{if $staff == TRUE} {if $mode == 'error'} <div class='errorbar'> <strong>Error: </strong> {$error_text} </div> {/if} {if $mode == 'renewals'} <form action='{$componentpath}' method='post'> <table id='susignup-renewals'> <thead> <tr><th>Renew Now?</th><th>Name (SU)</th><th>Name (SUCS)</th><th>Student ID</th><th>SUCS Username</th><th>Paid Until</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> {foreach from=$matches item=match} <tr><td class='centre'><input name='renew[]' id='renew' value='{$match[3]}' type='checkbox' checked='checked'/></td><td>{$match[0]}</td><td>{$match[1]}</td><td class='centre'>{$match[2]}</td><td>{$match[3]}</td><td class='centre'>{$match[4]}</td></tr> {foreachelse} <tr><td colspan='6'><em>No matches found</em></td></tr> {/foreach} </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td colspan='5'><strong>For large numbers of renewals, this can take a while!</strong></td><td class='centre'><input type='submit' name='rwsubmit' id='rwsubmit' value='Go!' /></td></tr> </tfoot> </table> <input type='hidden' name='mode' id='mode' value='renewals2' /> </form> {if $others > 0} <p>There were also <strong>{$others}</strong> other records found.<br /> Of these, {$paidup} are current members and {$pending} are pending signups.</p> {/if} {elseif $mode == 'renewals2'} <div class='centre'> <div class='cbb' style='text-align: left'> <h3> Mass renewal results </h3> <strong>{$attempt}</strong> accounts marked for renewal<br /> <hr /> {if $successes == $attempt} <strong>All</strong> of these requests were successful.<br /> {else} <strong>{$successes}</strong> requests were successful, and <span style='color: red'><strong>{$failures}</strong></span> requests failed.<br /> The following accounts failed to renew: <ul> {foreach from=$failusers item=f} <li>{$f}</li> {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </div> </div> {elseif $mode == 'list'} <table id='susignup-renewals'> <thead> <tr><th>Name (SU)</th><th>Name (SUCS)</th><th>Student ID</th><th>SUCS Username</th><th>Paid Until</th></tr> </thead> <tbody> {foreach from=$matches item=match} <tr><td>{$match[0]}</td><td>{$match[1]}</td><td class='centre'>{$match[2]}</td><td>{$match[3]}</td><td class='centre'>{$match[4]}</td></tr> {foreachelse} <tr><td colspan='6'><em>Oh Noes! No members found in the SU database</em></td></tr> {/foreach} </tbody> </table> {elseif $mode == 'search'} <div style='text-align: center'> <div class='cbb' style='text-align: left'> Student {$sid} appears to have paid, and a signup slip has been generated.<br /> The details are:<br /> <strong>Slip ID: </strong> {$slipid}<br /> <strong>Slip Password: </strong> {$slippass} <br /> <form action="https://sucs.org/signup/" method="post"> <input type=hidden name="signupid" id="id" value="{$slipid}" /> <input type=hidden name="signuppw" id="pass" value="{$slippass}" /> <input type=submit name="submit" value="Proceed" /> </form> </div> </div> {elseif $mode == 'menu' || $mode == 'error' || $mode == 'renew'} <p> This component allows staff members to sort out memberships and renewals that have been paid for via the SU payments system. </p> <p>Renew an individual member, generate a list of members that look like they've paid via the SU system or begin the signup process for a newbie who doesn't have their transaction ID by selecting the appropriate option below. </p> <div style='text-align: center'> <div class='susignup-admin-menu cbb'> <h3>Signup a newbie</h3> <form action='{$componentpath}' method='post'> <label for='sid'>Student Number:</label> <input type='text' name='sid' id='sid' maxlength=6 /> <input type='hidden' name='mode' id='mode' value="search" /> <input type='submit' name='snsubmit' id='snsubmit' value="Start" /> </form> </div> <div class='susignup-admin-menu cbb'> <h3>Renew existing account:</h3> <form action='{$componentpath}' method='post'> <label for='member'>Account:</label> {html_options name=member options=$renewables} <input type='hidden' name='mode' id='mode' value="renew" /> <input type='submit' name='rnsubmit' id='rnsubmit' value="Renew" /> </form> </div> <div class='susignup-admin-menu cbb'> <h3>Bulk Renewals</h3> <p style='text-align: left'>This will query the SU API and generate a list of corresponding SUCS accounts to be renewed.<br /> This process can take a little while to run</p><br /> <form action='{$componentpath}' method='post'> <input type='submit' name='rwsubmit' id='rwsubmit' value='Generate List' /> <input type='hidden' name='mode' id='mode' value='renewals' /> </form> </div> <div class='susignup-admin-menu cbb'> <h3>SU Membership List</h3> <p style='text-align: left'>This will query the SU API for all current SUCS members<br /> This process can take a little while to run</p><br /> <form action='{$componentpath}' method='post'> <input type='submit' name='lssubmit' id='lssubmit' value='View List' /> <input type='hidden' name='mode' id='mode' value='list' /> </form> </div> </div> {else} <div class="errorbar"> Invalid mode - {$mode} </div> {/if} {else} <div class="errorbar"> <div><div><div> You must be logged in and be a staff member to use this component; </div></div></div> </div> {/if}