# Planet configuration file [Planet] name = Planet SUCS link = http://www.sucs.org/planet owner_name = SUCS Admin owner_email = admin@sucs.org # cache_directory: Where cached feeds are stored # new_feed_items: Number of items to take from new feeds # log_level: One of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL # feed_timeout: number of seconds to wait for any given feed cache_directory = cache new_feed_items = 2 log_level = ERROR feed_timeout = 20 # template_files: Space-separated list of output template files template_files = sucs/Planet.txt.tmpl sucs/atom.xml.tmpl sucs/rss20.xml.tmpl sucs/rss10.xml.tmpl sucs/opml.xml.tmpl sucs/foafroll.xml.tmpl output_dir = {$planetoutputdir} items_per_page = 50 days_per_page = 0 date_format = %b %d, %Y at %I:%M %p new_date_format = %B %d, %Y encoding = utf-8 # locale = C # To define a different value for a particular template you may create # a section with the same name as the template file's filename (as given # in template_files). # If non-zero, all feeds which have not been updated in the indicated # number of days will be marked as inactive activity_threshold = 0 # Options placed in the [DEFAULT] section provide defaults for the feed # sections. Placing a default here means you only need to override the # special cases later. #[DEFAULT] # Hackergotchi default size. # If we want to put a face alongside a feed, and it's this size, we # can omit these variables. #facewidth = 65 #faceheight = 85 # Any other section defines a feed to subscribe to. The section title # (in the []s) is the URI of the feed itself. A section can also be # have any of the following options: # # name: Name of the feed (defaults to the title found in the feed) #blogroll pulled from the database {foreach from=$blogroll item=blog} [{$blog.feeduri}] name = {$blog.username} {if $blog.hackergotchi} face = {$blog.username}.png {/if} {/foreach} #static entries [http://sucs.org/blog/feed/atom/vote] name = Election 2009