• Finn Wilcox's avatar
    · 3232dce1
    Finn Wilcox authored
    Added "permanent protect" function.  Help page coming soon.
    Main commands:
    !user protection <user>  - to give someone the priv, eg "/4" means they
    can give permanent protection up to level 4.  They will need the 'P'
    chatpriv as well for it to work.
    .protect <user> <0-4>  - to protect someone
    This is not an extension of the 'p' flag - it is a new one which has
    a similar effect.  Unlike the 'p' chatmode it is sticky.
    The who list format is changed slightly for people with the priv.
    Users without it shouldn't notice any difference.
    This feature is intended for keeping users gagged/frozen if necessary
    (eg if they are being abusive), without having to remove their privs.