<p>Please use the form below to cast your votes for the {$election_year} SUCS executive committee. Note that you have to be a <strong>current student member</strong> of SUCS in order for your vote to be valid.<br /> (Click on a candidate's name to view their manifesto)</p> <form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}"> {foreach name=outer key=position item=cand from=$candidate} <h2>{$position|capitalize}</h2> {if count($cand) > 1} {foreach item=person from=$cand} <input type="radio" name="{$position}" value="{$person.username}" id="{$position}{$person.username}" /><label for="{$position}{$person.username}"><a href="{$person.manifesto_link}">{$person.realname}</a> ({$person.username})</label><br /> {/foreach} <input type="radio" name="{$position}" value="abstain" id="{$position}abstain" /><label for="{$position}abstain"><em>Abstain</em></label><br /> {else} There is no vote for {$position|capitalize} as only one candidate was nominated:<br /> <a href="{$cand.0.manifesto_link}">{$cand.0.realname}</a> ({$cand.0.username}) {/if} {/foreach} <div class="row"> <label for="vote_passwd">SUCS Password:</label> <span class="textinput"> <input name="vote_passwd" id="vote_passwd" type="password" /> <div class="note">Your SUCS password is required to ensure that the vote is from you.</div> </span> </div> <div class="row"> <span class="textinput"> <input type="submit" value="Cast Votes" name="submit" /> </span> </div> </form>