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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// this is the php for
// Include shit we need.
// Include shit we need. like the renew_membership fucntion
include "../lib/member_functions.php";
include "../lib/date.php";
......@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ if(!empty($_REQUEST['sid'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['transactionID'])){
trigger_error("You are a numpty and have already signed up and paid for this year.", E_USER_ERROR);
// else if check to see if they have signedup and paid for the new year but haven't renewed
}else if ($tmpresult->fields["sid"] == $sid && $tmpresult->fields["paid"] != paidUntil(time())){
// update our db to indicate that they ahev paid for thsi year
$sucsDB->Execute("UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE sid=?", array(paidUntil(time()), "99999", $sid));
// renew them!
// let them know that their account has been renewed
trigger_error("Your SUCS account has been renewed.", E_USER_INFO);
// else if they aren't in the SUCS DB but have a signup slip, take them back to that part of signup
......@@ -107,4 +107,31 @@ function generateLdif($uid, $password, $type, $realname, $username){
return $ldif;
// function to renew a persons sucs membership
renew_membership($username) {
// get their details from the sucs db
$userdata = $sucsDB->Execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username=?", array($username));
// include the date file so we can call the paidUntil function
// Update their record in the DB
$sucsDB->Execute("UPDATE members SET paid=?, lastupdate=DEFAULT, lastedit=? WHERE username=?", array(paidUntil(time()), "99999", $username));
// Give them their 200 print credits
exec("/usr/local/sbin/printerrenew.apache ${username} 200");
// apprently sending them an email confirming so is nice
$message = "Your Swansea University Computer Society (SUCS) membership has been renewed\n\n";
$message .= "Username: ${username}\n";
$message .= "If you do not know or have forgotten your password, please email to arrange for it to be changed.\n\n";
$message .= "Regards\n The SUCS admin";
$header = "From:\r\n";
$header .= "Reply-To:";
// send it to their personal account
mail($userdata->fields['email'],"SUCS account renewal",$message,$header);