<?PHP /****** * Printer Shame List * Ported from old site by tswsl1989 * */ $smarty->assign('title',"Printer Statistics"); $sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8'); $sucsDB->Connect('dbname=sucs user=apache'); $sucsDB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $out="<img src=\"/images/printer.graph.php\" alt=\"pie chart of top 12 printer users\"/>"; $table="<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n<tr>\n<th>Username</th>\n<th>Pages</th>\n<th>Projected Monthly Usage</th>\n<th>Printed This Month</th>\n<th>What it would cost in the library</th></tr>\n"; //pull in all the current users (ie not old) who have printed stuff $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, sum(pages) as pages from printer where username != 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc"); $num = $res->RecordCount(); //for each row stuff the infomation into an array, then free up the database resorces for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { $data[$i] = $res->FetchRow(); $data[$i]['month'] = 0; } $res->Close(); //get the second since epoch $thisSecond = gmmktime(); //for each user who has printed stuff add the first printed time (since epoch) to the array for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select date_part('epoch',start) as first from printer where username ='".$data[$i]['username']."' order by start asc limit 1;"); $temp = $res->FetchRow(); $data[$i]['first'] = $temp['first']; $res->Close(); } $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select username, pages, start from printer where username != 'old'"); $datesnum = $res->RecordCount();//for each row stuff the infomation into an array, then free up the database resorces for ($i=0;$i<$datesnum;$i++) { $dates[$i] = $res->FetchRow($res, $i); } $res->Close(); // get the current month $theMonth = date("m"); $theYear = date("Y"); for ($i=0;$i<$datesnum;$i++) { $userMonth = substr($dates[$i]['start'], 5, 2); $userYear = substr($dates[$i]['start'], 0, 4); if (($userMonth == $theMonth) && ($userYear == $theYear)) { for ($j=0;$j<$num;$j++) { if ($data[$j]['username'] == $dates[$i]['username']) { $data[$j]['month'] += $dates[$i]['pages']; } } } } //start the total counter $total = 0; //for each user.. print a row in the table for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { $table.="<tr align=\"center\">\n"; $table.="<td>{$data[$i]['username']}</td>\n"; $table.="<td>{$data[$i]['pages']}</td>\n"; //avg pages per month = seconds in a month / (now - first print) * pages $crazyGuess = round((2629743.83/($thisSecond-$data[$i]['first']))*$data[$i]['pages']); //if the user has only started printing in the last month its not sensible to give a guess of average useage if ($thisSecond-$data[$i]['first'] <= 2629743.83) { $table.="<td>Not enough data</td>\n"; } //traffic lights for pinter useage, adjust values as required elseif($crazyGuess <= 25) { $table.="<td BGCOLOR=\"Green\">".$crazyGuess."</td>\n"; } elseif($crazyGuess <= 33) { $table.="<td BGCOLOR=\"Orange\">".$crazyGuess."</td>\n"; } else{ $table.="<td BGCOLOR=\"Red\">".$crazyGuess."</td>\n"; } if ($data[$i]['month'] >= 300) { $table.="<td BGCOLOR=\"Red\">{$data[$i]['month']}</td>\n"; } else { $table.="<td>{$data[$i]['month']}</td>\n"; } $table.="<td>".sprintf("£ %01.2f",round(0.1*$data[$i]['pages'],2))."</td>\n"; //add this users useage to the total $total += $data[$i]['pages']; $table.="</tr>\n"; } //get the first print date $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select date_part('epoch',start) as first from printer order by start asc limit 1;"); $temp = $res->FetchRow(); $date['first'] = getdate($temp['first']); $res->Close(); //get the last print date $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select date_part('epoch',start) as last from printer order by start desc limit 1;"); $temp = $res->FetchRow(); $date['last'] = getdate($temp['last']); $res->Close(); //get the number of pages printed by "old" users and add it to the total $res = $sucsDB->Execute("select sum(pages) as pages from printer where username = 'old' group by username order by sum(pages) desc"); $old = $res->FetchRow(); $old = $old[0]; $res->Close(); $total += $old; //Output two lines at the bottem of the table, one for "old" users and the other for the total $table.="<tr align=\"center\">\n\t<th>Old Users</th>\n\t<th>$old</th>\n\t<th>n/a</th>\n</tr>"; $table.="<tr align=\"center\">\n\t<th>Total</th>\n\t<th>$total</th>\n\t<th>".round((2629743.83/($thisSecond-$date['first'][0]))*$total)."</th>\n</tr>"; $table.="</table>\n"; //output the dates of the first and last prints recorded $out.="<p>First Data - ".$date['first'][weekday].", ".$date['first'][mday]." ".$date['first'][month]." ".$date['first'][year].", at ".$date['first'][hours].":".$date['first'][minutes].":".$date['first'][seconds]."<br />"; $out.="Last Data - ".$date['last'][weekday].", ".$date['last'][mday]." ".$date['last'][month]." ".$date['last'][year].", at ".$date['last'][hours].":".$date['last'][minutes].":".$date['last'][seconds]."</p>"; //do some silly maths to work out lots of silly things $paperarea = round(0.21*0.297*$total,3); //area of paper $paperweight = round($paperarea*.08, 3); //how much that would weigh $numtrees = round($paperweight/730.296, 6); //*very* roughly how many trees that would be $cost = round(0.1*$total,2); $out.="<p>That's ".$paperarea."m<sup>2</sup> of paper, weighing ".$paperweight."kg!<br>\n"; $out.="This is equivalent to approximately ".$numtrees." trees.<br>\n"; $out.="That would have cost our members a grand total of £".$cost." if it were printed in the library.. not bad for £5!"; //done $out.="<p>Note: The number of pages is the number spooled and may be more than the actual number printed</p>"; $out.=$table; $sucsDB->Close(); $smarty->assign('body',$out); ?>