From 503b596a7103488f61c5e36c6f837f3003a93708 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Imran Hussain <>
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:19:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Security. Menu items that have a non null permission value in
 the menu table will now only be visiable to people with that permission,
 unlike before where it kinda half worked and everybody could see everything.

 components/menu.php | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/components/menu.php b/components/menu.php
index f4b1975..1677708 100644
--- a/components/menu.php
+++ b/components/menu.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function getPageID($name) {
 function translate($word) {
 	global $language, $DB;
 	if ($language['code']!="en") {
 		$query=$DB->GetRow("select title, title".$language['db']." from menu where title='".$word."'");
 		if ($query['title'.$language['db']]!="") return $query['title'.$language['db']];
@@ -60,9 +60,25 @@ $res = $DB->GetAll($query);
 $menu = parseMenu($res);
 // this needs to choose the actual current one
-$res = $DB->GetAll("select * from menu where parent=".getPageID($pagename)." order by menuorder");
-if (count($res)>0) {
-	$submenu = parseMenu($res);
+// subpages/submenu items can have permissions attached to them as well!
+$query2  = "select * from menu where parent=";
+$query2 .= "'";
+$query2 .= getPageID($pagename);
+$query2 .= "'";
+$query2 .= " and (permission is NULL";
+if ($session->loggedin) $query2 .= " or permission='users'";
+foreach ($session->groups as $group => $value) {
+        $query2 .= " or permission='$group'";
+        }
+$query2 .= ") order by menuorder";
+$res2 = $DB->GetAll($query2);
+if (count($res2)>0) {
+	$submenu = parseMenu($res2);
 	$menu[translate($pagename)] = $submenu;