{if $mode == 'browse'} <p>SUCS has a wide variety of computer and computer science related books available for loan to our members. If you'd like to borrow a book, speak to a member of admin or the exec.</p> <h3>Browse by category</h3> <ul> {foreach name=tags from=$tags item=tag} <li><a href="{$baseurl}/Knowledge/Library/Tags/{$tag.name|escape:'url'}">{$tag.name}</a></li> {/foreach} </ul> <h3>Random Books</h3> {foreach name=randoms from=$randoms item=randomitem} <a href="{$baseurl}/Knowledge/Library/{$randomitem.id}"><img src="{$randomitem.image_url}" alt="{$randomitem.title}" height="120" /></a> {/foreach} {elseif $mode == 'display'} {include file=library-book.tpl book=$book} {elseif $mode == 'search'} <h3>Search Results</h3> {if $results|@count < 1}<p>No results found</p> {else} <ul> {foreach name=results from=$results item=result} <li><a href="{$baseurl}/Knowledge/Library/{$result.id}">{$result.title}</a>{if $result.onloan} <em>(on loan)</em>{/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} {elseif $mode == 'tagdisplay'} {foreach name=results from=$results item=result} <li><a href="{$baseurl}/Knowledge/Library/{$result.id}">{$result.title}</a> </li> {/foreach} {elseif $mode == 'bookerror'} <p>The requested book does not exist</p> {elseif $mode == 'tagerror'} <p>The requested tag does not exist</p> {/if} {if $librarian == true} <p><a href="{$baseurl}/Knowledge/Library/Admin">Library Admin</a></p> {/if} <p>Images and descriptions provided by <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk">Amazon</a></p>