 $smarty->assign("mode", $mode);
 $output = $smarty->fetch("susignup.tpl");
diff --git a/lib/member_functions.php b/lib/member_functions.php
index a1ee5186c344772d738fd43083359652d9b7d9ad..3c756290410298f6e267795073eff3ecdcb4adab 100644
--- a/lib/member_functions.php
+++ b/lib/member_functions.php
@@ -107,4 +107,31 @@ function generateLdif($uid, $password, $type, $realname, $username){
 	return $ldif;
+// function to renew a persons sucs membership
+function renew_membership($username) {
+	// get their details from the sucs db
+	$userdata = $sucsDB->Execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username=?", array($username));
+	// include the date file so we can call the paidUntil function
+	include_once("date.php");
+	// Update their record in the DB
+	$sucsDB->Execute("UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE username=?", array(paidUntil(time()), "99999", $username));
+	// Give them their 200 print credits
+	exec("/usr/local/sbin/printerrenew.apache ${username} 200");
+	// apprently sending them an email confirming so is nice
+	$message = "Your Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) membership has been renewed\n\n";
+	$message .= "Username: ${username}\n";
+	$message .= "If you do not know or have forgotten your password, please email admin@sucs.org to arrange for it to be changed.\n\n";
+	$message .= "Regards\n  The SUCS admin";
+	$header = "From: admin@sucs.org\r\n";
+	$header .= "Reply-To: admin@sucs.org";
+	// send it to their personal account
+	mail($userdata->fields['email'],"SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);
diff --git a/lib/suapiv2.php b/lib/suapiv2.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00c494c5239878eba2fa0e2a55bc210d2ddb3bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/suapiv2.php
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// sorry
+// gib errars plox
+//ini_set('display_errors', 1);
+// without this the entire thing doesn't work
+//SUCS Org ID According to the SU
+$orgid = "6613";
+$apibaseurl = "http://su-apiv2.sucs.org/?apikey=${apikey}&orgid=${orgid}";
+// Get the shit json the suapiv2 spits out
+$ch = curl_init($apibaseurl);
+$raw_data = curl_exec($ch);
+$formated_raw_data = json_decode($raw_data, true); //convert it into php arrays
+* $membership_data is an array where each type of memebrship is it;s own array
+* Insdie each of those arrays the actual arrary of members is under ["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"]
+* So $membership_data[0]["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"][0] will get you the array containing the
+* first member in the data
+$membership_data = $formated_raw_data["table1"]["table1_Product_Collection"]["table1_Product"];
+// make a new array that just contains *every* member no matter what they bought
+$just_members = array();
+foreach ($membership_data as $typeOfMember) {
+	foreach ($typeOfMember["Detail_Collection"]["Detail"] as $member) {
+		array_push($just_members, $member["@attributes"]);
+	}
+/* You can now use $just_members to probe member detials. It's an array of arrays which each contain:
+* transaction_id (recepit id)
+* purchaser (full name)
+* textbox6 (under 18 or not) NOT SURE OF THE FORMAT
+* card_number (student number)
+* shop_name (where they bought sucs memebrship)
+* qty (how many sucs memebrships they bought)
+* purchase_date (timestamp of when they bought memebrship)4
+* Used by /susignup to verify that the stduent number and transaction id combo are valid
+* returns true or false
+function check_su_sid_and_trans($sid, $transid) {
+	global $just_members;
+	foreach ($just_members as $member) {
+		if ($sid == $member["card_number"] && $transid == $member["transaction_id"]) {
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+* Used to verify taht a given stduent number has paid for membership via the su system.
+* returns false or true
+function check_su_sid($sid) {
+	global $just_members;
+	foreach ($just_members as $member) {
+		if ($sid == $member["card_number"]) {
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
diff --git a/templates/susignup-admin.tpl b/templates/susignup-admin.tpl
index 0c9dc1a30223f2023906c5b27b4f9a2ba2087ed7..429f3fa7527f6457c8044471b3fae07f9324e63e 100644
--- a/templates/susignup-admin.tpl
+++ b/templates/susignup-admin.tpl
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ The following accounts failed to renew:
 	The details are:<br />
 	<strong>Slip ID: </strong> {$slipid}<br />
 	<strong>Slip Password: </strong> {$slippass} <br />
-	<form action="https://sucs.org/signup/" method="post">
+	<form action="{$baseurl}/signup/" method="post">
 		<input type=hidden name="signupid" id="id" value="{$slipid}" />
 		<input type=hidden name="signuppw" id="pass" value="{$slippass}" />
 		<input type=submit name="submit" value="Proceed" />
diff --git a/templates/susignup.tpl b/templates/susignup.tpl
index 2ebf1a0fb3bcf7e209dc50293363fad17ef7063d..eaa0bad2b62df77fe08b06b9959c578341e59e78 100644
--- a/templates/susignup.tpl
+++ b/templates/susignup.tpl
@@ -23,38 +23,18 @@
         <div class="hollowfoot"><div><div></div></div></div>
-{elseif $mode=='form' || $mode=="re-form"}
+{elseif $mode=='form'}
-		<p>To continue signup later please use the link below to dispay and print off your signup slip</p>
-		<form action="https://sucs.org/~kais58/sucstest/sucs/generate.php" method="post" target="_blank">
-			<input type=hidden name="id" id="id" value="{$id}" />
-			<input type=hidden name="pass" id="pass" value="{$pass}" />
-			<input type=submit name="submit" value="Proceed" />
-		</form>
-		<p>To finish signup now click below to continue</p>
-		<form action="https://sucs.org/signup/" method="post">
+		<p>To contiune signup now click below</p>
+		<form action="{$baseurl}/signup/" method="post">
 			<input type=hidden name="signupid" id="id" value="{$id}" />
 			<input type=hidden name="signuppw" id="pass" value="{$pass}" />
 			<input type=submit name="submit" value="Proceed" />
-{elseif $mode=='numpty'}
-		<p>You appear to have completed this part of signup before, please check your emails for your signup ID and password. Alternatively click below to continue.</p>
-		<form action="https://sucs.org/signup/" method="post">
-			<input type=hidden name="signupid" id="id" value="{$id}" />
-			<input type=hidden name="signuppw" id="pass" value="{$pass}" />
-			<input type=submit name="submit" value="Proceed" />
-		</form>
-{elseif $mode=='numpty2'}
-		<p>You appear to have already completed this step and registered with SUCS with the username <strong>{$username}</strong>.<br/>If you have forgotten your login password please email <a href='mailto:admin@sucs.org'>admin@sucs.org</a> or drop by the SUCS room and find an admin.</p>
-{elseif $mode=='renew'}
-	<h1>Renewed</h1>
-	<p>Thankyou for renewing your membership, it has completed succesfully</p>
         <div class='errorbar'>
                 <strong>Error: </strong> {$error_text}
 An error occured during signup, please email, with as much information as you can provide, <a href='mailto:admin@sucs.org'>admin@sucs.org</a> for assistance.
\ No newline at end of file