<?php //unique society identifier $GroupingID = "6613"; include "../lib/member_functions.php"; include "../suapi.inc.php"; $error_email = "admin@sucs.org"; $mode = 'login'; //login if(!empty($_REQUEST['sid'])&&!empty($_REQUEST['transactionID'])){ //set signup details $sid = $_REQUEST['sid']; $transactionID = $_REQUEST['transactionID']; //set POST variables $url = "https://$suapi_user:$suapi_pass@hap.swansea-union.co.uk/memberships/Membership.asmx/GetMemberByTransactionID"; $fields = array( 'transactionID'=>urlencode($transactionID), 'GroupingID'=>urlencode($GroupingID), ); //url-ify the data for the POST $field_string = ""; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } rtrim($fields_string,'&'); //open connection $ch = curl_init(); //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,TRUE); //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); //close connection curl_close($ch); if(!$result){ }else{ $re1='.*?'; $re2='(\\{.*?\\})'; if ($c=preg_match_all ("/".$re1.$re2."/is", $result, $matches)) { $json_string=$matches[1][0]; }else{ //ERROR } $array = json_decode($json_string,TRUE); if($array['cardNumber'] == $sid && $sid != ""){ $mode = 'form'; // connect to sucs database $sucsDB = NewADOConnection('postgres8'); // SET THIS FOR DEBUG MODE // $sucsDB->debug = true; // SET THIS TO YOUR DB FOR TESTING $sucsDB->Connect('dbname=sucs user=apache'); $sucsDB->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $fullName = $array['firstName']." ".$array['lastName']; $query = "INSERT INTO transactions (transactionID,fullName,emailAddress,cardNumber,personID) values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $attribs[] = $transactionID; $attribs[] = $fullName; $attribs[] = $array['emailAddress']; $attribs[] = $array['cardNumber']; $attribs[] = $array['personID']; $valid = true; if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) { // We did this because Adodb ErrorNo command is broken $query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?"; unset($attribs); $attribs[]=$transactionID; if($sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE transactionID = ?"; $attribs= array(); $attribs[]=$transactionID; $data = $sucsDB->GetAll($query,$attribs); if(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']==NULL){ // As it stands this shouldn't happen but if it does, no reason not to let them carry on $valid = true; } elseif(is_array($data)&&sizeof($data)==1&&$data[0]['signupid']!=NULL) { $query = "SELECT * FROM signup WHERE sid = ? AND username IS NULL"; unset($attribs); $attribs[]=$sid; $data = $sucsDB->Execute($query, $attribs); if(!$data) { mail( $error_email, "SUSignup Error", "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 0\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(), "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); $valid=false; } else if($data->RecordCount()==0) { $smarty->assign("username", $data->fields['username']); $mode='numpty2'; // This happens if they already ahve a SUCS account and are trying to create a new signupid $valid = false; } else { $smarty->assign("id", $data->fields['id']); $smarty->assign("pass", $data->fields['password']); $mode='numpty'; // If this happens they tried to get a new signupid/pass after already getting one, and should get weekly reminders about it $valid = false; } } else { $mode="error"; mail( $error_email, "SUSignup Error", "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 1\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(), "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); $valid = false; } } else { $mode="error"; mail( $error_email, "SUSignup Error", "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 2\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(), "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); $valid = false; } } if($valid) { $pass = make_password(); unset($query); $query = "insert into signup (password,sid,issuedby) values( ?, ?, ?) returning id"; unset($attribs); $attribs[]=addslashes($pass); $attribs[]=$array['cardNumber']; $attribs[]='99999'; $id = $sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs); $id = $id->fields['id']; if (!$id) { $mode="error"; mail( $error_email, "SUSignup Error", "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 3\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(), "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); } else { $query = "update transactions set signupid=? WHERE transactionID=?"; unset($attribs); $attribs[]=$id; $attribs[]=$transactionID; if(!$sucsDB->Execute($query,$attribs)) { $mode="error"; mail( $error_email, "SUSignup Error", "An error occured in the susignup system at stage 4\n Love the signup system.\n\nP.S. The Error is:\n ".$sucsDB->ErrorMsg(), "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); print($sucsDB->ErrorMsg()); } else { $smarty->assign("id", $id); $smarty->assign("pass", $pass); mail( $array['emailAddress'].','.$sid.'@swansea.ac.uk', "SUCS Signup Information", "Thankyou for joining Swansea University Computer Society, your signup details are below;\nSignupID: $id\nSignup Password: $pass\nIf you have successfully completed signup immediately then you can disregard this message.\n\nSUCS Admin Team.", "From: \"SUCS Admin\" <admin@sucs.org>" ); } } } else { //ERROR } } } } $smarty->assign("mode", $mode); $output = $smarty->fetch("susignup.tpl"); $smarty->assign("title", "Join"); $smarty->assign("body", $output); ?>