diff --git a/components/junk.php b/components/junk.php
index 2de0bf6f405d5a1060efe54eb961a14407277857..9c5e848d64a7133e18e324879d0a984babe1ce6a 100644
--- a/components/junk.php
+++ b/components/junk.php
@@ -82,8 +82,16 @@ if ($session->loggedin && isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
 // Update/Add item
 if ($session->loggedin && $admin && (isset($_REQUEST['update']) || isset($_REQUEST['add']))) {
+		// try to guess which category field the user meant us to see
+		// ideally we'd use an html combo box, but since they don't exist...
+		if ($_REQUEST['categorymenu'] == "") {
+			$category = $_REQUEST['category'];
+		} else {
+			$category = $_REQUEST['categorymenu'];
+		}
          // Update/Add item if title and category are filled in else error
-         if ($_REQUEST['title'] != "" && $_REQUEST['category'] != "") {
+         if ($_REQUEST['title'] != "" && $category != "") {
 		// if the description is blank, return null
 		if ($_REQUEST['description'] == ""){
 			$description = null;
@@ -101,12 +109,12 @@ if ($session->loggedin && $admin && (isset($_REQUEST['update']) || isset($_REQUE
 		// run the query
 			$query = "UPDATE inventory SET title=?, category=?, description=?, donated_by=?, status=? WHERE id=?";
-			$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $_REQUEST['category'], $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']);
+			$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status'], $_REQUEST['id']);
 			message_flash("Item Updated");
 			$query = "INSERT INTO inventory (title, category, description, donated_by, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
-			$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $_REQUEST['category'], $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status']);
+			$array = array($_REQUEST['title'], $category, $description, $donated_by, $_REQUEST['status']);
 			message_flash("Item Added");
 		$DB->Query($query, $array);
@@ -150,6 +158,9 @@ if ($mode == 'list'){
 	if (sizeof($junk) < 1) {
 		$mode = "nojunk";
+} else {
+	$categories = $DB->GetCol("SELECT DISTINCT category FROM inventory ORDER BY category ASC");
+	$smarty->assign("categories", $categories); 
 // Generate output
diff --git a/templates/junk.tpl b/templates/junk.tpl
index 1c2b782fd92a00299a72fdfaa350d2d20852c4d2..bc78ad2f10f48910a51282a53630ae913eccd83b 100644
--- a/templates/junk.tpl
+++ b/templates/junk.tpl
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 			<strong>{$item.title}:</strong> {$item.description}
                 {if $item.donated_by != null}
-                        <br /><strong>Donated by:</strong> {$item.donated_by}
+                        <br /><small>Donated by {$item.donated_by}</small> 
 		{if $status == 'requested'}
 			<br /><small>Requested by {$item.requested_by} on {$item.requested_on|date_format:"%e %b %Y"}</small>
@@ -73,7 +73,18 @@
 	<div class="row">
 		<label for="category">Category*</label>
-		<span class="textinput"><input type="text" name="category"{if $mode == 'edit'} value="{$item.category}"{/if} /></span>
+		<span class="textinput">
+			<select name="categorymenu">
+			<option value="">Other...</option>
+			{foreach name=categories from=$categories item=category}
+		<option{if ($category == $item.category) && ($mode == 'edit')} selected="selected"{/if}>{$category}</option>
+			{/foreach} 
+			</select>
+		</span> 
+		<span class="textinput">
+			<div class="note">If none of the existing categories apply, enter one below:</div>
+			<input type="text" name="category"/>
+		</span>
 	<div class="row">
 		<label for="description">Description</label>
@@ -97,7 +108,7 @@
 	<div class="row">
 		<span class="textinput"><input type="submit" name="{if $mode == 'edit'}update{else}add{/if}" value="{if $mode == 'edit'}Update{else}Add{/if}"  /></span>
-	<div class="note row">* denotes require fields</div>
+	<div class="note row">* denotes required fields</div>
 	<div class="clear"></div>